Thursday, November 25, 2004
Some people believe that there is a visible energy field, called an aura, that can be seen or otherwise sensed around living beings—especially around humans. In Hindu cosmology, there are multiple fields and these are interpreted as kosa of pranic energy. Auras reflect the spiritual and physical nature of a person.For example, a dark bluish to black area supposedly seen by psychics surrounding the chest is indicative of lung cancer. Auras may be attributed to biologically based electromagnetic fields.These energy fields are sometimes claimed to be documented by a rare form of photography called Kirlian photography. However, these claims are vigorously denied by skeptics about paranormal activity. James Randi, for example, has for many years (as of 2004) offered one million US dollars to any person capable of repeatedly detecting auras, and no person has ever stepped forward to claim the prize. The test involves a simple task.
Aquesta nit he dormit poc,
Aquesta nit he dormit poc, m'ha despertat de matinada la sirena d'un cotxe que ningú desactivava. Poc abans de despertar-me, he incorporat al meu somni aquesta sirena, que sonava insistentment a les instal•lacions d'una fàbrica per a indicar-ne el final de la jornada. Jo era una de les treballadores d'aquesta fàbrica tèxtil de principis del segle passat; abillada amb un vestit de color plom i dos monyets de trenes damunt de les orelles, la sirena em va sorprendre empenyent un petit carro ple de filats per un llarg i solitari passadís. És curiós el realisme que adquireixen alguns somnis. Una vegada, algú em va dir que la gent solia somiar en blanc i negre i em va preguntar si jo somiava en colors. I és que sempre hi he somiat, crec, en colors, com aquesta nit, que encara recordo el color penicil•lina de les sòrdides dependències de l'antiga fàbrica, matisades pel tènue blau del cel filtrant-se pels finestrals. La sirena no deixava de sonar i m'ha tret del meu ambient d'època. Ja desperta, m'he atansat a la finestra a observar aquest cotxe que, finalment, ha deixat de cridar. Les orenetes sobrevolaven en grup els carrers deserts, omplint l’ambient amb el seu xiscle llunyà. M'encanta la tranquil•litat que es respira els diumenges a primera hora del matí. D’aqui una estona, baixaré a comprar els diaris i uns croissants per esmortzar. Sempre ho faig. M'agrada començar així els diumenges, sentint el frescor de les primeres hores del matí.
Imatge: "Paisaje nocturno", de Yelba Ubau
Imatge: "Paisaje nocturno", de Yelba Ubau
Ancient Greek
Ancient Greek refers to the stage in the history of the Greek language corresponding to Classical Antiquity, which normally applies to two periods of Greek history: Archaic and Classical Greece. The Ancient era of Greek history normally includes also the Hellenistic (post-Classic) age; however, that period formally composes its own stage in the Greek Language known as Hellenistic Greek. For information on the Greek language prior to the creation of the Greek alphabet, see articles Mycenaean Greek and Proto-Greek.
The Greek language had started shaping in local forms even before the settling of the Greek-speaking tribes into Greece, yet the actual dialectic variation took place afterwards. Throughout history the Greek language is presented in a number of dialects that did not apply on fixed geographical borders, and even if it did, those borders would be constantly altered because of the frequent migrations of the Hellenic peoples. florida discounted dental care Architectural Outdoor Lighting outdoor villa lighting wiley x
The Greek language had started shaping in local forms even before the settling of the Greek-speaking tribes into Greece, yet the actual dialectic variation took place afterwards. Throughout history the Greek language is presented in a number of dialects that did not apply on fixed geographical borders, and even if it did, those borders would be constantly altered because of the frequent migrations of the Hellenic peoples. florida discounted dental care Architectural Outdoor Lighting outdoor villa lighting wiley x
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