Farewell My Blog

I have retired from the blogging era since 2018/2019.

But everyday people keeps on coming and asking me bout my ‘retired life’.

Do tell the world, I have retired. Officially on 2020.

I lost my Mak Ajah on 2020, I lost my Tok Aji on 2023 and in between I lost my other life as well.

Farewell. Assalamualaikum.

Comment: 1

What a 2020…

It s coming to the end of 2020

i havent posted much here….mulanya 17th January dengan pemergian my ibu, kemudian dunia dihenyak with Covid19.

For this year, at a new place KSO, boleh kira berapa kali sangatlah ai pi opis. we apply WFH sejak pandemic menimpa bumi. Even half of my room had been transformed as my mini office sejak first MCO March/April lepas.

But waktu few months yang kita managed flatten the curve, we the Red Family managed to escape to short holiday at Hard Rock Desaru (duh jauh bonau tompat nih). Pahtuh plan for jalan2 tempat lain, all cancelled due to the 2nd wave.

It looks like i ll be spending more wfh time till the year end and clearing up my leave (for the first time gak cuti panjang yg tak leh nak jalan merata). Hari tu pun MCO, on the 100 days baru sis kuor rumah for the first time…

oh during the 3 months tu pun, kami the red family ada buat gerakan pakej prihatin, pastuh lepas Syawal whoever donates, kita bagi cash je kat asnaf, much easier. Just online everything. Till now, we r still doing to those asking us for asnaf list coz we have hundreds of asnaf list coz i keep the record.

Other than that, home is full with love, dont worry bout the past hiccups, serabai pening tengok bebudak ni sume ODL je la, but since 2 weeks ago, i dah tak masak, semua handled over by my daughter. cos I tak turun during lunch break to cook, still upstairs for wfh, so she even ODL still leh masak. I just give the recipe and she did the rest. some lauk tu dia dah tak yah tengok resepi pun…alhamdulillah, dr kekecik aku ajar bebudak ni masuk dapur, dah tua2 ni senang la sket.

back to my health, just to recap, after my left knee ops 2 years ago, 6 months laternya I amik injection, then 6 months later lagi I buat 2 more japs but via GA (sakit giler kau, first time dah buat hidup2, I dah tak leh tahan). Physio for a year then i stop.

During mco, i kena sakit gigi yang sakitnya alahai…bertunda2 selagi daya. But after it s lifted, i have no choice kena gak pi jumpa dentist, and with GA gak, masuk OT dentist korek 3 gigi belakang. Sebabkan nak buat GA, I had to go tru the covid swab test (policy all hospitals). Haish, sakit yg uncomfortable. Tak sanggup nak berulang lagi.

End Oct recently, I was attacked by vertigo (apparently Doc said my record shown every 2 years I mmg kena vertigo). 24 hours later, I kena gastrik plak. Ni first time dalam sejarah la I kena gastrik, omang Allah saja yg tau sakitnya I menanggung. For 10 days! I didnt go to the hospital, ubat klinik berulang amik sampai doctor tak nak bagi lagi dah coz i dah overdosed ubat (ater sakit sangat). so after 10 days, from the study n researched I made, I m sure I kena GERD. Jumpa Doc pi spital on the 11days sakit tu, and memang gerd la sangat. Nak kena buat scope (but kena buat covid swab test lagi) so memang tak laaaaaaaaaaaaa aku nak buat.

i just took the medicines, miracle alhamdulillah, ubat2 doc bagi tu terus I sihat, doc mintak ai terus sambung makan ubat2 tu but i stop coz I jimat ubat, if it happens again (tak yah pi spital, leh wallop the ubat). Ganaton n vocinti among the ubat yang power stopkan my GERD.

Besides, im back to my online Chess tournament/games. No more actual games can be entered due to Covid so main online je lah. I also rajin tengok tiktok, banyak useful info kat situ (i dont have a content, i cuma tengok content orang jer)so pls dont follow my TT, zero takde posts at all, TT tu superbest, better than IG. Coz of that lah I malas nak berIGs, everybody dok carik sis, dah few months since I last posted there. will do insyallah.

Road to diet still ongoing, benda ni tak yah sembang, let s see the outcome sudah. The red family is alhamdulillah in good hands (belah sana sini tu tak yah cite lah, they r not part inside our red family), benda 20 taun sembang macam aku takde bagi harta even budi langsung haish….. Lagipun banyak mana pun budi kita kalau org tak suka kau, no point, just back off.

My method is simple, toxic people, drop them off. Cut them from my life. If ada igs / post yg I menyampah, I unfollow, I mute I buat apa saja yg I rasa make me happy and move on. Ko nak tag 100 orang pun sila lah, aku pun tak yah nampak and baca lagi dah. Kurangkan bersocmed tu pun puncanya gak I tak nak ada around toxic people ni. Kadang mulut macam tanya khabar but sejenis yang nak mengorek cite dalam kain, so many makpak bawangs out there, i tak suka nak sembang further, I cut the conversation. End. Tak suka aku, remove me, ai x suka u, ai m not gonna spend my time with you. I try not to be around u. Happy. apa adahal.

Cats…i have 10 now. For this year saja hasil MCO CMCO, i adopted 3 ekor terus. One is blue/white BSH – Berry, one is Evelyne the flatface calico and one is ASH+BSH – Fenty (sis dah habis nama hbags to be given to all my cats, so kena pakai nama makeup plak). tetiga ni betina, 2 still bebudak lagi but Berry tu dah bape kali kawin ngan Bel (my male BSH yg the one one tak sunat yet) blom gak ada hasil. During CMCO gak 3 of my cats pi sunat – anak sulong si Chanel, Jacob and Tory 2 jantan 2 beradik. Chanel terpaksa gak pi sunat coz after punya banyak jantan yg tried her, so hard for her to ‘give’ and she pulak bila ngah heat bising satu rumahhhhhhhhhhh. So it s time la for her to sunat. Jadi godmother je la ko Chanel.

That s all for now, ada ramai lagi people still come to my blog and expect me to write daily. I m no longer in that position. My desire to write dah stop since few incidents 2,3 years ago. I dont really wanna share my stories so much here, I dont want people to use that info to sembang / ngumpat bout me coz I know tak semua org suka kita, 20 taun pun ko kenal orang, tetap ko tak suit in their life, so let them ternganga la x tau update apa2 pasal sis.

Handbags, of cos ada gak beli taun ni, but no point beli sokmo ko WFH jugak, some more dok KSO tu, hem…jauh beza zaman KLCC. Oh every Sabtu I usually ada kat KLCC (if not during CMCO la)…nak jumpa sis, carik je kat KLCC, nyopping.

Speaking of shopping, tak dep pi kedai, i beli online. Everydayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, postmen/runner datang rumah ni. I even have runners Shopee, Ninja etcs yang dah jadi gang some more.

Sampai dah santak rumah ni, dari 1 robot becomes 3 robot. Dari 1 laptop sampai 3 laptops kau, fridge, washing machine eh masa covid ni la sume janamkan… and list goes on….dah ujung2 taun ni kurang sket membeli, just for top up2 barang2 for cats/house yg tak jumpa kat kedai pasar umah aku ni, ha baru lah beli online.

Semoga musibah Covid pergi secepat mungkin and selamanya. Stay safe everyone.

To my next writings…


Kak Red @ Redmummy

Comment: 28

Perebutan Duit Pencen

Dan kemudian akan ada anak-anak yang mengejar duit pencen ibu bapa…

dan ada juga anak yang tidak menghiraukan langsung akan duit pencen ibu bapa itu…

pada anak-anak yang taksub dengan duit pencen ibu bapa itu, merekalah yang akan ditunjukkan Allah

  • hanya akan dapat melihat ‘pemergian’ mereka selepas mereka sudah tiada
  • dan mereka akan mendapat satu persatu musibah, dan pada keturunan itu…

Kita mungkin sangka mereka akan berhenti sekiranya sejarah mengejar pencen ibu bapa itu berakhir di satu tahap

but, they will never stop this if another parent is still alive and holding the double pencens…

be careful with all these people

they will do everything to get the duit pencens tho they are being so called ‘alim and nampak baik’. That s only to cover the hidden agenda.

dan satu anak ini hanya melihat ketaksuban dan ketamakkan manusia-manusia itu….

Comment: 11

Bersedekah and Im doing for Mak Ajah

During this hardest time – the Covid19
You know ramai yang step in to help those needed
Either financially, energy, food so many more etcs

Sangat ramai yang perlukan bantuan, bebelow B40 tu specially
Kadang2 depa sendiri tak tau nak mintak tolong kat sapa dan di mana
Coz level manusia kita pun, agak segan dan malu nak ask for help
Melainkan from mouth to mouth, and penderma terus je panjangkan langkah

Cuma kesian
Yang buat amal jariah ni; pun ada yang dengki busuk hati khianat. Nak buat baik, memang akan ada halangan dari setan2 besar ni. Nak add on
kerja malaikat kat bahu kanan tu pun memang bukan senang jalannya,
my mak ajah selalu cakap dulu; niat niat niat, lantaklah apa orang nak
cakap. bagi je bagi, sedekah sedekah. Sebab dalam niat tu Allah dah tahu, yang busuk hati akan sentiasa di takuk tu.

Kita hidup dan tanam je lah saham kita for our akhirat.

oh my, kerna my mak selalu bersedekahpun, ada gak 5 anak2 yang gelap hati thot ada yang songlap, haish 🙁

Sorry, if u are my IG Follower, u know what i m talking about, coz I m actively there, sis tak rajin nak update sini hehari, my ig is redmummydotcom (kemon, sis dah lama kot in this industry, takkan tak tau my IG korang ni pun)….

I ve been doing the donations drive dah lama, berpuluh tahun ler pun sejak aku ada duit sendiri but not so much lah. Just for this #covid19 or mainly sejak mak ajah pergi, ai buat sendiri2. Ai x collaborate ngan sesapa, ai tak ajak pun u all bank in to my acct or this that acct, ai just cakap, if u ada rezeki, panjangkanlah…

I show you my efforts to anak2 asnaf, so I hope ada tergerak hati teman2 kat sini to do the same. We dont have to tell in words, but by showing them kat igs, some photos, so korang pun murah hati untuk derma sedekah sama.

Dalam rezeki kita ni sentiasa ada rezeki orang lain. The power of sedekah tu kuat tau, if not today, tomorrow day after after or dalam bentuk lain percayalah. I belajar a lot from Mak Ajah. Kami 8 beradik mak aku sokmo tempik kat aku, ulur duit tu kat nek tu, kat makcik tu kat pakcik tu, ulur ulurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr setiap kali pi beraya kat Melaka KL (Ya Allah dari aku umur 21 tahun mula kerja sampai mak pergi lah, itu je yang dizikirkannya), till one day i said mak, orang dah berpuluh taun mak pesan, mmg orang sokmo buat, pi raya mmg duit raya untuk orang2 tua n bebudak pun mak. Awat la yang 7 orang lagi tu mak tak pernah sound cam mak sound orang ni.

Rupanya semua tu ada hikmah…
I ve been trained, and raised by mak to derma sedekah jariah
She chose me out of 8 to do this
She knows dalam 8 anak dia, siapa yang will have her legacy
She can see me duplicating her perangai bersedekah

I m not saying that I pemurah bonar (I cannot beat mak ajah lah, dia punya tahap pemurah sedekah tu unspeakable) pun but insyallah i ll keep on improving myself on this, together with Nana and Along…

I funded a bit for anak2 asnaf, I got helped from my husband and my kids, specially laki ai tolong pi belikan all stuff from the Star Grocer Taman Mulia (all cashiers pun dah kenal and dah tau those stuff untuk charity), then ai carik anak2 asnaf ni tru my kids school connection. N my husband helped to pass around the stuff when those needed datang depan rumah kami, untuk yang tak punya transport, yg dekat rumah, pun laki aku tolong pi hantarkan. We apply social distancing for sure.

Since dah few weeks kita tak leh ke masjid, ai divert mak ajah’s sedekah tahlil bagai to Polis Bantuan PPUM. Weekly basis, ai sent some food to them, semoga berpanjangan sinar cahaya lagi sedekah ini untuk bondaku.

I bought lots of hand sanitizers and share with those needed specially to Police Bantuan PPUM, gloves, masks too. I picked PPUM coz di situlah ibuku dirawat, pergi selamanya, dimandikan dan disolatkan. Itulah perhentian terakhirnya sebelum kami bawa ke Melaka untuk perkebumian. PPUM is so closed to me. They have big numbers of covid cases too, Allahuakbar.

I know masks are really hard to get, I beli sendiri tru some contacts, ai spent a lot for those needed. I dont jual ye sayang. I dont. I bought and spent by using my own money and sedekah to those needed, keluarga asnaf, front liners and of cos PPUM is in the list too. Orang buat business, but ai beli for those needed. n all of you, mehlah sama buat sedekah ni gak, 10inggit pun sangat depa dahagakan, so many ways we can do to help those tak berkemampuan. Stay at home wajibul gak ye, we have to stop the chain of this virus!

I m not stopping, I hope I can do this forever hingga dipanggil Tuhan. I pun takde harta sangat, my personal collections pun, if any, will go to charity too. My 2 lots tanah yang kena tipu (andaikata silahabau tu nak bayar balik my 100k, it will go to charity gak, all of it). Like I said, sejak Mak Ajah pergi, aku lagi suka and menambahkan amalan sedekah ni, just cos of my Mak.

Let s do this together, kita nak Ramadhan dan Syawal. I dont really wanna celebrate coz I just lost a mother but I have 3 kids yang not fair for them if tak celebrate but dah kalau covid ni masih merata till Ramadhan and Syawal, raya dalam rumah je lah kita…halahai, sedihnya 2020 ni.

Yes, my 2020 is not good at all (yet).

Mak Ajah meninggal

I moved out from KLCC to the Central area after 15 years there

5 days after we just moved to the new office, before the 2nd batch from KLCC move in, we have been asked to wfh due to major case of covid patient. So fyi, i have been wfh for so longggggggggggggg, terlalu lama. Insyallah, let s hope this covid19 pergi secepat mungkin, zero case and we can have our Tarawikh di Masjid 🙂

To Mak, terlalu rindu anak mu ini, it s been few weeks already kita tak dapat nak visit kubur mak, sejak kes Covid19 makin menjadi2. Insyallah mak, nanti kita datang ye mak….

Alfatihah Mak.

Comment: 6

Quaker Oats Smart Heart Challenge

After being away for quite a while, let s get back to my usual blogpost first (I owe u the ‘journey’ of my mom), it took me quite a while to digest back my life, I was down for weeks before I can get up to my routine 🙁 .  More

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