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Explore a living tableau filled with references to the legendary tale of Salome and enjoy the moonlit serenity of a fatal night in the orient. FATALE offers an experimental, narrative, play experience that stimulates the imagination and encourages interpretation and association.




A princess lovely in the moonlight, all are compelled to gaze upon her. Everyone except Iokanaan, whom she thinks she loves. She is commanded to dance by her step-father, Herod, and in exchange she is promised anything her heart desires. Is it her own will or that of her mother that makes her ask for such a fatal gift?


She is the proud, hard Queen married to Herod the Tetrarch of Judea after he deposed, imprisoned and executed her first husband, Salome's father. She is slandered by Iokanaan who remains alive against her will. She knows how everyone watches Salome dance and sees danger, but also opportunity there.


Also known as: Saint John the Baptist. He is a prisoner of King Herod. Locked in the cistern of the palace and raging at the immorality of Salome and Herodias. Unfortunately, he will not live much longer in this world. You play as the spirit Iokanaan given one more night to put out the lights of your own existence.

OSCAR Wilde’s Salome

“Neither at things, nor at people should one look. Only in mirrors should one look, for mirrors do but show us masks.”

Oscar Wilde

Salome is a first century Judean princess mentioned in the Christian Bible by Matthew and by Mark. But it is Oscar Wilde's 19th century play “Salome” that really inspired Fatale. In the Bible, Salome is a child who dances for King Herod and asks the head of John the Baptist as a reward. In Wilde's version, Salome falls in love with the prophet. He rejects her and she has him executed.

Fatale takes place in the aftermath of those events, when all has turned quiet and the moon brings comfort to troubled hearts. The interpretation of Salome is something worth playing. In the ply the repeated reference to looking and seeing form the core experience of this interactive tableau. Wilde's text becomes a whispered soundscape. You float as a spirit given one night to look as you please. To look at the world, and to finally look at Salome, not as a Princess but for the girl that she is.

“Salomé, Salomé, dance for me. I pray thee dance for me. I am sad to-night. Yes, I am passing sad to-night. When I came hither I slipped in blood, which is an evil omen; and I heard, I am sure I heard in the air a beating of wings, a beating of giant wings. I cannot tell what they mean .... I am sad to-night. Therefore dance for me. Dance for me, Salomé, I beseech you. If you dance for me you may ask of me what you will, and I will give it you, even unto the half of my kingdom.”



Independent projects like Fatale are created by small development teams and distributed without the help of big publishers. They work at the forefront of the games industry. When you buy the game your support not only encourages the creators but contributes to the growth and evolution of the 21st century's major artistic medium.

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portrait DATA DIRECTION: Auriea Harvey is a media artist and co-founder of Tale of Tales. She co-designed Fatale with Michaël and modelled and textured most of the 3D assets.

portrait ANIMATIONS: Laura Raines Smith is a seasoned game artist. She has animated all main characters in all of Tale of Tales' projects. She created the poses and animations for Takayoshi's characters in Fatale, including Salome's dance, based on Eléonore's choreography.

portrait MUSIC + VOICE: Jarboe is a music composer and performer. A founding member of Swans, she now has a thriving solo career. In Fatale you can hear her whisper Salome's lines from Oscar Wilde's play. She also worked with Kris on the ambient music and soundscape.

portrait DANCE MUSIC: Gerry De Mol is a singer-songwriter with a deep knowledge of music styles and instruments from all over the world. For Fatale he composed (and played) the music that inspired Eléonore's choreographic improvisations on the Dance of the Seven Veils.

portrait PROCESS DIRECTION: Michaël Samyn is a media artist the other co-founder of Tale of Tales. He co-designed Fatale with Auriea and programmed the interactions and behaviours.

portrait CHARACTER DESIGN: Takayoshi Sato is a celebrated 3D artist, best known for his work on Playstation titles Silent Hill 1 & 2 and GoldenEye: Rogue Agent. He designed all characters in Fatale and modelled and textured princess Salome and John the Baptist.

portrait MUSIC + SOUND EFFECTS: Kris Force is a sound designer and a musician. She has worked on high profile video games like The Sims and leads the dark ambient ensemble of Amber Asylum. She created sound effects for Fatale and collaborated with Jarboe on the ambient music.

portrait CHOREOGRAPHY: Eléonore Valere Lachky is a contemporary dancer. She has worked with Belgium's leading choreographers (Vandekeybus, Platel and De Keersmaeker). Her improvizations to Gerry's song formed the basis of Laura's animation of Salome's dance in Fatale.