KC's GT - Fishwrecked fishing video
Submitted by Adam Gallash on Thu, 2008-05-01 20:09
Here's the first instalment of KC's and Steve's poppered up GT's. You will have to wait for the second instalment to watch Steve's popper get smashed off the surface. Here is a nice little teaser of around 20kg. Enjoy.
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Andy Mac
Posts: 4778
Date Joined: 03/02/06
Well Done Kasey
Andy Mac (Fishwrecked Reeltime Editor & Forum Moderator)
Youngest member of the Fishwrecked Old Farts Club
big john
Posts: 8768
Date Joined: 20/07/06
Nice fish Kasey
Nice fish but I was waiting for the surface detonation on the popper.:)
I head a little FURTHER NORTH each year,
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good vid. well done Kasey. I
good vid. well done Kasey. I got to get me one of those oneday.
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15656
Date Joined: 29/11/05
No doubting
No doubting that some damage does get done, but this fish has a lot better chance of survival than one thats ikijimied and bled...
Also, note that they were barbless hooks and in the gill plate. I wasn't there, but can make that out from the video.
Some chance is better than no chance when it comes to un-tasty sports fish IMO. Mind you in these waters, something which bleeds doesn't stand much hope.
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Nice work Kasey :)
Nice work Kasey :)
mako magic
Posts: 5785
Date Joined: 03/08/05
good video and certainly a
good video and certainly a fish i would love to catch thats for sure
Kasey L.
Posts: 1390
Date Joined: 02/03/06
John - you will get to see
John - you will get to see it. twice i believe.
Matt - It was not hooked through the bottom gill; in fact the gill arches were in no way compromised. The middle treble was caught just below the gill plate. Trebles do not usually injure the gills directly; however it can sometimes catch below the gill plates and around the area below the 'wings' as illustrated here. Also, there were no copious amounts of blood (a mere flesh wound, just like one in the mouth). In my opinion, this fish has a very high probability of post-catch survival.
Having said that, trebles pose a fair bit of damage, and are being phased out by some in favour of singles.
Anyway, on to topic, thanks for viewing and I promise the second video is better :)
Posts: 4717
Date Joined: 10/09/06
Nice one
Nice one Kc It was great to watch
Born to fish forced to work
Assassin landbase fishing club
Pete D
Posts: 1681
Date Joined: 07/06/07
Nice capture KC. You need
Nice capture KC. You need some knee pads for that railing...just make sure they match your gloves!
Bring on Part 2
Cheers Pete
Posts: 121
Date Joined: 11/02/08
Top Catch KC
To effort KC that's a hell of a fish!!
Posts: 126
Date Joined: 21/03/08
Awesome catch KC, defiantely
Awesome catch KC, defiantely gave you a bit of curry, well done
***Don't exceed the bag limit....Leave the mothier-in-law at home***
Posts: 4688
Date Joined: 01/12/07
Awesome KC!
That was totally AWESOME KC, WOOOHOOO indeed! Yes, and GREAT camera work Steve. Brilliant! Love It!
Soon to be de "dreamweaver" ed!
Colin Hay
Posts: 10407
Date Joined: 23/10/07
Great effort KC. That was one hell of a fight.
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Great footage fella's, good
Great footage fella's, good job on the stick KC
My turn in a couple of weeks
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Nice vid
one of the best on here.....nice camera work Steve.
Post up No 2 Post up No2
Kasey L.
Posts: 1390
Date Joined: 02/03/06
deefa deefa, now you KNOW
deefa deefa, now you KNOW that's just a small fella :S
Posts: 642
Date Joined: 09/09/05
Bloody ripper though KC, and
Bloody ripper though KC, and great vid to boot.
Posts: 1285
Date Joined: 14/08/05
nice work K.C nice combo
nice work K.C nice combo too.geeze thats got me amped mate.1 week to go .arrrrhhhh i can feel the pain.
gonna have a crack at catching one on a modified double plugger.hopfully will get some vid footage to go with it
always in it just the depth that varies