- Active Force and That Which Is Its Recipient, The: A Bahá'í View of Creativity, by Rick Johnson (2017). On creativity and the pervasive nature of this concept in Bahá’í thought. The universe is coded to be creative; it exists in a perpetually generative, dynamic state and that creativity is the fundamental reality of the universe.
- Arc of Ascent: The Purpose of Physical Reality II, by John S. Hatcher: Review, by Ross Woodman (1994).
- Artist and the Grammarian, The, by Otto Donald Rogers (2009). On the process and meaning of creating art; its effect on the mind and the brain, the nature of painting; spiritual foundations of the natural world.
- Bahá'í Cosmological Symbolism and the Ecofeminist Critique, by Michael W. Sours (1995). Constituents of Bahá'í cosmological symbolism; introduction to the main feminist/environmentalist arguments; eschatological character of Bahá'í cosmological symbolism; Bahá'í eschatology provides answers to many feminist and ecological objections.
- Bahá'í Ethics: Answers to 55 Questions Submitted by Arthur Dobrin, by Dianne Bradford, Fiona Missaghian, Udo Schaefer, Robert Stockman Jonah Winters, comp. (2004). Answers to questions submitted in preparation for a source book in religious ethics for a college course at Hofstra University, New York, fall 2001.
- Bahá'í Perspective on the Origin of Matter, A, by Keven Brown (1990). The origin of matter is spiritual. Science sees that, at its most fundamental level, reality is not particular materials or structures, but probabilities and transformation. The four elements, three-fold structure of being, and balance are also examined.
- Bahá'í Philosophy of Human Nature, The, by Ian Kluge (2017). How the essential reality of the individual — the human soul and its powers of rational thought, willpower, memory, and reflection — translates these capacities into physical action through the intermediary of the brain.
- Bahá'u'lláh and the God of Avicenna, by Joshua Hall (published as Joshua D. T. Hall) (2022-03). Comparison of the teachings of Bahá’u’lláh on the nature of God with the philosophy of Avicenna; this helps one understand the philosophical content and significance, and rational rigor, of Bahá’u’lláh’s own statements on God’s existence and creative act.
- Bahá'u'lláh's Teachings on Spiritual Reality, Paul Lample, comp. (1996). The quest for spirituality, the spiritual life, material and spiritual reality, the progress of the soul and humanity’s spiritual education.
- Beginning That Hath No Beginning, The: Bahá'í Cosmogony, by Vahid Brown (2002). The dimensions of myth in the Bahá'í Faith focussing on the religion's narratives of creation, religious history, and Administrative Order.
- Big Bang Standard Model and Bahá'í Cosmology, The: Resolving a Present Disparity Through Science and Religion, by Jack McLean (2025-01). On cyclic models that posit a universe before the Big Bang; comparison of theories of dynamic expansion and contraction vs. Steady State and Cosmic Inflation; parallels between modern science and ancient Greek, Jewish and Hindu cosmology.
- Commentary on the Islamic Tradition "I Was a Hidden Treasure..." (Tafsír-i-Hadith-i-Kuntu Kanzan Makhfíyyan), by Abdu'l-Bahá Moojan Momen, trans. (1985-12). Translation of a treatise written by 'Abdu'l-Bahá when he was in his teens, expounding on the terms "Hidden Treasure", "Love", "Creation", and "Knowledge" in a manner which suggests that the recipient was a Sufi and an admirer of Ibn 'Arabí.
- Consciousness, Creation, and the Soul, by Hooper Dunbar (1988-06-13).
- Creation, by Lasse Thoresen (2002). Contributing to the creation of a new civilization as a researcher or an artist means participating in the process of never-ending unfolding; the divine names are the eternal archetypes organizing the material world; dialogue between thinking and reality.
- Creation: The Nature of God and the Creation of the Universe in Bahá'í Cosmology, by Keven Brown (2003).
- Creation and Evolution: A Compilation, by Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá Iscander Micael Tinto, comp. (2013). Short compilation of passages on the creation of the universe, nature, and existence.
- Encyclopaedia Iranica: Selected articles related to Persian culture, religion, philosophy and history, by Encyclopaedia Iranica Arjen Bolhuis, comp. (1982-2023). Sorted, categorized collection of links to over 170 articles.
- Enigmatic Questions Surrounding the Appearances of the Prophets, by John S. Hatcher (2011-03-29). Issues related to the ontology and powers of the Manifestations can test the mettle of even deepened and learned Bahá'ís, but these concepts are central in understanding how the creator employs vicegerents to educate humankind.
- Ether, Quantum Physics and the Bahá'í Writings, by Robin Mihrshahi (2002/2003). Analysis of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá's use of the term “ether”, correlated to His definition of this term as a medium not only for the propagation of electromagnetic radiation, but also for the communication of spiritual impulses to the physical world.
- Five Questions: Loss of Voting Rights, Mani, Magi, Five-Pointed Star, Joseph Smith, by Universal House of Justice (1991-01). Responses to various questions. Closes with quotations on Confucianism and Genesis.
- "He hath known God who hath known himself": A Deepening Course on the Bahá'í Revelation, Barbara Ives Reich Kochmann, comp, Richard Kochmann, comp. (2012). A lengthy compilation by the granddaughter of Howard Colby Ives designed to be a study guide to the Writings, covering knowledge of God, the station of the Manifestations, the nature of the Covenant, and the dynamics of creation, constancy, and servitude.
- Heart of the Gospel: The Bible and the Bahá'í Faith, by George Townshend (1939). Using only the text of the Bible, Townshend provides a new reading of Scripture as a guidebook for those who seek a universal view of religion and the contemporary world.
- Humanity and the Universe: Mirror of the Unknown, by Harry Liedtke (1996/2016). A study of the origin and nature of the universe in light of Bahá'í texts; creation and evolution; cosmology and life in the universe; technological progress; science and religion; the nature of time, our senses, and free will.
- "In the Beginning Was the Word": Apocalypse and the Education of the Soul, by Ross Woodman (1993). Hidden meanings in scripture and the soul are metaphorically identified with the huris, or brides. The bridegroom, Bahá'ulláh, enters union as the marriage of the Manifestation with the Maid of Heaven, who releases the Logos and the newly created soul.
- Instructions Concerning Genesis and the Mystery of Baptism, by Mirza Asad'Ullah Ali Kuli Khan, trans. (n.d. (1902?)). A short treatise on Biblical verses and symbology viewed in light of the Hidden Words and other Writings of Bahá'u'lláh. Originally composed in Persian by an early Bahá’í author.
- Lawh-i-Abdu'r-Razzáq: Parallel Translation (English), by Bahá'u'lláh Arjen Bolhuis, comp. (2024-12). Comparison of three English language translations, from River of Life (1914), Bahá'í Scriptures (1923), and Gleanings (1935).
- Lawh-i-Hikmat: The Two Agents and the Two Patients, by Vahid Rafati Keven Brown, trans. (2002). Discussion of the two terms fa`ilayn (the active force / "the generating influence") and munfa`ilayn (its recipient / "such as receive its impact") in Islamic philosophy, and their later use in Shaykhi and Bahá'í texts.
- Le Verbe de Dieu, au coeur de l'existence, by Pierre Daoust (2024-06). Le présent essai examine les pouvoirs et l'influence du Verbe de Dieu (ou Parole divine) au sein de la création. Le Verbe est à la fois créateur, transformateur et régénérateur et la difficulté est de comprendre et analyser comment il agit.
- Lists of Articles, by Brent Poirier (2009-2019). Lists of 126 articles at the author's six blog websites.
- Literary Imitation in Three Poems Attributed to Tahirih Qurrat al-ʿAyn, by Sahba Shayani (2023-12). The poetry of Tahirih has largely been ignored by historians, partly from politico-religious intolerance, but also because of a lack of detailed information and primary sources; comparison of three of her most famous istiqbál poems.
- Material and Spiritual Worlds, by Peter J. Khan (2010-12). Four talks on the Five-Year Plan given at the North Island Bahá'í Summer School, Hamilton, New Zealand, December 2010.
- Metaphor and the Language of Revelation, by Ross Woodman (1997). To enter the realm of metaphor as the language of the soul is to come into direct contact with the Word as the originating power of creation.
- Necessity for Prayer, The, by Abdu'l-Bahá Bahá'í World Centre, trans. (2024). Extract from a Tablet of ‘Abdu'l-Bahá.
- On Human Origins: A Bahá'í Perspective, by Craig Loehle (1990). The science of evolution is difficult for those who demand a literal interpretation of scripture and believe in a special origin for humanity. The Bahá’í writings view evolution and individual spiritual growth as one fundamental developmental process.
- "On Human Origins: A Bahá'í Perspective," by Craig Loehle: Response to Commentary, by Keven Brown (1994).
- "On Human Origins: A Bahá'í Perspective," by Craig Loehle: Commentary, by Arash Abizadeh (1990).
- Origins of Creation, by Farjam Majd (2014). Some classical proofs of the existence of God; the meaning of proof, types of proof, and conditions of the existence of a proof; and contemporary reasons why some people believe God is not needed to explain the universe.
- Prophets of Mahabad, and Nature of Creation: The Two Questions of Manakji Limji Hataria, by Susan Maneck (2011). Discussion of Baha’u’llah’s letters to Manakji Hataria as found in the Tabernacle of Unity, compiled from an email discussion group archive; the context of the questions and their answers against the background of Ishraqi philosophy.
- Provisional Translations of Selected Writings of the Báb, Baháʼuʼlláh, and ʻAbdu'l-Bahá, by Peyman Sazedj (2009-2011). Twenty-four translations from 2009, 2010, and 2011 copied from the defunct website peyman.sazedj.org.
- Qur'anic Kerygma: Epic, Apocalypse, and Typological Figuration, by Todd Lawson (2022). Article contains no mention of the Bábí or Bahá'í Faiths, but includes themes of relevance to Bahá'í teachings on the typologies of proclamation and apocalypse.
- Reflection on the Theory of Alchemy as Explained in the Bahá'í Writings, A, by Keven Brown (2002/2012). Bahá'u'lláh and ‘Abdu’l-Bahá referred to the 'hidden craft' of alchemy as part of divine philosophy, but which would only be used wisely and properly appreciated after the attainment of human maturity; some Bábí and Bahá'í references to alchemy.
- Reis naar het Hart van de Qur'án: Het Heilige Boek van de islam voor hen die nadenken (door een niet-moslim), by David Russell Garcia Kees Poolman, trans. (2022). Een overzicht van de Koran en zijn thema's: islam versus het christendom; wetten, geestelijke en sociale principes; heilige oorlog en vechten; redenen achter de reputatie van de islam als een oorlogsreligie; apocalypse.
- Resurrection and the World to Come, by Bahá'u'lláh William F. McCants, trans. (2018-01-21). Extract from the Lawh-i-Yusuf (Tablet of Joseph), explaining the meaning of 'paradise', 'hellfire', 'resurrection', and similar terms.
- Role of Wonder in Creating Identity, The, by Todd Lawson (2023). The term badí', "wondrous" or "new," is used dozens of times by the Báb in his proclamatory work the Qayyúm al-Asmáʾ. Wonder plays a major role in Bábí and Bahá'í thought and practice, and in their ethos and message. Link to article (offsite).
- Seed of Creation: A philosophical approach towards the status of Universal House of Justice in respect to Baha'i concept of creation, by Ahmad Aniss (1998). A philosophical approach towards the status of Universal House of Justice in respect to Bahá'í concept of creation.
- Selections from the Bahá'í Writings and from Shaykh Ahmad on the Seven Stages of Creation, Keven Brown, comp. (2008). Collection of quotations from the Bab, Bahá'u'lláh, and Shaykh Ahmad, with footnotes, on the seven stages of Divine action: Will, Determination, Destiny, Decree, Permission, Term, and Book.
- Symbolic Cosmology in the Sufi and Bahá'í traditions, by Michael McCarron (1997). Introduction to some meanings of the various realms of God.
- Tablet of 'Abdu'l-Bahá Explaining Three Verses in the Lawh-i-Hikmat, A, by Abdu'l-Bahá Keven Brown, trans. (2005). Insights into three statements by Bahá'u'lláh on pre-existence, creation, and nature as the essence of God.
- Tablet of the Gems of Unity, The (Lawh-i-Javáhir-i-Tawhíd), by Bahá'u'lláh Joshua Hall, trans. (2022-11-14). Composite authoritative and provisional translation, partially from Gleanings section 27.
- Tablet of the Manifestation, The (Lawh-i-Zuhur), by Bahá'u'lláh Joshua Hall, trans. (2023-01-02). Tablet on the metaphysical reality of the Manifestations of God, and their divine station as cosmic, "supernatural" entities.
- Tablet on the Simple Reality, The (Lawḥ-i-Basíṭu'l-Ḥaqíqih), by Bahá'u'lláh Joshua Hall, trans. (2023-01-01). Bahá’u’lláh’s Tablet of the Simple Reality examines Mullá Ṣadrá's dictum "The Simple Reality is all things," providing a nuanced, non-pantheistic interpretation.
- Tablet on the Unity of Existence (Sharh Wahdat al-Wujúd), by Abdu'l-Bahá Bahá'í World Centre, trans. (2001).
- Tablet to Auguste Forel, by Abdu'l-Bahá Shoghi Effendi, trans. (1976). A letter of ʻAbdu'l-Bahá, in reply to questions asked by the Swiss scientist Auguste-Henri Forel, dated 21 September 1921.
- Tablet to Mirza Abu'l-Fadl Concerning the Questions of Manakji Limji Hataria: Baha'u'llah on Hinduism and Zoroastrianism, by Bahá'u'lláh Juan Cole, trans. (1995). Introduction to, article about, and translation of the Tablet to Maneckji.
- "The active force and that which is its recipient", by Betty Hoff Conow (published as Betty Conow) (1988). Metaphysics of gender and the Lawh-i-Hikmat; universal spiritualism; social indoctrination of gender roles.
- Three Stages of Divine Revelation, The, by Guy Sinclair (2002). Shoghi Effendi states that the Kitáb-i-Iqán "adumbrates and distinguishes between the three stages of Divine Revelation"; some Sufi doctrines help understand the significance of Bahá'u'lláh’s three stages.
- Translation List: Provisional Translations of Baháʼí Literature, Adib Masumian, trans. (2009-2023). Index to talks, letters, and other items translated from Persian and Arabic to English by Adib Masumian; listed here for the sake of search engines and tagging.
- Truth Triumphs: A Bahá'í Response to Misrepresentations of the Bahá'í Teachings and Bahá'í History, by Peter Terry (1999-12). Rebuttal of Francis Beckwith's thesis "Bahá'í, A Christian response to Bahá'ísm, the religion which aims toward one world government and one common faith."
- Voyage to the Heart of the Koran: The Holy Book of Islám for Thinking Minds (By a Non-Muslim), by David Russell Garcia (2003-10). A lengthy overview of the Qur'án and its themes for a Bahá'í audience; holy war and fighting; reasons behind Islám's reputation as a war-like religion; theology of Islám vs. Christianity; laws and admonitions; spiritual and social principles; apocalypse.
- Wittgensteinian Language-Games in an Indo-Persian Dialogue on the World Religions, by Juan Cole (2015 Fall). Reflections on Bahá'u'lláh's theology of previous religions and Ludwig Wittgenstein’s concept of "language games"; Hinduism, India, and 19th-century Iranian culture; Manakji’s questions about Hinduism and Zoroastrianism.
- Worlds of God, The, by Iscander Micael Tinto (2013). Creation is an act of divine manifestation across five realms: Háhút, the unknowable Essence of God; Láhút, the first actualization of potentiality; Jabarút, God's action and will in creation; Malakút, the angelic plane; and Násút, the physical world.