pip install scikit-multilearn
Scikit-multilearn provides many native Python multi-label classifiers classifiers.
Use expert knowledge or infer label relationships from your data to improve your model.
Embedd the label space to improve discriminative ability of your classifier.
Extend your Keras or pytorch neural networks to solve multi-label classification problems.
Scikit-multilearn is faster and takes much less memory than the standard stack of MULAN, MEKA & WEKA.
The licensing model follows scikit's BSD licence, to allow maximum interopability. Some libraries if used for label space division may incur GPL requirements.
Scikit-multilearn is faster and takes much less memory than the standard stack of MULAN, MEKA & WEKA.
Use expert knowledge or infer label relationships from your data to improve your model.
Missing a particular classifier which exists in the Java MEKA and WEKA stack? Now you can use it like a native scikit classifier!
Scikit-multilearn is compatible with the Scipy and scikit-learn stack. Use our classifiers with scikit, use scikit classifiers with our code.
With over 160 stars and 60 forks scikit-multilearn is the second most popular multi-label library on github.
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A new feature release:
Fix a lot of bugs and generally improve stability, cross-platform functionality standard and unit test coverage. This release has been tested with a large set of unit tests that work across Windows. Also, new features: