Nature changes with us.
While it is tempting to think that there was once a perfect paradise nature before man put his fingers on it, we must remember that nature has always been in flux. Evolution continues. Nature is a dynamic idea and reality.
Man is not outside of nature. We are part of it.
We are not the anti-natural species that can only corrupt and destroy nature. We emerge from nature. When a little bird builds a nest we call it nature, but when humans build a highway network it is not something fundamentally different, except that our impact is much greater than that of the little bird.
Untouched nature is not something to stare blindly at.
There are few if any places left on earth, where man has not been or human presence is not felt. The romantic longing for untouched nature does not help us address current issues such as climate change, deforestation or the decline of biodiversity.
We co-evolve with our technology.
Just as the bees and flowers evolved in a mutually dependent relationship - where the bees, while collecting nectar, help the flowers to reproduce - so humans depend on technology, but also vice versa. Man is technological by nature. Since the very first day we were human, we have been producing technology. That is perfectly natural and human. However, our technology is now so complex and ubiquitous that it is developing its own natural dynamics, which we still need to get to know better.
We are a factor in evolution.
We live in an age where the human presence is becoming visible in the geology of the earth. Our presence is transforming the planet. The sum of our human activities forms a technosphere on top of the much older biosphere. Although this was never a conscious design or plan, humanity has caused it. How will we position ourselves in this?
Humans are not the dominant species on Earth.
While it is tempting to think that humans are the dominant species on Earth, there are many other species that play a major role as well: bacteria, insects, algal colonies, as well as the technological systems we co-evolve with have their own dynamics and agenda separate from the human perspective.
We must move forward to nature.
Human beings can set themselves the goal of developing technology that takes our human needs and potentials as its starting point; that empowers us, expands our senses and capabilities, and connects to our intuitions and dreams we have realized about ourselves. Such technology will feel completely natural. Truly advanced technology is indistinguishable from nature.
Nature likes to hide.
We will never fully know or be able to dissect nature. We should be humble in the face of nature. We are but a single species on a tiny blue dot in a gigantic cosmic theater. Nature is bigger than us. She will always surprise, amaze and challenge us. This is never finished and that is beautiful.