A good pencil grip has three benefits … neat writing, reasonable speed and the ability to write without tiring easily. A bad pencil grip will obviously have exactly the opposite effect.
The stages above indicate the progression of pencil grip from small toddler to primary school child. As the child grows it results in an increase in postural stability, strengthening of the core and shoulder muscles, and increasing dexterity of the wrist, hand and finger muscles.
Do not force your small child use a grasp that he/she is not yet ready for.
A poor pencil grip occurs when:
1. the child’s fingers block finger movements
2. four fingers hold on to the pencil
3. the wrist is not held straight but at an angle
4. or any of the examples below.
A poor pencil grip is often compensating for other skills that are missing or weak, and an occupational therapist will be able to see what skills need to be worked on. High school is too late to try and change or fix a pencil grip so early identification is important. A poor pencil grip together with messy handwriting can be also a symptom of dyslexia.