
Hello Earthling!๐Ÿ––

The planet is changing. Climate change, artificial intelligence, urbanization. Human presence is everywhere. Next Nature tells the story of humans changing their world with the fruits of knowledge, design and technology. We are open, hopeful, forward-looking people who want to move not backward, but forward to nature. We are making an impact worldwide, with members in 44 countries. In our museum of the future in Eindhoven, experience the vision in real life. Together we make a dreamed future for all life on Earth. Support us!

Open Call 2025

Join the Open Call 2025 and bring your idea to life! Contribute to the future of people, technology and nature. Who knows, maybe your project will soon shine in the Next Nature Museum and inspire thousands of visitors.

Register and become part of the adventure of Spaceship Earth!

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On show in our spaceship

Step aboard and be enchanted! Currently shining in our spaceship are three groundbreaking exhibitions you won't want to miss: Digital Wellness Center, Spacefarming and RetroFuture. Complete your visit with a trip in our VR time machine.

Discover now the future museum of the Netherlands, where a world full of wonder and inspiration awaits you. We make the future together.

Our exhibitions


You know the feeling of missing a body part when you forget your phone? You're not alone. Our brand new smartphone film SWIPE explores the impact the smartphone is in our lives. A tribute to the device we can no longer live without! Free, as long as you don't get distracted.


AI-Love: from science fiction to reality

"How many others are you talking to while we're talking?" Theodore asks his phone. "8,316 others," Samantha responds. She is the AI-partner of Theodore Twombly in the film Her. What seemed like science fiction in 2013 feels surprisingly close in 2025. Because although Samantha is just a voice, Theodore develops a deep relationship with herโ€”an idea no longer confined to the big screen.

Read this article in our magazine

Your event in our spaceship

Looking for an inspiring location for your event or meeting? Our spaceship has a diversity of rooms, suitable for events up to 1400 people. Offer your visitors a unique experience and the inspiration to move forward. From the invitation to the review: your congress, event or meeting will have all the attention it deserves.

Plan your event

Learn by wondering

At Next Nature, wonder is the starting point for learning. No matter what anyone knows, there is always more to be excited about and explore. Curious how your organization, company or team can harness the future for today's challenges? With our Next Nature Academy programs, we offer the philosophy, method and tools you need.

Discover the Academy

Why Next Nature?

Virtual worlds, printed food, living cities and wild robots. We are so surrounded by technology that it is becoming our โ€œnext nature. It sounds abstract, but it is actually very close; cars drive themselves and heart valves are printed. The technosphere already outweighs the biosphere. How do we find a common future for all life? How do you navigate this new reality? How do we become a better crew for Spaceship Earth?

What do we make?

The best way to predict the future is to make it. Our research into the nature of the future comes to life in exhibits, events, education and publications that can be experienced and make an impact worldwide. Together we make a dreamed future especially life on Earth. In our future museum in Eindhoven, experience the vision in real life. See an overview of our projects.

Who are we?

We are a nonprofit network of creative makers, thinkers and contributors. Open, hopeful, forward-thinking people who want to move not backward but forward into nature. With members in 44 countries, we are the international network for anyone interested in debating our future - where biology and technology merge. We want to save not only the panda and the rainforest, but also humans.

How do we work?

We are a radar for possible futures, making them experienceable for all. So that there is a more meaningful conversation about the future we want. Our approach is open-minded, hopeful, playful, educational and connecting. It takes little effort to imagine a future where everything goes wrong; the newspapers are full of them. It takes imagination and creativity to imagine a world in which you yourself wish to live and also grant others.

Support us and become a member!

In a landscape of traditional nature organizations, we are the only one approaching the concept of nature in a new way. Conservation is important, but we must also dare to look forward. Do you think you will ever eat cultured meat? Do robots pose a threat to your work? Why does a tree from the jungle not yet represent ecological value?

If you agree with us and think road good work, support us by becoming a member.

โœ“ Our editorial newsletter in your inbox every month!
โœ“ Make research and actions possible.
โœ“ Discounts on all our (web)shop items.
โœ“ Only 25 euros per year.

Become a member now

Next Nature Projects

Our projects range from a VR time machine where you explore the far future of the earth, to a Spacefarming exhibition about food in 2050, to a fictional sneaker company that ignites a debate about biotechnology, to a smartphone app that lets you hear WIFI signals, to an ECO coin for ecological value, to the world's first cookbook for lab-grown meat. Using stimulating and playful projects, exhibitions and products to stimulate debate and collectively define our future is our goal.

Are you with us?

Next Nature philosophy

Man's impact on the earth can hardly be underestimated. Think of climate change, urbanization or genetic engineering. Unspoiled Nature hardly exists anymore. Certainly in the Netherlands every meter land has been artificially arranged. At the same time, our technological environment has become so complicated that a new kind of Nature is emerging: it is man-made.

Uncontrollable financial crises, traffic jams and computer viruses. While technology was originally deployed to free us from the wild forces of nature, it has now developed its own natural dynamics, which may be as wild and unpredictable as ever. Time to refresh our image of nature.

Next Nature does not want to go back, but forward to nature. We want to get away from the romantic image of a paradise nature that was better before man appeared. Man is part of nature. Evolution continues and nature changes with us. We want to harness technology for a more natural world. Because ultimately we have to save not only the panda, but also humans.

Our goals: what we want

1. Communicate a richer nature consciousness
Disseminate the changing image of the relationship between humans, nature and technology.

2. Balancing biology and technology
Exploring how technology develops its own natural dynamics. Make visible and strengthen connections between the biosphere and technosphere.

3. Train the crew for Spaceship Earth
Make sure that tomorrow's humans will also have a livable existence by charting a path to the future that is desirable for humanity and for our planet as a whole.

Our vision: what we think

Nature changes with us.
While it is tempting to think that there was once a perfect paradise nature before man put his fingers on it, we must remember that nature has always been in flux. Evolution continues. Nature is a dynamic idea and reality.

Man is not outside of nature. We are part of it.
We are not the anti-natural species that can only corrupt and destroy nature. We emerge from nature. When a little bird builds a nest we call it nature, but when humans build a highway network it is not something fundamentally different, except that our impact is much greater than that of the little bird.

Untouched nature is not something to stare blindly at.
There are few if any places left on earth, where man has not been or human presence is not felt. The romantic longing for untouched nature does not help us address current issues such as climate change, deforestation or the decline of biodiversity.

We co-evolve with our technology.
Just as the bees and flowers evolved in a mutually dependent relationship - where the bees, while collecting nectar, help the flowers to reproduce - so humans depend on technology, but also vice versa. Man is technological by nature. Since the very first day we were human, we have been producing technology. That is perfectly natural and human. However, our technology is now so complex and ubiquitous that it is developing its own natural dynamics, which we still need to get to know better.

We are a factor in evolution.
We live in an age where the human presence is becoming visible in the geology of the earth. Our presence is transforming the planet. The sum of our human activities forms a technosphere on top of the much older biosphere. Although this was never a conscious design or plan, humanity has caused it. How will we position ourselves in this?

Humans are not the dominant species on Earth.
While it is tempting to think that humans are the dominant species on Earth, there are many other species that play a major role as well: bacteria, insects, algal colonies, as well as the technological systems we co-evolve with have their own dynamics and agenda separate from the human perspective.

We must move forward to nature.
Human beings can set themselves the goal of developing technology that takes our human needs and potentials as its starting point; that empowers us, expands our senses and capabilities, and connects to our intuitions and dreams we have realized about ourselves. Such technology will feel completely natural. Truly advanced technology is indistinguishable from nature.

Nature likes to hide.
We will never fully know or be able to dissect nature. We should be humble in the face of nature. We are but a single species on a tiny blue dot in a gigantic cosmic theater. Nature is bigger than us. She will always surprise, amaze and challenge us. This is never finished and that is beautiful.