
Saturday, 1 March 2025

A WW2 Rules Revolution (part 2)

Almost exactly 4 years ago, in February 2021, I wrote a blog post about developing my own version of the WRG 1973 World War Two rules. I've continued the work on and off for those four years, resulting in the Startline set of rules that can be found in the Files section of my Facebook page. I've had a lot of fun developing the rules and the associated data tables, and I've learned a lot. I believe I can claim that the rules as they now stand are a new and quite different set from the original booklet.

Now, don't tell me, you're waiting for the 'but'. Hmmm. But.

But, looking through them recently, I started to wonder if they hadn't grown a bit too, well, large for my current tastes. The games were easy enough to actually play, but it seemed like there was a lot of stuff to wade through for a player new to the rules. I believe the current phrase is barriers to entry. My recent use of the Age of Hannibal rules for my ancient games was a factor here - it was evidently possible to have a set of rules for a complex historical period where the actual playing rules were just eight pages. So I started to think about simplification.

I actually went right back to 1963 and Donald Featherstone's second book, Tackle Moel Soldiers This Way. At the end of the book there are 3 delightfully simple and old school rule sets, one of which is for WW2. Interestingly it includes infantry on group bases, a quite modern idea for that time which I presume Mr Featherstone picked up from Joe Morschauser.

Anyway, I knocked up a really basic set of rules on less than 2 pages of A4. They were clearly far too simple for modern sensibilities, so I made them a bit more complex. After a solo game or two, I upped the granularity a bit more. My number of armour classes, for example, had gone from three, to five, and then to six. There I stopped. I now have a set of rules that takes up 5 pages of A4, along with a two page QRS. I'm really quite pleased with them, and I've called them Line of Departure. I'm getting the feeling that they might end up replacing Startline as my main WW2 rules. 

The good thing is I can tack on all the background stuff from Startline to fill in the detail for all the various odd situations that WW2 gaming creates, and furthermore the data tables from Startline are easily adapted for Line of Departure. The turn sequence is exactly the same as for Startline - it's the mechanics which have been stripped back. Anyone who's interested can find the rules to download in the Files section of my Facebook wargaming group. Just be aware they're under development, and therefore incomplete in some areas, as well as being subject to change.

So, How Long Does a Turn Represent?
This is a question I was asked about Startline, and of course it has been a nagging question for all wargames rules for many decades. Rules writers have taken a number of stands on this question, from 'I don't really care' to something like 'exactly 30 seconds'. Personally I'm in the former category these days. One particular problem was that the guys who insisted on a 'correct' time scale had to admit that their battles only lasted for about 10 minutes or less of game time, which was a bit of a thorny issue. However, one of the best answers to this question came in the 1980 book by George Gush, A Guide to Wargaming

   "when the fighting starts [...] the model soldier [...] never rests; if not feverishly loading and firing at top speed, or hacking away in a melee, he is marching flat out for some point where he can carry out these activities, or just possibly running rapidly to the rear. He never waits for orders, hoping they will not come, or falls out to take his boots off, for a rest or some other physical need; he never smokes a cigarette, straggles or drags his feet on the march or gets lost.

His commanders, too, show an almost uncanny grasp, down to unit level, of the overall battle situation, and direct their men in the best way to achieve the general objective without requiring 'O' Groups, addresses from Caesar or whatever the contemporary method was..."

How true. And in a game, how can it really be otherwise? The guys at WRG used to get told off for saying that each turn could be considered to contain "a variable amount of delay', as this was all rather too vague for the time and distance fanatics. But in fact the WRG were right. 

This question has been brought home to me recently, as I have been reading George Bernage's Battle of the Odon (the Battle of the Odon may be more familiar to some of you as Operation Epsom, June 1944). The interesting thing about George's book is it goes right down to company, platoon and even section level, with some 'then and now' sections showing detail of where and how the various small unit actions took place. I've only just started the book, but straight away it's facinating to see how half an hour or an hour could just waste away as units lose their way, are pinned by enemy fire, or just stop when uncertain and wait for someone to tell them what to do - only to find that their leaders have all been killed or wounded. Or maybe the leaders themselves find they don't know what to do, in the confusion, fear and chaos of combat. So the unit just does nothing for a while until someone gets a grip

This kind of thing could be represented on the tabletop, I suppose, but it wouldn't really make much of a game, would it? It's interesting to reflect, in this regard, how frustrated some gamers can be when the command and control rules in use mean a particular unit does nothing for a couple of turns, or even longer. "This would never happen in real life!", they lament. Well, it seems it did. All the time. Those using a variant of the Warmaster command system (for example, in Black Powder, or Blitzkrieg Commander) will know this issue well.

So, I conclude that 'how long does a turn represent' may not be as relevant a question as some people think. In Line of Departure, I am deliberately not bothering with such things. The only relevant scales are what moves and firing distances make a company-level game work on a 6' x 4' table, and the only time-scale worth worrying about is how many turns a game lasts. Somehow, as most of you will know, the results of such an attitude have an uncanny similarity to the mechanics of those who continue to insist that time and distance scales really matter.

I'll be updating the LoD rules in the near future, so if you're interested keep an eye on the Facebook page. I hope maybe a few of you may get some value from them, or even feel able to make some constructive criticisms.

Anyway - 'til next time!

Tuesday, 14 January 2025

'Age of Hannibal' Ancient Wargaming Rules

In my previous post, I wrote about my adoption of the 'Three Ages of Rome' rulebook by Philip Garton. Over the Christmas period I had the chance to play a game with my eldest son using these rules, and this went rather well. 

Father in 'head down' mode.
A 4' x 4' table worked fine, and was easy to set up.

But wargamers can be fickle. Whilst checking out the latest on the Little Wars TV website, I was brought to remember that they had a set of ancients rules available, which were designed to be simple and straightforward to play. I delved a little deeper and was quickly hooked.

I have a high regard for the rules that various members of LWTV have developed - they tend to be simple and to the point, emphasising quickness of learning, but also quite clever in capturing the historical character of their period. I had already been impressed by their 'Live Free or Die' rules, written for the AWI but perfectly applicable to the SYW and other mid-18th century European wars - you can check out my playtest here. Gregg Wagman was the main man on 'Live Free or Die', and was also the main author for 'Age of Hannibal', so I had high hopes. The printed AoH rulebook is a bit pricey at around £30 in the UK, but fortunately a PDF version can be acquired for about £13.50, so I went for that. 

I immediately had the feeling that these might be for me. The actual rules are just 8 pages (including examples of play), although the whole book extends to 44 pages, with additional rules for seige warfare, three historical scenarios, and various other stuff such as terrain and strategem cards to print for use in setting up the game.

The first thing to say is that, like 'Three Ages of Rome', these rules are suitable for most periods of ancient warfare, not just the Punic Wars. Data for all the troop types you need are included in the book. Maybe 'Age of Hannibal' wasn't the best choice of title if LWTV wanted to maximise sales, but that's just my opinion. I won't go into the details of how the rules work as there is a rules review video available to watch which gives a pretty good overview. 

The rules are designed for big battles (i.e. Cannae) using small (6mm/10mm) figures, with units on 40mm x 40mm bases representing about 750 infantry or 500 cavalry. Not a good start, you might think, for someone using 28mm figures, but in fact the rules say double all measurements for this size of figures. This made sense straight away as my 28mm units are mostly on 80mm wide bases. Doubling the distances is not really an issue, as moves, for example, are quite short in the basic rules, just 4" for formed infantry and 8" for light cavalry. Doubling these actually equates quite closely to the normal movement in 'Three Ages of Rome', so a 6' x 4' table is quite big enough for most games. Missile ranges in AoH are a bit longer than in 'Three Ages of Rome', but again this was no problem. If you wanted to do Cannae in 28mm, a table at least 8' x 6' would be needed, maybe bigger, but this was not my ambition.

Anyway, why the switch, if 'Three Ages' was working fine? I'll list my reasons:

1. To make 'Three Ages' work for me, I had to do quite a bit of alteration to the original rules. This was interesting to do but a bit frustrating. 'Age of Hannibal' felt like only the odd tweak would be needed. The rules are in their 2nd edition, so most of any problems have already been ironed out.

2. Support for 'Three Ages' is non-existent. My Facebook page had attracted some members but not much was going on - in fact, as far as I could see, none of the members were actually current players of the rules. 'Age of Hannibal' has the various useful bits and pieces on the LWTV site, and also has an existing Facebook Page which is reasonably active, and provided somewhere to ask rules questions.

3. AoH are even simpler and easier to grasp than 'Three Ages'. One particular example of this is that 'Three Ages' is quite table heavy, with lots of modifiers. AoH is very different. Modifiers are kept to very low numbers, and the only stuff that is occasionally tricky to remember are the troop characteristics, or 'traits', that you need to apply, mainly in close combat.

4. I was also attracted by the terrain set-up method in AoH, which uses the terrain cards system mentioned above. LWTV have a tutorial video on this if you are interested. Something a bit different. 

Terrain card examples. I needed to buy the little plastic sleeves, 
which you can find HERE, for example.

5. No re-basing needed. The rulebook says any base sizes are OK, provided both sides are the same. This is not strictly true, as square bases work best with the rules as written, but only the odd tweak and bit of common sense is needed if your bases (like mine) are rectangles.

So, here we go again. This is the fifth set of ancients rules I have seriously tried. Previously I have used my own rules (abandoned years ago),  DBA, 'Kings of War Historical', and 'Three Ages of Rome', quite apart from dipping into various other rulebooks along the way: 

Dipping into 'Armati' with friends Roy and Keith.
A most interesting set, but just not to my taste.

So let's not get too excited. But I'm looking forward to more solo learning games, and then trying them out on gaming friends. Should be an enjoyable journey.

'Til next time! 

Sunday, 3 November 2024

Three Ages of Rome and The Battle of Piranthus

There is considerable potential for complication in Ancient wargaming, resulting from the long time period to be covered, and the resulting plethora of troop types and combat styles. It takes a bit of talent to boil all these down into a workable game, but Philip Garton appears to have achieved this in his 160 page, softback rulebook, Three Ages of Rome, published by Helion. 

I first encountered these rules at the Cirencester Waragmes Club. I was impressed by the way they included all the period character I wanted, in a set that was very playable. I finally bought my own copy at the Colours show at Newbury Racecourse. I needed a solo game to get me back up to speed, and then I invited my old pal Paul up from Bristol to get a proper game in.

As you can see, basic terrain and the most basic scenario possible - line 'em up and have at it. Each side had three 'commands' plus an army general. You can see Paul shuffling the playing cards which we used for the random activation of both side's commands, as per the rules. This works nicely.

I'm not going to give a full description of how the rules function, but as a comparison, I was reminded of Valour and Fortitude when playing these rules, particularly in that they give the game a proper story as commands, and then the whole army, slowly fall apart during the game. There should be no doubt about who won and who lost in most games.

Those willing to go back to older posts in the Ancients section of this blog will see that my previous set of rules was Mantic's Kings of War Historical. These are an interesting and original set, but I quickly found Three Ages of Rome seemed a more natural fit for the ancient period. Most notably, they were written specifically for this peiod, rather than being adapted from a fantasy set, as Kings of War are. One interesting difference is that KoW is a true 'bucket of dice' game, whereas 3oaR needs no more than a couple of dice for most of the game.

I have to admit that a further attraction was that the rules were going for £15 at the Colours show, a very reasonable price indeed. Well done to Paul Meekins for their usual well-stocked and well laid-out stall, and the variety of good deals on offer. Normal price is £20 from Helion & Co. Time for a few more photos.

It was good to get the ancients stuff out again. They haven't seen much action in the last couple of years. For those not familiar, it's no use trying to work out what period the armies shown above have come from. They are from my imaginary nations of Latium and Paphlagonia, invented so that I can collect whatever ancients figures I wish and mash them together in composite armies. The 'Battle of Piranthus' is thus entirely fictional.

No mountain of re-basing was required to swap to these rules. Sensibly, the author specifies basing in multiples of 40mm, easily the most common basing style out there. The rules were apparently written for figure sizes between 6mm and 15mm. The author states that those using 28mm figures will need to increase game distances by 50%, and gives larger base measurements for these bigger figures. 

In fact, I found the rules worked fine with my 28mm troops using the normal measurements. I use 8 infantry figures on an 80mm wide base in two rows of 4, or 4 formed cavalry figures in a single row on the same base width. Playing with 50% bigger measurements would, I think, be an issue as the rules would outgrow a 6' x 4' table, particularly as the moves are quite generous. Plus the 'multiples of 40mm' thing breaks down a bit when using the larger base sizes recommended for 28mm.

Each of those 80mm wide bases forms a 'unit', by the way. A unit of 'massed infantry' (e.g. a hoplite or legionary unit) is supposed to represent 900-1200 men. A unit of 'massed cavalry' (meaning most medium and heavy cavalry) represents 400-600 men. Although technically you can use units individually, forming them into larger base-to-base groupings seems natural, as my photos show and as the photos and examples in the rulebook also demonstrate. It makes no difference to how the rules themselves play, although of course it makes a considerable difference to the tactics one might use. Historical formations would seem to work the best.

I should add that the scenarios section is good, providing details for six small, real battles, each featuring about 10,000 to 15,000 troops in the original actions. Of course, the actual size of the real battles may be somewhat in doubt, but the author does his best. As you can see, these scenarios are quite small, most involving less units than the game I set up with Paul, so they are good for introducing you to the rules but won't accomodate medium or large collections. The separate army lists are commendably simple and easy to understand - a clever piece of work, IMHO, but note they are also configured for small, club-night style actions.

There Has To Be A Downside?
Of course there is. Well, a few fairly minor drawbacks. Most notably, the rules writing lacks clarity in a number of sections. For example, the author shows an unnerving desire to call the same thing by different names as a paragraph or section proceeds. The worst example is that the names of the troop types carefully described in the rules differ from the abbreviations given in the army lists. This had to be fixed by a free download on the Helion sales site, providing the appropriate translation. I won't labour this point - the lack of clarity is irritating, but a full and careful reading of the rules makes just about everything clear in the end.

The rules are also rather table-heavy, but the tables are where a lot of the period flavour resides, so this seems to me to be reasonable. 

Something to look out for is that Paul and I did find the play rather indecisive. We managed 7 moves in about 2.5 hours, at which point only a couple of units had routed and none had actually been lost. I played out 3 more moves solo the next day, and losses did start to mount, but the rules for 'command confidence' and 'Army General's Will' had only just started to kick in. 

This was noticed at the Cirencester Club where I first encountered these rules. Changes to the 'reform' rules (i.e. the rally rules) were made pretty quickly, as reforming seemed much too easy. Personally, I also found that flank and rear attacks were not generating enough damage, and I have tweaked the rules for these. We all know how dangerous such attacks were supposed to be, for pike and hoplite formations in particular. I have also imposed the same rule I used in Honours of War, that melees must continue until some sort of decision is reached in the current turn, rather than carrying over into the next turn. I'm hoping this sort of thing will  make my games crack on at a faster pace.

Overall, these rules deserve a wider audience. I found no online support, official or otherwise, which is a shame. Therefore I have just started a Facebook group which you can find here:

And that's about it. 'Til next time!

Friday, 25 October 2024

Cotswold Wargaming Day 2024 - Another Success!

I had a good feeling about the new venue for the CWD, and it turned out I was right. Andy and Derek at Big Battles Ltd in Cirencester had set out the variety of tables needed in advance, and I was able to pop in to check things out and put names on tables the preceding Friday. I left convinced that everything was going to be fine.

I was a little concerned about numbers, as a few gamers had to cancel quite close to the date for a variety of completely understandable reasons. But in the end, the show was buzzing - Andy said he counted 40 people at one point, which would be a record. The venue cost £300 to hire, and I collected £310 from attendees at a tenner each, so I was well content. The extra tenner will go to the 'Many Tears' dog rescue charity, who do wonderful work rescuing mistreated and homeless dogs.

As usual, it is my pleasure to thank those who took the trouble to bring games to the event. The standard was as good as ever, as was the cheerful and friendly spirit in which everyone participated. I think most individual visitors found a game to join in with if they wanted, which was also pleasing. The reduced workload that resulted from using the new venue enabled me to put on a game myself, which was great fun and a first for me after 6 events. Thanks to Chris and Dillon for joining me in my first CWD game.

I reckon it only remains to put out some photos of the day. My thanks to Big Battles and Steve Johnson for permission to share some of their images. Unfortunately, running my own game prevented me from gathering as much information about the various games being played as I would have liked, so apologies if important info is missing here and there.

Overview of the hall. There were 8 games on show.

My own game, Poland 1939 using my own Startline rules.
A quickly-conceived bit of fun involving an encounter game
between elements of 10th Mechanised Brigade and 2nd Panzer Division.

German forces close in on the Poles around the chapel.

Next to me in 'WW2 Corner' were Matt and Paul with their 1/200th
Russian Front game, using BKC II.

Nice close-up of advancing German armour.
(Courtesy Big Battles)

Stuart Surridge and the Wyre Forest Gamers put on an impressive 
Ancients game which was much admired.

All 28mm figures, each individually based. Crikey!
(Courtesy Big Battles)

Steve Johnson (centre) brought another great 'imaginations' game set in the
Horse and Musket period. He came on his own,
but quickly found some eager participants to help him out.

Among whom was Dave Pike, an old wargaming buddy I hadn't seen in years.
Great to catch up Dave!

Close up of the action on Steve's table.
(Courtesy Big Battles)

Dave Kenyon and friends are another group of regulars.
They brought a Franco-Prussian war game with figures sculpted and cast by Dave himself.
Very impressive, and classic old-school. 

I'm afraid my attempt at a close-up of some Prussian guns
doesn't do the figures justice.

Tim Cull brought along a game based on the 1664 Battle of St Gottard,
between Ottoman and Imperial forces. A typically original choice!
(Courtesy Big Battles)

The game was played through twice. 
(Courtesy Big Battles)

The Cirencester Wargames Club brought along a large number of lovely
Renaissance figures to fight out an imaginary battle using their own 'Risky Renaissance' rules.
(Courtesy Big Battles)

As with Tim's game they managed to play through the battle twice.
In both cases, this was enabled by home-brewed, simple rules.
(Courtesy Big Battles)

Last, but definitely not least, we come to the Ian and Paul's game,
which was an impressive Wild West skirmish set up.
(Courtesy Big Battles)

Finally, a nice extra facility this year was the 'chill-out area', where
fatigued gamers could take a break from the rigours of combat. 

There were 3 prizes this year - the Stuart Asquith Trophy for best game, the Chris Gregg prize of an original artwork for Best Presented Game, and the Pendraken prize of a £25 gift voucher. It was very generous of Chris to put in the work to create such a great picture as a prize.

Andy and Derek very kindly agreed to judge and present the Stuart Asquith Trophy. They had no doubt that Ian and Paul's Wild West set-up was the winner, due to the magnificent and dedicated modelling skills shown in the creation of the buildings and terrain, along with the variety of fun scenarios which were played out. Chris also wished to give his own prize to the same game, and so for the second year running a single game received two prizes. I judged the Pendraken prize myself, and awarded it to Dave Kenyon's game as I fell in love with his shiny toy soldiers, and much admired his skill in both sculpting and casting them himself.

Ian and Paul with their well-earned trophy. According to Ian,
the credit was all due to Paul!

Dave receives the Pendraken Prize for 'Keith's Favourite Game'.
(Courstesy Steve Johnson)

And so that just about wraps it up. I have already booked the Big Battles venue for Sunday 19th October 2025. I have a feeling that if things go well, 2025 might be a record year for us. I guess we'll see. I had a lovely day, and was happy to hear from everyone I spoke to that they had also enjoyed themselves. Well done everybody!

'Til next time!

Sunday, 29 September 2024

Donald Featherstone & Wargamer's Newsletter

The Don gets mentioned in quite a lot of my blog posts - his was the major influence during my formative years as a wargamer in the late 1960s and early 70s. I also have a bit of a soft spot for old wargaming magazines, so I was very pleased recently to be steered towards a site which has pdf versions of most of the editions of Wargamer's Newsletter, the legendary gaming fanzine produced by Mr Featherstone from 1962 to 1980. 

This online collection is a remarkable record, with only the very early magazines from 1962-64 missing. It is fascinating to see how the magazine developed and improved over the years, from the typed, copied and stapled early productions with their barely discernable illustrations to the really rather professional final editions. I have 4 original copies at home, including one from November 1964 which I managed to get on eBay a while back. The other 3 are from 1979, which I actually bought over the counter at the old Tradition shop just off Picadilly when I worked in London. I hated the job but loved to get out in my lunchbreak to places like Tradition and the Charing Cross Market where there was a great record stall.

Believed to be from the April 1964 edition,
one of those missing from the online collection.

If you're up for a bit of nostalgia, I'd highly recommend visiting the site. Truth be told, apart from nostalgia, the magazines themselves often have little to offer the contemporary gamer. What I'm usually looking for are scenarios, but they are surprisingly few and far between. This is an area where modern magazines score quite highly over the older publications. But there is always the possibility of finding something really interesting. For example, the January 1966 edition features some Napoleonic wargames rules by a certain Philip Barker - which extend to a magnificent two and a bit typewritten pages. What is clear is that the magazine was a genuine attempt to bring gamers together and give them a voice, in a pre-internet world.

Talking of interesting snippets, I found the following editorial in the August 1964 edition, the oldest in the collection. Rather than quote from it, I'll give you the whole thing. What interested me is the relevance to a post of mine from August regarding the professionalisation and commercialisation of the hobby, and the possible conflict of this process with the hobby's amateur roots. I won't labour the point, but the subject was obviously concerning Donald Featherstone all of sixty years ago. 

Click to expand and read more easily.

So, if you have half an hour to fill, dipping in to this resource is certainly worth it. For gamers of my age it's pure nostalgia, and for younger gamers it's a pretty good insight into our hobby in its early years.

'Til next time!

Wednesday, 7 August 2024

Airborne Armour - New Edition

 I was pleasantly surprised recently when Helion & Company got in touch with me to say a new edition of Airborne Armour was coming out, and they would be sending me a free author copy.

The first thing to say is that there are no changes to the text - as I said above, I only knew the new edition was coming out when Helion told me! What Helion have produced is a paperback of 224 pages, containing the full book, but using thinner, shiny paper to give something significantly slimmer than the original hardback. The shiny paper improves the quality of reproduction of the photos, and overall the book quality is what you would expect from a reputable publisher like Helion. I am well pleased.

The front and back covers feature new photos which are both interesting. It was slightly frustrating to see that the rear cover photo is of a six-pounder being loaded on to a Horsa glider, which is of little relevance to the 6th AARR, but what the heck. It's still an interesting photo.

My advice is to buy this edition, even if you already have a copy of the book. Tell all your friends (and family) to buy a copy as well. Spread the word on the internet. I need the money to spend on figures and models.

'Til next time!

Friday, 2 August 2024

Amateur or Professional? A response to Richard Clarke

Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy magazine issues 130 and 131 have both been corkers. Every now and then I get to thinking that wargames magazines have had their day, then I get proved wrong, usually by WSS. In both issues there were interesting articles, some useful scenarios, and interesting review sections. Oh yes, and some decent maps as well. 

I know some of you find the 'think piece' articles, where issues around the way the hobby is developing are aired, a bit uninteresting - too much navel-gazing when we should be thinking about painting figures and playing games. For myself, I find them worthwhile. I spend a lot of my average day thinking about and planning my wargaming, plus the time I actually spend gaming, and I like to try and understand what I'm doing and why.

To cut to the chase, WSS130 contained an article by Richard Clarke (of the Too Fat Lardies, of course) called 'Naked Communication'. As you'd expect, it was well worth reading, and largely contained a lot of common sense. Broadly, it was about the kickback some of the bigger commercial wargaming companies occasionally get when they introduce new rules, new supplements and new figures for reasons that seem to have more to do with increasing revenue than looking after their customers. Of course, if you run and/or own a company, increasing revenue is your job. The problem is that miniature wargaming is largely an amateur undertaking, and ordinary wargamers can react adversely to what they see as commercialism.

This is the crux of Richard's article, and it was a couple of his statements concerning the amateur/professional relationship that made me want to write a response. Let's start with the first quote that made me think I disagreed with him.

"...pleased as we must be that the hobby is more accessible and that products are more available, we somehow retain an odd attachment to the amateur roots of the hobby."

'An odd attachment to the amateur roots of the hobby'. What's odd about being attached to the hobby's roots? Let's check out the definition of hobby:

'An activity that someone does for pleasure when they are not working.' (Cambridge Dictionary)
'An activity done regularly in one's leisure time for pleasure'. (Oxford Languages on Google)

So a hobby is by definition an amateur activity. It's not a job. Which makes that phrase 'the amateur roots of the hobby' rather suspect. Our hobby was an amateur one when it started, and it's still mostly amateur today. There are, of course, professional companies attached to the hobby, and their number seems to be growing. They are also quite often run by genuine and inspirational wargamers like Richard, so the lines are blurred. But that doesn't change the nature of the hobby. 

Richard goes on to mention the influence of the internet, which he correctly identifies as massively positive, and the emergence of 3D printing, which he seems less certain about. He states that "it is a direct threat to the large figure and model making companies". In that he is obviously correct, but from the point of view of an amateur wargamer, the picture looks rather different. For me, 3D printing has enabled me to get miniatures I couldn't get from any established manufacturer, or miniatures I could get from an established manufacturer but of better quality for the same price or less. As soon as I became aware of the potential of 3D printing, I realised it would change what I called the 'balance of power' between the main commercial companies and ordinary wargamers. The cottage industry was back (just like the 60s, 70s and 80s), and individual gamers could even print their own high quality figures and models. 

Now this is, of course, wonderful news, especially because it speaks directly to the 'amateur roots of the hobby'. To some extent, ordinary, amateur wargamers are taking back control. This is a feature of the influence of the internet as well, of course, although I reckon the commercial side of the hobby has benefited at least as much from the world wide web as us amateurs.

Richard saves the worst for last. He forsees "bigger companies asking, even insisting, that at their events you use their models when using their rules". Flames of War gathered some bad publicity a few years back when they tried this. I guess if a company is actually running a competition and footing the costs, then fair enough. But not something I would like to see becoming widespread. Such are the dangers of 'official' and 'commercial' wargaming. 

And then this:

"If we want the hobby to survive, grow and prosper, we need to recognise that the amateur hobby is not one we want to return to."

I intend to recognise no such thing. We've already established that wargaming with miniatures is an amateur undertaking. So we're not really returning to anything, as we never really departed from it. Richard identifies a "vibrant and exciting hobby industry" as vital to the future of the hobby. Well, it's nice to have you guys around, and we all wish you the best, but if you're experiencing a bit of competition, welcome to the world of capitalism. 3D printing is the best thing to happen to this hobby for many years. It promises to set ordinary wargamers free from the commercial pressures suffered by full-time professionals. We can have what we want, when we want it, rather than when it suits the priorities of various wargaming companies. The 'hobby industry' will have to learn how to catch up. I hope they do. 

Gamers will continue to protest from time to time about being told we have to do it differently now, because there's a new rulebook out, or a new range of figures. They can, of course, choose to just walk away, which some do. Well done guys. Do it the way it was before. Do it your way. 

I should end by thanking Richard for a polite and thought-provoking piece which helped me clarify what the hobby is about and what it means to me. I think I should also say that the Too Fat Lardies have added a lot to the hobby and given a great deal of pleasure to a lot of gamers, including me. Sincere best wishes for the future, gentlemen. But I for one welcome any move back towards the hobby's roots. We can do this move in a modern way, with excellent 3D products tailored to our needs, and home-brewed, self-published rules with professional-level presentation. This is our hobby, where we all choose our own way of enjoying the pastime. This is what we must not lose, and this is what is vital to our gaming future. An amateur hobby is the natural state of things. Long may it continue.