articles archive

The Danish Arts Council/ Kunstr�det


Previous newsletters

#18: January 2007
#17: May 2006
#16: January 2006

#15: December 2005
#14: November 2005
#13: October 2005
#12: September 2005

#11: August 2005
#10: July 2005
#9: June 2005
#8: May 2005

#7: April 2005
#6: March 2005

#5: February 2005
#4: January 2005
#3: December 2004
#2: November 2004
#1: October 2004

Welcome to - your news resource for information about net art, software art, and other computer based art forms. Our mission is to promote these art forms to a broad audience because we believe they can develop and nuance our views on advanced technologies and the society they are a part of. is now an archive of articles and activities from the period 2001-2007. No new articles will be added, but you are welcome to browse through our previously published articles. Your hosts and editors were Kristine Ploug & Thomas Petersen. Contact us at: artificial at artificial dot dk.

Special: Embodiment in Digital Art

[January 22nd 2007]
Special: Embodiment in Digital Art
In this last special at Artificial we have chosen the theme: 'Embodiment in digital art'. Inspired by current trends in media art and theory, we take our point of departure in the expanded notion of the digital image in order to have a closer look at the role of the body in contemporary digital art and culture.

Challenging Joypad Domination - Game Art for the Body and the Brain

[January 22nd 2007]
Special: Challenging Joypad Domination - Game Art for the Body and the Brain
The game art installation EdgeBomber by the young German art and gaming group Susigames contributes to the current trend of augmented and physical games. Emil Bach Soerensen asked Susigames a few questions about EdgeBomber and physical gaming in general.

Learning Embodiment from Film and Video Art

[January 22nd 2007]
Special: Learning Embodiment from Film and Video Art
Contemporary digital art and design dealing with augmented reality and embodied interfaces can learn a lot from film and video art. Emil Bach Soerensen spoke with Joachim Jäger, curator of the exhibition Beyond Cinema: The Art of Projection at Hamburger Bahnhof.


[October 20th 2006]
Stories about the meeting between art and people
The Danish group Oncotype has won prizes for interactive media art and advanced web design. Emil Bach Soerensen met the designer and film director Morten Schjoedt for a talk about the 'virtual extension' Oncotype has built for Thorvaldsens Museum in Copenhagen.

Marius Watz

[May 5th 2006]
10*10. 10 Questions for 10 Nordic Artists
The sixth chapter in Artificial's unpredictable series of interviews takes us to an old friend and favorite of Artificial: Norwegian Marius Watz.

[February 21st 2006]
10*10. 10 Questions for 10 Nordic Artists
The fifth chapter in Artificial's unpredictable series of interviews with Nordic artists takes us to Juha Huuskonen in Finland.


[February 8th 2006]
Special: Refresh 2005
Torben Olander went to the Refresh festival in Banff, Canada. He asked a number of interesting participants the same four questions.

Talking Cure

[January 30th 2006]
Digital Literature - Interview with Noah Wardrip-Fruin
Roberto Simanowski talked with Noah Wardrip-Fruin about disappearing, instrumental, fixed, and responsive text - about text-games, word pictures, critical technical practices, and the future of digital literature.


[January 22nd 2006]
Special: Art Games - Keeping Watch on the Cultural Frontier
In the - at least for now - last article in the Art Games Special, Torben Olander talked to San Francisco based artist Steve Wilson, who combines art, science and games.


[December 31st 2005]
Special: Art Games - From an Artist's Perspective
Artist Mathias Fuchs continues Artificial's series on Art Games. In his terminology Game Art is the right word to use.

Marc Downie

[December 19th 2005]
'How Long does the Subject Linger on the Edge of the Volume ...'
Emil Bach Soerensen and Tatiana Lyng met with artist and researcher Marc Downie for a talk about the creative meeting between dance and live computing.


[December 7th 2005]
Special: Art Games - Generating Art from a Computer Game
Many artists use various types of processes, events, social patterns etc. as controlling or contributing factors in the creation of artworks. Alison Mealey has chosen to base her art on the computer game Unreal Tournament. Thomas Petersen interviewed her.

Art Games

[December 1st 2005]
Special: Art Games - Recommendations
Artificial's list with recommendations of Art Games. The list is not exhaustive but gives you some pointers on where to start. Editor: Kristine Ploug


[December 1st 2005]
Special: Art Games - An Introduction
Art games is becoming a genre. Over the next month, Artificial puts focus on Art Games. In this first article, Kristine Ploug introduces the genre.

Thor Magnusson

[November 16th 2005]
Intelligent Tools in Music
In this article by Thor Magnusson we are introduced to the role of computational intelligence in the composition of music. The author asks what benefits a computer brings to the musician, how the computer can contribute to the creative process, and if a computer can be creative at all?

Marita Liulia

[November 12th 2005]
10*10. 10 Questions for 10 Nordic Artists
Our fourth chapter of 10*10 takes us to Finland to Marita Liulia's versatile universe of digital, performances, a webshop, and lots more.


[November 10th 2005]
Digital Art in a Limestone Mine
The new Danish digital art festival, MINE took place November 5-6, 2005. The exhibition mainly took place in the Thingbaek limestone mines (Thingbaek kalkminer). Here are some pictures from the event. Photos: Thomas Petersen

Samorost 2

[October 21st 2005]
Amongst Mushrooms and Singing Goats
We have previously written about the spellbinding Flash game Samorost. Kristine Ploug and Thomas Petersen talked to Jakub Dvorsky of Amanita Design who is soon ready with a sequel to Samorost. You can try Samorost 2 the MINE festival in the limestone mines of Thingbaek, Denmark (


[October 21st 2005]
Interview with Theo Jansen
Theo Jansen is a Dutch artist with a background in science. For the last 15 years, he has been evolving a series of wind-powered animals, made of plastic tubes. Theo Jansen received the Jury's Special Price in the Interactive Art category at Ars Electronica Festival 2005. Sebastian Campion met him for a talk.

Ars Electronica

[October 3rd 2005]
Impressions from Ars Electronica 2005
Artificial went to the Ars Electronica festival in Linz, Austria and brought back lots of impressions and photos. Your editors Thomas Petersen and Kristine Ploug comment on a few of the art pieces shown at the festival. Design student Ditte Kilsgaard Moeller drew her impressions.


[September 20th 2005]
Generative Art Now. An Interview with Marius Watz
Marius Watz is an artist and curator who is organizing the conference and exhibition Generator.x in Oslo, Norway (Sept. 23-). The event deals with the current role of software and generative strategies in art and design. Thomas Petersen asked about generative art, Marius' own art and Generator.x.

Robert Brecevic

[September 17th 2005]
10*10. 10 Questions for 10 Nordic Artists
Here is the third chapter in Artificial's interview survey of the Nordic Scene for digital arts. Nils Claesson handed the questions to co-swede Robert Brecevic.

Sonic Wire Sculptor

[September 13th 2005]
Artistic Interfaces. Between Instrument and Artwork
At Ars Electronica 2005 in Linz, Thomas Petersen found 3 examples of hybrids between artworks and artistic instruments, which explore the relations between sound and vision in physical and virtual space. In this article he offers a few perspectives on what we can learn from these artistic interfaces.

Zuse Z22

[August 25th 2005]
Heavy machinery and abstract art in a new context at ZKM
The German Centre for Art and Media (ZKM) is currently showing the exhibition The Algorithmic Revolution. Soeren Pold takes his point of departure in Konrad Zuses Z22 computer from 1957 and gives us his take on the historical digital art strategies from the exhibition.

Please touch the screen!

[August 25th 2005]
Please touch the screen!
The German Centre for Art and Media (ZKM) is currently showing the exhibition The Algorithmic Revolution. Emil Bach Soerensen visited the exhibition and gives a brief comment on two digital artworks to give us a reminder of the significance of the active human participant.

10*10 - Nils Claesson

[August 15th 2005]
10*10. 10 Questions for 10 Nordic Artists
Here is the next chapter in our unpredictable interview series with Nordic artists. Norwegian artist Trine Eidsmo chose to pass the questions to Swedish artist Nils Claesson.

[August 9th 2005]
The Winchester Trilogy - Interview with Jeremy Blake
During the last five years Jeremy Blake has established himself on the international art scene with his fusion of abstract paintings, film footage, sound and animation. He is currently showing his Winchester Trilogy at San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. Torben Olander met with him.

10*10 - Trine Eidsmo

[July 28th 2005]
10*10. 10 Questions for 10 Nordic Artists
Artificial sets out to dig an alternative route through the activities on the Nordic scene for computer based art. We handed Norwegian artist Trine Eidsmo a set of 10 questions and she will in turn pass them on to an artist of her choice. This artist will choose a new artist ... and so forth.


[July 13th 2005]
Stars Fading on the Web
Artificial has previously explored how stars are extensively used as elements in digital artworks. Coincidentally, stars on the web also turned out to be a great interest of Russian artist Olia Lialina. Thomas Petersen talked to Olia about her peculiar interest and about the ephemeral nature of web expressions.

Carlo Zanni

[June 29th 2005]
I Simply Call it Art
One of the artists that has kept popping up over the last few years is Italian Carlo Zanni. He originally got us interested when he launched the Altarboy – a device where art collectors can control when their internet art pieces are online. Kristine Ploug talked to him.

Yellow Arrow

[June 9th 2005]
Pointing to the Hidden Stories of the City
The project Yellow Arrow lets you discover hidden layers of your city and place your own stories in the urban landscape. Thomas Petersen asked the Yellow Arrow organization a few questions about the project, now that the project is being launched in Denmark.

Get Real

[June 7th 2005]
Images from Get Real at Museet for Samtidskunst
Until June 12th 2005 you have the chance to see the Get Real exhibition at Museet for Samtidskunst in Roskilde, Denmark. A great line-up of artists are showing their take on the concept of 'real time art' with everything from web projects to installations and performances. Photos: Thomas Petersen.

Art if I Want

[May 22d 2005]
Kids Working with Art History through Digital Art
In the creation of the project Art if I Want, French digital artist Nicolas Clauss explored how digital art can be used as a catalyst to let youngsters deal with art history in a hands-on manner. Thomas Petersen interviewed him about the process and practicalities of the project and his own working process.

For more articles, check our archive.


SpecialsSpecial: Embodiment in Digital ArtSpecial: Art GamesSpecial: RefreshSpecial: 10 *10. 10 Questions for 10 Nordic ArtistsSpecial: Net StarsSpecial: 5FavesSpecial: Generative artSpecial: Blogging from Read_me 2004Special: Software artSpecial: RADAR 2004Special: Wartime


contact: artificial at artificial dot dk