About Me
I am currently a researcher at Adobe research where my work focuses on the intersection between experimentation, causal inference, and machine learning and AI with a particular focus on dependent data. Previously I was a research scientist in the Core Data Science group at Facebook. My work at Facebook focused on developing methods for adaptive experimentation, specifically Bayesian optimization and contextual bandits.
Previous to that, I earned a PhD from UMass Amherst in computer science.
I am currently looking for motivated students for research internships in the Summer of 2025. Interested students should reach out to me directly.
You can find my Google scholar profile here. It is likely more up to date than what is listed below.
- Ian Waudby-Smith, David Arbour, Ritwik Sinha, Edward H Kennedy, Aaditya Ramdas, "Time-uniform central limit theory, asymptotic confidence sequences, and anytime-valid causal inference" Annals of Statistics (2024)
- Eli Ben-Micahel, David Arbour, Alex Franks, Avi Feller, "Estimating the effects of a California gun control program with multitask Gaussian processes." The Annals of Applied Statistics (2023)
- Zeng, Zhenghao, David Arbour, Avi Feller, Raghavendra Addanki, Ryan A. Rossi, Ritwik Sinha, and Edward Kennedy. "Continuous Treatment Effects with Surrogate Outcomes." ICML (2024)
- Trivedi, Puja, Ryan A. Rossi, David Arbour, Tong Yu, Franck Dernoncourt, Sungchul Kim, Nedim Lipka, Namyong Park, Nesreen K. Ahmed, and Danai Koutra. "Editing Partially Observable Networks via Graph Diffusion Models." ICML (2024)
- Ghadiri, Mehrdad, David Arbour, Tung Mai, Cameron Musco, and Anup B. Rao. "Finite population regression adjustment and non-asymptotic guarantees for treatment effect estimation." NeurIPS (2024)
- Ahsan, Ragib, David Arbour, and Elena Zheleva. "Learning relational causal models with cycles through relational acyclification." AAAI (2023)
- Maharaj, Akash, Ritwik Sinha, David Arbour, Ian Waudby-Smith, Simon Z. Liu, Moumita Sinha, Raghavendra Addanki, Aaditya Ramdas, Manas Garg, and Viswanathan Swaminathan. "Anytime-valid confidence sequences in an enterprise a/b testing platform." WebConf (2023)
- Addanki, Raghavendra, David Arbour, Tung Mai, Cameron Musco, and Anup Rao. "Sample constrained treatment effect estimation." NeurIPS (2022)
- Ahsan, Ragib, Zahra Fatemi, David Arbour, and Elena Zheleva. "Non-parametric inference of relational dependence." UAI (2022)
- Vinay, Vishwa, Manoj Kilaru, and David Arbour. "Offline Evaluation of Ranked Lists using Parametric Estimation of Propensities." SigIR 2022.
- Arbour, David, Drew Dimmery, Tung Mai, and Anup Rao. "Online balanced experimental design." ICML (2022)
- Ahsan, Ragib, David Arbour, and Elena Zheleva. "Relational causal models with cycles: representation and reasoning." CLeaR (2022)
- Mu, Tong, Georgios Theocharous, David Arbour, and Emma Brunskill. "Constraint sampling reinforcement learning: Incorporating expertise for faster learning." AAAI (2022)
- Atrey, Akanksha, Ritwik Sinha, Somdeb Sarkhel, Saayan Mitra, David Arbour, Akash Maharaj, and Prashant Shenoy. "Towards Preserving Server-Side Privacy of On-Device Models." WebConf (2022)
- Tanjim, Md Mehrab, Ritwik Sinha, Krishna Kumar Singh, Sridhar Mahadevan, David Arbour, Moumita Sinha, and Garrison W. Cottrell. "Generating and controlling diversity in image search." WACV (2022)
- Weld, Galen, Peter West, Maria Glenski, David Arbour, Ryan A. Rossi, and Tim Althoff. "Adjusting for confounders with text: Challenges and an empirical evaluation framework for causal inference." ICWSM (2022)
- David Arbour, Drew Dimmery and Arjun Sondhi, "Permutation Weighting". ICML (2021)
- David Arbour, Drew Dimmery, Anup Rao, "Efficient Balanced Treatment Assignment for Experimentation". AISTATS (2021)
- My Phan, David Arbour, Drew Dimmery, Anup Rao, "Designing Transportable Experiments Under S-admissability". AISTATS (2021)
- Eli Sherman, David Arbour, Ilya Shpitser, "General Identification of Dynamic Treatment Regimes Under Interference". AISTATS (2020)
- Arjun Sondhi, David Arbour, and Drew Dimmery, "Balanced Off-Policy Evaluation in General Action Spaces". AISTATS (2020)
- David Arbour, Dan Garant, David Jensen "Inferring Causal Effects in Relational Data". KDD (2016)
- David Arbour, Katerina Marazopoulou, David Jensen, "Inferring Causal Direction from Relational Data". UAI (2016)
- Maier, Marc, Katerina Marazopoulou, David Arbour, David Jensen "A sound and complete algorithm for learning causal models from relational data." UAI (2013).
Contact Me
The best way to reach me is by email.