Today is March 21, 2025, which corresponds to 21 Adar, 5785. Our local sunset is at 7:48pm.
Thank you for viewing our website. We follow Jewish Tradition honoring the deceased while meeting the needs and wishes of our families, providing comfort and lasting final memories.
Our beautiful, state of the art, facility in Farmington Hills is located in the epicenter of the Jewish Community and has convenient access to cemeteries.
Family owned and operated, Alan Dorfman, licensed funeral director and Jonathan Dorfman, licensed funeral director and clinical psychologist specializing in grief therapy, exceed expectations with their expertise and commitment to the families who entrust them with their loved ones.
We hope our site will answer many of your questions and give you an opportunity to become familiar with our facility and philosophies. We are available to answer any questions you may have and we encourage you to either call, email, or stop by in person.
30440 W. 12 Mile Rd, Farmington Hills, MI 48334
Phone: 248.406.6000 toll free: 866.406.6003 fax: 248.406.6005
© 2003 - 2025 The Dorfman Chapel. All rights reserved.
Licensed funeral directors: Alan Dorfman, Jonathan Dorfman