Butter Wouldn’t Melt
Some of you may remember when Zola first joined our family, back at the beginning of July. It may have only been a couple of months ago, but now, it’s hard to remember a time without her. She is full on, an adorable pest with a butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth expression.
We aren’t sure of her exact age, but we guess it to be around four to five months now, so she is in full big puppy mode. And out of all the dogs we’ve had, she is proving to be the biggest lovable pest we’ve had. She is full of energy and has a thing about stones! She often runs past things, picks them up only to deposit them a few meters away. I’ve even seen her try it with Alphie, one of our other smaller dogs. Luckily he is so dozy, it’s over before he realizes anything has happened.
I’m training her using a clicker (fab little things) and she is learning. She is also picking some behaviors up from our other dogs, some of which are good and some not so. But you can’t have it all!
Taking Her Out And About
She only recently finished having her injections recently, so I’ve only been able to start walking her properly this week. Prior to that I took her out and about in the car and up to my parents house to ‘meet’ their manky old dog. And she loves getting in the car.
So this week, when I’ve taken my daughter to school, I’ve loaded her and Alphie into the car and taken them walking. As Alphie is the quietest out of all our dogs and curls up nicely when in the car, I am hoping she will learn from him, before she is subject to getting in the car with the more excitable dogs.
Getting Her Used To Different Things
We’ve been walking along side traffic, which she has had no problem with. She did get spooked by the sounds of gunshots coming from the nearby woods though. Before you start worrying, the Greeks go hunting for small birds, which they do eat.
Yesterday she saw her first horse, well, quite a few actually. They were across the road from us and quite a distance away. But that didn’t stop her from being scared. She was petrified of them, to the point where her tail was between her legs, she was trembling and her hackles were up. It took a good ten minutes of gentle coaxing to get her to continue to walk. The funny thing is, she took no notice of them on the way back to the car!
In The Car
When the dogs travel in the car, they have their places. The small dogs can sit on the back seat, although two of them I would never drive on my own with. The noise! And Roxy, our German shepherd sits in the boot. So as Zola is going to be a medium sized dog, her place is in the boot. Which when she was too small to climb over wasn’t an issue. As she could climb over.
We do have a divider rack that we used when Roxy was a puppy, which we must dig out. The good thing is, she isn’t excitable and bouncing dangerously around the car (I do secure her lead as a precaution though). She just slithers over the back seat and curls up beside Alphie.
The funniest thing is that when I open the back passenger door to let Alphie out, Zola won’t get out there. She climbs back into the boot to get out through the boot door.
One Naughty Puppy
I was not! And you can’t prove it!…
Okay, so you caught me. What you gonna do about it?
You can see what I mean by her butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth expression!
I have a feeling that Zola knows exactly what she’s doing. Don’t you?
© 2016, Debbie. All rights reserved.
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dogs • my photographs • pets • That's life
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