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ISSN #1069-0484. Copyright (c) 1998 by the FMS Foundation
The FMSF Newsletter is published 10 times a year by the False
Memory Syndrome Foundation. A hard-copy subscription is in-
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But It's in the DSM-IV
Legal Corner
Make a Difference
From Our Readers
Bulletin Board
Dear Friends,
The criminal trial U.S.A. v Peterson et al took a fascinating turn
just as this newsletter was ready for press. Prosecutor Larry Eastepp
presented a long list of "unindicted co-conspirators" including
Bennett Braun, M.D., Roberta Sachs, Ph.D., and Corydon Hammond, Ph.D.
(See Legal Corner or for background on this trial.)
One possible significance of naming "unindicted co-conspirators" is
that although they are not accused, they are considered part of the
conspiracy and as such it may serve to qualify their statements into
evidence. Another is that they may have made a deal for immunity.
This trial is opening up the full extent of the bizarre and
harmful treatments to which vulnerable psychiatric patients have been
subjected. Indeed, the very words treatment and therapy ought never
be confused with the coercive mind-manipulation that is being exposed
in the testimony.
Professional reaction to this prosecution is guarded. One
psychiatrist framed the phenomenon as just one more in the harmful
mistakes that have been made in medicine, such as frontal lobotomies.
Most of the professionals with whom we have spoken, including those on
our Advisory Board, expressed extreme discomfort with the fact that
this is a criminal trial. The International Society for the Study of
Dissociation issued a press release soon after the indictment
expressing the fear that this trial will set a precedent that would
allow people to criminalize a diagnosis with which they disagreed.
Several professionals have stated that it does not seem right to bring
a criminal charge against people who seem truly to believe in what
they did. One psychologist mentioned that the defendants and the
professional organizations that allowed these practices to reign
unchecked are morally criminal, but he is not sure if they should be
considered legally criminal.
Others, whose families have been destroyed, who have seen their
children-productive members of society-end up on welfare to pay for
their MPD/SRA therapy, see the trial in another light. They adhere to
August Piper's words in the March 1998 issue, "Avoiding improper
experiments on patients, and scrupulously attempting to ensure that
patients provide genuinely informed consent to medical procedures
-- these are the lessons the Nuremberg judges wanted to hand down to
today's physicians." Just because a doctor holds a particular belief
does not give that doctor the right to experiment on patients without
telling the patient about the risks.
When looking at this trial, we need to be clear: this trial is not
about criminalizing psychotherapy, it is not about criminalizing
diagnoses, it is not about doctors who conscientiously attempt to
treat patients, although defendants may try to deflect the issues in
this way. This trial is about fraud. It is about professionals who are
accused of using "mind-altering" techniques for their own purpose
rather than for patients' well-being.
The defendants did not operate in a vacuum and the list of
unindicted co-conspirators may be expected to document the wide and
public dissemination of their beliefs and practices. Many of the
professionals in this legal case and in others reported in this and
past newsletters belonged to the International Society for the Study
of Multiple Personality (ISSMPD), now the International Society for
the Study of Dissociation. They presented papers about their beliefs
and practices in multiple personality disorder and satanic ritual
abuse at seminars and conferences and in journals. They made training
videos. They honored each other. (See PBS Frontline documentary by
Ofra Bikel, "Search for Satan" that aired on October 24, 1995.)[1]
They held themselves out as experts.
Mary Shanley is a former patient at Spring Shadows Glen whose
testimony figures in the Peterson et al trial. Judith Peterson,
Bennett Braun, Roberta Sachs and Corydon Hammond were all involved in
some way with her treatment. Following is what Mary said on Frontline:
Mary S.: They told me that I had already been programmed that if I
divulged the secrets from the cult that I would self-destruct and
that my programming had just been turned on at age 39.
Interviewer: How did they know that?
Mary S: Because they were the experts. They -- they were experts.
They said, 'We've been studying this for 15 years. We've done
research.' You know, 'We've-we've -- this phenomenon is happening
all over the world. We're the -- we're the experts. We've written
books. We've -- we give lectures. People come to our hospital --
other doctors come to our hospital and are trained by us because we
are the experts.'
Search for Satan," Frontline, October 24, 1995
Where were the professional organizations when this was going on?
Where are they now?
[1] PBS Frontline documentary "Search for Satan" is available from PBS
for $69.85. Call 1-800-828-4PBS for information. The Golden Baton
award for four programs, included the repressed memory expose, has
been given to Frontline., Notice in Skeptical Inquirer,
March/April 1998 (page 20)
When my son first accused me of sexual abuse I thought I would die. It
seemed inconceivable that the world would carry on around me,
unheeding, while I carried the burden of this intense pain. And what
of my son's pain? With the help of his psychiatrist he rewrote his
entire childhood. All the love, support, respect and fun have been
coated in a sinister gloss. Adverse but entirely normal childhood
experiences have been redefined as malicious, unhealthy, evil events.
The successful, talented, confident child and young man has been
transformed, Kafka-like, into a "victim."
Please, psychiatrists, counselors, therapists -- try to let go of
the defensiveness which prevents an honest look at the evidence of the
creation of false memories of sexual abuse.
Excerpt from letter in The Independent
April 19, 19987
American Psychiatric Association
Steven Mirin, M.D., Executive Director
1400 K Street NW,
Washington, DC 20005
American Psychological Association
Raymond Fowler, Ph.D., Chief Executive Officer
750 1st St. NE,
Washington, DC 20002
National Association of Social Workers
Josephine Nieves, Ph.D., Executive Director
750 1st St NE,
Washington, DC 20002
| We are very pleased to report that Allen Feld is now recovering at |
| home from the serious accident he suffered on June 7 when hit by a |
| car while bicycling. |
| |
| Allen is a prolific contributor to this newsletter. He is Director |
| of Continuing Education for the Foundation, a position he has held |
| since retirement as a professor of social work. |
| |
| Allen and Toby Feld thank the many people who have sent messages |
| and cards. |
| |
| Charles Caviness and Lee Arning are now working on the |
| Foundation's financial needs to be addressed in our annual fall |
| fund drive. Please keep your eye out for their letter due in |
| October and remember how vital your commitment is to the |
| continuance of our important work. |
| |
| We extend a very special `Thank you' to all of |
| the people who help prepare the FMSF Newsletter. |
| |
| EDITORIAL SUPPORT: Toby Feld, Allen Feld, |
| Janet Fetkewicz, Howard Fishman, Peter Freyd |
| RESEARCH: Merci Federici, Michele Gregg, Anita Lipton |
| NOTICES and PRODUCTION: Ric Powell |
| COLUMNISTS: Katie Spanuello and |
| members of the FMSF Scientific Advisory Board |
| LETTERS and INFORMATION: Our Readers |
(part 1) FMSF Staff
Court documents show that one argument continues to be raised:
"repression" and multiple personality disorder must be real because
"Dissociative Amnesia" is in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual-IV
(DSM-IV) published by the American Psychiatric Association. There are,
however, seven points -- either statements in the book or in the
description of its construction -- that provide evidence that this
argument cannot be supported.
1. THE DSM-IV URGES CAUTION: The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual was
not written for use in forensic settings.
"When the DSM-IV categories, criteria, and textual descriptions are
employed for forensic purposes, there are significant risks that
diagnostic information will be misused or misunderstood. These
dangers arise because of the imperfect fit between the questions of
ultimate concern to the law and the information contained in a
clinical diagnosis." (page XXIII)
DSM-IV states that there is no consensus on the issue.
"In recent years in the United States, there has been an increase
in reported cases of Dissociative Amnesia that involves previously
forgotten early childhood traumas. This increase has been subject
to very different interpretations. Some believe that the greater
awareness of the diagnosis among mental health professionals has
resulted in the identification of cases that were previously
undiagnosed. In contrast, others believe that the syndrome has been
overdiagnosed in individuals who are highly suggestible." (page
"There has been considerable controversy concerning amnesia related
to reported physical or sexual abuse, particularly when abuse is
alleged to have occurred during early childhood." (page 480)
FROM MALINGERING (feigning symptoms for external gain):
"There are no tests or set of procedures that invariably
distinguish Dissociative Amnesia from Malingering..." (page 480)
"There is currently no method for establishing with certainty the
accuracy of such retrieved memories in the absence of corroborative
evidence." (page 481)
5. THE DSM-IV WAS PUBLISHED IN 1993. Many significant clinical and
research articles have since been published:
"New knowledge generated by research or clinical experience will
undoubtedly lead to an increased understanding of the disorders
included in DSM-IV, to the identification of new disorders, and to
the removal of some disorders in future classifications. The text
and criteria sets included in the DSM-IV will require
reconsideration in light of evolving new information."(page XXIII)
"It must be noted that DSM-IV reflects a consensus about the
classification and diagnosis of mental disorders derived at the
time of its initial publication." (page XXIII)
PRINCIPLES. Several books discuss this issue, including, They Say
You're Crazy by Paula Caplan and The Selling of DSM: The Rhetoric of
Science in Psychiatry by Stuart A. Kirk and Herb Kutchins.
(part 2) FMSF Staff
A Lesson from History
"The witch-craze of the 16th and 17th centuries made clear that
validation means something much more than proposing ways -- even
consistent ways -- to make the diagnosis even of something that does
not exist. That is, the witch hunters received explicit and
operational ways of identifying witches. They taught each other and
wrote their procedures in a large and influential book. This book,
entitled Malleus Maleficarum or the Hammer of Witches, spelled out in
exquisite detail the kinds of behaviors that characterize the witch
and identify the evidence on her body of congress with devils, incubi
and succubi. The Malleus had as its epigraph: Haeresis est maxima
opera maleficarum non creders (to disbelieve in witchcraft is the
greatest of heresies).
What was learned from this that might illuminate practices with
repressed memories? The fact that there is a manual telling how to
recognize the manifestations of repressed memories does not confirm
them. It is an exercise in creating a consistent approach to the
diagnosis amongst therapists -- a uniformity of diagnostic practice --
and does not validate the presumed abusive experience...
The issue for repressed memories is validation -- and validation in
every case when it appears...To treat for repressed memories without
any effort at external validation is malpractice pure and simple;
malpractice on the basis of standards of care that have developed out
of the history of psychiatric service -- as with witches -- and
malpractice because a misdirection of therapy will injure the patient
and the family.
Paul McHugh, M.D. Chief of Psychiatry, Johns Hopkins Hospital
Paper presented at Memory and Reality Conference, April 1993
(part 3) FMSF Staff
Professional Skepticism of Multiple Personality Disorder
Cormier, J.D. and Thelan, M.H.
Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 1998
Vol 29, No 2, 163-167.
The authors in 1994 randomly selected 1,000 doctoral level clinicians
from members of the American Psychological Association and mailed them
a cover letter, questionnaire, and a self-addressed stamped envelope.
They received 425 responses (43%) and no follow-up mailing was
reported. Participants were presented with criteria for MPD as defined
in the DSM-IV and then answered 16 questions on a five-point scale
that reflected their beliefs about MPD, their skepticism, and their
familiarity with the MPD literature. The authors concluded that the
majority of psychologists believed MPD to be a valid but rare clinical
diagnosis. They note that "clinicians should not hesitate to assess
dissociative symptomatology out of concern that it might be feigned."
(p. 166)
There are a number of concerns raised by this report. Most
significant is the 43% response rate. The authors do not mention that
such a low rate introduces the problem of selection bias: people who
are passionate about MPD may have been more likely to return the
questionnaire than those who are not interested in the topic.
Another concern pertains to the content of the cover letter that
was mailed to participants along with the questionnaire. Did it
disguise any bias? Was it personally signed?
This is relevant because the authors reveal their bias when they
state that "the onset of MPD is often related to extreme abuse that is
perpetrated on females by male caretakers."(p.166) There is no
scientific evidence that this assertion is valid. The authors also
assume that "numerous, nationwide, and consistent" (p.163) clinical
reports are sufficient to consider MPD a valid diagnostic category,
but we should have learned from the witchcraft trials of the Middle
Ages that this is not sufficient evidence.
Finally, even with all the methodological issues raised, the results
of this study indicate that more than half, 54%, of the participants
expressed at least some skepticism about MPD.
/ \
| Repressed Memories in Media |
| |
| Touched by an Angel:"On one occasion, the angel Monica goes so |
| far as to help a young woman recover a repressed memory of |
| abuse at the hands of her father. "There's a cycle of abuse in |
| this house," the angel sighs. "It's been in this house for |
| years. Now, tell me about the closet...." |
| Ruth Shalit, The New Republic, 7/20/98 |
P. T. and Pamela Freyd
"Because exactly what is meant by the terms repression and
dissociation is far from clear, their use has become idiosyncratic,
metaphoric, and arbitrary."
FMSF Scientific and Professional Advisory Board, 5/17/98
Once upon a time, there was forgetting and there was remembering.
Events were forgotten and later recalled, or they disappeared from
memory for good. In the 80s, a new mental process was postulated:
repression and recovery of very traumatic events. While in the good
old days, everybody understood what forgetting and remembering meant,
a lot of confusion still exists around the concept of "repression" and
"recovery." To make matters worse, a slew of additional new terms
emerged. Below is a sampling of terms, old and new:
BODY MEMORIES - A term made popular by Bessel van der Kolk postulating
that although the mind may not have a memory of an event, "the body
keeps the score." Harvard Review of Psychiatry, 1994, 253-265.
DELAYED MEMORIES - Harvey and Herman, 1994, Consciousness and
Cognition, 3, 295-306.
DECADES DELAYED DISCLOSURES - Champion, December 1991, "Decade delayed
disclosure of memories of years gone by."
DISCOVERED MEMORIES - Schooler J. W., 1997, in Read and Lindsay
(Eds.), Recollection of Trauma.
EMOTIONAL MEMORIES - Kristiansen, C., May, 1996, paper presented at
"Beyond the Controversy" conference in Peterborough, Ontario.
EXCAVATED MEMORIES - Kihlstrom, J.F. (1996) in Pezdek and Banks (Eds.)
The recovered memory-false memory debate.
EXHUMED MEMORIES - Believed to be first used in 1993 by P.
Butterweiser in his review of MacLean's Once Upon a Time.
FRAGMENTED MEMORIES - Kristiansen, C., May, 1996, paper presented at
"Beyond the Controversy" conference in Peterborough, Ontario.
HYPNOTICALLY-REFRESHED MEMORIES - Frequently used by recovered memory
therapy proponents to convey the false message that hypnosis increases
the accuracy of memories.
MEMORY WORK - Euphemism for recovered memory therapy
RECOVERED MEMORY - The first reference to this term as a synonym for
repressed memory that we found was in the Chicago Tribune, November
10, 1990. "..the validity of a recovered memory, the crux of the
state's case."
RECOVERED MEMORY EXPERIENCE - Lindsay, FMSF Newsletter April, 1997.
REGAINED MEMORY - Orlando Sentinel Tribune, April 14, 1991,
B. Stewart.
REINSTATED MEMORIES - Used by Shimamura, 1997, in Read and Lindsay
(Eds.), Recollection of Trauma.
RE-REMEMBERED MEMORIES - Daily Mail, June 3, 1993.
REVIVED REPRESSED MEMORY - LRP Publications, Vol. 5. No 4 The
Testifying Expert, April 1997.
SENSORY MEMORIES - Kristiansen, C., May, 1996, paper presented at
"Beyond the Controversy" conference in Peterborough, Ontario.
TRAUMATIC MEMORIES - A term popularized by Charles Whitfield in Memory
and Abuse, 1993.
PSYCHOGENIC AMNESIA - A term used in the DSM-III to refer to memory
loss due to psychological reasons.
DISSOCIATIVE AMNESIA - A term used in the DSM IV to replace
"psychogenic amnesia."
FALSE FORGETTING - A term defined as the inability to recall what
actually occurred, in Ryle, A., 1998, British Journal of Psychiatry
MASSIVE REPRESSION - According to Webster in Why Freud Was Wrong, p
519, this term was first used by Judith Herman in a speech made to the
American Psychiatric Association in 1985.
ROBUST REPRESSION - Introduced by Ofshe & Singer, October 1994,
International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis.
SEMI-REPRESSED MEMORIES - May 1, 1998, The Irish Times. "The example
given is an extreme of very bad practice, and would not conform to the
methods of most psychotherapists, who would tread very carefully
around memory, whether recalled, semi-repressed or fully repressed."
TRAUMATIC AMNESIA - An often misused term. It refers to amnesia caused
by physical trauma such as head injury.
Some of these terms are well-established ways to discuss concepts
not clearly defined. Others are amusing and attest to the
inventiveness of the author. By employing the term "memory" many of
these labels may be semantically misleading. They mistakenly imply
that the existence of an actual event has been verified as the object
of memory. Such terms when used as clever semantic ploys in serious
scientific debate are like pinning Jell-O to the wall. They just won't
| The emperor has no clothes. |
| The emperor has beautiful new clothes. |
| The emperor has no clothes but he is wearing underwear. |
by Sidney Sheldon
Reviewer: FMSF Staff
Sidney Sheldon has sold more than 275 million novels worldwide and the
Guinness Book of Records lists him as the "Most Translated Author in
the World." Among his awards are an Oscar, a Tony and an Edgar.
It is a pity that in Sheldon's latest novel, "Tell Me Your Dreams"
(with a million-copy first printing, Morrow, $26) he would have the
reader believe that different personalities can inhabit the same
body. Indeed, he has his chief (fictional) MPD expert say just that:
"It is a condition where there are several completely different
personalities in one body." (p149)
The book makes the case that the personalities are so completely
different that one of the personalities can be a serial murderer while
the others remain perfectly innocent. The plot centers around the
incompetence of a young lawyer in his attempt to convince a judge and
jury that MPD is real and that his client is one of the innocent
personalities (it is never explained why the serial murderer is not
equally his client). He fails miserably in this task but a deus ex
machina appears in the form of a 16mm film he has made of his client
transforming into the murderer. (It is never explained why he didn't
use video tape.) The judge instantly becomes a true believer in
MPD. Even though the jury had found the client guilty, the judge
effectively declares her innocent. (It is never explained how the
judge exonerates the personality that actually committed the murders.)
Apparently if you're Sidney Sheldon your publisher can't do much in
the way of editing. Hence none of Sheldon's brilliant experts on MPD
suspect that the murderer's father abused her as a child. (After a
year or so of therapy, one of the alternate personalities announces
this as fact. It is never explained why this should be believed unlike
all the other things that personality announces.) We are told that
"The most famous case of multiple personality disorder was Bridey
Murphy. That's what first brought the subject to the public's
attention. Since then, there have been an endless number of cases, but
none as spectacular or as well publicized." (p150.) Bridey Murphy was
a famous past-life case in the mid 50s that was certainly a case of
dissociation but no one other than Sheldon has ever claimed it is an
MPD case. (See Donald S. Connery's account in the FMSF Newsletter, Nov
3, 1993. The San Francisco Examiner referred to Bridey Murphy as "an
early and impressive example of false memory syndrome." See the FMSF
Newsletter, Sept 1, 1995.)
Tell Me Your Dreams is a bad novel. To quote Publishers Weekly:
"Despite gory crime scene depictions, the old master,
uncharacteristically, has left out the suspense and the layers of
feeling....A prefatory sentence says the novel is based on real
cases. Maybe so, but one wishes that the authentic details had been
told with genuine passion."
Before closing we must note one delightful feature of the book. On
page 191 the hero-lawyer (yes, for all his incompetence, he's the
protagonist of the book) selects the jurors according to their
gullibility for the paranormal. In order to choose jurors likely to
believe in MPD, he rejects one who says "You mean that UFO stuff? I
don't believe in all that nonsense." He accepts the next candidate
because he watches The "X-files," "Sabrina The Teenage Witch," and
reads only Anne Rice and Stephen King. Then he rejects one who
watches, "Sixty Minutes, the News Hour with Jim Lehrer, documentaries"
and reads, "Mainly history and political books." Sidney Sheldon
certainly does know one thing: how to choose those likely to believe
in MPD.
* * * *
Additional comment: Sidney Sheldon recommends some books at the end of
his novel and at the top of the list is a 6-by-4-inch pamphlet by
David Calof entitled "Multiple Personality and Dissociation,"
(Parkside Publishing, 1993). It's a fascinating document. Just one
example: to answer the question "Why do you encourage your clients to
cut off from their families early on?" Calof replies:
Because you can't fight the family hypnosis. I can give you
anecdote after anecdote about this. I remember one woman in her
late thirties. She had worked with me for five or six years. She
had agreed to distance herself from her abusive parents, which had
given her an operating field to explore her traumatic past. She was
finally beginning to accept the reality of the horrendous,
tortuous, child abuse she had endured. One day she came to her
session and said she had decided to confront her parents. "I'm
going to go confront my folks about this. I think I'm ready to do
that. I want them to know I know." I told her I didn't think she
was ready and asked her to consider putting if off for a few months
at least. I though she was being overly optimistic about it. She
said she would think about it. That night, she went to her parents'
apartment for dinner without telling me. The following week she
started her next session saying, "David, you know that abuse stuff
you've been talking about?" I said, "Yes." She said, "Why do you
keep talking to me about stuff like that? My parents are
wonderful, they could never have hurt me like that." Although she
got back on track eventually, this one contact sidetracked the
therapy for several months. Worse, the alters who knew the truth
were so enraged at her, they started cutting [self-mutilating] on
her regularly for several weeks.
Who is David Calof? He claims that the Foundation picks on him. Three
years ago we wrote that he had no known credentials. He objected to
that and asked us to list his credentials as an RMHC (Registered
Mental Health Counselor) in the State of Washington, a Visiting
Faculty Member of the San Francisco Family Institute, and a Senior
Consultant, Psychology Training Center, Seattle Mental Health
Institute. (No, he does not hold a degree, not even a bachelors.)
What are the credentials? Chuck Noah, also of Seattle, is a retired
construction worker who recently applied for and received an RMHC
credential. Like the other 13,000 people who have been given RMHC
credentials by the State of Washington, it cost him $78.50 and he was
required to take a 4-hour AIDS course. As for the San Francisco Family
Institute, repeated attempts to verify the credential succeeded only
in reaching an answering machine that said "Your call can not be
answered at this time. Please try again later. Good by." And the
Seattle Mental Health Institute reported that Mr. Calof had not been
connected with them "for many years."
A brochure for a September conference in Oregon sponsored by the
Transformation Training Network and the Traumatic Incident Reduction
Association crossed our desk last month. The title of one session
seemed apt: "Generous serving of alphabet soup: EMDR, TIR, TFT, EFT,
NLP, BSFF, TAT, HBLU, ETC." In this session participants can learn
about the techniques these letters represent and they can also learn a
"complementary method of handling environmental toxins using
"resonance tuning."
The meaning of some of these terms?
TIR Traumatic Incident Reduction) "although it has been
characterized as one of the 'Power Therapies', it is not an
approach that directly addresses the bio-energetic field."
EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) "is a streamlined and widely
adaptable energy field method based on principles of meridian
tapping, left-right brain balancing and 'psychological reversal.'"
BSFF (Be Set Free Fast) We read that the leader of this group will
also demonstrate his 'Precision Diagnosis' techniques for muscle
testing with clients or as a surrogate, plus a highly efficient
method for instilling new programming into the subconscious mind."
Sponsors are approved to grant continuing education credit by the
American Psychological Association .
CE UPDATE: In the last issue we wrote about a seminar given by
intuitive Caroline Myss for which APA-approved credits were
available. Ms. Myss, you may be interested to learn, has received
"Oprah approval." Oprah devoted a whole program to her in September.
On the Oprah web site we read:
"Caroline is not a gifted physician, but a medical intuitive who
uses only a patient's name and age ... to diagnose with 93%
/ \
| Moral Relativism about FMS |
| |
| "They [Bass and Davis in Courage to Heal] also claim that false |
| memories of sexual abuse are uncommon: 'Even if all five thousand |
| families who've contacted the FMS Foundation were indeed falsely |
| accused, that amounts to only .01% -- or one-hundredth of a |
| percent of the estimated number of adult survivors of child abuse |
| in this country.'" |
| "How can one accept or respect such reasoning? Five thousand |
| real protesting families are compared to questionable estimates of |
| the total number of abuses, whether or not they are reported. I am |
| particularly disturbed by the ethical and moral relativism of the |
| argument. If 5,000 people -- or five people, or one -- are |
| unjustly accused, that is important. It cannot be factored in as |
| an allowable margin of error." |
| Elaine Showalter |
| Hystories: Hysterical Epidemics and Modern Media. |
| Columbia U. Press, 1997 |
| page 156 |
FMSF Staff
Criminal Trial Against Therapists Begins in Texas
United States of America v. Peterson, et al.
U.S. Dist. Ct., Southern Dist., Texas, No. H-97-237[1]
The nation's first criminal trial arising from allegations that
psychotherapists implanted false memories in patients began September
9 in the court of U.S. District Judge Ewing Werlein, Jr. During the
trial, which is expected to last about two months, testimony will be
presented that five former workers of Spring Shadows Glen Hospital [2]
in Houston collected fraudulent insurance payments by convincing
patients that they had been abused in satanic rituals.
A 60-count indictment accuses the defendants of using hypnosis,
drugs, isolation, and unnecessary restraints while convincing patients
that their mental illness resulted from abuse earlier in their
lives. The defendants are also accused of threatening other hospital
employees' jobs in order to coerce them to create or change medical
records. These charges are linked to charges that the defendants
attempted to bilk insurance companies for the treatment of patients
diagnosed with MPD and other ailments stemming from "memories" the
therapists themselves implanted. On trial are psychologist Judith
Peterson, psychiatrists Richard Seward and Gloria Keraga, therapist
Sylvia Davis, and former hospital administrator George Jerry Mueck.
During his opening statement to jurors, Assistant U.S. Attorney
Larry Eastepp played a tape of the screams of one of the defendants'
teenaged patients. Prosecutor Eastepp said the recording was made
during therapy and figured in a conspiracy to contrive or exaggerate
diagnoses of multiple personality disorder (MPD) in patients with
large or unlimited insurance policies. "The wails and screams had
nothing to do with the patients' health, but about these defendants'
wealth," Eastepp said.
Prosecutors maintain the defendants practiced white collar theft in
the guise of psychotherapy. They presented evidence that one of the
defendants used cashier's checks made out to the insurance company to
pay a few hundred dollars in premiums after their patients' insurance
coverage was to be discontinued. This allowed the hospital to continue
treating the patients for several months more and collect additional
insurance payments.
In opening statements for the defense, attorneys said their clients
provided appropriate psychiatric care for the symptoms they had
diagnosed. They contend the trial is an attempt by federal
prosecutors to criminalize diagnoses they disagree with.
[1] This report is taken from two articles by Mark Smith which appeared in
the Houston Chronicle, "5 mental health workers allegedly planted
tales of torture to scam insurance money," (9/9/98) and "Insurance
documents fill opening testimony; Five on trial in 'recovered
memories' case," (9/10/98). See also FMSF Brief Bank #176 and
FMSF Newsletter December 1997. Or, for the latest trial
developments, check the website:
[2] Spring Shadows Glen is now under different ownership and is called
Memorial Spring Shadows Glen. The hospital's dissociative
disorders unit was closed in March 1993 after state investigators
cited the unit for excessive use of physical restraints on
patients, and, in one case, making a patient's discharge
contingent upon safety from a "satanic cult." Approximately 50
specialized facilities similar to the one at Spring Shadows Glen
existed during the early 1990s, providing care for patients with
MPD. That number has dwindled to fewer than 25 during the last few
Courts Find Repressed Memory Testimony Inadmissible
This month we report two more trial courts that ruled following
evidentiary hearings that the notion of repressed memory is not
generally accepted as reliable or valid within the scientific
community. Significantly, these and a growing number of similar
rulings come after a trial judge has carefully reviewed extensive
expert testimony, research studies, and published articles presented
from both parties on the subject of the reliability of repressed
memory. In each of these cases, the trial judge, following a motion to
exclude repressed memory evidence, took on the role of gatekeeper.
That is, the judge may "close the door" to testimony based on
unreliable scientific theory or techniques which might mislead a jury
if it were heard in court. The trial judge has this authority based
primarily on two U.S. Supreme Court decisions: Frye and Daubert.
Once a trial judge rules that the theory of repressed memory is
unreliable or that it has not been accepted by the scientific
community, the judge may rule that any testimony derived from that
unreliable foundation cannot itself be reliable enough to be admitted
at trial. If no other evidence of wrongdoing is presented, the suit
may then be dismissed. [See sidebar below.]
Washington Court Finds Expert Repressed Memory Testimony Inadmissible
Mensch v. Pollard, Superior Ct., Whatcom Co., Washington
No. 93-2-01427-5, oral decision dated Sept. 9, 1998.[3]
Following a Frye [4] evidentiary hearing, a Washington trial court
recently held that neither "the subject of dissociative amnesia or
similar phenomena," nor "the methods by which memories are recovered"
is generally accepted within the scientific community. Therefore, the
court found expert testimony in support of the validity of recovered
memories is not to be permitted at trial. The court did not preclude
testimony from the lay witness based on her "repressed memories."
However, the court did hold that if a trial court were found to have
the authority under Washington law to serve as gatekeeper for the lay
testimony as well, that the repressed memory testimony of that lay
witness is also judged to be inadmissible.
The court noted the "great debate" within the relevant scientific
community as to the reliability of a related memory following a claim
of amnesia. The court interpreted expert testimony at the hearing [5]
as agreeing that it is generally accepted that there are cases where
individuals can suffer from what has been termed dissociative amnesia.
However, the court noted that the facts of this case involved a "much
more extensive claim of amnesia." Plaintiffs claim numerous and
repeated events over a course of many years and claim that each and
every event was eliminated from their memory only to be restored at a
later time. It was this concept, the court found, that was not
accepted within the relevant scientific community.
In addition, the court found that there is no reliable method or
technique available to permit an expert opinion on "whether or not the
related event is the product of a true and accurate memory." It is of
note that after hearing the opinion of plaintiffs' expert John Yuille,
the court concluded that Statement Validity Analysis (SVA) "is not
generally accepted within the relevant scientific community as being a
valid method by which an expert could be entitled to render an opinion
as to the credibility of a witness." In fact, the court noted,
"plaintiffs' expert has previously testified that the subject of SVA
is not scientifically valid or accepted within the relevant scientific
community." The court therefore ordered that plaintiffs not be
permitted to utilize expert testimony on the subject of SVA.
The ruling is intended to exclude only opinions by experts that a
restored repressed memory is valid, that the methods of recovering
memory are valid, and that SVA is a valid method to determine the
credibility of a lay witness. As mentioned above, the court held that
the lay testimony based on repressed memories was unreliable as a
matter of law. However, the court stopped short of ordering the lay
testimony excluded. The court's reluctance to exclude the lay
testimony seemed to be based on several considerations: whether the
plaintiff recovered memories of sexual abuse as part of therapy
sessions (and therefore could be excluded following State v.
Hungerford) or under hypnotic-like techniques (and therefore could be
excluded under State v. Martin, 684 P.2d 651 (1984)). While the court
held that the repressed memory basis of the lay testimony was
unreliable, the court was also concerned that a ruling excluding the
lay testimony would be, in effect, a ruling on credibility. Whether a
lay witness is credible (i.e., believable) is generally a matter for a
jury to determine.
A petition for reconsideration to the trial court or a certified
question to the Washington Supreme Court may be submitted on the
limited issue of whether the lay witness can testify and specifically
on whether the trial judge has the authority to preclude the lay
witness from testifying under these circumstances. Defendant is
represented by Sverre Staurset of Tacoma, Washington.
[3] See FMSF Brief Bank #207 for ruling.
[4] Frye v. United States, 293 F.2d 1013 (D.C. Cir 1923). The purpose
of a Frye evidentiary hearing is to determine whether the
scientific principles advanced and used as a basis for trial
testimony are generally accepted in the relevant scientific
community. The court found that the relevant scientific community
in this case is "the field of psychology dealing in the
subspecialty of memory."
[5] Testimony was heard from Elizabeth Loftus, Ph.D. and Rex Frank,
Ph.D. for the defense and from John Yuille, Ph.D. for the
plaintiff. North Carolina Trial Court Holds Repressed Memory
Testimony Inadmissible Barrett v. Hyldburg, Superior Ct., Buncombe
Co., North Carolina, No. 94-CVS-793, oral decision dated May 20,
North Carolina Trial Court Holds Repressed Memory
Testimony Inadmissible
Barrett v. Hyldburg, Superior Ctr., BuncombeCo. North Carolina
No. 94-CVS-793, oral decision dated May 20, 1998
In May 1998, North Carolina Superior Court Judge Stanford L. Steelman,
Jr. granted a defense motion to exclude evidence regarding plaintiff's
alleged "repressed memories" of sexual abuse. In an oral ruling (a
written order is expected soon), the court found that while the theory
of repressed memory is subject to being tested, and has in fact been
tested, there have been no conclusive scientifically valid studies to
support the theory.[7] In addition, the court concluded that there is
no general acceptance in the relevant scientific community on the
Prior to making its ruling and prior to impaneling the jury, the
court heard testimony from Dr. Charles Whitfield and Dr. John
Alexander Bodkin. It concluded after hearing this testimony and
reviewing several published articles, relevant portions of the DSM-IV,
and statements of various organizations, that "there is currently no
method for establishing with certainty the accuracy of retrieved
memories in the absence of corroborative evidence." The court noted
that even Dr. Whitfield testified that the only available
corroboration for such retrieved memories is "internal." Therefore,
the court concluded, even if retrieved memories exist, without
verification they are not valid in a court of law.
This case was filed early in 1994 by a 45-year-old woman who
claimed she first recovered memories of early childhood incidents
approximately 40 years after they allegedly occurred. In 1996,
Superior Court Judge Ronald Bogle granted defendant's motion in limine
to exclude all evidence regarding plaintiff's alleged "repressed
memories" of sexual abuse. On appeal, in August 1997, a North Carolina
Court of Appeals [8] affirmed the portion of the trial court's ruling
that held that plaintiff's testimony regarding recovered memories of
abuse may not be received at trial absent accompanying expert
testimony on the phenomenon of memory repression. The court explained,
quoting from State v. Hungerford, "The very concept of a 'repressed
memory'...transcends human experience...To argue that a jury could
consider such a phenomenon, evaluate it and draw conclusions as to its
accuracy or credibility, without the aid of expert testimony, is
disingenuous to say the least." The Court of Appeals remanded the
case to the trial court for further proceedings and a final judgment
before the Court of Appeals would reconsider the issue.
Therefore, immediately following the Superior Court's most recent
ruling regarding the lack of reliability of the theory of repression,
the jury was brought into the courtroom for approximately 20 minutes.
They heard the plaintiff state her name but heard no other
testimony. The defense immediately objected to her testimony under
Daubert, specifically on the grounds that any evidence of repressed
memory is scientifically unreliable and has not gained general
acceptance in the relevant scientific community. The court then
granted a motion for directed verdict in the defendant's favor.
Defense attorneys are John C. Cloninger and Robert Riddle of
Asheville, North Carolina.
[7] This ruling followed the standards for review set forth by the
U.S. Supreme Court in Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals,
Inc., 113 S.Ct. 2786 (1993). Under this ruling, the trial judge
is to act as a gatekeeper to ensure that scientific theories that
are not valid or reliable are not presented to juries.
[8] Barrett v. Hyldburg, 1997 WL 434876 (N.C., 1997)
Ontario Health Professions Board Orders
Repressed Memory Therapy Complaint be Reinvestigated
Review of Complaint against Elizabeth A. Galloway, M.D.
Health Professions Board, Ontario, File No. 4659.[9]
In August 1998, the Ontario Health Professions Board ordered the
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (the College) to conduct
additional investigation into a complaint filed by the parents of a
patient of physician Elizabeth Galloway. The Complaint, originally
filed in 1996, stated that Dr. Galloway violated several principles of
the Canadian Medical Association when she misdiagnosed her patient on
the basis of supposed "recovered memories" of sexual and physical
abuse. That misdiagnosis, the Complaint continued, led to improper
treatment and to severe deterioration of the health of the
Complainants' daughter, so that their daughter became depressed and
suicidal. In issuing its decision, the Board voiced its concern that,
given the patient's attempt at suicide, her life may be at risk
because of the psychiatric treatment.
The Ontario Board found the investigation by the College to be an
inadequate response to the Complaint. The Board acknowledged that
"there is some tension between the need to protect the confidentiality
of patient information, and the protection of the public in a
self-regulating environment." However, the Board emphasized that it is
necessary "to ensure that confidentiality is not used as a mechanism
to shield inappropriate conduct from legitimate investigations."
Specifically, the Board found the College had not attempted to
contact the patient to request information regarding the substance of
the complaint. Nor did the College consider any of the documents
produced by the Complainants or contact family members for information
relevant to the complaint. The College was ordered to reopen its
investigation and rectify these earlier deficiencies.
[9] See FMSF Brief Bank #208.
Washington State Psychiatric Malpractice Suit Settles
Avis v. Laughlin
Superior Ct., King Co., Washington, No. 97-2-02813-3 KNT.[10]
Robin Avis, a former patient of physician's assistant John Laughlin,
recently settled her malpractice suit against Laughlin under
confidential terms. The former patient had sued Laughlin for altering
her memories and coercing her into believing she was the lifelong
victim of an "intergenerational satanic cult" that had physically and
sexually abused her. The plaintiff was represented by attorney Michael
Bolasina of Seattle and attorney/psychologist R. Christopher Barden of
Salt Lake City.
Court records showed that defendant Laughlin had attended a study
group in the area of "traumatology" conducted by David Calof. In a
deposition on 2/2/98, Dr. Barden asked about Calof's writings and
communication regarding the use of hypnosis and treatment and
diagnosis of supposed MPD and ritual abuse. At that time, Calof stated
that any information concerning satanic cult abuse of children which
he conveyed to the study group was based on information given him by
police jurisdictions or anecdotal reports (T.30); however, Calof
acknowledged that he was not aware of any criminal cases in the
Pacific Northwest in which anyone had ever been convicted of satanic
cult abuse. (T.17) Calof also testified that he had not read any
research in which investigators tried to ascertain whether allegations
of satanic cult abuse could be corroborated. Nor had he seen any
reports from any national commissions or associations on child abuse
and neglect as to whether allegations of satanic cult mistreatment
appear to be accurate or not. (T.108-109). Calof also admitted that he
had never received a graduate or medical degree of any kind and, in
fact, his highest degree of academic training was a high school
diploma. (T.29).
[10] See press release from R. Christopher Barden, 9/14/98. See also,
FMSF Newsletter, Dec. 1997 and Barker, K. "Lawsuit claims false
memories," The Spokesman-Review (Spokane, WA) 11/2/97.
Second License Suspension of Washington State Counselor
for Unprofessional Conduct
In the Matter of John W. Laughlin, State of Washington,
Department of Health, Counselor Programs,
Docket No. 98-01-B-1026MH.[11]
In January 1998, the Washington State Counselor Programs (the State)
charged John Laughlin with violation of Washington Codes governing
professional conduct. Following an investigation, the State found that
Laughlin inappropriately used hypnosis on a patient he believed had a
history of sexual abuse and satanic ritual abuse involvement; spent a
great deal of time in therapy sessions attempting to break through
what he described as "victim denial" by the patient; and even offered
to perform an exorcism on his patient because he believed cult members
had programmed evil into her. When the patient wanted to terminate
therapy, Laughlin told her that she would be in great danger if she
did so. Subsequent therapy by other health care providers, the State
noted, cast doubts on Laughlin's treatment and the reliability of the
information obtained from the patient by means of hypnosis.
On June 30, the State ordered and Laughlin agreed to a seven-year
suspension of Laughlin's certification to practice counseling in the
State of Washington. However, the suspension is stayed provided
Laughlin pays a fine, practices under the supervision of an approved
licensed mental health professional, completes required continuing
education courses, practices within the conditions of his current
Medical Quality Assurance Commission practice plan, and does not
utilize clinical hypnosis in his practice.
Laughlin had previously been investigated by the Washington State
Department of Health Medical Quality Assurance Commission. In December
1997, that Commission suspended Laughlin's license to practice for 8
years. That suspension was also stayed.
Laughlin has settled two malpractice claims related to the
development of false memories. One of those suits is reported in this
[11] See FMSF Brief Bank #142 and FMSF Newsletter March 1998.
Federal Court Rules No Immunity for Prosecutors' Actions
Richards v. City of New York, 97 Civ. 7990 MBM (U.S. Dist., 9/3/98)
A woman who claims that several Brooklyn assistant district attorneys
helped coerce her young daughters into falsely stating that they had
seen her kill a man living in the family's apartment can proceed with
a civil rights suit against the prosecutors, a federal judge has
ruled. In September, a District Court judge held that eight of the
nine prosecutors sued were not entitled to either absolute or
qualified immunity for their actions.
The civil rights claim against the prosecutors was brought by a
woman who had been tried for murder. She was exonerated when it came
to light at trial that her 4 and 5-year-old daughters had not seen
someone killed by their mother and that their earlier false statements
allegedly had been prompted by detectives.
While conceding that prosecutors have an absolute immunity with
regard to functions "intimately associated" with the judicial phase of
criminal proceedings, the judge found that prosecutors "do not have
absolute immunity for every action taken in their official capacity."
When a prosecutor "performs functions normally associated with a
police investigation" such as assisting in the investigation of a
crime or giving advice as to the existence of probable cause to make a
warrantless arrest, he "loses his absolute protection," the judge
added. Noting that the qualified immunity defense is available to
shield liability in connection with performance of official functions
which were "objectively reasonable," the judge said that the
prosecutors' investigatory actions, as alleged, were not reasonable.
Professional Negligence Charges Filed
Against Well-Known Psychiatrist
Tyo v. Ash, et al and Colin Ross
District Court, Dallas Co., Texas, No. DV98-3843.[12]
Colin A. Ross, M.D. is being sued in Texas for allegedly planting and
encouraging false memories of satanic abuse in a former patient. A
50-page Complaint filed in July 1998 by Martha Ann Tyo against four of
her former therapists,[13] including Colin Ross, and against two Texas
hospitals [14] alleges negligence, fraud, fraudulent concealment, and
conspiracy to commit fraud. Defendants are charged with negligence in
failing to carefully evaluate Ms. Tyo's symptoms or to properly treat
her; in alienating Ms. Tyo from her family, her husband, and her
children; in failing to advise her of the questionable nature of the
therapeutic treatments utilized; and in reinforcing the emerging
"memories" as true. All defendants are also charged with fraudulent
conduct which sought to extract from Tyo and from her medical
insurance carrier the maximum amount of money available under her
insurance policy.
The Complaint states that Mrs. Tyo first sought treatment from
defendant Kathleen Stanley for assistance with marital problems and
depression. Using suggestive and hypnotic techniques, Stanley
regressed Tyo to a childlike state to let the "inner child" speak and
recall incidents of abuse. Stanley diagnosed bodily sensations as
"body memories" of abuse and encouraged Tyo to read The Courage to
Heal. Without any independent verification and without advising Tyo
that the techniques being used were capable of causing false beliefs,
Stanley allegedly affirmed to Tyo that her "memories" were true and
that she would have to uncover and relive all her "memories" before
her condition would improve.
Stanley later referred Tyo to another therapist, Stephen Ash, who
is described in the Complaint as a "cult specialist." According to
the Complaint, Ash evaluated Tyo using only a Rorschach test. Based on
that test he concluded that she had MPD, which would require at least
7-10 years of therapy. Prior to this time, Tyo had never been
diagnosed as having any type of dissociative disorder. The Complaint
describes suggestive and coercive techniques, including hypnosis, that
led Tyo to believe horrendous "memories" of sexual abuse, ritual
murders, and torture by members of her family. Ash, however, allegedly
never attempted to independently verify the "repressed memories" and
he never obtained any consultation regarding his diagnosis, despite
the fact that Tyo's condition only worsened under his care. Ash
explained to Tyo that her family was trying to draw her back into the
cult, using "triggers" that included greeting cards displaying colored
flowers. In an effort to "free" Tyo from the cult and rid her of her
"demon personalities," Ash allegedly performed exorcisms.
At this time, according to the Complaint, Tyo became increasingly
distraught, depressed, and suicidal as a result of the therapy she had
received. She was hospitalized at Charter Hospital in Dallas but her
physical condition continued to deteriorate; she had not eaten solid
foods for about two weeks. While hospitalized, Tyo was introduced to
Colin Ross, M.D., who was the head of the MPD Unit at Charter and
Ash's supervisor. Tyo asked Ross for his help in determining whether
or not she had MPD and expressed her concern regarding Ash's
Tyo began treatment with Ross and a counselor named Mary Grundman
in April 1992. The Complaint states that Grundman considered herself a
"Christian counselor" who identified several of Tyo's alleged alters
as God, the Archangel Michael and other angels who were working within
the body to fight the forces of Satan. At one point Tyo calculated
that over 200 alters or "fragment" alters had been
identified. According to the Complaint, Ross and Grundman both worked
to identify more alleged alters, as well as "fragment" alters. Some of
the alters were allegedly operatives in the cult, others were
allegedly the personalities that caused confusion and were the reason
why Tyo never suspected she had MPD prior to this time.
Both Ross and Grundman allegedly conferred with the alters, even
with the alleged Satanists. In fact, the Complaint states, these
alters did not exist, and the false beliefs were the product of the
coercion and suggestion resulting from the improper techniques
employed by Ross and Grundman. According to the Complaint, Ross and
Grundman used these techniques without advising Tyo that they were
capable of causing false beliefs and memories of events which never
occurred. Neither Ross nor Grundman consulted with Tyo about the fact
that MPD and SRA were a subject of controversy within the therapeutic
community. Further, Ross and Grundman never obtained any consultation
regarding her diagnosis, despite the fact that Tyo's condition only
worsened under their care. They constantly reinforced the validity of
her "memories" of abuse at the hands of her family and the Satanic
cult. Ross and Grundman told Tyo that since she had already left the
cult once, she would most likely be sacrificed if she returned.
Throughout her therapy with Grundman, Grundman attributed Tyo's denial
of having been reprogrammed as due to "reprogramming."
Even when Tyo asked Ross to educate her on methods of discerning
reality and how to live a normal life, Ross encouraged her to continue
working on identifying and integrating alters. Ross remained a
consultant regarding her progress in "integration" and continued to
treat Tyo with medication until April 1997.
The Complaint also states that Ross led Tyo to believe she was a
danger to her children, so that she thought she was acting in their
best interest when she gave up all parental rights to her children.
Prior to starting therapy with Stanley, Tyo and her husband were
evaluated as part of adoption proceedings. At that time she was found
to be an acceptable parent for the three young children she and her
husband adopted.
Plaintiff is represented by Mark H. Iola of Dallas and
R. Christopher Barden of Salt Lake City.
[12] See FMSF Brief Bank #204.
[13] Defendants include psychiatrist Kathleen Stanley, therapist
Stephen Ash, Mary Grundman, L.P.C., and psychiatrist Colin Ross.
[14] Also named as defendants are Charter Behavioral Health System of
Dallas, and CPC Millwood Hospital.
New Malpractice Filings Claiming Implantation of False Memories
The FMS Foundation is currently tracking 139 malpractice suits brought
by former patients against their mental health care providers.[6] An
examination of the filings and testimony in those cases provides
evidence of the dangers professional organizations have repeatedly
warned against. Improper use of techniques such as hypnosis may lead
to the development of disturbing images or feelings. When coupled with
a therapist's warnings that the images and feelings should be viewed
as "memories," that working with the images is the way to eventual
mental health, that one must "get worse before one can get better,"
and that only the therapist is able to provide support during that
journey,the stage is set for serious damage to be done to the patient.
Under these circumstances, no matter how horrendous the emerging
"memories" or how far the patient's well-being careens off course,
patients can become erroneously convinced that they are on the path to
recovery. The filings and testimony from the malpractice suits show
how essential it is that professional organizations act now to police
their own professions. When vulnerable patients are injured by
misguided or unscrupulous mental health professionals, the whole
profession also suffers.
[6] Currently, the FMSF knows of 11 malpractice suits that have gone
to trial. Nine ended in a verdict in favor of the plaintiff
against the defendant therapist. In 2 cases, the jury found in
favor of the defendant therapist. In other cases, 2 suits have
been dismissed, 2 were voluntarily dropped by the plaintiff, 56
have been settled out of court, and 67 are ongoing.
Jury Rejects Malpractice in Repressed Memory Claim
Greene v. Charter Pines Hospital, Wallace, Timmons, et al.
Superior Ct., Mecklenburg Co., NC, No. 96-CVS-5235.[15]
On August 19, a North Carolina jury rejected a woman's plea for a
multimillion-dollar malpractice verdict against two therapists she
accused of planting false sex-abuse memories in her mind. Susan Greene
argued that psychologist Daphne Timmons and psychiatrist Scott Wallace
used hypnosis, suggestive questioning and "truth serum" drugs to make
her falsely believe she had been molested by her father and by satanic
cult members. The defense had argued that the therapists were just
trying to help their patient. They also argued that even if the
therapists had been using repressed-memory techniques on Greene, it
wouldn't have been grounds for malpractice. They said that back in the
early 1990s, when the defendants treated Greene, such methods weren't
considered as controversial as they are today.
The trial, including jury selection and verdict, lasted seven
weeks. Plaintiff's attorney Christopher Barden said he plans to appeal
the verdict. "The mental health system will continue to be reformed by
force of law in state after state regardless of what one jury in North
Carolina rules," Barden said in a statement. "Virtually every other
jury in every other state...has ruled that these so-called 'therapy'
practices are not acceptable." Barden said the defense won the case
because North Carolina has "unusual and stringent" rules on
malpractice suits.
[15] Report taken from Frazier, E., "Jurors believe therapists,"
Charlotte Observer, Aug. 20, 1998. See also FMSF Brief Bank #199
and FMSF Newsletter September 1998.
v. Kluft, Dissociative Disorders Program and Institute of
Pennsylvania Hospital, Ct. of Common Pleas, Phila. Co., Pennsylvania,
No. 9509-02260.[16] A psychiatric malpractice suit against Richard
Kluft, M.D. and the Institute of Pennsylvania Hospital was settled
after two days of trial testimony. The amount of the settlement is
confidential. The suit, brought by one of Richard Kluft's former
patients, alleged that Kluft used suggestive and coercive techniques
which caused Marietti to falsely believe that she was the victim of
childhood sexual abuse by her father. Plaintiffs also allege that the
Institute of Pennsylvania Hospital where Marietti was hospitalized
failed to establish procedures to insure that patients were cared for
in a skilled, competent fashion and to insure proper supervision.
[16] See Brief Bank # 192 and FMSF Newsletters July and Sept. 1998.
AMIRAULT CASE The New York Times (9/8/98) reports that Gerald Amirault
hopes for a successful appeal of his 1986 conviction based on a recent
Massachusetts ruling in his sister Cheryl Amirault LeFave's case.
Gerald and Cheryl Amirault and their late mother were all convicted in
1986 and 1987 of raping young children at the family's day care
center. In June, Cheryl was granted a new trial because of new
scientific findings concerning an emerging consensus over how children
should be interviewed to minimize false reports. In the last decade,
researchers estimate, 500 studies have been conducted on children's
"suggestibility" -- the extent to which suggestions implanted by adult
interviewers can influence children's recollections and accounts. The
New York Times lists some of the recent findings regarding proper
interview techniques and quotes from the 1997 American Academy of
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry guidelines.
couple sent to prison in the Wenatchee child sex ring cases should be
allowed to withdraw their pleas because of improper interview
techniques by police and social workers, a Washington Appeals Court
said. Harold and Idella Everett had asked that they be allowed to
withdraw Alford[17] pleas made in 1994 because they contend they had
been coerced into making the pleas that led to prison sentences for
both. The Everetts also asked to withdraw their pleas because one of
the girls they were accused of assaulting recanted her testimony. The
appeals court agreed that the girl's recantation was believable, and
that the recantation and other evidence "makes it more probable that a
unanimous verdict will not be obtained if the charges against the
Everett's go to trial."
The appeals court also rejected Chelan County's assertion that
police detective Robert Perez and social workers were not required to
follow recommended child interview techniques. "Based upon our common
life experience, we know that type of conduct has the potential of
eliciting inaccurate and untruthful responses."
[17] An Alford plea is a plea bargain in which the accused does not
admit guilt.
/ \
| Trial court rulings have followed evidentiary hearings: |
| |
| * BARRETT v. HYLDBURG, Superior Ct., Buncombe Co., NC, |
| No. 94-CVS-793, oral decision May 20, 1998 following Barrett |
| v. Hyldburg, 1997 WL 43876 (N.C., 1997). |
| |
| * CARLSON v. HUMENANSKY, 2nd Dist., Ramsey Co., Minn., |
| No. CX-93-7260, Dec. 29, 1995. |
| |
| * DOE v. MASKELL, Circuit Ct., Baltimore City, MD, |
| No. 9423601/CL18756, May 5, 1995, aff'd Doe v. Maskell, 679 A.2d |
| 1087 (Md., 1996), cert denied 117 S.Ct. 770 (1997). |
| |
| * ENGSTROM v. ENGSTROM, Superior Ct., Los Angeles Co., Calif., No. |
| VC016157, Oct. 11, 1995, aff'd Engstrom v. Engstrom, No. B098146 |
| (Cal.App.2nd App. Dist., June 18, 1997) unpublished. |
| |
| * LOGERQUIST v. DANFORTH, Superior Ct., Maricopa Co., Arizona, |
| No. CV 92-16309, June 11, 1998 following Logerquist v. Danforth, |
| 932 P.2d 281 (Ariz.App., 1996). |
| |
| * MENSCH v. POLLARD, Superior Ct., Whatcom Co., Washington, No. |
| 93-2-01427-5, oral decision dated Sept. 9, 1998. |
| |
| * SHAHZADE v. GREGORY U.S. Dist. Ct., Massachusetts, |
| No. 92-12139-EFH. |
| |
| (N.H.Super., May 23, 1995), aff'd State v. Hungerford, 1997 WL |
| 358620 (N.H., 1997). |
| |
| * STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE v. WALTERS, Superior Ct., Hillsborough, |
| New Hampshire, No. 93-S-2111, -2112 reversed by State of New |
| Hampshire v. Walters, 1997 WL 937024 (N.H., 1997). |
| |
| The trial decisions, filings, and transcripts of expert testimony |
| presented during evidentiary hearings for most of these cases are |
| available from the FMSF. |
| When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall |
| one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle. |
| Edmund Burke |
| Thoughts on the Cause of the Present Discontent Vol. i. p. 526. |
This is a column that will let you know what people are doing
to counteract the harm done by FMS. Remember that seven years ago,
FMSF didn't exist. A group of 50 or so people found each other
and today more than 20,000 have reported similar experiences.
Together we have made a difference.
ILLINOIS: Do you feel you would like to do something to help with the
problems of repressed memory therapy, but don't know what to do? Do
you live too far away to participate in any group meetings or
activities? Have you read any good books recently on recovered memory
therapy or any of its implications? There is a way for you to make a
We found a website on the internet ( where book reviews
can be downloaded. We can use this to help spread information. Many
great books such as Mark Pendergast's Victims of Memory, Tana Dineen's
Manufacturing Victims, and Reinder van Til's Lost Daughters have yet
to be reviewed on this website. Such books deserve attention. Other
books that have done devastating damage such as The Courage to Heal
need reviews from the perspective of their destructive impact on our
If you have read any of these or other outstanding literature on
the issue of repressed memory therapy, please write a brief (200-500
words) book review focusing on the book's content and context. The
best reviews include not only whether you liked or disliked the book,
but why. Mention other books you consider similar and state how the
book you are reviewing rates in comparison to them.
Those of you who have computer access can download such pieces
directly to Those who are not computer
literate can send reviews to E. Schmidt, 937 Brunswick Circle,
Schaumburg, IL 60193 and she will submit them to the website for
you. Please indicate your name and city and advise if you would prefer
to use a "pen name."
The Pen is Mightier than the Sword
Send ideas to Katie Spanuello c/o FMSF
Katie Spanuello
VOICES in Action and the International Society for the Study of
Dissociation (the MPD group founded by Dr. Bennett Braun in Chicago)
were two sponsors of a conference in Evanston Illinois in July. The
two-day conference advertised opening remarks by Illinois Attorney
General Jim Ryan and a keynote speech and a workshop to be delivered
by Ellen Bass (co-author of The Courage to Heal). Other talks focused
on satanic ritual abuse. The Illinois False Memory Society took
action and wrote letters to the Attorney General, advising him of the
agenda of the sponsoring groups and the keynote speaker. The letter
was to educate Mr. Ryan about repressed memory therapy.
One mom, Mattie, thought she needed to do more, however. She had had
enough! Singlehandedly she recruited others to picket the conference.
Mattie wrote a letter explaining her position and took out her phone
book. She compiled the names of local TV, radio and newspaper
reporters and put together a press kit. After mailing the kits she
waited a week and started her follow up calls.
The day of the conference about a dozen people picketed, including
Nadean Cool from Wisconsin who had received a $2.4 million settlement
and was featured on "60 Minutes." One person handed out fact sheets
about the problems of FMS to conference attendees and passers-by. The
Attorney General opted to enter and leave the building through a back
entrance so he didn't have to face the pickets.
A conference organizer came out with a camera and filmed the
protesters for one hour. Some attendees ripped up the fact sheets,
some shouted vile things. One conference organizer told the marchers
to go home because they were upsetting people at the conference. "They
are afraid of you," she said. That struck a chord...afraid of 60 and
70-year-old men and women quietly carrying a sign. Maybe they were
afraid of the truth! Two TV stations sent out reporters and camera
crews who stayed for two hours. Stories appeared in two major
newspapers and on one talk show.
The people who walked the line said they never thought they would
ever do such a thing. Several said they felt empowered (pardon the
word) by their participation in this exercise of free speech.
EDITOR'S COMMENT Regarding Protests: This comment is in response to a
thoughtful letter from a reader concerned about the activities
described in the "Make a Difference" column, September, 1998.
The FMS Foundation does not encourage picketing. If individuals,
for whatever reason, decide this is something they should do, we
report on such events as part of the ongoing documentation of the FMS
phenomenon. We also try to understand what motivates people to take
such action.
The "right to be wrong" is a precious right in our society. Freedom
of speech is a right envied by many peoples, a right that needs
constant protection. No one in our country has the right to stifle
expression. We saw the disastrous effects of not respecting this right
when Connie Kristiansen, Ph.D, professor of psychology at Carlton
University led a protest at McGill University in 1993 and prevented
FMSF Advisory Board member Harold Lief, M.D. from making a
presentation. (See "Bearing Witness to the Patriarchal Revictimization
of Survivors" SWAP Newsletter, 20(2), a Division of the Canadian
Psychological Association for Kristiansen's description of this
The FMS Foundation does not tolerate any activity that interferes
with the right of free speech or that stifles expression.
/ \
| Interesting Observations |
| |
| "By the mid-1980s the idea was to sometimes liposuction people's |
| memories out of their brains. It was a bad idea, bad therapy and I |
| don't recommend it." |
| John Briere, Ph.D., New Zealand Herald, September 9, 1998 |
| |
| "You can create mental illness with very seductive advertising" |
| Walter Afield, M.D. |
| Chief executive officer |
| of Mental Health Programs in Tampa Florida |
| U.S. Journal, April, 1990 |
| |
| "Admissions to private treatment centers fell in 1989 for the |
| first time, an indication that the field may be facing a difficult |
| decade. According to the National Association of Addiction |
| Treatment Providers, some metropolitan-area centers reported that |
| census plummeted by as much as 50 percent, adding to an ongoing |
| problem of keeping beds filled in recent years." |
| March, 1990 |
| U.S. Journal of Drug and Alcohol Dependence 14 (3) |
| Where have all the clients gone? by Stephen Rothman |
Thank You, Beth Rutherford
The Foundation support through the years has been most important. In
the early daze, you helped us know we were not alone and that this was
not just a personal thing, but rather an epidemic affecting countless
young adults and their families. It was also crucial during the
journey to try to understand not only what had happened, but how to
relate to it. Finally, a letter in a recent newsletter from Beth
Rutherford who had made the journey back came to us as a blueprint for
how to reach out. She openly related what actions and words from her
parents had enabled a return and which behaviors would have driven her
away. Her "blueprint" enabled us to write words that were welcomed and
it guided us in our first meeting together.
Our reflections at this point include the following: To honor those
who have fallen into false memories starts with knowing what happened
to them has been at least as painful to them as to their families.
It's as if they had received a blow to the head and can not remember
key elements of their lives. Anger and punishment only add to the
confusion and separation; love and reconciliation are fueled by
understanding and concern for the other's well-being. For this reason
we prefer the term, "return" to "retract."
A Mom and Dad
Memories Return
I reported to your family survey update in 1997 that my daughter had
returned in 1993 but not retracted. We had never discussed the past
and this allowed a resumption of contact which led to us making a
wedding for my daughter in 1994. We live in different cities and had
visited and slept in each others' homes on a few occasions.
In December 1996 my daughter had a baby girl and we visited several
times. Last week we were informed that this arrangement no long
worked. Because of the past "memories," I could no longer sleep in the
same home or pick up the baby since she had to be protected. I could
still visit if I wished. My wife had no restrictions placed on her.
Needless to say, we are very upset. I feel that no further progress
is possible until direct discussion takes place with my daughter. This
has never occurred.
A Dad
What Chutzpah!
Once the concept of supernaturalism is accepted, there are no
boundaries. Mysticism and magic are the necessary corollaries of
supernaturalism. It is very disconcerting that so many people shun
science for the nostrum of magic. Because 90 percent of the population
believes in the supernatural, "therapeutic touch" would hardly raise
an eyebrow for many. These unfortunate people are putting themselves
at risk. Because managed health care providers pay for this form of
magic, they give these people a false sense of security. Managed care
providers would shout with joy if all of their insureds would accept
"therapeutic touch;" after all, how many pennies worth of energy can
these "healers" bill to insurers? Perhaps, "psychic surgery" will be
offered as an alternative medical procedure.
Emily Rosa, a fourth grader who has a good sense of reality, knew
that therapeutic touch was based on magic: As a science project in
which she and one of several healers were separated by a screen, Emily
used a coin flip to determine whether to put her hand over the
healer's left or right hand. The healers were then asked to say
whether they felt energy over their left or right hand. The subjects
picked the correct hand only 44% of the time, worse than guessing.
I don't think that I could have set up the experiment Emily did as
a fourth grader, but I too have an inherent and innate sense of
reality. I use myself as a standard. I don't believe for a minute that
the evolutionary process made some humans more advanced with special
magical and mystical powers than I have. They may "think" they have,
but that is self-deception. I wonder if these good people took this
"healing" concept from the Bible, and if in their minds that
authenticates this procedure? It seems the lines separating "faith
healers" and some other practitioners are blurred. I think they are
under the delusion that they are identifying with and imitating Jesus,
who allegedly healed with the laying of hands. What chutzpah!
Newton Joseph, Ph.D.
Informed-Consent Laws
How do I choose a therapist? How can I tell how risky a therapy is?
Whom do I call if a therapist starts telling me that I had been
sexually abused as a child when I didn't know it until he or she told
These are the kind of questions I have been asked by hundreds of
people in the last decade. Since 1986, I have been representing
victims of false memories, and one of my last cases involved the
Rutherford family of Springfield, MO.
We're still in the midst of a mental health literacy crisis.
Americans suffer more depression than ever before and most of them
don't understand that therapy-induced hypnosis is dangerous
overkill. I feel strongly that there should be an "informed consent"
law in every state that forces every therapist who uses any form of
hypnosis to tell the patient/client the risks, including that the risk
of ending up believing you were sexually abused as a child when you
were not.
Today only Indiana has an informed consent law and that legislation
does not include the warning I recommend.
Sid Willins
Thank you, Dr. Herbert Spiegel
I am a social worker whose daughter five years ago claimed recovered
memories of sexual molestation by her father starting before the age
of five. I have established limited contact with her, but she refuses
to communicate with anyone in our family (father, one brother and
extended relatives).
Our daughter has stated that she does not refute the work of the
FMS Foundation or the claim that therapists can implant memories.
However, she defends her therapy saying that her recovered memories
were present before she was hospitalized for an attempted suicide and
that she was never hypnotized. MPD was her diagnosis. Interestingly,
she did not isolate herself from her family prior to her
hospitalization -- only afterward.
Although the emphasis of the Foundation appears to be recovered
false memories via the therapeutic process, it appears that recent
information suggests that false memories can also be recovered via
"contagion" or implantation by other means -- i.e. books, friends,
educators, movies, etc.
In the recent article, "Sybil -- The Making of a Disease: An
Interview with Dr. Herbert Spiegel" by Mikkel Borch-Jacobsen (NY
Review of Books, April 24, 1997), Dr. Spiegel notes that"most of the
patients that the MPD experts have in the wards are not highly
hypnotizable, so what they are actually playing around with are
borderlines and psychopaths who enter into the game for different
reasons." My opinion, early on, was that my daughter should have been
diagnosed as having Borderline Personality Disorder. This article has
confirmed my original belief.
Thank you, Dr. Herbert Spiegel, for your comments and thank you
FMSF for continuing to inform us of the latest research in this tragic
fad that will eventually play itself out but leave so many devastated
in its wake.
A Mom, MSW
EDITOR'S COMMENT: Many people are unaware that techniques such as
guided imagery, relaxation, dream analysis and regression work seem to
tap the same mechanisms as hypnosis. See "The False Memory Syndrome
(FMS) and "Disguised" Hypnosis" by Campbell Perry (Hypnos XXII (4),
Apologize and Retract First
As a non-accusing sibling, I wish to be added to the list of those who
say "She must apologize and retract first." I have come to the
resolution that my sister would have to apologize, retract, and
demonstrate by her behavior that she has been re-socialized before she
could have any place in my life. The RMT process de-socialized my
sister, leaving her with an interpersonal relationship style that is
vicious, cruel, selfish, and destructive in intent.
She's been gone for 10 years. During that time, a niece and nephew
have been born to other siblings in my family. I cannot imagine my
sister having unsupervised contact with these children until she has
completed the above steps. I also have two wonderful, caring
sisters-in-law whom I would not want subjected to my sister's abusive
tirades or character assassinations.
A Sister
Apologies Later
I am a retractor. I like that term much better than "recanter," which
sounds as though I lied with malicious intent. Of the many people I
met with 'repressed memories,' very few, if any, seemed malicious in
their intent. In fact, most seemed rather pitiful, broken down and
terrified. Regardless of intent, we believed our memories. They were
not lies, but facts as clear as this paper.
I admitted myself into Del Amo Hospital in Torrance, CA in August
of 1990. There were four children out of seven who recovered memories.
The memories did not stand just on their own. For all of us, they were
accompanied by horrific nightmares. Dreams, as we are taught, are the
gateway to the subconscious; not just any dreams, but the kind of
dreams that cause a grown man to cry out at the top of his lungs while
trying to climb up the wall at the head of his bed. I cannot begin to
describe the terror incorporated in these dreams. It was not so much
the pictures in them, gruesome as they tended to be, but more the
presence of true evil that chills a man to the bone. These dreams
along with the sodium amytal and hypnosis sessions only reinforced the
As a side note, it is rather a strange thing to hear a tape of an
amytal session. It is most discomforting to hear your own voice
graphically describing how you dismembered a child. Fantasy or
reality, it is unnerving.
I was in the hospital for eighteen months; eighteen months in a
make-believe world of "feelings" and therapy. What a wreck I was.
Subsequently, I returned to my family, although it would take years to
return fully. That was February 1992. The other three have since cut
off communication with me as I am now among the 'enemy.' It has been
five years since my last therapy session and as recently as last night
I had a dream that caused me to cry out in terror.
Know this, accused parents: whatever you are suffering, your
children are suffering ten times as much. You will only get them back
through love, persistence and open arms. If you are fortunate enough
to get your children back, treat them as you would any other terrified
child, not as the perpetrator of your pain. Apologies come later!
| |
| Please help us save time trying to call you! |
| If your area code has changed, please let us know. |
| Thank you for helping us to serve you better. |
| |
| Please remember, we need your address change |
| every time you move. |
| Thank you for helping us to serve you better. |
* N O T I C E S *
* *
* *
* The address of the web site maintained for FMSF *
* by Patrick Fitzgerald is: *
* *
* *
* is the address of the website that FMSF is developing. *
* The site currently has background information on the *
* U.S.A. v Peterson *
* trial in Houston, Texas. *
* *
* A new web site of interest to FMSF Newsletter readers: *
* today! *
* *
* *
* Stopping the Plague of False Memories *
* *
* Saturday, October 3, 1998 Ramada Inn, Toledo, Ohio *
* *
* Speakers: *
* Pamela Freyd, Ph.D. Chris Koronakos, Ph.D. *
* Eleanor Goldstein Dr. Paul Simpson *
* Sharla Kimmel Nicole Bishop *
* For more information call: *
* Kalamazoo: Chris (616) 349-8978 *
* Columbus: Carol (440) 888-7963 *
* Ann Arbor: Martha (734) 439-4055 *
* or (734) 439-8119 *
* *
* Fall Meeting *
* Sunday, October 18, 1998 *
* DoubleTree Hotel, Glenview *
* 1400 Milwaukee Ave. Chicago, Illinois 60025-1400 *
* *
* Keynote Speaker: PAMELA FREYD, Ph.D. *
* *
* For more information, call 847-803-9800 *
* *
* Conference of interest to FMSF Newsletter subscribers: *
* *
* Presented by The National Child Abuse Defense *
* and Resource Center *
* Kimberly A. Hart, Executive Director *
* OCTOBER 22 - 24, 1998 LAS VEGAS, NEVADA *
* Terence Campbell, Ph.D. Richard Ofshe, Ph.D. *
* Elizabeth Loftus, Ph.D. Barry Scheck, J.D. *
* For Hotel Reservations Alexis Park Resort & Spa call: *
* (800) 453-8000 or (702) 796-3392 by September 23rd *
* After September 23rd or for more info. call: *
* NCADRC - Todd James: (419) 865-0513 *
* *
* ___________________ *
* Family Meeting: *
* November 7, 1998 *
* Speakers: *
* Pamela Freyd, Ph.D. *
* Eleanor Goldstein *
* For more information call: *
* Cecilia: (310) 545-6064 *
* Carole: (805) 967-8058 *
* _______________________ *
* November 8, 1988 *
* Baxter Lecture Hall, California Institute of Technology *
* Speakers: *
* Pamela Freyd, Ph.D. and Eleanor Goldstein *
* For more information call: (626) 794-3119 *
* *
* *
* A few sets of audiotapes are still available from the recovered *
* memories conference held in New Haven, CT on November 14, 1997. *
* Speakers and topics include: *
* MARK PENDERGRAST: An Historical, scientific look at the recovered *
* memories controversy. *
* PAMELA FREYD: A history of the formation and accomplishments of *
* the False Memory Syndrome Foundation. *
* ANITA LIPTON: Overview of the case law and statutory developments *
* relating to recovered memories. *
* JEROME L. SINGER: What do we know about repression and *
* dissociation? *
* JONATHAN SCHOOLER: The scientific evidence for recovered memories. *
* D. STEPHEN LINDSAY: Understanding recovered memory experiences. *
* DAVID SAKHEIM: Complexities of recovered memories of trauma: a *
* clinician's view. *
* If you would like a set of the tapes, *
* please send a check for $40 to: *
* Professor Sheila Taub, Quinnipiac College School of Law, *
* 275 Mt. Carmel Ave., Hamden, CT 06518 *
* *
* If you have questions about how to include the FMSF in your estate *
* planning, contact Charles Caviness 800-289-9060. (Available 9:00 *
* AM to 5:00 PM Pacific time.) *
* *
Key: (MO)-monthly; (bi-MO)-bi-monthly; (*)-see Notices above
Contacts & Meetings:
Kathleen (907) 337-7821
Barbara (602) 924-0975; 854-0404(fax)
Little Rock
Al & Lela (870) 363-4368
Sacramento - (quarterly)
Joanne & Gerald (916) 933-3655
Rudy (916) 443-4041
San Francisco & North Bay - (bi-MO)
Gideon (415) 389-0254 or
Charles 984-6626(am); 435-9618(pm)
East Bay Area - (bi-MO)
Judy (510) 376-8221
South Bay Area - Last Sat. (bi-MO)
Jack & Pat (408) 425-1430
3rd Sat. (bi-MO) @10am
Central Coast
Carole (805) 967-8058
Central Orange County - 1st Fri. (MO) @ 7pm
Chris & Alan (714) 733-2925
Covina Area - 1st Mon. (MO) @7:30pm
Floyd & Libby (626) 330-2321
San Diego Area
Dee (619) 941-4816
Colorado Springs
Doris (719) 488-9738
S. New England - (bi-MO) Sept-May
Earl (203) 329-8365 or
Paul (203) 458-9173
Madeline (954) 966-4FMS
Boca/Delray - 2nd & 4th Thurs (MO) @1pm
Helen (407) 498-8684
Central Florida - Please call for mtg. time
John & Nancy (352) 750-5446
Tampa Bay Area
Bob & Janet (813) 856-7091
Wallie & Jill (770) 971-8917
Carolyn (808) 261-5716
Chicago & Suburbs - 1st Sun. (MO)
Eileen (847) 985-7693
Liz & Roger (847) 827-1056
Rest of Illinois
Bryant & Lynn (309) 674-2767
Indiana Assn. for Responsible Mental Health Practices
Nickie (317) 471-0922; fax (317) 334-9839
Pat (219) 482-2847
Des Moines - 2nd Sat. (MO) @11:30 am Lunch
Betty & Gayle (515) 270-6976
Kansas City - 2nd Sun. (MO)
Pat (785) 738-4840
Jan (816) 931-1340
Louisville- Last Sun. (MO) @ 2pm
Bob (502) 367-1838
Francine (318) 457-2022
Irvine & Arlene (207) 942-8473
Freeport - 4th Sun. (MO)
Carolyn (207) 364-8891
Ellicot City Area
Margie (410) 750-8694
Andover - 2nd Sun. (MO) @ 1pm
Frank (978) 263-9795
Grand Rapids Area-Jenison - 1st Mon. (MO)
Bill & Marge (616) 383-0382
Greater Detroit Area - 3rd Sun. (MO)
Nancy (248) 642-8077
Ann Arbor
Martha (734) 439-8119
Terry & Collette (507) 642-3630
Dan & Joan (612) 631-2247
Kansas City - 2nd Sun. (MO)
Pat 738-4840
Jan (816) 931-1340
St. Louis Area - 3rd Sun. (MO)
Karen (314) 432-8789
Mae (314) 837-1976
Springfield - 4th Sat. (MO) @12:30pm
Tom (417) 883-8617
Roxie (417) 781-2058
Lee & Avone (406) 443-3189
See Wayne, PA
Albuquerque - 1st Sat. (MO) @1 pm
Southwest Room - Presbyterian Hospital
Maggie (505) 662-7521 (after 6:30 pm)
Sy (505) 758-0726
Westchester, Rockland, etc. - (bi-MO)
Barbara (914) 761-3627
Upstate/Albany Area - (bi-MO)
Elaine (518) 399-5749
Susan (704) 481-0456
Bob & Carole (440) 888-7963
Oklahoma City
Dee (405) 942-0531
HJ (405) 755-3816
Paul & Betty (717) 691-7660
Rick & Renee (412) 563-5616
John (717) 278-2040
Wayne (includes S. NJ) - 2nd Sat. (MO)
Jim & Jo (610) 783-0396
Wed. (MO) @1pm
Kate (615) 665-1160
Jo or Beverly (713) 464-8970
El Paso
Mary Lou (915) 591-0271
Keith (801) 467-0669
Judith (802) 229-5154
Sue (703) 273-2343
Pat (304) 291-6448
Katie & Leo (414) 476-0285
Susanne & John (608) 427-3686
Vancouver & Mainland - Last Sat. (MO) @ 1- 4pm
Ruth (604) 925-1539
Victoria & Vancouver Island - 3rd Tues. (MO) @7:30pm
John (250) 721-3219
Joan (204) 284-0118
London -2nd Sun (bi-MO)
Adriaan (519) 471-6338
Eileen (613) 836-3294
Toronto /N. York
Pat (416) 444-9078
Ethel (705) 924-2546
Ken & Marina (905) 637-6030
Paula (705) 692-0600
Alain (514) 335-0863
St. Andre Est.
Mavis (450) 537-8187
Irene (03) 9740 6930
FMS ASSOCIATION fax-(972) 2-625-9282
Task Force FMS of Werkgroep Fictieve
Anna (31) 20-693-5692
Colleen (09) 416-7443
Ake Moller FAX (48) 431-217-90
The British False Memory Society
Roger Scotford (44) 1225 868-682
Deadline for the November Newsletter is October 15
Meeting notices MUST be in writing
and should be sent no later than TWO MONTHS PRIOR TO MEETING.
| Do you have access to e-mail? Send a message to |
| |
| if you wish to receive electronic versions of this newsletter and |
| notices of radio and television broadcasts about FMS. All the |
| message need say is "add to the FMS-News". It would be useful, but |
| not necessary, if you add your full name (all addresses and names |
| will remain strictly confidential). |
The False Memory Syndrome Foundation is a qualified 501(c)3 corpora-
tion with its principal offices in Philadelphia and governed by its
Board of Directors. While it encourages participation by its members
in its activities, it must be understood that the Foundation has no
affiliates and that no other organization or person is authorized to
speak for the Foundation without the prior written approval of the Ex-
ecutive Director. All membership dues and contributions to the Founda-
tion must be forwarded to the Foundation for its disposition.
Pamela Freyd, Ph.D., Executive Director
FMSF Scientific and Professional Advisory Board, October 1, 1998
AARON T. BECK, M.D., D.M.S., University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,
PA; TERENCE W. CAMPBELL, Ph.D., Clinical and Forensic Psychology,
Sterling Heights, MI; ROSALIND CARTWRIGHT, Ph.D., Rush Presbyterian
St. Lukes Medical Center, Chicago, IL; JEAN CHAPMAN, Ph.D., University
of Wisconsin, Madison, WI; LOREN CHAPMAN, Ph.D., University of Wiscon-
sin, Madison, WI; FREDERICK C. CREWS, Ph.D., University of California,
Berkeley, CA; ROBYN M. DAWES, Ph.D., Carnegie Mellon University,
Pittsburgh, PA; DAVID F. DINGES, Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, PA; HENRY C. ELLIS, Ph.D., University of New Mexico,
Albuquerque, NM; FRED H. FRANKEL, MBChB, DPM, Harvard University Medi-
cal School, Boston MA; GEORGE K. GANAWAY, M.D., Emory University of
Medicine, Atlanta, GA; MARTIN GARDNER, Author, Hendersonville, NC
ROCHEL GELMAN, Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles, CA; HENRY
GLEITMAN, Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA; LILA
GLEITMAN, Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA; RICHARD
GREEN, M.D., J.D., Charing Cross Hospital, London; DAVID A. HALPERIN,
M.D., Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY; ERNEST HILGARD,
Ph.D., Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA; JOHN HOCHMAN, M.D., UCLA
Medical School, Los Angeles, CA; DAVID S. HOLMES, Ph.D., University of
Kansas, Lawrence, KS; PHILIP S. HOLZMAN, Ph.D., Harvard University,
Cambridge, MA; ROBERT A. KARLIN, Ph.D., Rutgers University, New
Brunswick, NJ; HAROLD LIEF, M.D., University of Pennsylvania, Phila-
delphia, PA; ELIZABETH LOFTUS, Ph.D., University of Washington, Sea-
tle, WA; SUSAN L. McELROY, M.D., University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati,
OH; PAUL McHUGH, M.D., Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD; HAROLD
MERSKEY, D.M., University of Western Ontario, London, Canada; SPENCER
HARRIS MORFIT, Author, Westford, MA; ULRIC NEISSER, Ph.D., Cornell
University, Ithaca, N.Y.; RICHARD OFSHE, Ph.D., University of Califor-
nia, Berkeley, CA; EMILY CAROTA ORNE, B.A., University of Pennsylvan-
ia, Philadelphia, PA; MARTIN ORNE, M.D., Ph.D., University of Pennsyl-
vania, Philadelphia, PA; LOREN PANKRATZ, Ph.D., Oregon Health Sciences
University, Portland, OR; CAMPBELL PERRY, Ph.D., Concordia University,
Montreal, Canada; MICHAEL A. PERSINGER, Ph.D., Laurentian University,
Ontario, Canada; AUGUST T. PIPER, Jr., M.D., Seattle, WA; HARRISON
POPE, Jr., M.D., Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA; JAMES RANDI,
Author and Magician, Plantation, FL; HENRY L. ROEDIGER, III, Ph.D.,
Washington University, St. Louis, MO; CAROLYN SAARI, Ph.D., Loyola
University, Chicago, IL; THEODORE SARBIN, Ph.D., University of Cali-
fornia, Santa Cruz, CA; THOMAS A. SEBEOK, Ph.D., Indiana University,
Bloomington, IN; MICHAEL A. SIMPSON, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., M.R.C,
D.O.M., Center for Psychosocial & Traumatic Stress, Pretoria, South
Africa; MARGARET SINGER, Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley,
CA; RALPH SLOVENKO, J.D., Ph.D., Wayne State University Law School,
Detroit, MI; DONALD SPENCE, Ph.D., Robert Wood Johnson Medical Center,
Piscataway, NJ; JEFFREY VICTOR, Ph.D., Jamestown Community College,
Jamestown, NY; HOLLIDA WAKEFIELD, M.A., Institute of Psychological
Therapies, Northfield, MN; CHARLES A. WEAVER, III, Ph.D. Baylor Uni-
versity, Waco, TX.
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