New Video - Tapouts Big Day Out
Submitted by Adam Gallash on Mon, 2007-01-29 15:24
A small snippets package of Tapouts Big Day Out on Sunday 28/01/07. I have left it without music, so feel free to put your own background music on. Just thought I'd show you some of the action I captured of a memorable day for a one forum member. Lucky bugger!
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Posts: 306
Date Joined: 03/12/06
Music Label???
Adam you should just start having the radio turned up real loud in the background. Or write your own music!!! Get a guitar and a keyboard with a drum machine and start Fishwrecked the music label!!!
Could be the worlds first fishing orientated music label!!!
You gotta be in it to win it
Andy Mac
Posts: 4778
Date Joined: 03/02/06
Great action guys
Tapout you are unbelievable, that's a couple of awesome dhuies and to top it off tuna on the troll, that's the complete set mate, well done.
Andy Mac (Fishwrecked Reeltime Editor & Forum Moderator)
Youngest member of the Fishwrecked Old Farts Club
Posts: 4717
Date Joined: 10/09/06
Great fishing guys
A great day on the water guys
Born to fish forced to work
Assassin landbase fishing club
Posts: 885
Date Joined: 27/01/06
Beleive me Andy its not
Beleive me Andy its not always like this. Most of the time its me getting the short straw.Its the good days that make you forget about all the bad ones.
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15656
Date Joined: 29/11/05
He fibs
Nearly everytime I've been out with you you've done alright, (cept that bloody day where we lost the braid) your a tough customer to satisfy Tapout. ;) You keep upping the ante like you did yesterday your going to have quite a few disappointing days from now on, you coulda atleast let me catch one of the big buggers. :) Ahh well, I've had a good run with it, my lucky streak had to end sometime.
Was stoked you had a good one, I don't care if I don't get them, as long as one of us is!
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Posts: 3356
Date Joined: 29/12/06
Awsome shoet vid guys! Its
Awsome shoet vid guys! Its sweet when you catch a hookup on video when trolling. Couple of nice dhuies to tapout, what was that combo you caught that speedster on? Was it a little abu?