queen èenah

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277k ratings

See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

eyesglazed asked:

On everything I know ppl tell you this all the time but you truly are inspiring. I don't know u but your soul seems so genuine. You really embody the qualities of a leader and someone who can change the WORLD. Your intelligence is wild and I'm dead serious lol ....

Wow this is sweet & also inspiring thankyou

2/2/2017 4:48 AM

When I was ready to leave, I just left. It just hit me one day. I’m struggling here, so, I can struggle somewhere else.. with more opportunities. It was true. Since moving I’m also aware of the many people that make the same type of move, to a new opportunistic city, starting completely over. You’re scaring yourself.. When you don’t, but want to move. You’re only holding yourself back…. you would see once you’ve done it that it’s something that is normally done. But that’s all life is, overcoming our own mindsets. What are our mindsets currently holding us back from? What are we afraid of?