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3401 Market Street suite 130, Philadelphia, PA 19104, (215-387-1865)
This address and the phone numbers have changed as of July 15, 2000
Dear Friends,
Over 600 people attended the Memory and Reality: Emerging Crisis
conference at Valley Forge. Approximately one quarter of the attendees
were professionals. People came from afar. One man flew directly from
New Zealand to tell us about the situation in that country. Three
people flew from England to tell us that they represented twenty-five
families there. Professionals and families came from across Canada and
the United States. Researchers, clinicians, lawyers, judges,
sociologists, anthropologists, doctors, law enforcement, clergy,
siblings, friends, students, accused and accusers were all there.
Also present were thirty-four members of the press working on
stories for ABC, CBS, Fox and NBC news, CBC TV, Blue Sky Productions,
Answers in Action Journal, Changes Magazine, Family Therapy Networker,
Insight Magazine, Moving Forward, Mother Jones, The New Yorker, The
Philadelphia Inquirer, Psychology Today, The San Diego Union-Tribune.
The talks addressed the scientific issues that have been the basis
of confusion about FMS. This conference dispelled the pseudoscientific
notions that have fueled the phenomenon. MEMORIES FOR EVENTS ARE
A selection of the papers presented at the conference will be
prepared for a book appropriate for a range of readers including
students in college classes and seminars. Editors will be McHugh,
Orne, Wakefield, and Freyd.
Papers from the conference will be available as soon as we have
them. Included in this newsletter is a list of papers that may be
ordered now from FMSF. We also enclose information for ordering video
or audio tapes.
Scientific issues are clear, and it is only a matter of time before
they are fully understood by the public, the mental health profession
at large and the media. Elizabeth Loftus discussed research showing
that false memories can be implanted. Dinges and Orne presented
research evidence that hypnosis may result in inaccurate or false
memories. Perry showed that "regression" may result in inaccurate or
false memories, and Singer discussed the enormous potential for
suggestion in the therapist-client relationship.
The historical trends in psychiatric thinking and practice that have
resulted in the current phenomenon were reviewed by Lief, McHugh,
Ganaway and Frankel. Clinical issues relating to FMS diagnosis and
treatment were raised in this panel.
Other talks covered a range of diverse topics including Survivor
Logic, Legal Issues, Satanic Conspiracy Stories, and the Franklin
Case. Five case histories were presented by women who said they had
experienced false memories. One even brought a sodium amytal interview
tape of herself showing suggestive questioning.
Round Table discussions covered issues that dealt with immediate
practical concerns of families and professionals. Lots of networking
took place in these sessions.
One of the highlights was Ulric Neisser's keynote address,
"Memory with a Grain of Salt." An excerpt:
"So what is the bottom line? What are we to think of the claim that
a large proportion of women (and some proportion of men) were
victimized in this way and then repressed it for years or decades?
That during this time the unconscious memory of the abuse has severe
negative effects on the course of their lives? We cannot assert that
this could never happen. There is child abuse, and there are such
things as repressed memories. But there are also such things as
false memories and confabulations, and they are not rare at all.
Misrememberings are the rule, not the exception. They occur all the
time. They occur even in cases where the subject is absolutely
confident -- even when the memory is a seemingly unforgettable
flashbulb, one of those metaphorical mental photographs. They are
still more likely to occur in cases where suggestion is a lively
possibility, where memories can be shaped and re-shaped to meet the
strong interpersonal demands of a therapy session. And once a memory
has been reconfigured in this way, it is very, very hard to change.
"These general principles cannot help us to decide, with certainty,
where the truth lies in any individual case or claim. But on the
average, across a large number of such claims, it is pretty obvious
where we should place our bets. Misremembering and retrospective
reworking of the past are a part of human nature; they go with the
territory and they happen all the time. Claims for perfect memory,
flawlessly preserved through decades of repression, should be taken
with more than one grain of salt."
PROFESSIONAL ISSUES relating to the FMS phenomenon still need to be
addressed. Currently some professionals consider that "historical
truth" is important, and they try to ascertain it. At the same time, a
large proportion of professionals consider that they are responsible
for dealing only with the "narrative truth" or a patient's "feelings."
They believe that it is not their job to look for external
documentation. They do not use scientific procedures or evidence.
The issue of historical vs. narrative truth seems to be an issue
that has been simmering for a century in the therapeutic community.
The fact that therapy and law have become so intertwined in recent
years because of "repressed memories" is perhaps what brings it to the
fore now. It leads to the following question:
We note on this issue that if a medical doctor thought only of her
or his particular client, she or he would not recommend vaccinations
because of the risk to the individual. As it is, vaccinations are
considered so important that their use has been legislated. (See box.)
Do the standards of the health professions reach all the way to the
mental health professions?
/ \
| "This was consistently an excellent conference. It is probably the |
| most successful I have ever attended....We are indeed facing a |
| terrible, most embarrassing crisis....I feel a terrible urgency |
| about this." |
| Psychologist |
| "Extraordinary!" |
| Family Member |
| |
| "This conference is going to be viewed as a turning point!" |
| Conference Speaker |
| |
| "I have never been at such a high level scientific conference in |
| which the talks were presented so that a lay audience could |
| understand them. Remarkable." |
| Science Reporter |
| |
| "My first emotion was positive because of the information and |
| support for my friend....My second emotion was of incredible |
| sadness. I looked around that room and saw all those lives that |
| are being torn apart. I don't know how I would cope with losing my |
| family. I pray I never have to find out." |
| A Friend |
/ \
| There was a basic ethical problem confronting every physician who |
| vaccinated a child against smallpox. The safest thing for any |
| individual would have been to vaccinate everybody he came in |
| contact with but not to be vaccinated himself. In chapter 134 of |
| Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine we find that "The rates |
| of adverse effect per million primarily vaccinated persons were |
| vaccinia gangrenosum, 0.9; eczema vaccinatum, 10.4; generalized |
| vaccinia, 23.4; vaccinal lesions resulting from accidental |
| implantation of virus, 11.8; postvaccinal encephalitis, 2.9; other |
| complications, 11.8." In chapter 348 we find that smallpox |
| vaccination was "followed by an incidence of acute disseminated |
| encephalomyelitis averaging perhaps 1 case per 5000 persons |
| vaccinated...The mortality was 20 percent, and perhaps half the |
| survivors were left with residual deficits." If a physician's |
| responsibility had been only to his own clients he could not have |
| recommended routine vaccination. And smallpox would still be with |
| us. |
Increasingly we are being asked to define false memory syndrome.
Therapists who specialize in developing memories of incest are
challenging us to produce a list of symptoms that can be used "to
establish the presence of false memory syndrome." How simple life
would be if people could establish their innocence with a list of
symptoms! Lawyers use the phrase "proving a negative" to describe the
impossible task of proving that something did not happen. It is not
clear if accused parents should accept any of the burden of proof in
these cases.
Nonetheless one of our members suggests that such a list has, in
fact, been provided in Healing the Incest Wound by Christine A.
Courtois Ph.D. -- the most standard of references -- where it is
credited to Dr. David Calof. It is a list of the sixteen traits "most
often used by incestuous families to maintain the integrity and
homeostasis of the family unit." No scoring method is suggested there,
but if indeed the family did have a stable integrity and if these are
the traits most often used by such families when they are incestuous
families, then we may suppose that a low score should be taken as
evidence of false memory syndrome.
(1) Collective denial and shared secrets about a multitude of
problems, not just the incest. These include problems such as
alcoholism and other addictions, major illnesses, family
illegitimacies, previous marriages, etc.
(2) Duplicity and deceit between family members. The family goes to
great lengths to protect itself and develops protective myths as
defense mechanisms.
(3) Social isolation, which is generally enforced by the parents.
(4) Parents who are expert at manipulating the context of a
situation and shifting reality. As an example, abuse, alcoholism, or
other family problems are denied while their reality is, in fact,
(5) Role confusion and boundary diffusion both within and outside of
the family.
(6) A child who is triangulated into the parents' marriage, which is
often characterized by a failed sexual relationship. The child is used
to defuse the situation and to keep the family intact.
(7) Poor tolerance for differences from the family norm and for
anger and conflict.
(8) Overly moralistic. In some families, religious beliefs are quite
rigid and intolerant and are used to cover transgressions. For
example, the child is often faced with strong moral injunctions about
sex outside of marriage and the evils of sexual temptation even while
she is being sexually used and stimulated.
(9) No touch except for bad touch. Being abused comes to be equated
with love.
(10) Inadequate parenting. Children grow up too quickly by having to
attend to their parents' needs. Their own needs are unmet and and
their development compromised.
(11) Low humor and high sarcasm. Emotional abuse may characterize
the interactions in these families. Children may be consistently
criticized and belittled, with little or no encouragement. Praise or
reward is lacking. These families are said to be "character and
(12) Dead, missing or part-time parent(s). The job of parenting may
be abandoned in favor of other activities (work, drinking, etc.).
(13) Children may be unwanted and treated that way. Herman(1981)
documented enforced pregnancies among mothers of incest survivors. It
stands to reason that children conceived under such circumstances will
be emotionally neglected or worse.
(14) Unpredictability and intermittent reinforcement. Like
physically abusive families, many incestuous families are inconsistent
towards children, who may be loved one day and abused the next for the
same behavior. The child learns to "expect the unexpected" and thus is
deprived of basic security. These families may also be inconstant in
other ways. Family life may be chaotic and characterized by
interchangeable family members (sequential live-in lovers and their
families, step-siblings, or members of the extended family who move in
and out), and frequent geographic moves (as in military families or
evicted families).
(15) Violence and the threat of violence. The threat of violence may
be always present even if violence is not exercised. In some families,
actual violence is the norm and in the most extreme cases reaches the
level of being tortured.
(16) No time for recovery and noone to turn to. The child may be so
isolated and the abuse so pervasive that she has no opportunity to
process it. Consequently, she contains it and copes as best she
can. The most extreme form of such non-integration is multiple
personality disorder, where experiences are split off into various
[Calof, D. (1987). Treating Adult Survivors of Incest and Child Abuse.
Workshop presented at the Family Network Symposium, Washington, D.C.,
quoted in Courtois, C.A. (1988). Healing the Incest Wound: Adult
Survivors in Therapy. W.W.Norton & Company, N.Y., N.Y.]
Our member writes "One would hope that a therapist whose client
develops memories of incest would think it routine to check this list
against the record. A call to the family's physician will probably
give information about (2), (5), (10), (11), (12) and (13) and
certainly give information about (1), (4) and (15). Checking with
teachers and childhood friends will give information about (3), (7),
(8) and (11). (All sorts of people will be able to comment about (11):
low humor and high sarcasm are evident to almost everyone.) Not all
of, but a good part of (14) is a simple matter of record: how many
people acted as biological or adoptive or step-parents? How many
people came in and out of the family as step-siblings? How many homes
were established during the child's upbringing? As for (16), I am at a
bit of a loss to understand why it is listed as a 'family trait' but I
gather that the absence of MPD should be taken as a confirmation of
false memory syndrome."
/ \
| Legions of mental health professionals are in effect telling |
| clients: |
| |
| "Even though you experienced it (alleged sexual abuse), you can |
| neither remember nor understand it. And even though I did not |
| experience it, your repressed misunderstanding allows me to |
| comprehend it better than you." This is the kind of logic that |
| only the Mad Hatter could fully appreciate. |
| Terence W. Campbell, Ph.D., April 20, 1993 |
Of particular note is the following advice, not to parents, but to
Paul R. McHugh, M.D., Johns Hopkins Medical School
from a talk presented at Memory and Reality: Emerging Crisis
A careful diagnostic procedure is critical in cases of incest
accusation that arise in the context of the recovery of memories. Such
accusations may eventually involve criminal charges.
(1) The first step is to find out the nature of the accusation in
as much detail as possible.
(2) Next, we bring in the marital pair and examine each spouse
separately. In the process, we ask intimate details of their sexual
congress. We can then compare the responses and see the level of
(3) The third step is to:
(a) obtain the names of the physicians and hospitals to which
the accuser may have been admitted during the time of the alleged
accusations. We call them and inquire about the nature of the illness
and ask if there was evidence of any other sorts of injury.
(b) obtain school reports and review these for any unexplained
absences. We inquire as to whether the therapist or the accuser has
also asked for information from these sources.
(4) If we note that there has been no injury and no unusual
absences and if, in addition, there had been congruence in the
parents' stories, we recommend a polygraph. Using information from
congruency of parents stories, from physicians, hospitals and school
reports, from knowledge as to whether the accuser and her therapist
also requested this information and from the results from the
polygraph, we make a judgment as to the probability of the truth or
falsity of the accusations.
(5) At this point, we try to see the other therapist and share
information that might be helpful to all parties involved. We
naturally expect cooperation in these types of cases since that is
what we usually have in all other types of cases. When such
cooperation is not forthcoming, the issue of good faith efforts from
the others is raised.
/ \
| "I have said many times that hate is like an acid that does as |
| much damage to the vessel in which it is stored as to the object |
| on which it is poured." |
| Ann Landers' March 30, Rockland (NY) Journal News |
I "Recollections of childhood: A study of the retrospective method."
Yarrow, M., Campbell, J.D, Burton, R.
(Laboratory of Socio-environmental studies, NIMH)
Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development
# 138, Vol. 35, No 5 August 1970.
This paper reports on a longitudinal study of a cohort of families
in order to study retrospective memories of events and feelings. The
first step was to record events and perceptions involving 30
parents/children in a nursery school setting. This provided baseline
information. Because the children were so young, the baseline
perceptions were mostly from mothers. Years later, the researchers
recorded the mother's later recall and they also asked the children
about these things -- and then they compared the responses.
Some conclusions: "When recollection is dissonant with present
perception, the memory bends in the direction of the more immediate
The authors noted that many years ago, Allport and Postman (1947)
pointed out that inference is likely to flourish when persons are
confronted with ambiguous evidence. "The less one knows or is actually
privy to the original information, the more he can paint an exciting
story unrestricted by facts. In general, recollection, by its very
nature, collects and organizes ambiguities and hence is a ready medium
for inference."
"We saw the operation of uniformly shared ego involvements that
systematically revised recollections of earlier states of affairs. We
found mothers' reports conforming to child care values current at time
of reporting."
"Investigators intending to obtain subjects' recall of years ago
-- or only yesterday -- would do well to reflect on the perspectives
of their informants. . .Where there are specific theories of behavior
and personality in the air, it is even more likely that the same
implicit theories are shared by all, and repeatedly contribute at
different stages of evidence, to give coherence to the findings."
We suggest that therapists who place their total reliance on
retrospective reports review this study. (Among other things, it
addresses complaints about laboratory findings.)
II "Assessment of truthfulness in accusations of child molestation,"
Richard I. Lanyon, Ph.D.
American Journal of Forensic Psychology, 11 (2) 1993.
Although this article is about accusations by young children in
"real time," some of the findings may be considered in repressed-
memory cases. The author notes that there have been significant
advances in knowledge of false accusations.
First is increased understanding of the circumstances under which
false accusations are more or less likely to occur. "A wide range of
statistics has been offered on the frequency with which accusations of
molestation are false, from almost zero to nearly 50 percent. It
should now be clear that these figures have little meaning in the
absence of knowledge about the specific circumstances of the cases."
Second is in procedures for identifying them. "No single test or
procedure is adequate to address this very complex question. . . A
review of the literature on wide-ranging clinical investigations
regarding accusations of molestation shows agreement on the existence
of four major areas of potential information that should be explored:
the child, the accused offender, the person who is promoting the
accusation, and the overall context of the accusation."
We have written ad infinitum on the issues of the "child" and the
"context." The child, now adult, is in therapy because of distress and
the explanation of abuse gives a reason for the distress that leaves
the client free of all responsibility. The therapeutic context and the
processes employed to help recover memories are highly suggestible
contexts for the client.
We have written little about the "accused offenders." The points
made in the Lanyon article may help to give readers some understanding
of the encounters alleged abusers have had with accusers or their
therapists. Lanyon notes that the "Data which are considered to relate
to the likelihood of molestation include the following: evidence of
prior molestation behavior, a history of difficulty with empathy,
nurturance, and caretaking roles, social isolation and lack of social
skill, a history of childhood physical abuse, lack of interest in
normal sex partners, clinically significant personality disorder or
psychosis, excessive involvement with alcohol, and weak masculine
identification. . ."(p 38)
In the cases that have been documented by FMSF, the conclusions
about the behavior of the alleged perpetrator are taken entirely from
the person making the accusation. The therapists have not met and
evaluated the accused nor have they consulted with therapists
representing the accused. This is an issue of concern to the accused.
Lanyon continues, "Clinical evidence suggests that in denying an
actual molestation, it is not uncommon for the man to vigorously
denigrate and vilify the child and other accusers, to loudly proclaim
his innocence, to present unsolicited evidence of a frame-up, and to
actively seek to influence the examiner and others with statements
about the unfairness of the accusation, the financial burden, and the
amount of personal suffering that is being forced on him." (p 38).
There can be little in the behavior of an accused person to
distinguish falsely from accurately accused individuals. It is also
obvious from this article that the accused people are assumed to be
men. It is clear from this that anything that an accused person says
is going to be used as evidence that the accusation is justified. We
have no base line. What does a falsely accused person do? In the
absence of baseline date, can reaction to an accusation, then,
legitimately be used to make any kind of determination of accuracy of
/ \
| Our apologies if we didn't return your call. On the morning of |
| April 12th, we had a desperately needed new phone system installed.|
| The phone company apologized to us for emptying the message boxes, |
| but they couldn't replace the 98 messages that were lost. |
I A Mistake?
We all make mistakes. Parents make mistakes. Children make
mistakes. Even therapists could make mistakes.
Several years ago, my forty year old nephew told me that my
father (his grandfather) sexually molested him when he was a very
small child. I was shocked, hurt and confused. I couldn't believe my
father could have done such a thing. My nephew, who has been in
therapy for many years, revealed that this came out during
"regressive" therapy.
I shared my nephew's story with my younger sister who has
struggled emotionally with this as I have. A few weeks ago, she
visited our younger brother who lives in another state and shared the
story with him. When she did, he shook his head and said, "No, that
was not Dad, that was me." He told her that at that time, he was a
teenager who was experimenting sexually and that it was he who
molested my nephew.
When my sister traveled to tell our nephew the truth, she said he
became very detached and she got the sense he did not want to hear it
...I feel there are many good therapists out there, but there are also
many dangerous ones.
An Aunt
II Meeting with Accusing Child's Therapist
The meeting with my daughter and the therapist was the most
devastating and numbing experience I remember ever having experienced.
My daughter was supported by the therapist in a very emotional and
angry tirade directed at me. The therapist insisted that I had had an
abused childhood, that I was either deliberately or unwittingly
withholding painful episodes of abuse involving myself, relatives or
family friends. The more the therapist made these statements,
suggesting things that I was 'denying', the angrier and more
unreasonable became my daughter's tirade. It broke my heart to sit and
watch and hear my daughter, whom I love with all of my being, hurting
so very deeply. And I was unable to hug her or say anything, except to
very feebly express my total bewilderment. The therapist in my
presence, as though I were not there, pointed out to my daughter that
not only was I a person who needed to control everything and everyone,
I was also a "great denier."
A Mother
III From Someone Who Always Remembered
We received letters and calls from people who tell us that they
always remembered their abuse and that they have gotten on with their
lives. One such person sent us a story she titled Not My Fault
If you are over-weight, nervous, scared, unhappy, unkempt,
unloved, if you have lost your job, are poor, lonely, over sexed,
undersexed, you have no doubt been abused when you were a child. Have
therapy and your memories will come back, this is what you read in
newspapers, magazines, and hear on talk shows. I didn't have to have
therapy. I remembered. . .
There was an article in the newspaper about a group starting for
sexually abused adults. I thought I'd better go. The first night I was
there twenty -four women came. What a relief to realize I wasn't the
only one in the world that had been abused.
We each had to tell our stories. I couldn't believe the things I
heard...What I couldn't understand is that all of them but two other
women and I had been in therapy for three years. They were sitting
with their teddy bears, crying and rocking. Seventeen women had no
memories! For three years they met most every Wednesday night and
talked about not being able to remember. But they were sure they had
been molested at some time.
I went back for three weeks. One lady after three years
remembered that when she was three months old her mother told her
housekeeper she didn't feel like holding her. She cried as though she
was going to crack up.
My heart aches for these women that are coaxed week after week to
remember things they can't. I dropped out because I was beginning to
get depressed because I wasn't crying over my past.
Everything you read where someone has committed murder, robbery
or cheated, they are asked about their childhood. Everyone is on a
kick of blaming everything but themselves. I had no control over what
Dad did. But he wasn't even in my mind when I did the things I have
done wrong.
A Survivor
IV Dear Peace and Caring
We received several responses to a letter that appeared in the
March Newsletter from person who said she was interested in hearing
from the alleged perpetrators (instead of just their wives).
Dear Peace and Caring,
I do not want this person to empathize with me! S/he has no idea
what s/he is empathizing with! This is so typical of the feminist idea
that ALL men are perpetrators and that all women are victims..."I" do
not carry a heavy load. It's heavy all right, but it is shared by my
husband, my son, my daughter-in-law, my father, my aunt, my sister --
well, you get the picture, the load is shared by the entire family...
I'm not so great with words, but at any rate, whoever wrote this
letter needs to know that she is hearing from the alleged offenders. I
keep thinking a better question might be, "Do the feminists realize
what they are doing to the very women who fought for women's rights
back in the 50s & 60s, and who have made it possible for the young
ones now to go out and receive equal pay or be able to achieve
anything they aspire to?" They have just thrown the average woman to
the wolves.
Accused Mom
Dear Peace and Caring,
I am responding to your request to hear from "alleged
perpetrators." I am a mother of three grown daughters (two lawyers and
a teacher). Four years ago, my eldest child (an intellectual
inspiration and a joy in our lives) sought therapy from a social
worker who also happened to claim to be a specialist in using hypnosis
to retrieve memories of incest and abuse. Her offices held contents
such as: baby bottles, receiving blankets and Teddy bears. Within
months, a daughter who loved her family became a possessed, vitriolic
being intent on getting me to confess to molesting her from the age of
She waited six months (detox period . . . she called it) and then
came to my home with her therapist to make the incest allegations.
After, the initial onslaught of disgusting descriptions, I asked her
if she ever remembered telling me what a prude I was during the sexual
revolution in the late sixties. Her answer was, "You did those things
to me so I wouldn't turn out like you." How does one answer such an
Later on in her therapy, her memories included satanic activities
including killing animals and drinking blood. That is when she lost
the sympathies of her sisters who claimed they never remembered such
things in our home. My poor child is terribly ill.
Accused Mom
V Reuniting -- A Father's Story
"I CAN'T ACCOUNT FOR YOUR MEMORIES." This is what I told my son in
a meeting with him and his therapist after two years of separation. I
believe this was one of several crucial ingredients in the process
which has led to our reunion and reconciliation. Since I did not
thereby confront his beliefs, nor violate my own, it was possible to
proceed toward reconciliation. So many couples at the Memory and
Reality conference seemed bent on vindication at the expense of
reunion with their children. This may be an important distinction. My
son did not become a retractor in this process, however.
FORGIVE AND FORGET was the advice he received from an older
mentor in a liberal religious environment. A tract on love and
forgiveness was cited to me by my son as a way to return to each other
and I gladly accepted. This was the second crucial ingredient because
it enabled our reunion through mutual forgiveness of all past wrongs.
Perhaps of equal importance to these two ingredients was his
separation from his therapist and support group through lack of
finances. He was evidently limited there to friends like his church
associates. Our daughter-in-law was believing and supportive of our
son in the first year of his agonizing "recall" in therapy sessions.
But the picture he was creating of childhood abuse in no way matched
her knowledge of us. She insisted on maintaining the family
connection, especially for our grandchildren. All throughout his
struggle with his belief in recovered repressed memories he also
wanted to preserve his place in the family circle. His older brother
did not support him, but his younger sister did in a limited and
ambiguous way.
Through my non-confrontational meeting with my son and his
therapist, and his subsequent meeting with my wife and her therapist,
we somehow cleared the way to reuniting all our family group. We all
spent a week together during the Christmas holidays and more recently
my wife and I spent two days at Easter with him and his family. He
seems like our loving son of old, although we dare not discuss the
repressed memory issue. We do not know how or if he has resolved this
issue, but suspect it may lie in the realm of believing I was a
multiple personality or he lived a past life. This is only
I never had any objective other than getting my son back. It
isn't a perfect solution, but with time I think our relationship will
return to normal. Our connection with our grandchildren remains
intact, a blessing of monumental proportions which we owe to the
determination of our daughter-in-law. Of course, we will never take
the risk of being alone with the grandchildren until we are certain
the confabulations have been recognized by our son.
I did not meet anyone else at the conference who had such a
reconciliation. So this story may be of more than ordinary interest. I
was overwhelmed by the multitude of family tragedies gathered in one
room while feeling hopeful because of the uniformly excellent papers
presented. May there be more reconciliations such as ours. There is
A Father
/ \
| San Francisco Examiner Articles |
| Order copies of the outstanding series of six articles by |
| Stephanie Salter and Carol Ness directly from the San Francisco |
| Examiner. Cost is $2.10 Don't miss these important stories about |
| FMS families that have created such a stir across the country. |
| Send $2.10 directly to: |
| San Francisco Examiner |
| Buried Memories Reprint |
| 1405 12th Ave |
| San Francisco, CA 94122 |
Electronic mail, fax machines and telephones help us to stay in
touch with outstanding volunteers across the country. We've had a busy
month and added almost 600 new families to the count. We've talked to
an even greater number of professionals during this period. This is
only possible because of your wonderful support. Thank you.
/ \
| Do you want to continue to receive the FMSF Newsletter? |
| Check FMSF Membership and/or Subscription information in this |
| newsletter. |
/ \
| Where do 3,681 families live? May 1, '93 |
| AK(8) AL(12) AR(10) AZ(117) CA(679) CO(61) CT(41) DE(13) |
| FL(153) GA(41) HI(5) IA(30) ID(17) IL(131) IN(29) KS(38) |
| KY(13) LA(14) MA(98) MD(53) ME(18) MI(119) MN(69) MO(78) |
| MS(2) MT(19) NC(41) ND(4) NE(18) NH(14) NJ(99) NM(32) |
| NV(19) NY(162) OH(123) OK(34) OR(76) PA(212) RI(9) SC(13) |
| SD(9) TN(24) TX(120) UT(146) VA(52) VT(18) WA(186) WI(123) |
| WV(1) WY(5) DC(6) VI(1) Canada - AB(17) BC(39) MB(38) |
| NS(6) ON(141) PQ(4) SK(7) PE (1) England(6) France(2) |
| Ireland(1) Israel(2) Germany(1) Australia (1) |
| Each family represents many people. |
As the number of families who have contacted the Foundation
approaches 4,000, (by the most conservative estimate that would be
20,000 individuals for nuclear families and at least 40,000
individuals if extended families are included) coordination of our
activities becomes essential. This process is not easy, particularly
since families are deeply concerned and inclined to become pro-active.
We encourage the participation of all families in the best interests
of all of us, and many of the families are helpful participants on a
volunteer basis. It is particularly important that we have an active
exchange of information and that our points of view gain national
attention. On the other hand, activities of groups of families or
individuals must be carried out following advice to, and consent of,
the Foundation. It is entirely appropriate for groups of families of
members to meet and to suggest to the Foundation actions to be taken.
But, such groups should not attempt formal chapter organization nor
should they or members thereof speak for the Foundation in any public
manner. We are sure that you will understand the necessity for such
controls. Contact the Foundation prior to taking any action of a
public nature. We wish to be perceived as speaking with one voice.
A meeting is being planned for September or October 1993 for state
representatives or liaisons. At that meeting we will clarify
organizational plans for state level groups. The next three months
should be used to lay the groundwork for that meeting and those
plans. Legal issues, financial issues, insurance issues must be
addressed. If we are going to do something, we must do it correctly.
Please remember that one year ago, May 1, 1992, we rented the
first office space. We were aware then of 309 affected families and
that seemed a great many. What has taken place during the past year
in terms of opening up discussion and questions on this subject has
been nothing short of phenomenal. That has happened because of your
efforts and your restraint.
It is essential that we proceed in a calm, reasoned and
professional manner if we are to resolve this issue with the desperate
speed that we all feel. We do not want to repeat the mistakes that
have allowed this phenomenon to flourish.
The telephone number that should be publicly announced on radio or
TV or published in the newspaper is the number to the Philadelphia
office. 800-568-8882 .
The reasons for this policy are as follows:
1) FMSF is first a research organization that is documenting the
extent of this phenomenon. There is a standard procedure that is
followed for phone interviews. We currently have in our files hundreds
and hundreds of "Maybe's." Maybe's are names that are given to us as
families that are affected by FMS but for whom we do not have the
standard documentation information. Unless we have complete and
standard documentation, we do not add these people to the count of
affected families. (For example there are now 25 families in England
but without documentation do not include them.)
2) Publicity generates a great number of calls from a wide variety
of people. Only a portion of those calls are from affected families.
FMSF has staff trained to answer specific types of questions.
3) There is an incredible amount of confusion about this topic. We
must keep information and contact as simple and direct and focused as
possible. We want to proceed in ways that will allay fears and calm
4) Most liaisons are not set up to handle the volume or variety of
calls that can result from publicity nor do they want their numbers
made public. Thank you for helping with this.
/ \
| "I know all families affected by this tragedy feel the same, but I |
| still cannot believe it has happened to us. A year or so ago, I |
| would have scoffed at any suggestion my beloved daughter would |
| point a finger at me for abuse allegedly occurring 20 years ago. I |
| still cannot believe it." |
| A Dad |
Many people have written to ask what the American Association of
Retired People is doing to address the problem of FMS which directly
affects AARP members. We have spoken to Teresa Varner, Director of
Public Policy, who told us that she would bring up this subject with
the Council that decides on priorities for AARP. If you wish to inform
AARP about the FMS issue contact:
Teresa Varner
Director of Public Policy
American Association of Retired People
601 E Street NW
Washington DC 20049
Who is accusing? N = 281
Female 92.2% Male 7.8%
First born 41.7% Middle children 35.6% Youngest 21.6%
Some of the accusations N = 283
Vague 32.1%
Don't know 12.7%
Fondling 13.8%
Intercourse 10.6%
Rape 21.6%
Sodomy 9.2%
Murder 4.6%
SRA** 18.0%
Oral sex 23.7%
** Based on data collected in an open question and in a closed
The accusing child claims memories from age: N = 222
0 < age <= 1 12.6% (greater than 0 less or equal to 1)
1 < age <= 2 20.3%
2 < age <= 4 30.6%
4 < age <= 6 20.3%
6 < age <= 8 7.6%
8 < age <= 10 3.2%
10 < age <= 12 1.3%
12 < age <= 14 3.2%
14 < age <= 16 0.0%
16 < age <= 18 0.9%
How old was the accuser when first accusing? N = 226
15 to 19 3.5%
20 to 29 31.6%
30 to 39 49.2%
40 to 49 15.0%
50 to 59 0.7%
How many years repressed? N = 281
Less than 10 1.4%
10 to 19 9.6%
20 to 29 33.1%
30 to 39 30.6%
40 to 49 7.1%
Don't know 18.1%
Who is accused N = 281
Father (only) 61.6%
Mother (only) 2.1%
Both 28.5%
Siblings 10.0%
Grandparents 14.2%
Others 21.0%
History of psychiatric or psychological treatment N = 273
Period Yes No Don't know
Childhood 9.5% 82.4% 8.1%
Adolescence 19.1% 72.5% 8.4%
College 20.1% 53.5% 26.4%
Adult 63.7% 15.7% 20.5%
Parents' socioeconomic status when child was growing up N = 278
Lower 0.7%
Lower Middle 7.2%
Middle 59.4%
Upper Middle 28.8%
Upper 4.0%
Do you want to continue to receive the FMSF Newsletter ? If the answer
is "yes" you may need to let us know.
We have had six more "retractions" in the past month and more than a
dozen families tell us that some sort of contact had been
reestablished with their accusing child. Of the "reestablishment of
contact," so many are starting with no talk about the accusations of
abuse that we can say that this is the pattern. As these stories
unfold, we will tell them.
Five of the retractors are women who had determined that their
memories were false before they ever heard of FMSF. They were all
situations in which the patients had been hospitalized with a
diagnosis of MPD, and they all had had memories of satanic ritual
abuse. All of the five are very angry about their experiences and are
in some stage of legal action. What caused them to give up their
memories? That's what everyone wants to know. What is the wedge that
unlocks the closed confused logic system ? We need to know more before
we understand although it seems that insurance plays a role.
One of these five women, all of whom are in their 30s, called to
tell us that she wanted to meet with her parents but that they would
not see her. "They were not ready," she said. "Please send them
information," she asked, and we did. We spoke to her parents on the
phone and explained that their daughter's experience was not unique. A
family get-to-gether followed.
The sixth retraction was different. In this case the father had been
in contact with FMSF for many months. He called recently and through
the tears read us this letter:
"Dear Daddy,
I love you very much. I am writing to say that I am sorry for
what I've done to you and our family. I have made a grave mistake. I
finally realize how deceiving our minds can be. My life back then
was in a turmoil and I was very confused.
I will not pass the blame to any other. I take full
responsibility because God has given each of us a will and choices
to make. I made a bad choice.
It has so saddened me to see you crushed by my actions.
And I'm sorry that all this time has gone by to get me to this
place of humility and honesty.
God vindicates the innocent. He sees your innocence and I
finally see it too. I love you very much. M. . .
The young woman who wrote this letter is in her 20s, was not
hospitalized and never fully lost contact with her father, the one she
accused. She relates that she heard a sermon made in the religious
organization with which she is affiliated. The sermon made the point
that memories can be unreliable. For this woman, just hearing an
alternative view seemed to be the wedge. But this family is still hard
at work on reconciling. The mother had become alienated from her
husband when she was told that she must validate her daughter's
memories. Where does that leave the mother and father? We are
appreciative to this family for keeping us informed of how they deal
with these issues.
An apology and a retraction does not end the family disruption
caused by unvalidated accusations, the cruel confronting, the
obsessive anger and the unilateral cutting off. It's probably
impossible to undo the countless divorces between parents when one is
accused and the other not and between people with memories and their
questioning spouses. Probably it is possible to patch up the extended
family situations in which relatives have cut off the person with
memories to seal off the pain or because they are disgusted by the
It is critical that we learn more about this phenomenon and how it
is spread. Are therapists also victims? We have been reading and
rereading course outlines, seminar descriptions, conference talks and
popular survivor books. What we have found is that therapists have
been given a clear "map" of what they are supposed to do. Are we in
danger of "dumping on" social workers and counselors who in good faith
have gone to continuing education programs to upgrade their
professional skills? When nurses are offered credit courses in how to
analyze handwriting to find past trauma, for example, is it
appropriate to be angry at the nurses if they then use this technique?
The field of mental health is in its infancy. In the past decade it
has grown unregulated and unmonitored. The FMS phenomenon brings to
the fore the need for mental health professionals to critically
reexamine their fundamental assumptions and practices. Such critical
reflection has never been known to harm any people or any fields.
"Have patience. You never know when something or someone will
cause a change in your loved ones and lead to the end of your personal
From a family that has reconciled
"For two and one half years whenever friends asked,'How are the
children?' I've lied and said, 'They're OK.' But I can't do that any
more. Now when people ask, I tell them the truth. Although I am sorry
that they are shocked and saddened by the story that my daughter
'recovered memories of abuse,' I confess that I feel liberated, as
though a great weight had come off my shoulders. We love our daughter
and don't want to harm her or make it difficult for a potential
reconciliation, but pretending to others that this did not happen
really would be 'in denial.'"
A Mom
This poem hangs under our daughter's picture
A precious one from us is gone.
A voice we loved is stilled.
A place is vacant in our home
Which can never be filled
A Dad
The majority of the mail that we receive is remarkably supportive.
Many of the letters from professionals make statements far stronger
than any we have made about the current situation. This is an example.
"A new cottage industry has been spawned, between attorneys,
therapists, and patients, especially very expensive inpatient units,
financed by the alleged perpetrator's employers now turned benefactor
via a deep pocket of insurance. Abuse does occur in children or other
victims, but the proliferation of these suits, their more than
coincidental similarity, and the fact that they are always the same
therapists and attorneys have produced, frankly, an embarrassment to
our profession when we enter the court room."
If there's smoke is there fire?
Is an accusation evidence of guilt? The reality of sex abuse
accusations is that the accused persons are considered guilty. If an
accused person confesses he or she is considered guilty and if he or
she protests innocence, he or she is said to be "in denial" and thus
also guilty. Even those who say that it is improbable, for example,
that someone could remember being abused at age six months will say,
"Something funny must have gone on in that family."
The following quote was included in a news report of the Memory and
Reality: Emerging Crisis conference in the Philadelphia Inquirer,
April 19, 1993 and is an example of the fact that an accusation is
evidence of guilt in the minds of people. "Groups such as the FMS
Foundation should be called 'Perpetrators Anonymous -- usually it's
the man who's the perpetrator, and he has gone to this (group) to get
some kind of support and defense,' said D.D. Henry, co-founder with
Van Derbur Atler of a major support organization for childhood abuse
survivors called Survivors United Network."
"Mothers in two unrelated cases have been held liable, apparently
for the first time, for failing to protect their children from
sexually abusive spouses," according to a report by Mark Hansen in the
ABA Journal, February 1993. In both of these cases, in which the fact
that abuse occurred is not at issue, the parents did not have assets
to pay multimillion dollar judgments. "But both couples have
homeowners' insurance policies that, while excluding coverage for
intentional wrongdoing, do cover claims for negligence. . . Lawyers
for the victims said the awards show that the public is becoming far
more aware of the problem of sexual abuse against children in the home
and far less tolerant of those who would cover it up."
WASHINGTON - Even more on Victims' Compensation Fund. Matt Love, a
writer in Olympia, Washington, sent us the following information.
After reviewing the Washington State Institute for Public Policy,
"Findings from the Community Protection Research Project: A Chartbook"
he called to speak with one of the authors. "First, the author pointed
out that the figures are now lower (the $9,000.00 has come down to
$3,500.00 due to administrative changes. Furthermore, she said they
are bringing down all costs of the program, not just this aspect...She
suggested that I call the person who administers the Crime Victims
Compensation Program at Labor and Industries."
The fund administrator "acknowledged the possibility of memories
being implanted, rather than recovered in the therapeutic process, but
insisted that repressed memory is a real phenomena, and he 'wouldn't
give the time of day to somebody who says that there is no such thing
as repressed memories.' He said 'that people are admitted to the
program if they meet criteria as established by law.'
"I went down to the library to locate the law...When I told the
Archivist that I was looking for the Bill Folder for Senate Bill No
6259, she said, 'Ah, yes, The infamous one...We've just gotten a lot
of requests for it since it passed.'
"As I went through the materials, I was dismayed by the paucity of
information...A picture did emerge: the Bill was passed in the
aftermath of the murder of a Seattle woman by a convict out on a work
release program, and the sexual mutilation of a child. I remember both
these stories vividly. People were up in arms..."
It isn't clear how the repressed memories became a part of the
bill. Matt suggests that perhaps someone noted that "72 hours isn't
enough time for victims to report the's very traumatic for
the victim. We need to give them a whole year. And we've got to have a
section in there about reppressed memory. It's real; it happens." We
don't really know what happened.
"So my take on this is that there was probably never any real
scrutiny of this at all...Now I'm looking for new lines of inquiry;
maybe to try to get a look at the guidelines Labor and Industries uses
internally to evaluate claims...try to get some idea of the number of
claims and the percentage of accepted and rejected...Everybody was
quite helpful."
No one is denying that people who were victims of sexual abuse as
children and who for whatever reason could or did not speak about it
may deserve compensation in adulthood. Curiosity has been aroused,
however, as to how or why the amount of awards for repressed memory
cases at any point in time seemed so out of line with other
TEXAS court says therapists' mental health records are open as
reported in Psychotherapy Finances 18 (12) 224, 1992. "A Texas appeals
court has ruled that the mental health records of a court-appointed
therapist-witness can be subpoenaed in cases involving child welfare.
Based on the ruling in Cheatham v. Rogers (No 12-19-00112-CV),
attorneys may examine these records and question the therapist about
any aspect of the material that could have an impact on the
professional's testimony and opinions."
"Texas therapists have been told that:
(1) Their psychological and psychiatric records may be subpoenaed.
(2) They may have to bear the expense of an attorney to file
protective orders, unless the client is willing to pay.
(3) Personal information may be explored in court if it appears in
mental health records."
One Texas attorney has suggested that this ruling might potentially
lead to a situation in which a therapist's expert testimony in a child
custody case might be discounted as biased if records reveal that the
therapist was abused as a child.
UTAH parents may have their complaints considered by the state
licensing board. In respect to Investigation of Unprofessional Conduct
by Psychologists(s) a lawyer has informed a parent of the following:
Section 1 (of the applicable statutes in Title 58, Chapter 25 of
U.C.A. 1953) explains that the purpose of licensing is to "protect the
public from unprofessional conduct by persons licensed to practice
psychology." Section 13 says that the "division shall administer this
chapter as described in Chapter 1." Section 58-1-6, U.C.A. 1953
provides that "any person governed by the laws and rules administered
and enforced by the division" (is subject to investigation).
The report notes that "there is no express restriction to
investigations being undertaken only upon the complaint of the patient
or client of a psychologist, nor can any fairly be implied . . . it is
obvious that malpractice or unprofessional conduct of such mental
health providers can injure many other persons than the client or
patient, hence investigations should be undertaken whenever a risk of
substantial harm to the public and any of its members seems likely."
In Utah, the director of the division makes the decision as to whether
to investigate.
If the director will not investigate, "recourse is to the board and
failing that to the County Attorney, the Attorney General and the
Governor, successively."
/ \
| Just when you think you've heard it all! A support group for |
| adult children of dysfunctional affluent families will be formed |
| by psychotherapist Jessie O'Neill as reported in the the Milwaukee |
| Sentinel, Nov 27, 1992. This is to help "victims of the difficult
| and debilitating effects of affluence."
Professionals and Parents in Support of the FMS Foundation
To place a notice in this column for June, please be sure that we
receive the information in writing by the 25th of May. Please mail or
fax your notice Attn: Nancy.
Contact your state liaison to find out about meetings in your
area. Not all meetings are listed.
June 12, 1993
Contact Jim 602-860-8981
Greater LA area - call 909-985-7980
Notices will be sent by area for other groups
June 24, 1993
Pamela Freyd, Guest Speaker
Holiday Inn - Rockside & I-77
Confirm reservations, 216-888-7963
Call before 6/21/93
6:30 Dinner $20.00 per Person
Program 7:30 p.m. No Charge
Meetings on the 4th Saturday of each month
May 22, 1993, 1:00 P.M.
Cherry Creek Branch, Denver Public Library
3rd and Milwaukee
Call Roy 303-221-4816
"We need your help to educate professionals"
Kansas City
Meetings every second Sunday of the month.
For details call Pat at 913-238-2447 or Jan 816-276-8964
The Michigan Information Newsletter P.O. Box 15044 Ann Arbor, MI 48106
313-461-6213 Notices about meetings and other state-related topics
appear in this newsletter.
Sunday, June 13, 1993 , 1:00 P.M.
Chelmsford, MA
For details call Jean at 508-250-1055
NEW YORK - upstate
Contact the FMSF office (215-387-1865) if you wish information about
meetings in upstate New York.
Second Saturday of each month
1:00 P.M. same place
Call 215-385-1865 for details
Adult Children Accusing Parents
Parents with relatives in the UK can contact
Roger Scotford at ACAP on (0) 225 868682
Do you want to continue to receive the FMSF Newsletter ? Read on...
Our policy to date: Over the past year we have mailed the FMSF
Newsletter to virtually everyone who has requested it. Each month,
however, the circulation has increased. In April well over 5,000
copies of the Newsletter were mailed to families and professionals in
the United States and Canada, as well as Europe, Australia, and
Asia. Each week hundreds of new requests for information packets,
which contain recent copies of the FMSF Newsletter, are filled. The
rate of growth has been phenomenal. We have found it necessary,
therefore, to implement a new policy, as follows.
As in the past, Newsletter subscriptions to Family and Professional
Members of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation are included in the
annual dues. The dues support the research and education efforts of
the Foundation.
Those who are not members of FMSF, but received a complimentary
subscription to the Newsletter during the past year, may purchase a
1993 subscription (10 issues annually, beginning with the January
issue) for the cost of printing and mailing. (Please refer to the
Subscription Rate Schedule published on the Masthead. Due to the high
cost of overseas Air Mail, Canadian and foreign subscription rates are
more costly.)
If you wish to subscribe to the FMSF Newsletter for the first time,
back issues (to January 1993) will be mailed to you when your
subscription begins. Please complete the information on the enclosed
Subscription Order Form and return it with your check or money order,
in U.S. dollars, to FMS Foundation.
1992 FMSF Newsletters from March, 1992, when the organization was
formed, through December 1992 are available for $8.00. See page 8.
FMSF Membership and Newsletter Order Form are Enclosed in this issue.
The FMSF Newsletter is published 10 times a year by the False Memory
Syndrome Foundation. A subscription is included in membership
fees. Others may subscribe by sending a check or money order, payable
to FMS Foundation, to the address below. 1993 subscription rates: USA:
1 year $20, Student $10; Canada: 1 year $25; (in U.S. dollars);
Foreign: 1 year $35. Single issue price: $3.
FMS Foundation
3401 Market Street, Suite 130
This address and the phone numbers have changed as of July 15, 2000
Philadelphia, PA 19104-3315
Phone 215-387-1965
ISSN # 1069-0484
Pamela Freyd, Ph.D., Executive Director
FMSF Scientific and Professional Advisory Board May 1993:
Terence W. Campbell, Ph.D., Sterling Heights, MI; Robyn M. Dawes,
Ph.D., Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA; David F. Dinges,
Ph.D., The Institute of Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadelphia, PA; Fred
Frankel, M.B.Ch.B., D.P.M., Beth Israel Hospital, Harvard Medical
School, Boston, MA; George K. Ganaway, M.D., Emory University of
Medicine, Atlanta, GA; Martin Gardner, Author, Hendersonville, NC;
Rochel Gelman, Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles, CA; Henry
Gleitman, Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA; Lila
Gleitman, Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA; Richard
Green, M.D., J.D., UCLA School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA; Ernest
Hilgard, Ph.D., StanfordUniversity, Palo Alto, CA; Philip S. Holzman,
Ph.D., Harvard University, Cambridge, MA; John Hochman, M.D., UCLA
Medical School, Los Angeles, CA; John Kihlstrom, Ph.D., University of
Arizona, Tucson, AZ; Harold Lief, M.D., University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, PA; Elizabeth Loftus, Ph.D., University of Washington,
Seattle, WA; Paul McHugh, M.D., Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore,
MD; Harold Merskey, D.M., University of Western Ontario, London,
Canada; Ulric Neisser, Ph.D., Emory University, Atlanta, GA; Richard
Ofshe, Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, CA; Martin Orne,
M.D., Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, The Institute of Pennsylvania
Hospital, Philadelphia, PA; Loren Pankratz, Ph.D., Oregon Health
Sciences University, Portland, OR; Campbell Perry, Ph.D., Concordia
University, Montreal, Canada; Harrison Pope, Jr., M.D., Harvard
Medical School, Cambridge, MA; Louise Shoemaker, M.S.W., Ph.D.,
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA; Margaret Singer, Ph.D.,
University of California, Berkeley, CA; Ralph Slovenko, J.D., Ph.D.,
Wayne State University Law School, Detroit, MI; Ralph Underwager,
Ph.D., Institute of Psychological Therapies, Northfield, MN; Jeffrey
Victor, Ph.D., Jamestown Community College, Jamestown, NY; Hollida
Wakefield, M.A., Institute of Psychological Therapies, Northfield, MN.
FMS Foundation Conference
April 16-18, 1993
Audio-Video Material Order Form
Video Tapes - $22.00 Each Entire Set (9 Tapes) $175.00
Audio Tapes - $6.00 Each Entire Set (9 Tapes) $48.00
Price includes Shipping and Handling
Make checks payable to: Aaron Video
Allow 3 - 4 weeks for delivery
Tape # Title (Speakers) Audio Video
1. A Mental Health Crisis
(Whybrow, Ofshe, Freyd et al, Singer, Dawes) __6.00 __22.00
2. Invited Address: Memory with a Grain of Salt
(Seligman, Neisser) __6.00 __22.00
3. Memory: The Research to Date
(Lief, Dinges & Orne, Perry, Loftus) __6.00 __22.00
4. Epidemiography of FMS
(deRivera, Berliner, Victor, Smith, Leggett) __6.00 __22.00
5. Perspectives on Recovered Memories
(Lief, McHugh, Ganaway, Frankel) __6.00 __22.00
6. Panel of People Who Rejected False Memories
(Goldstein, Singer) __6.00 __22.00
7. Legal Issues: What Do Lawyers Need? What Do
Scientists Have?(Richette, Lipton, Rogers, Craig, Green)
__6.00 __22.00
Craig, Green) __6.00 __22.00
8. Legal Issues: Did the Crime Occur?
(Beck, Slovenko, Emon, Garver, MacLean) __6.00 __22.00
9. Closing (Freyd, Gleitman) __6.00 __22.00
10. Complete set of tapes __48.00 __175.00
TOTAL _______ _______
NAME: _______________________________________
ADDRESS: ________________________________________ PHONE: _____________
CITY: ___________________________ STATE: ____ ZIP: _______
All orders must be prepaid. Mail order form to:
Aaron Video
6822 Parma Park Blvd
Parma, OH 44130
Conference Paper Order Form
Available May, 1993
Speaker Papers
Speaker Title cost
Freyd,P., Roth,Z., Underwager,R. Wakefield,H.
FMSF Family Survey Results ___$4.00
Gleitman,H. Reflections on Memory ___$5.00
Lief,H. Opening Remarks, Perspectives on Recovered Memories
Lipton,A. FMSF Legal Survey Results ___$2.00
Neisser,U. Memory With a Grain of Salt., Invited Address ___$4.00
Perry,C. The Problem with Hypnosis. ___$4.00
Slovenko,R. Memory and the Statute of Limitations ___$4.00
Smith,S. Survivor Psychology ___$5.00
Roundtable Summary Sheets
Speaker Title
Althaus, R. Picking Up the Pieces ___$1.00
Farbes,K. Telling Others ___$1.00
PIetrofitta,S. The Non-Accused Parent ___$1.00
Also available
Loftus,E. Reality of Repressed Memories ___$4.00
Ofshe,R. Making Monsters ___$5.00
FMSF Meeting your accusing child's therapist ___$3.00
FMSF 1992 Newsletters March through December ___$8.00
Total Cost $ _________
Price includes postage and handling.
Money order or check in U.S. Dollars please
Payable to FMS Foundation
Name_______________________________________Phone _____________________
City/State/Zip Code___________________________________________________