- Extracts from Letters Written on Behalf of the Universal House of Justice on Transsexuality, by Universal House of Justice (2021-02-04). Extracts from three letters from 2017 and 2018, with updated or "additional" guidance on gender and sex-change operations. Compilation attached to a letter from the House dated 2021 February 4.
- Sex, Gender, and New Age Stereotyping, by Lata Ta'eed (1994). Advocates the abolishing of culturally produced differences between men and women and challenges gender inconsistencies inherent in many Bahá'í discussions.
- Transsexuality, by Universal House of Justice (2002-12-26). Brief overview of the subjects of transsexuality, the acceptability of sex-change surgery, marriage, and the counselling role of Bahá'í institutions.
- Transsexuality and Sex-Change Operations, Universal House of Justice, comp. (2002). Short compilation of extracts from letters written on behalf of the Universal House of Justice in response to questions concerning the subjects of transsexuality and sex-change operations.