Random publications of
C. Scott Ananian

Probably some overlap here with my projects page.

Technical Publications:


  1. Growing Up with Nell: A Narrative Interface for Literacy
    C. Scott Ananian, Chris J. Ball, and Michael Stone. The 11th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children (IDC 2012), Bremen, Germany, June 2012.
    [pdf] Slides: [pdf] [Open Office] Poster: [svg (for A0 paper)]
  2. Bringing OLPC to the GNU/Linux desktop
    C. Scott Ananian. 9ª Fórum Internacional Software Livre (FISL9), Porto Alegre, Brazil. April 17, 2008.
    Slides: [pdf] [Open Office]
  3. Architectural and Compiler Support for Strongly Atomic Transactional Memory.
    C. Scott Ananian. PhD Thesis, MIT Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. June, 2007.
    [pdf] Slides: [pdf] [Open Office]
  4. Unbounded Transactional Memory.
    C. Scott Ananian, Krste Asanović, Bradley C. Kuszmaul, Charles E. Leiserson, and Sean Lie. IEEE Micro Special Issue: Top Picks from Computer Architecture Conferences, January/February 2006.
  5. Efficient Object-Based Software Transactions.
    C. Scott Ananian and Martin Rinard. Synchronization and Concurrency in Object-Oriented Languages (SCOOL), San Diego, CA, October 16, 2005.
    [ps] [pdf] Slides: [pdf] [Open Office] [Flash] [HTML (hi-res)] [HTML (lo-res)]
  6. Unbounded Transactional Memory.
    C. Scott Ananian, Krste Asanović, Bradley C. Kuszmaul, Charles E. Leiserson, and Sean Lie. 11th International Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA-11), San Francisco, CA, February 2005.
    [pdf] Slides: [pdf] [Open Office] Alternate presentation order: [pdf] [Open Office]
  7. Language-Level Transactions.
    C. Scott Ananian and Martin Rinard. Eighth Annual Workshop on High Performance Embedded Computing (HPEC '04), MIT Lincoln Laboratory, MA, September 2004.
  8. Data Size Optimizations for Java Programs.
    C. Scott Ananian and Martin Rinard. Proceedings of the Joint Conference on Languages, Compilers, and Tools for Embedded Systems (LCTES '03), San Diego, CA, June 2003.
    [acm] [ps] [pdf] [slides] [notes] FCRC EAST: [slides] [notes]
  9. Direct Addressed Caches for Reduced Power Consumption.
    Emmett Witchel, Sam Larsen, C. Scott Ananian, and Krste Asanović. 34th International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO-34), Austin, TX, December 2001.
    [ps] [pdf]
  10. The Static Single Information Form.
    C. Scott Ananian. Master's Thesis, MIT Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. September 3, 1999. MIT Laboratory for Computer Science Technical Report MIT-LCS-TR-801.
    [ps] [pdf]


  1. A Wiki Front-End in 40 Lines of Code
    C. Scott Ananian. Wikimania 2015, Mexico City, Mexico. Jul 15, 2015.
    Slides: [Google Present] [pdf] [YouTube (Sep 17, 2015)] [T105175]
  2. Real-time Collaborative Editing with TogetherJS
    C. Scott Ananian and Erik Moeller. Wikimania 2014, London, UK. Aug 9, 2014.
    Slides: [Google Present] [pdf]
  3. Learning Literacy with Wikipedia
    C. Scott Ananian. Wikimania 2014, London, UK. Aug 8, 2014.
    Slides: [Google Present] [pdf]
  4. The Diamond Age, or, a young lady's illustrated guide to educational software
    C. Scott Ananian. Invited talks at OLPC, Cambridge, MA. June 17, 2011.
    Video: [daily motion (high quality)] [ustream (lower quality, ads)]
    Slides: [pdf]
  5. Sugar, Education, and Tablets.
    C. Scott Ananian. EduJAM!, Montevideo, Uruguay. May 7, 2011.
    Slides: [SlideShare (with video)] [pdf] [Open Office]
  6. Filesystems, oh my!
    C. Scott Ananian. FUDcon, Cambridge, MA. January 10, 2009.
    Slides: [pdf] [Open Office]
  7. Internationalization: Lookaside & click-to-translate
    C. Scott Ananian. FUDcon, Cambridge, MA. January 10, 2009.
    Slides: [pdf] [Open Office]
  8. Collaboration: Network Principles, Synchronous and Asynchronous
    C. Scott Ananian. Sugarcamp, Cambridge, MA. November 13, 2008.
    Slides: [pdf] [Open Office]
  9. Internationalization: Lookaside & click-to-translate
    C. Scott Ananian. Sugarcamp, Cambridge, MA. November 12, 2008.
    Slides: [pdf] [Open Office]
  10. Playing nice with others: Making Sugar work well with GNOME
    C. Scott Ananian. Sugarcamp, Cambridge, MA. November 12, 2008.
    Slides: [pdf] [Open Office]
  11. Miscellaneous topics
    C. Scott Ananian. Sugarcamp, Cambridge, MA. November 12, 2008.
    Slides: [pdf] [Open Office]
  12. Networking: Principles, Caching
    C. Scott Ananian. November 2008.
    Slides: [pdf] [Open Office]
  13. Como puede ayudar a OLPC: Desafíos de Software
    C. Scott Ananian. Universidad San Martín de Porres, Facultad de Ingeniería y Arquitectura. Lima, Peru. October 25, 2008.
    Slides: [pdf] [Open Office]
  14. The Journal, Reloaded
    C. Scott Ananian. One Laptop per Child, Cambridge, MA. October 15, 2008.
    Slides: [pdf] [Open Office] Screencasts: [part 1] [part 2] [part 3] [part 4]
  15. One Laptop per Child: Algorithms and Data Structures
    C. Scott Ananian. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil. April, 2008.
    Slides: [pdf] [Open Office]
    (A requested aim of this talk was to show university students how computer science theory was applied in the real world. The South American computer science curriculum is heavily biased towards vocational training, at the expense of theory and fundamentals.)
  16. Olpcfs: Redesigning the datastore from the ground up and top down
    C. Scott Ananian. One Laptop per Child, Cambridge, MA. April, 2008.
    Slides: [pdf] [Open Office]
  17. Language-level Non-blocking Software Transactions (in Java!)
    Talk given at the Center for Reliable Software (CRS) retreat, May 3-5, 2004.
    [slides] [notes]
  18. Verifying Software Transactions.
    December 9, 2003.
  19. Non-Blocking Synchronization and Object-Oriented Operating System Design.
    (Area Exam.) October 17, 2003.
    [ps] [pdf] [slides] [notes]
  20. Size Optimizations for Java Programs.
    (Presentation for Oral Qualifying Exam.) May 9, 2002.
    [slides] [notes]
  21. Perceptual Salience in English Reduplication.
    May 2001.
    [ps] [pdf]
  22. Postvelar Harmonies: A Typological Odyssey.
    With Andrew Nevins. March 2001.
    [ps] [pdf]
  23. Laryngeal Neutralization and Syllable Structure.
    With Andrew Nevins. December 2000.
    [ps] [pdf]
  24. Static Single Information Form.
    November 13, 1999.
    [ps] [pdf]
  25. Silicon C: A Hardware Backend for SUIF.
    May, 1998.
    [ps] [pdf]
  26. Theseus: A Maze-Solving Robot.
    With Greg Humphreys. Senior Independent Work at Princeton University. May 23, 1997.
  27. Reconfigurable Cryptography: A Hardware Compiler for Cryptographic Applications.
    May 12, 1997.
    [ps] [pdf]
  28. TigerSHARK: A Hardware Accelerated Ray-tracing Engine.
    With Greg Humphreys. Junior Independent Work at Princeton University. May 14, 1996.
    (A shorter version was published as the winner of a best student paper award: [pdf])


  1. Transparency: Menomini. An examination of an inadequacy in the theory of targetted constraints.
    March 5, 2001.
    [ps] [pdf]
  2. Software Atomic Transactions in FLEX.
    September 25, 2000 -- October 5, 2000.
    [ps] [pdf]
  3. Turning Java into Hardware: Caffinated Compiler Construction.
    September 8, 1998.
    [ps] [pdf]

Non-Technical Publications:


  1. Tunney Act comments in US v. Microsoft. January 28, 2002.
  2. Filing in the US v. Microsoft case. November 26, 2001.
  3. Criminal Code?. February 9, 2000. Salon magazine.
  4. Inside the Red Hat IPO. August 13, 1999. Salon magazine. Follow-up to A Linux Lament.
  5. A Linux Lament. July 30, 1999. Salon magazine.


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