Running on
Samsung - Way Out
Pringles - World Cup
SKII - Chloë Grace Moretz in Pitera Wonderland
Papaya - Christmas Ad
Samsung - Do What You Can't
Infected Mushroom & Hadag Nahash - Legal Eyes
Samsung - No Crisis
Vows - Short Film
Appsflyer - It's Just Like
Muller - The Magic Factory
McDonald's - Mega Big Europe
Fiverr - Bye Bye Marco
Volvo V40 - Call My Name
Samsung - The Man Who Got to the Bottom of the Laundry Basket
Schweppes - Schweppes Energy
Wine - Branded Short Film
Renuar - Winter Collection
Fat Joe x Orlinski x Anna Zak - Gravity
Libra - Not What You'd Expect
Samsung - Calories Marathon
Wix - Scuba Diver
Muller - Muller Active
Ministry of Tourism - Sian Welby
Saga - Vox Monetæ
R3 - German Shlong
Partner - Netflix
Azrieli - Everything You Need
J.Views (ft. Benja Lyman) - We Moved
Gilad Kahana - You Are Not Alone
LFNT - Runaway Train
Acollective - BreakApart
Humor - Short Film