CIRADA Cutouts
CIRADA Image Cutout Web Service

Enter Cutout Query Input Below
at 72 MHz, the pixel size is [57.3 arcsec] × [57.3 arcsec]
at 231 MHz, the pixel size is [23.4 arcsec] × [23.4 arcsec]
Low: 743.5-1031.5 MHz
Mid: Undefined
High: Undefined


If your research has benefited from this cutout server, we would appreciate if you could include the following acknowledgement in any resulting publication:

This research has made use of the CIRADA cutout service at URL, operated by the Canadian Initiative for Radio Astronomy Data Analysis (CIRADA). CIRADA is funded by a grant from the Canada Foundation for Innovation 2017 Innovation Fund (Project 35999), as well as by the Provinces of Ontario, British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba and Quebec, in collaboration with the National Research Council of Canada, the US National Radio Astronomy Observatory and Australia’s Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation.

*Important Notices*

This service uses Volatile Data hosted at the Canadian Astronomy Data Centre (CADC) for VLASS. These data records could be removed or altered or updated as time goes on and new data is collected so results from our service that uses the CADC data service can not be guaranteed to be 100% consistent over time.

The Quick Look images were made using a simplified imaging algorithm that does not correct for wide-field effects, resulting in significant positional and flux density errors, as well as poor image quality compared to a typical pointed observation with the VLA. Before using these images for scientific purposes, the NRAO VLASS Users' Guide to Quick Look images should be consulted.