123 Street Avenue, City Town, 99999

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Vintage and Antique mens rings including; Mexican Biker Rings, Military Rings, Trench Art Rings, Signet Rings, Intaglio Wax Seal Rings,  Masonic Rings, and Elegant Rings

Vintage Green Intaglio Warrior Tall Ship and Ship Silver Ring
Vintage Roman Soldiers Green Hardstone Cameo Tall Ships Dolphins & Anchors Silver & Gold Signet Ring
Vintage Greek God Hermes Carnelian Intaglio White Gold Peacock Ring
Vintage Jadeite Tall Ships and Fish Silver Ring
Vintage Warrior with Face Mask Helmet Intaglio Silver and Gold Axe Ring
Vintage Carnelian Viking Ships Silver Ring
Vintage Grape Vine Rose and Green Gold Leaves Silver Ring
Vintage Roman Warrior with Dagger Gold Intaglio Silver Ring
Vintage Grape Vine with Two Tone Gold Leaves Silver Ring
Vintage Carved Jade Buddha Leaves & Roses Silver Ring
1900’s Carved Quartz Bird & Flowers Cabochon Silver Buddha Ring
Vintage Carved Jade Buddha & Bamboo Silver Ring
Vintage Black Onyx Warrior Cameo & Angels Silver Ring
Vintage Deco Silver & Gold Bird of Paradise Ring Guatemala
Vintage Mexican Aztec Nude Sacrifice Ring
Vintage Enameled Indian Chief Mexican Ring
Vintage Enameled Silver Mexican Eagle Coat of Arms Ring
Vintage Worn Enameled Indian Chief Fleur de Lis Copper & Brass Mexican Ring
Vintage Armored Knight Shield & Weapons Silver & Brass Mexican Ring
Vintage Masonic Silver Mexican Ring
Vintage Aztec Eagle Warrior Thunderbirds Silver & Brass Mexican Ring
Vintage Carved Red Jasper Roman Intaglio Wax Seal Indian Shank Silver Signet Ring
Vintage Signet Ring Silver and Gold
Vintage FUCK YOU Silver Ring
Vintage Abalone Coral & Turquoise Silver Ring
Vintage Carved Jadeite Frog Silver Ring
Vintage 1930’s Black & Red Agate Silver Serpent Snake Ring
Vintage Zuni Inlay Turquoise & Mother of Pearl Mushroom Ring
Vintage Marijuana Leaf & Abalone Mexican Silver Ring
Vintage Deco Mother of Pearl Silver Ring
Vintage Triton Merman Silver Ring
Fly Fishing Lure Ring
Vintage Seahorse Silver Ring
Vintage Octopus ~ Kraken Massive Silver Statement Ring with Blue Sapphire Eyes
Vintage Bamboo Signet Silver Ring
Vintage Silver Chinese Dragon Ring
Vintage Silver Gucci Ring ~ Band
sold out
Vintage Silver Hand Shake Hidden Heart Love Token 3-Piece Puzzle Ring
Vintage Modern Era Dot & Braid Design Mexican Silver Ring
Vintage Silver & Goldstone Jester Ring
Vintage Reversible Butterfly or Tulip Double Sided Enameled Sterling Ring
Vintage Silver & Gold Tiger Eye Dragon Ring
Vintage Blue Enamel Eiffel Tower Brass Ring
Vintage Paris Ship Insignia Enamel Ring
Vintage Deco PARIS Eiffel Tower Silver Signet Ring
Antique Silver and Gold Anchor Ring
Vintage Bay of Naples Italy Souvenir Silver Ring
Vintage Tiger Eye Noh Hannya Oni Devil & Dragon Silver Ring
1900’s Nude Picture Stanhope Gold Tone Ring N.O.S.
Vintage Black Resin Playboy Bunny and Stars Silver Ring
sold out
1900’s Nude Picture Stanhope Ring N.O.S.
Vintage Alpha Kappa Phi Fraternity Red Jeweled Eyes Skull & Crossbones Enameled Silver Ring
Vintage Japanese Red Devil Noh Hannya Oni Toshikane Arita Porcelain Silver Ring
Vintage Carnelian & Banded Agate Gilt Floral Silver Ring
Vintage Gold Masonic Snake Diamond Ring
Fred Harvey Era Zuni Masonic Turquoise & Jet Silver Ring
Vintage Diamond & Gold Masonic Magic Dragon Ring
Vintage Pontiac Service Craftsman Indian Head Silver Ring with Crossed Arrows Arrowheads & Tomahawks
RARE Vintage AMA Enameled Ring with Eagles
Old Inlaid Turquoise Spider Web Silver Ring
Vintage Zuni Multi Stone Inlaid Sunrise ~ Sunset Biker Eagle Wings Silver Ring