“Dear Mysterious Friend: We became friends in the summer of 1981 when we worked at the same place. The ex I wrote about on my birthday a couple of days ago also worked there. In fact, the three of us, all students at Bama, became friends. When he was robbed at gunpoint in our workplace one night, we starting hanging out there during one another’s shifts so nobody felt alone and vulnerable. One Thanksgiving, I was going to make us all a big holiday dinner, and for some weird reason, I developed excruciating pain in my right elbow. The two of you got in the kitchen with me and let me give you orders on what physical labor needed doing and how to do it. We worked well together there, just as we did at the business where we met.
In time, the friendship between the two of you faded, but you and I stayed close, especially after something bad happened with you. You ended up dropping out of school and moving north to where your parents were living at the time. That’s when we began our writing correspondence. We were both avid readers and letter writers. You one time told me, ‘You make the best analogies in your writing that I’ve ever read.’ From you, that compliment was high praise.
You became a sportswriter and moved to a city where I’d previously lived for a while with my mother after my father died. My nephew and his mother still lived there. My nephew was a teenager then, and he liked sports, so one time when I was there to visit him and his mom, you took him and me to a basketball game you were covering. I think he had fun, and I was just happy to spend time with my him and my buddy.
We lived about three hours apart, but we no longer wrote letters. We talked on the phone. We were still doing that the year I married Tom. One night you and I were talking and something prompted me to ask you if you wanted to come spend a couple of days with us. You seemed to have something on your mind that was bothering you. You accepted the invitation, so Tom and I got the guest room ready, bought groceries and whatever else we might need for meals and snacks, and waited. And waited. And waited.
You never showed. I called and left messages on your machine. You didn’t return them. I knew your parents’ names and where they lived (another state), and your brother’s name (and had a vague sense of where he lived, yet another state), but I didn’t want to hunt you down. I figured you had a good reason for the silence and you knew how to reach me when you were ready to talk.
You never made that call before Tom and I moved to Houston. I never heard from you again. We didn’t have the term ‘ghosting’ yet, but you ghosted me. Once the Internet came along, I tried to find details about you that way. I was never sure whether I’d reach out if I did find you, but probably not. I’d be reassured knowing you’re out there, doing okay, living your life. Unfortunately, you share a name with an actor who was once on a popular TV series, and I got tired of always seeing his photo and details in my searches.
Through the years, I’ve found variations of your name on decades of obituaries and always breathe with relief when those names are never you. My own online presence, social media, publishing, etc., are all under the name you’d recognize. You’ve always been able to find me if you wanted to. In case you ever do find this, leave the comment. Send the email. There’s even a PO box connected to my author name if you want to write another of your excellent letters. I don’t want to reproach you or bitch at you or demand answers. A hello, how are you, I’m fine–I’d be great with that.–Becky”