of Popular Swahili is an electronic archive of spoken and written Popular
Swahili texts. Popular varieties of Swahili are used as the primary medium
or vehicle of Central-African popular culture. At the same time, Popular
varieties of Swahili and the texts produced in them are among the most
conspicuous materializations of this culture.
APS wants to preserve and document
Popular Swahili texts with the aim of promoting the study and appreciation
of non-Standard vernacular varieties of Swahili and their role in African
culture and society.
APS will publish text materials
that have remained unpublished or are otherwise hard to get. Such materials
may include, for instance, private documents, such as letters, autobiographies,
lyrics, religious tracts, out of print text collections, locally produced
books, journals and magazines, or transcripts of field recordings. If
you know of materials that may be included in APS, please do not hesitate
to contact us by e-mail or regular
Listed here are all published
volumes of APS. Each text, or corpus of texts, is published as a separate
- 1.
Letters to the editor from the section Habari za Kwetu in Mwana Shaba
(Journal d'entreprise de l'U.M.H.K.)
2. The history of Zaire as told and painted by Tshibumba Kanda Matulu
in conversation with Johannes Fabian
- 3.
Le pouvoir se mange entier - Power is eaten whole: A play by the "Troupe
Théâtrale Mufwankolo" of Lubumbashi
- 4.
Vocabulaire de ville de Elisabethville: A history of Elisabethville
from its beginnings to 1965. Compiled and written by André Yav
- 5.
Teachings of the Jamaa movement: Texts and commentaries transcribed, translated, and commented by Johannes Fabian
- 6.
L'art populaire de Mufwankolo.
Entretien et spectacle transcrits et traduits par Ghislain Gulda El
Magambo Bin Ali et Pascal Maloji Kabemba ( alias Pascal de Saint Malo),
revu par Mutonkole Lunda Wa Ngoyi, présenté par Alain
- 7. "Magic and modernity": A conversation with a herbalist and practitioner of magic, transcribed and translated by Johannes Fabian
- 8.
Ukumbusho by Achille Mutombo
- 9.
Vivre et exercer le métier de peintre sous la pluie des balles
et des flèches empoisonnées des rebelles à Bunia,
Congo-Zaïre. Témoignage de l'artiste Joseph (Jeef) Bosemo,
recueilli par Pierre Sugabo Yakisabo, transcrit, annoté et traduit
en français par Ibio Nzunguba
- 10.
Language and labor: Conversations about work, language, and life, transcribed
, translated, and commented by Johannes Fabian
- 11.
Swahili remembered: Two conversations, transcribed
, translated, and annotated by Johannes Fabian
- 12.
Conversations about Katanga Genre Painting in the 1970s, transcribed
, translated, and annotated by Johannes Fabian
- 13.
Conversations with the painters Mwenze Kibwanga and Pilipili Mulongoy, transcribed
, translated, and annotated by Johannes Fabian
- 14.
The Jamaa files
- 15.
“Prayer groups” in Lubumbashi:
A conversation with Régine Tshitamba and members of her family, recorded 24. 6. 1986 at her home in Lubumbashi, Zone Kampemba, transcribed,
translated, and commented on by Johannes Fabian
- 16.
Churches proliferating – where will it end?
A play by Mufwankolo and two members of his troupe, transcribed,
translated, and annotated by Johannes Fabian
- 17.
Swahili is elephant meat:
A play by Mufwankolo and two members of his troupe,
transcribed, translated, and commented by
Johannes Fabian
You may also want to have a
look at an annotated bibliography of Popular
Swahili texts in books and articles.
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Last revised/updated: 6
February 2018
by Vincent de Rooij