
100 Days of Trump Season 2

Well yesterday I finished season 2 of 100 Days of Trump so it is time to look back and wonder at all we have accomplished...namely that I think i’ve been more productive than the President of the United States and isn’t that a scary thought.  51 of these suckers down, 49 to go.  And seriously, watch the Wire People.  For new readers, this is a project where I try to recommend a work every day to help explain WTF happened in 2016 and what we can do about it.  Season one mostly focused on the psychology of the Trump voter, season 2 focused on the system which made Trump possible...and also the psychology of the Trump voter.  Season 3 starts...today actually but you see what I mean. 

1) Assassins Understanding Trump populism

2) M by Fritz Lang Understanding fascism

3) It Happened Here Understanding Collaboration

4) City of Life and Death, Understanding military atrocities

5) Taxi Driver, understanding MRAs

6) Pink Floyd’s the Wall, the Psychological Appeal of Fascism

7) Conspiracy, how Fascists force their will o others

8) Maus, about how existing bigotry makes fascism possible.

9) Pan’s Labyrinth about the danger of letting roles subsume you.  

10) Breaking Bad, summing up the Obama/Trump voter mindset

11) To Kill a Mockingbird, about the foundations that make bigotry possible.

12) All The President’s Men, about what the 4th estate is suppose to do.  

13) 1776, about what America’s founding actually stood for

14) Protagonist, about the pattern of insecurity leading to radicalism

15) The Russians are Coming, about the appeal of an imaginary enemy

16) Stalag 17, how not to respond when there actually is a spy trying to fuck you over.

17) A Series of Unfortunate Events, about the normalization of evil and how to deal with it.  

18) The Godfather (Part 1 and Part 2), about the Client Patron relationship, immigration in America, and how the Mob resembles American capitalism

19) The Social Network about the libertarian nerdbro culture which helps Trump even as he destroys them.

20) The Last King Scotland, on the Appeal of Authoritarianism

21) Dr. Strangelove: Why Nuclear War is a very bad thing

22) Bob Roberts: On how the Right Co-opts the Left

23) Rope, Looking at the psychology of Hipster Racism

24) State of the Union, about how our political system make Trump possible

26) Watchmen, on what happens when a society losses sight of its national narrative.

27) The Big Short, explaining the economic crash that made this whole thing possible

28) I Claudius about the mindset/psychology of the political elites

29) Stressed Out, the millennial theme song

30) Angels in America, on the double think of the Political World

31) Yes Prime Minister, on how politics actually work

32) West Wing, on how politics should work.  

33) Citizen Kane, on the dangers of mixing egotism and populism

34) Rodger and Me, on how Reaganomics and Neoliberalism ruined the Rust Belt

35) 8-Mile, on how the humiliation of poverty makes poor whites susceptible to authoritarian flattery.  

36) Extra History/Extra Credits, on the problems our or democracy actually have a president.  

37) CGPGrey: On Voting Systems and how a political system encourages certain brehaviors

38) Why are you so angry, on psychology of Angry Jack,  the so-called “moderates” who allow the Alt Right to thrive.

39) The Lion in Winter, on the nature of being human and in power

40) Veronica Mars, on Class conflict and privilege in America

41) Bowling for Columbine, on the culture of Fear in America

42)The Great Gatsby about the vast carelessness that made Trump inevitable

42.5) 3 PS3, a little bonus episode on the attitude of the rich

43) Fargo, on the world that makes such obsession with wealth possible

44) Death of a Salesmen, about America’s addiction to Nostalgia

45)In Cold Blood, about shame and outlast in the Trump Movement

46) Into Pieces on the nihilistic psychology of Trump’s Personality Cult

47) The Jimquisition, about how corporations work and think

48) Paper’s Please, on how evil systems are able to sustain themselves.

49) The Third Man about how people can rationalize Evil

50)  The Wire, about the institutions of America and why they fail.  

51) Chinatown, about the why evil often wins


(Due to over thinking about Orochi, who was just supposed to be a lil thing of character design, I will draw him a ref when I get home and break down what 8-Mile does cause I love him now.)

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