4,242 Entries Served
I stopped updating this site in early 2017 due to the failure of some old tools that made it easy, chronic insomnia and eye problems. While my website's landing page said: "(not updated after early 2017; see the Facebook page for current deaths)," I never made it clear here and I should have. Sorry about that. So this site is reasonably accurate through early 2017 when I stopped updating it.
There is an active Facebook group for Dead People Server. If you want to join, you must answer 2 questions and read the rules and indicate that you've read them. We sometimes have issues with trolls in the Facebook group. Since many people who claim to want to join can't be bothered with reading the rules, I haven't added any new members in over a week. The rules are basically to try to enforce some civil behavior, which I know can be very difficult these days.
Remember whats'er name? She played the girl in that dumb movie with whoziss. What ever happened to her? Specifically, is she dead yet?
Here's where to find out. The Dead People Server is a database of interesting celebrities who are long dead or newly dead. They may be "retired" or spaced. DPS tells you who has really Rung Down the Curtain and Joined the Choir Invisible, and who's Just Resting. To help the terminally confused, I've built a Quash Those Death Rumors page.
"Interesting," in the previous paragraph, means "I felt like putting them on this list." Your mileage will vary. If you're curious how I decide to add folks to the list, see the Guidelines. Dead People Server is committed to providing factual information about the deaths of people listed here.
A few sites like to call the actual deaths of people "hoaxes" so you'll click to them. Always ignore postings from sites like the ones on the right hand side of Facebook pages or at the bottom of some Web pages. Many fake sites are listed on the right hand side of pages. You can always check here or go to or Snopes. Fight clickbait and lies online!
If you run a podcast/radio/TV talk show, I'm available to play trivia, talk about celebrity deaths or talk about the site or the Internet in general. Drop me a line to arrange an appearance or interview.
There are a few entries of fake people/entities/other in Dead People Server. At least six I can think of. Each entry is pretty obvious. If an occasional joke offends you, you shouldn't be reading a site called Dead People Server. If some blunt discussion of death offends you, you shouldn't be reading this site either.
Do you run a Web site for a celebrity? Please don't take it down when the subject dies!
Have a personal photo of someone in Dead People Server? Send me a copy for the Photo Gallery!
If you can't find the answer here to your search, and you're looking for a movie or TV celebrity, go to the Internet Movie Database, an amazingly-complete database of anyone who's ever been on celluloid. I usually link to an individual's biography in IMDb by putting this graphic IMDb beside the entry. I'm adding links back to specific records in other useful content sites by using the following icons:
Home Page |
IBDB | Internet Broadway Database Record |
Related YouTube video |
Obituary | Related Obituary |
FindAGrave | Internment Information at FindAGrave |
Dead People Server Photo/Graphic Gallery |
AwardWeb | AwardWeb (literary award winners) |
Longtime readers may wonder why I no longer link to Wikipedia. It's simple - Wikipedia pretends to have accurate, unbiased information, when, in reality, it is extraordinarily biased. Some controlling admins at Wikipedia have banished people (mostly women, of course) for telling the truth, notably about Gamergate, but you'll see the politics in other places. So I changed my Wikipedia username to "lauriemannhaslefttheboysclub" and would delete the account in a heartbeat as I will no longer contribute links, content or money to it. I am working on removing the many links I'd had to Wikipedia from this site in the past. It's simply "Boypedia" to me now, which means it's not worth accessing. Yes, I freely admit, Dead People Server has biases, but I've always been honest about what my biases are. Boypedia lies routinely about theirs.
If you have a photograph of someone who is listed in Dead People Server, I'll be happy to store the photograph here or link back to a photo at your site. Sketches are also welcome. Please note that you must be the owner of the photo or sketch; I do not include photos that are copyrighted by other people (publicity stills, et.c.). Submit photo.
Disclaimer: Information is confirmed by a variety of sourcees, but I sometimes make mistakes. I try to check all material against at least two sources, and do not include purely bogus material (except, as noted above as an occasional joke). If you're trying to research a celebrity that interests you, here's how to do the research. You might consult DPS or the "How to Find" file first before posting the question to alt.obituaries.
If you find this kind of trivia intriguing, you might want get involved with deadpools. I've been active in the alt.obituaries deadpool since 2006. I followed the dead pool for about ten years. You're welcome to use DPS for research for this or any of the other deadpools that are out on the Web. I also maintain a short list of recommended deadpools.
Six Feet Under was the "official" television program of Dead People Server. It slipped at times, but it picked up again dramatically during its last season.
This site uses the PostCrypt True Type font for many of its headings. You can download PostCrypt for your Windows computer.