



Vantage Pro 2

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Ossett Weather Blog

Current Weather at Ossett, West Yorkshire  as of 22/01/17 at 12:33              Sunrise at  8:07  and sunset at  16:29

Updated 09:00 to 21:00 (local time) every 15mins most days

Current Weather 

[ LAST 7 DAYS ]     [ LAST 4 WEEKS ]     [ LAST 12 MONTHS ]                   All previous data now stored on  [ossettweather.com]

Current Outside Temperature Outside Temperature History                            Current Outside Humidity  Current Outside Dewpoint

Current Rain Rate     Today's Rain     Total Rain History          

                                   (ET is an estimate of soil moisture lost due to evaporation)

Current Wind Chill       Current Solar Radiation Solar Radiation History

Current Wind Speed     Current Wind Direction   

Current Barometer  Barometer History 

W at 0.0 mph
1025.1 mb & Steady
Today's Rain
0.0 mm
Rain Rate
0.0 mm/hr
Storm Total
(resets after 24hrs without rain)
0.0 mm
Wind Chill
Solar Radiation
39 W/m�

Today's Highs/Lows

High Temperature

Low Temperature

3.2�C   at   0:16

-1.1�C  at    7:28

High Humidity

Low Humidity

92%    at   4:02

84%   at   2:36

High Dewpoint

Low Dewpoint

1.1�C   at   0:00

-2.2�C at  6:34

High Barometer

Low Barometer

1025.8 mb   at  10:29

1024.3 mb  at   2:56

High Wind Gust Speed 5.0 mph at  0:01

High Rain Rate

0.0 mm/hr   at  ----

Low Wind Chill

-1.1�C   at 7:04

High Solar Radiation

79 W/m�  at   10:07