All Blog Posts Tagged 'horse health' (327)

The Importance of Stretching Your Horse

We spend hours and hours in training our horses to develop them physically or to perfect a certain maneuver, but how many of us take 5-10 minutes after the cool down to stretch out our horse's muscles? My guess is not enough!

Stretching is very important for maintaining maximum mobility and suppleness in muscles. When your horse's muscles…


Added by Sharon McMaster on June 29, 2009 at 3:30am — 1 Comment

The Heart of the Sahara

Last time I was talking about our veterinary clinics in the North of Tunisia, and the bleak arid zone around Kasserine in the centre. But of course, Tunisia stretches way down to the south - in fact it's shaped like a dagger pointing right at the heart of the Sahara.

But I love it there. It is another world, and worlds away from the forests and mountains of the north.

Our centre is in Kebili, where we were given a bit of sand by the Ministry to play with, and over the last six… Continue

Added by SPANA on June 24, 2009 at 9:03am — No Comments

Controlling Flies in Equine Stables

When springtime arrives the earth is warmed up and it bounds back to life. Most of that life is very welcome, but some of it we would rather do without. One such example we equine lovers have to deal with are those pesky flies. Why do horses and flies go hand in hand anyway? The answer is because the horses provide flies with an abundance of their favourite breeding ground: manure. If we can limit fly population where they breed by introducing natural enemies, then it becomes a long-term… Continue

Added by Frank Marchetti on June 17, 2009 at 10:56pm — 4 Comments

Maintenance Massage for Your Horse

Most people will think of calling a massage therapist when their horse has a major problem. While massage is a wonderful treatment for many strains and injuries, what about the times in between when the horse appears fine? Your horse doesn't need to have an obvious existing problem in order to benefit from massage. In fact, the most effective use of…


Added by Sharon McMaster on June 16, 2009 at 6:00am — 3 Comments

Toward An Equine Bill of Rights

A gentleman from LinkedIn posed a question about a pets' bill of rights that got me thinking about the point of having such a thing for horses and its possible uses and abuses.

For a little research, I Googled pets' bill of rights and found a few inane lists by pet care companies ("we have the right to snuggle daily") that included rights obvious to any animal lover but really didn't, um, fit the bill.

I did find something on… Continue

Added by Kimberly Cox Carneal on June 10, 2009 at 3:48am — 3 Comments

The Working Animals of Tunisia

Tunisia is a strange country - in fact it's more like two countries. Many people might wonder what SPANA is doing there at all, but that's because they go there as holiday makers in search of the sun, and rarely stray out of the coastal beach resorts. There they see slick tourist resorts and villages along with the wealth and prosperity that brings to local people.

But move inland, and only a few miles at that, and you come across a totally diferent Tunisia,

Here life is… Continue

Added by SPANA on June 8, 2009 at 6:06am — 1 Comment

A long way to go, but we'll get there in the end!

Lately I haven't been blogging much.

Had a period where we just tried to figure out how to practice the most effective way for our clinic next Saturday.

Well, to be honest, I am not sure if we will be ready to go there. You see, last Tuesday she had her hooves fixed, and had a huge bacterial infection in them. The barefoot trimmer had to dig a little to make it better, but unfortunately she was sore under her legs the day after. And she still is.…


Added by Kine R on May 24, 2009 at 12:00pm — 1 Comment

Grooming Tips From the Top

Show groomers share secret techniques for making their horses stand out on show day.

Every top show groom has his or her own bag of tricks out of which they pull some secret technique to make their horses stand out. Here's a list of tips to help you shine on show day:

For really white socks or stockings, dust the legs with baby powder, corn starch or French white chalk.

To cut down on static electricity in the mane and tail, use dryer… Continue

Added by Sarah at on May 20, 2009 at 1:00pm — 2 Comments

10 Hours as a Donkey - We did the London Marathon!


Hurrah, hurrah. The nightmare that was the 2009 London Marathon is over. I survived – but only just. In fact the reason it’s taken a few days to write this, is that I’m only just now walking again without sticks.

Blisters. I’m now an expert on blisters – my poor feet – I had blisters on the blisters. But since, if you remember, the whole point of the exercise was to get a worn-out, broken-down old geezer (me) to…


Added by SPANA on May 11, 2009 at 8:00am — No Comments

With SPANA in Syria and on the Streets of London!

Last week we were in Syria – we’ve had a SPANA project there for fifteen years now. Slightly strange place, difficult, tough government, yet the people are some of the nicest in the Middle East. They are, because of the politics, very cut off from the west, so when Diana (our Education Director) gives a Teacher Training Course (we have just produced the standard curriculum text-book on animal welfare and the environment), everyone is aching to hear and try out the latest methods.…


Added by SPANA on April 27, 2009 at 6:00am — No Comments

OPERATING MANUALS FOR YOUR BARN - a lesson in communication!

Every industry in the world seems to have operating manuals and S.O.Ps (standard operating procedures). Personally, I come from the corporate hotel world . Having worked in properties such as Loews Coronado Bay Resort and Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas, we were surrounded by operating manuals and standard procedures - it was a sure fire way to back up our training and communication techniques as well as providing a permanent resource to answer any questions our staff might ever have.

Even as…


Added by Sarah at on April 26, 2009 at 12:30pm — No Comments

Food For Thought (that leaves a bad taste)


I’m supposed to keep a focus in this blog about how equine body language, psychology and behaviour relate to training issues with horses. However, in all honesty, it’s been a whirlwind week at work and I am way behind schedule on my “to do” list and now I am soon needing to catch a plane from Calgary across the pond for a clinic this weekend in Ireland. So… I thought that since there is so much debate rearing up again about the issue of horse slaughter that I might take…


Added by Chris Irwin on April 23, 2009 at 9:30am — 16 Comments

Of Equine Bondage and Bonding

Today I read an article that basically hobbled my brain, preventing me from thinking about anything else until I worked out my feelings about it.

The author of the piece makes some assertions about the relationship between horses and their people that no logical mind can dismiss. However his tone, a sort of, “these are the cold, hard facts for all you hairy-neck-nuzzlers–face up to them!” renders even the most obvious “facts”…


Added by Kimberly Cox Carneal on April 16, 2009 at 10:00am — 15 Comments

New Accreditation for Equine Welfare in the works

Accreditation move "turning point" for equine welfare

April 15, 2009

A planned accreditation programme for equine rescue groups and sanctuaries in the United States has been described as a turning point for the equine welfare community.

The scheme was discussed during a meeting a recently completed conference in Las Vegas attended by dozens of national and state-based equine protection, advocacy and rescue organisations.

The third annual Homes for Horses…


Added by Sarah at on April 15, 2009 at 10:00pm — No Comments

How To Become Your Farrier's Best Friend

Ever since a good old boy farrier lost his patience with my nervous Palomino quarter horse gelding and slapped him in the ribs with a rasp, I’ve been very interested in barefoot farriery. I had to be, because there was no way that knuckle-dragger was going near my horses again, and what I saw of local farriers’ work did not impress me. I don’t mean to make out like I’m a hoof expert. Oh no far from it. Or that I disapprove of shoeing horses. I don’t. I have as good a grasp as anybody of the…


Added by Kimberly Cox Carneal on April 15, 2009 at 10:00am — 1 Comment

The Mindlessness of Equestrian Vanity

OK, the headline is unusually harsh, even for a blogger who examines every detail of horsemanship with skepticism. A little sensational, you say? Yes, I agree. But, read on, if you can.

"Sometimes things don’t have to have a point - they just have to make you smile." And these images of horses with hair extensions do just…


Added by Kimberly Cox Carneal on April 15, 2009 at 12:00am — 16 Comments

An Oasis in the Oasis - Water for the Working Animals of Marrakech

We have been trying for several years to provide fresh, clean drinking water for the working animals of Marrakech. ‘Not very difficult, that,’ you might say, ‘Build a couple of good, old-fashioned water-troughs’.

Ah, but you haven’t reckoned with the bureaucracy of the Moroccan authorities, nor the cunning of its citizens.

After several months of petitioning, we did indeed finally get permission to build a couple of troughs around the city. ‘Water is expensive’, they said.…


Added by SPANA on April 13, 2009 at 7:30am — No Comments

I love itchy spots!

Over the last two days Sahara has opened up and shown me whole heap of itchy spots. Scratching your horse may not seem like much, but, don't underestimate the power of spending undemanding time with your horse. Just hanging out, giving scratches, finding itchy places. Just because you are not going any where and doing what seems like nothing can be so important for your horse! I have always known that spending undemanding time with your horse was important. But Sahara has highlighted that…


Added by Steph on April 9, 2009 at 5:00am — 2 Comments

Introducing SPANA....

SPANA (Society for the Protection of Animals Abroad) is one of the world’s oldest international veterinary charities, providing practical care for around 380,000 working animals a year in 8 countries in Africa and the Middle East.

Millions of people around the world still get their income from a working animal, be it a donkey, mule, horse or camel. For thousands of years they have been the only truck and taxi that millions of…


Added by SPANA on April 7, 2009 at 7:30am — 1 Comment

When do you know you have made the right choice?

Laminitis. What a horrible thing. Just 4 months ago I had heard of it but had never given it much thought as it didn’t affect me since I owned a large Clydesdale mare, it is just a pony thing isn’t it?

I’m sure the last thing you want to hear is another sob story about a wonderful horse that has been put down for some reason or another. It’s sweet to read all these articles about wonderful horses who were amazing and special and had quirky personalities that made them unique.…


Added by Equine Trader on April 5, 2009 at 7:30pm — 5 Comments

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