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Vantage Pro 2 This site is part of glallotments.co.uk & |
Current Weather at Ossett, West Yorkshire as of 22/01/17 at 12:33 Sunrise at 8:07 and sunset at 16:29 Updated 09:00 to 21:00 (local time) every 15mins most days |
Current Weather |
[ LAST 7 DAYS ] [ LAST 4 WEEKS ] [ LAST 12 MONTHS ] All previous data now stored on [ossettweather.com]
(ET is an estimate of soil moisture lost due to evaporation)
Temperature |
2.8�C | ||
Humidity |
88% |
Dewpoint |
1.0�C |
Wind |
W at 0.0 mph |
Barometer |
1025.1 mb & Steady |
Today's Rain |
0.0 mm |
Rain Rate |
0.0 mm/hr |
Storm Total (resets after 24hrs without rain) |
0.0 mm |
Wind Chill |
2.8�C | ||
Solar Radiation |
39 W/m� |
Today's Highs/Lows |
High Temperature Low Temperature |
3.2�C at 0:16 -1.1�C at 7:28 |
High Humidity Low Humidity |
92% at 4:02 84% at 2:36 |
High Dewpoint Low Dewpoint |
1.1�C at 0:00 -2.2�C at 6:34 |
High Barometer Low Barometer |
1025.8 mb at 10:29 1024.3 mb at 2:56 |
High Wind Gust Speed | 5.0 mph at 0:01 | ||
High Rain Rate |
0.0 mm/hr at ---- |
Low Wind Chill |
-1.1�C at 7:04 |
High Solar Radiation |
79 W/m� at 10:07 |