Plant Reproductive Biology
In: Milton, S. and Dean, W.R.J. (eds).
The Karoo: ecological patterns and processes
Cambridge University Press, 1999
Esler, K.J., Rundel, P.W. and Cowling, R.M.
The succulent karoo in a global context: plant structural and functional
comparisons with North American winter rainfall deserts
In: Milton, S. and Dean, W.R.J. (eds). The Karoo: ecological patterns and
Cambridge University Press, 1999
Esler, K.J., Rundel, P.W. and Cowling, R.M. (1999). The succulent karoo in a
global context: plant structural and functional comparisons with North American
winter rainfall deserts. In: Milton, S. and Dean, W.R.J. (eds). The Karoo:
ecological patterns and processes. Cambridge University Press. Highlighted as
being an "outstanding chapter" in a review by Andrew Illius (2000) Another two
unique biomes? Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 15:124.
Esler, K.J., Jones F.E., Burke, A., Samways, M., Barnard, P., Gilbert, F. & Wissel, C.
Guidelines for sustainable rangeland management: recommendations on ecological
restoration of rangelands in the semi-arid Nama Karoo Biome, Magenta press, 2002
Esler, K.J., Milton, S.J., Dean, W.R. eds.
Karoo veld: Ecology and Management. Briza Publications, 2006
Esler, K.J., Milton, S.J., Dean, W.R. eds.
Karooveld: Ekologie en Bestuur. Briza Publikasies, 2006
le Roux, A, Jürgens, N, Mucina, L, Rutherford, MC, Schmiedel, U & Esler, K.J.
(2007, In press). Succulent Karoo Biome. In Mucina, L & Rutherford, MC (eds)
Vegetation Map of South Africa.
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