FMSF NEWSLETTER ARCHIVE - Spring 2011 - Vol. 20, No. 2, HTML version

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F M S   F O U N D A T I O N   N E W S L E T T E R     (e-mail edition)
SPRING 2011 Vol. 20 No. 2
      ISSN #1069-0484. Copyright (c) 2011 by the FMS Foundation
The FMSF Newsletter will be published 4 times  in  2011  by the  False
Memory  Syndrome  Foundation  and delivered electronically. It is also
available at on the  FMSF website:  Those without
        access to the Internet should contact the Foundation.
           1955 Locust Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103-5766
                 Phone 215-940-1040, Fax 215-940-1042
        The next e-mail newsletter will be sent in July 2011

Dear Friends,

For the past 20 years in each newsletter issue, we have tried to show
through the various articles what people believe about the reality of
"recovered repressed memories." Are people leaning toward acceptance
or toward skepticism? When we began in 1992, there was a solid wall of
belief in recovered memories. Many even seemed to think that
"recovered memories" were better than other memories because they had
been kept in some "bubble" in the brain out of the reach of ordinary
memory processes of decay or change. People who were accused of abuse
based on this belief were told they were in denial if they claimed
innocence, that they must have repressed the memory also. An accused
person was guilty if he or she denied guilt and, obviously, was guilty
if he or she confessed. To be accused was to be found guilty.

The first cracks in that wall of belief came when enough data was
collected to show that therapists had used risky techniques to
excavate most "recovered memories." These techniques had already been
shown to be suggestive: hypnosis, guided imagery, sodium amytal,
relaxation exercises, self-hypnosis, and survivor groups. Once that
realization was accepted, the idea that "recovered repressed memories"
could be inaccurate also began to be accepted.

>From that first opening crack, the wall of belief has continued to
tumble for the past two decades. Judging from the papers and articles
and emails that cross our desk, however, it seems that there has not
been as much change in the last year or so. Yes, at the higher levels
of science, understanding about the malleable nature of memory is well
understood. At the popular level, in the media, and among therapists
it seems to be a mixed bag. Belief in the notion of repression runs
deep in our cultural psyche, and it is a much more romantic and
dramatic notion than the simple message of science about the
malleability of memory.

The articles mentioned in this newsletter are good examples of the
current climate. Below we note that FMSF Scientific Advisory Board
member Elizabeth Loftus has received another important award. In
February, 2010, the American Association for the Advancement of
Science (AAAS) honored her with its Scientific Freedom and
Responsibility Award.

Dr. Loftus was honored "for the profound impact that her pioneering
research on human memory has had on the administration of justice in
the United States and abroad." and the fact that she is "an ideal
example of a scientist who is distinguished for both advancing science
and applying it to make critical contributions to society." Many
honors have now been awarded to Elizabeth Loftus because of her work
in false memories and for her courage in dealing with the litigation
to try to stop her from publishing some of that work. The awards are
from the highest levels of the scientific establishment in our 

In contrast, below there is news about misleading information on one
therapist's website. The article is actually ludicrous to anyone who
knows anything about this Foundation or Elizabeth Loftus. The author
writes that Loftus's prestige has fallen. She doesn't need to explain
Loftus's many awards because she does not bother to mention them. The
author also claims that the United States Army provided funding for
the FMSF. This misinformation must have been plucked from thin air. The
author could easily have checked online and learned that the FMSF has
never received such funding. But why let real facts get in the way?
Although such an article may seem amusing, in its absurdity, it is
also a bit dangerous. Along with other similarly ill-informed papers
on the web, it can mislead people with no background or context in the
recovered-memory phenomenon

Such misinformed people appear to keep the "memory wars" dragging on.
On the other hand, the very fact that people attack the FMSF can be
seen as positive, in a strange way. It means that they at least know
that there is skepticism of their beliefs. They may act cultish by not
reading what critics say that science has shown to be true about
memory -- a way to avoid listening to conflicting information that
causes them discomfort. They may repeat all kinds of misinformation
about FMSF or its advisors believing that what they say justifies
their not opening their minds to the message of the FMSF. But they
really have to work quite hard to build the "walls" that let them
avoid the discomfort of scientific information that undermines their
belief system.

For those newsletter readers who have been involved with the FMSF
since the early 90s, the article about Roseanne below may seem
bittersweet. In 1991 Roseanne was all over the airwaves and on the
cover of People Magazine with her wild accusations of childhood sexual
abuse. Has she now retracted? It would appear that she has backed off
far enough to answer "yes." Has that retraction made the cover of
People as did her accusation? The memory wars grind on in part because
of the media predilection to emphasize scandalous and salacious
accusations, not their calm retractions. This prediletion is not
peculiar to the recovered memory phenomenon but rather to most
scientific explanations of extraordinary claims.

Wild claims make headlines. Thoughtful, scientific explanations don't.

If only it were possible to make the research reported below about a
study that failed to find an expected association between trauma and
dissociation (Dutra et al.) as exciting as a story about multiple
personality disorder. Would it speed up the passage of belief in
recovered-memories to its ultimate demise? The study is important but
surely more people know about the program When the Devil Knocks shown
by the CBC last fall. (See below.) Even though the CBC produced one of
the most thoughtful documentaries ever done about MPD in 1993, a few
months ago they aired a program that was irresponsibly uncritical of
the diagnosis. There was no political, social or medical context of
the diagnosis of MPD. Without that, the program sinks to the
unfortunate category of "mental illness as entertainment." Although
the director states that the film was intended as a training video, it
was shown to a mass audience. Viewers may be forgiven for gaping at
the bizarre behavior of "switching" from one personality to another by
a mentally ill person as viewers more than a century ago may have
gaped at patients in Bedlam. The CBC should feel embarrassed by their
airing of this film.

There are two legal cases reported this month that are disturbing.
(See below.) They are not standard recovered memory cases but they do
reflect overzealous prosecutions and the inadequacy of our legal
system for dealing with anyone who many have been wrongfully convicted
for murder. Ryan Ferguson, convicted when he was 19-years-old is now
26-years-old and he is still in prison even though there was never any
physical evidence found and the only two witnesses to testify against
him have retracted their statements.[1] And Joseph Allen and Nancy
Smith who have been free for two years after spending more than a
decade in prison in one of the early day-care hysteria cases have been
informed that they are to be prosecuted again. We are reminded of the
following statement by Robert Rosenthal:

  "Our judicial system is based on the Constitution and is designed to
  apply the law with an even hand, providing an assurance of
  fundamental fairness, equal protection, and due process to every
  defendant, regardless of the particular passions or prejudices of
  any given moment. Just as the law does not permit children who have
  been victimized to be ignored, it does not allow unequal access to
  constitutional protections."

Although there are still many recovered-memory legal cases in the
works, most of them are in the category of clergy cases. Most of these
seem to be settled for large amounts of money if they are civil cases
but they do not affect case law. Some continue through the legal
system. Clergy cases have been inspiring a new wave of legislatures to
introduce bills to extend the statute of limitations for childhood
sexual abuse in both criminal and civil cases.

We expect that no future recovered-memory legal case will come close
to the combination of heartbreak and joy of the Johnson case reported
last month. The decision in this case did not affect case law but it
has affected most FMSF families. That case took almost 15 years to
wind its way though the legal system. There was joy that the Johnsons
were awarded $1million and that the therapists' negligent care of
their daughter was recognized. There was heartbreak because their
daughter has not returned, in spite of the exposure of her negligent
therapists and the bankrupt theory on which their practice rested.

It is wonderful that so many families have been reunited and that
those involved can get on with their lives. Unfortunately, there are
also still thousands of families that have not reunited and who are
coming to the point of giving up hope that they will live to see a
change. (See letter p. 10) It is the accuser who holds belief that his
or her recovered repressed memories of abuse are true who must change.
Below is a retractor's story. We are always impressed at the courage
of people who can say they made a mistake.


[1] See: 48 Hours Season 311 Episode 0326, March 27, 2011 Available


In February, 2010, the American Association for the Advancement of
Science (AAAS) honored FMSF Scientific Advisory Board member Elizabeth
Loftus with its Scientific Freedom and Responsibility Award. The AAAS
noted that Dr. Loftus is "an ideal example of a scientist who is
distinguished for both advancing science and applying it to make
critical contributions to society."

Founded in 1848, the AAAS is the world's largest general scientific
society and publisher of the journal Science. The award is presented
annually by the AAAS to honor individual scientists and engineers or
organizations for exemplary actions that help foster scientific
freedom and responsibility.

Dr. Loftus was honored "for the profound impact that her pioneering
research on human memory has had on the administration of justice in
the United States and abroad."

Zambon, K. (2011, February 11). 'False memory' investigator Dr.
Elizabeth Loftus receives the 2010 AAAS Scientific Freedom and
Responsibility Award. Press release. American Association for the
Advancement of Science.
                  Elizabeth Loftus Acceptance Speech
         for the Scientific Freedom and Responsibility Award

I feel grateful and privileged that the research I have done on memory
in the past three decades has been honored for its contributions to
science and human welfare. But of all of these awards, this one, in
honor of Scientific Freedom and Responsibility, has a special
poignancy for me. I never set out to carry the banner for those
glorious words, freedom and responsibility; I was merely a scientist
interested in the fallibility and malleability of memory, a subject
that turned out to be central to the "repressed memory" moral panic
that swept this nation in the 1980s and 1990s. If anyone had told me
in advance that my scientific commitment to knowledge would make me
the target of organized, relentless vitriol and harassment (not to
mention expensive litigation), I might have laughed at them --
"Memory?  Who gets angry over different memories?"

Every now and then I'd find myself wondering, if I'd known this in
advance, would I have made the same decisions. Would I have decided to
do the same kind of research, to spend countless hours in courtrooms
testifying for the falsely accused, to write endless articles in
rejoinder to dubious but persistent clinical ideas?

I do know that once faced with the choice between yielding to the wave
of hostility and criticism that my research provoked or standing as
strong as I could for science and justice, it was a no-brainer for
me. But it was a decision that took an enormous personal toll, which
is why this award is so meaningful and gratifying to me.

We live today in perilous times for science: conflicts of interest
that taint research; pressures on scientists to cut corners to get
fast results; a public culture that alternates between hostility to
science and irrational expectations of what science can provide. If we
as scientists want to preserve our freedom (and the welfare of
others), now more than ever we have a responsibility: And that
responsibility is to bring our science to the public arena and to
speak out as forcefully as we can against even the most cherished
beliefs that reflect unsubstantiated myths.

                       HAS ROSEANNE RETRACTED?

In 1991, celebrity Roseanne publicly accused her parents of sexually
abusing her as a child. That accusation spread around the world and
helped to fuel the false memory phenomenon. On February 14, 2011,
Roseanne was a guest on the Oprah Show and she spoke about that

  R: I think it's the worst thing I've ever done. it's the biggest
  mistake that I've ever made.


  R: Well, both of those things...I think what happened was that --
  well, I know what happened was that I was in a very unhappy
  relationship. I was prescribed numerous psychiatric drugs.
  Incredible mixtures of psychiatric drugs to deal with the fact that
  I had, and still in some ways, have and always will have some mental
  illness. And the drugs and the combination of drugs that I was
  given, were some strong, strong drugs, I totally lost touch with
  reality in a big, big, way.

Roseanne did visit her father before he died 10 years ago. She has
commented: "My father and I had a conversation where we said the final
words we would ever say to each other, and I think that we had come to
a new opening."

In her new book Roseannearchy, Roseanne writes: "I was mistaken to use
the word incest, but I can't really think of another word, and when I
do, I'll use it."

Although she apparently does not now believe that she suffered
"incest," Roseanne also says:

  "I want to say that nobody accuses their parents of abusing them
  without justification to do that. I didn't just make it up. A lot of
  things were true and abusive and horrible things that happened to me
  that my father did."

Her present comments are a far cry from her early accusations that her
father sexually abused her and that her mother also abused her.

  "I remember my mother molesting me while she was changing my diaper."
           Sally Jessy Raphael (1991, October 11)

The climate was certainly different in 1991.

  "When someone asks you, 'Were you sexually abused as a child?' there
  are really only two answers: One of them is 'Yes,' and one of them
  is 'I don't know.' You can't say 'No.'"   Oprah (1991,November 8)

Has Roseanne retracted? A comment from the website of someone who
identifies herself as a survivor is revealing:

  "Well great, but now what she has done is probably made countless
  victims and survivors question their own memories, caused many
  people to disbelieve and even scoff at victims who speak about
  previously repressed memories of abuse, and has caused victims and
  survivors to wonder if speaking up about having been abused is even
  the right thing to do."
    Retrieved on March 22 from

A look at Roseanne's original accusations will demonstrate how far
away from them she has moved. You might go to People Magazine (October
7, 1991) at:,,20111007,00.html
Much of the recent Oprah program can be found on the web. Try:
  to-The -Oprah-Show

           Dutra, L., Bureau JF, Holmes B., et al. (2009).
             Quality of early care and childhood trauma:
    A prospective study of developmental pathways to dissociation.
       Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 197,(6) 383-390.

The mantra of the recovered memory movement has been that trauma
causes dissociation. Critics of that assumption have pointed to the
need for longitudinal studies to show that such a relationship exists.
Dutra and colleagues have conducted such a study.

The researchers studied 56 children and their mothers from infancy for
19 years. The families had been referred for clinical home-visiting
services because of concern about the quality of parent-infant
relationships. Thirty-five nonreferred socioeconomically-matched
families were comparisons.

Dissociation was measured with the Dissociative Experience
Scale. Quality of early care was measured by observer
ratings. Childhood trauma was indexed by state-documented
maltreatment, self-report, and interviewer ratings. Dissociation was
measured when the participants were young adults. The authors
hypothesized that childhood trauma would be associated with
dissociation in young adulthood.

The results did not show such a relationship. They showed that verbal
abuse and a lack of parental responsiveness in infancy added to a
prediction of dissociation in early adulthood. Other abuse such as
sexual abuse did not. The authors write:

  "These findings do indicate that caregiver emotional availability
  may play a more significant role in the genesis of dissociation than
  previously thought..."

                 With Gratitude to Robyn Dawes, Ph.D.
                           Jeanette Bartha

Robyn Dawes and I met in 1993 at a meeting of the FMSF advisory board
in Philadelphia. Only a year earlier, I had escaped repressed memory
therapy and the FMSF invited me to share my experience.

I sat next to Robyn at that meeting and our friendship began. Over the
years we wrote lengthy letters discussing the profession of psychology
and what he called psychogists' "cognitive delusions of omniscience."
He spoke in a reserved manner, but with a pen in his hand, he spoke
with passion and conviction. He was angry, and so was I.

I often wondered why he took the time to write me. He, a distinguished
professor; I, a former patient holding a Bachelor's degree in
psychology. Robyn shared his insights and the difficulties of being an
independent thinker, writer, researcher and author. I think he wrote
because we shared the same mission but from different vantage
points -- to address the irrationality of the psychology profession.

My mind was only beginning to recover from the coercion of being led
to believe I had multiple personalities. I was grateful when he shared
the manuscript of his forthcoming book, House of Cards while it was
gestating in his brilliant mind. He sent me chapters and I read them
thoroughly, squeezing out every morsel of knowledge he offered.

I hope that Robyn knew how much he helped my mind recover. Conversing,
writing, and thinking was my return-ride to mental health. We didn't
discuss the psychotherapy I fled, or the doctor, or the difficulties I
was having. We discussed the field of psychology and shared ideas.
Robyn kept my mind active and I pushed forward in my recovery.

What struck me most about Robyn was his kindness and gracious
manner. For all the retractors out there, I will share what he wrote
on November 30, 1993. "One of the big appeals of the "survivor
movement," is the message that "you are not alone." I'm writing this
letter in part because I think many of you who have survived that
movement might have an interest in knowing that you too are, indeed,
not alone."

Join the discussions at my blog "Multiple Personalities Don't Exist" There is no membership and comments
can be made anonymously.

                          NEW SURVIVOR BOOK
                 You're Only as Sick as Your Secrets
                  Donna Jacques Temm, Balboa Press*

Another in the stream of books written by women describing how they
came to recover repressed memories of childhood abuse. And as we
usually note, there is no way that this reader can know the truth or
falsity of any of the claims in the book. A reader, can, however, note
if there was a suggestive environment connected with the memory
recovery. If the memories were recovered in a suggestive environment,
the historical accuracy is less likely.

The author, Donna Temm, writes that she had struggled with periods of
undiagnosed depression for most of her life. During one such episode,
she telephoned her sister who told Temm to seek professional help.
Temm began to recover memories after the second session with her
therapist. She continued recovering childhood abuse memories for many
years in a number of different therapeutic settings.

Temm writes that in her first session the counselor had her make a
family tree and then had her talk about past relationships. "I was
shocked and taken aback when in a very matter-of-fact tone she said,
'So you're telling me you've never had a functional intimate
relationship with a member of the opposite sex. They've all been
dysfunctional.'" Temm asks herself where the therapist came up with
that notion since that was not what she had described.

Temm tells us that the second therapy session involved "EMDR, a
process that would focus on unexpressed trauma being stored in the
body." She explains: 'Events perceived as traumatic are stored in a
child's body if the brain has not yet formed the synapses that allow
communication between the left and right hemispheres. Eventually,
unremediated trauma will manifest itself in a variety of ways; often
as an emotional imbalance or physical disease."

A few days after the second session, Temm needed support. She began to
realize she had been sexually abused. This is what Temm wrote: "Two
days earlier, after completing my first session of EMDR, my counselor
had informed me that it was not uncommon for people to process 24 to
48 hours after such a session. What we didn't discuss was that she had
recognized signs (as I would later learn) that pointed to possible
sexual abuse."

Was the author in a suggestive setting? Most certainly she was if her
therapist saw "signs" of possible abuse in the first meeting and used
EMDR to uncover unexpressed trauma stored in the body.

Currently the author is "self-employed as an alternative and massage
therapist." She writes that she relies "on my intuition and ability to
discern and redirect clients' irregular patterns that may be
negatively impacting their well being." One wonders what might have
happened if Temm had turned to a therapist with a cognitive-behavioral

  *Balboa Press is a division of Hay House, a vanity press
   (Merriam-Webster: "a publishing house that publishes books at the
   author's expense").


Spotted by a reader in Australia who sent an email to a member in
Canada who forwarded it to friends, the Foundation email box was soon
swamped in early February. What caused such a flood of mail? People
were upset about an article on the website of a Dr. Faye Snyder called
"The politics of memory: When one is requested to shut the eyes."

As are most anti-FMSF websites, the content of the article is
ludicrous, a few facts mixed with falsehoods, innuendo, and
imagination. The first sentence sets the tone of error: "It has been
nearly fifteen years since The False Memory Syndrome Foundation
dropped a bomb in our midst, proclaiming there is no such thing as
recovered memories."

On the contrary, the FMSF pointed out that people remember all kinds
of things all the time. The Foundation did raise the issue of
historical accuracy of memories and printed the following statement
many times:

  "Some memories are true, some memories are false and some are a
  mixture of fact and imagination, whether those memories are
  continuous or remembered after a time of being forgotten. The only
  way to know the truth or falsity of a memory is with external

In another example Snyder writes: "After its principles successfully
advised the defense at the McMartin trial, 'The False Memory
Foundation' was founded in 1991." Which principles? Who is she talking
about? The people who founded the FMSF had no connection with the
McMartin trial. Is she referring to members of the FMSF Advisory
Board? They did not start the Foundation nor are they principles,
although they are "principled" and experts in issues of memory.
Snyder believes the McMartins were guilty and that if the prosecutors
had spent the money to dig up the tunnels, the results would have been
different. "Even though no tunnels were found, and the verdict was
'not guilty,' there were tunnels." She cites the discredited work of
Gary Stickel.

Snyder says of the FMSF:

  "They also enjoyed major funding, even from the U.S. military,. . ."

Funding from the U.S. military? The FMSF? Ludicrous. FMSF financial
records are available. Funding is from the contributions of families.
Snyder's statement is a lie.

Snyder writes of the "silent fall" of Elizabeth Loftus and at one
point mentions that her work "does not measure up to basic scientific
standards." What? How does Snyder explain that Loftus was made a
member of the National Academy of Science? How does she explain the
copious and prestigious awards bestowed upon Loftus in recent years
precisely because of her research work with false memories? We don't
know how Snyder explains it because she doesn't mention these
honors. There is no excuse for such misrepresentation.

Faye Snyder even seems to blame the FMSF for a complaint was filed
against her with the California Board of Marriage and Family
Therapists.[1] She goes into some depth about the issue in her

In another section of the papers Snyder writes of her own practice:

  "Witnessing the results of my own techniques for depth work causes
  me to believe it is possible to recover memories without any
  suggestibility, including the suggestion, 'You are going deeper.'
  Almost every week I witness clients recover memories that they had
  completely forgotten through 'couchwork', which. . . Most of these
  recovered memories are not about sexual abuse. When a client of mine
  recovers such a memory, I believe him. To disbelieve him would be to
  harm him further."

Beware misinformation on the Web.

[1] Susan Faye Snyder, PsyD, MFT 29816, /
    Dr. Snyder received her PsyD from Ryokan College of Psychology, a
    school that is not accredited but is "approved" by California.
[2] See:

                      IN MEMORY OF CHARLES CURRY

I am sorry to report to the passing of an extraordinary man, Charles
Curry. His life came to an end at his winter home in Key Largo,
Florida on December 13, 2010. He was 92. This quiet and modest man had
an enormous impact on many people and institutions including The False
Memory Syndrome Foundation. A descendant of Daniel Boone, he was born
in Kansas City, Missouri, became an Eagle Scout, and graduated Phi
Beta Kappa from the University of Kansas just before the outbreak of
the Second World War. He served as a captain in the U.S. Navy, much of
that time on a submarine chaser.

The impact of his life has been felt in business, politics, religion,
and charitable causes. Charles Curry's interests and accomplishments
are so long and varied, only some of them will be touched upon in this
column. He was a prominent and successful businessman, who served as
president of the Kansas City Chamber of Commerce and worked to forward
important legislation, like the ratification of the Equal Rights
Amendment. In politics, he successfully ran for the judgeship held by
Harry S, Truman before Truman was elected to the U.S. Senate. He
served for a time as treasurer of the Democratic National Committee.
Charles was a devout and spiritual man. He served as church deacon and
as a member of the executive committee of the Southern Baptist
Convention. He established and funded the Curry Foundation. Through
that foundation, he provided financial support to many religious,
educational and charitable foundations.

Charles Curry was an important force in The False Memory Syndrome
Foundation. In 1992, he became one of its founding members. He was
often at board meetings of the organization, sharing his wisdom and
offering guidance. His financial support helped make important FMSF
projects possible. One of his daughters "recovered memories" of abuse
while under a therapist's care and publicly accused him. At the
service honoring his life several people spoke of him quietly reaching
out to individuals at times of trial and stress. Their comments
resonated with me. Shortly after my own daughter also falsely
"recovered memories of abuse," I spoke with Charles by phone. A little
later, I received another telephone call from him inviting me to have
lunch with him and his wife, Charlotte, when they would be visiting
San Francisco, where I live. To this day, I do not know if he happened
to be traveling through San Francisco on his way back to the east
coast or if he simply understood my need and made a special effort to
reach out and be of help. Which ever the case may be, I will always be
grateful. I have loved that man ever since!

He cared deeply about his family all of his life. The end of his life
was bitter-sweet. The accusing daughter came to his bedside during his
last days and a reunion took place after a separation of two
decades. There were expressions of love and caring -- and Charles
finally met his grandchildren, whom he had never seen. From all the
FMS Foundation can determine, perhaps only 30% of the thousands of
families torn apart by "recovered memories" have managed to come
together again. How wonderful it would be if those separated from
their families because of "recovered memories," or therapists that
recommended such separations, would pick up the phone and reach out to
correct this horror while there is still time.
                                                     Charles Caviness 

                          A CAUTIONARY TALE
                        A HEART HELD RANSOMED
                  Steve Skotko via Teila Tankersley
              Available at:

Steve Skotko is an Oregon man who is suing recovered-memory therapist
Marion Knox, a Christian counselor. Knox's bizarre beliefs and
treatment destroyed Skotko's family. (See Winter 2011 FMSF Newsletter
issue for a description.) Skotko has now published his story in a
book: A Heart Held Ransomed that is available on the web. It is truly
a cautionary tale.

                       L E G A L   C O R N E R
                              FMSF Staff
                      RYAN FERGUSON CASE UPDATE
     State vs. Ferguson No 165368-01, Boone County, MO Circuit Ct
Ryan Ferguson was 19 when he was convicted of the murder of a reporter
for the Columbia Daily Tribune. The 2006 conviction was based solely
on the evidence of his friend Charles (Chuck) Erickson's recovered
memory that came to him in a dream. There was no physical evidence
presented to connect Ryan to the crime. Indeed, videos available on
the web show that Chuck recovered his "memories" in the context of
outrageously suggestive police interrogations.

When last Ryan Ferguson was mentioned in this newsletter in 2008, his
attorney had filed a motion to vacate the conviction based on the
argument that Ryan was denied his rights to a fair trial because the
State did not disclose information and evidence in its possession for
the defense. Specifically, the State failed to disclose law
enforcement interviews with a person who claimed to have additional
information about the murder. Ryan was effectively barred by the state
from investigating a plausible suspect for his defense. That motion
was denied, as was an appeal filed in 2009 after Charles Erickson
retracted his original testimony.[1] In 2010, an appeal was made to
the Missouri Supreme Court which should issue its decision in early
May, 2011.

Since the 2010 appeal was filed, another person has now retracted her
trial testimony. The only two people to testify against Ryan have both

An overview of the Ferguson case was presented by "48 Hours" on March
27, 201l. [2] That program, which is available on the web, presents
amazing evidence of the multiple errors that were made by the
prosecution which resulted in Ryan's wrongful conviction. Ryan was 19
and just starting college when he was convicted. He is now 26 and
instead of college, has spent the intervening years in prison.

[1] See
[2] See: 48 Hours Season 311 Episode 0326, March 27, 2011
    Available at

/                                                                    \
|                           Press Release:                           |
|               National Center for Reason and Justice               |
|                 Nancy Smith and Joseph Allen Case                  |
|                                              |
|                January 30, 2011, Robert B. Chatelle                |
|                                                                    |
| In an unprecedented and unconstitutional move, an American court   |
| has ruled to send two people to prison even though they were       |
| previously acquitted.                                              |
|                                                                    |
| The move has sparked outrage among supporters of the defendants,   |
| including the National Center for Reason and Justice, a legal and  |
| advisory group for the falsely accused and wrongfully convicted.   |
|                                                                    |
| Joseph Allen and Nancy Smith were convicted of child sex-abuse in  |
| 1994 in Ohio. As in other cases during the moral panic of the 80s  |
| and 90s, the evidence against these two defendants was inherently  |
| unreliable. It included the testimony of small children who had    |
| been improperly and coercively interviewed.                        |
|                                                                    |
| Virtually all other victims of the child sex-abuse panic, such as  |
| the McMartins, Kelly Michaels, and Bernard Baran, were acquitted   |
| or freed, sometimes years or even decades later, on appeal when    |
| common sense began to override irrational panic. But Smith and     |
| Allen remained in prison until 2009. During a hearing that year on |
| a procedural matter, a judge ordered them acquitted due to lack of |
| evidence. (For more information see    |
|                                                                    |
| But on January 27th, 2011, the Ohio Supreme Court ruled that the   |
| judge who acquitted them lacked the authority to do so. The court  |
| reinstated the dubious convictions and ordered Smith and Allen     |
| back to prison.                                                    |
|                                                                    |
| We know of no other instance in American law where a Court has     |
| attempted to imprison the acquitted -- a blatant infringement of   |
| Constitutional protection against double jeopardy, as well as the  |
| constitutional principle of Due Process of Law.                    |
|                                                                    |
| The NCRJ has sponsored Nancy Smith's and Joseph Allen's cases for  |
| years, and we firmly believe in their innocence. They will         |
| continue to have our full support. We will fight for them until    |
| justice is achieved.                                               |

/                                                                    \
| "Our judicial system is based on the Constitution and is designed  |
| to apply the law with an even hand, providing an assurance of      |
| fundamental fairness, equal protection, and due process to every   |
| defendant, regardless of the particular passions or prejudices of  |
| any given moment. Just as the law does not permit children who     |
| have been victimized to be ignored, it does not allow unequal      |
| access to constitutional protections."                             |
|                                           Robert Rosenthal (2002)  |
|                                  Developmental Review 22, 334-369  |

                Training for MPD When the Devil Knocks
                         CBC January 26, 2011
                           Bountiful Films

In November,1993, the Canadian Broadcasting System's Fifth Estate
program aired an outstanding documentary about multiple personality
disorder MPD). The program featured experts both supportive and
critical of the diagnosis. Therapy sessions of patients of Colin Ross,
MD, were shown and viewers could make their own judgments since the
sessions were shown in the context of the controversy.[1]

When the Devil Knocks is a giant leap backwards for the CBC, even
though the film's website states that the documentary had a "truly
triumphant appearance at the Vancouver Film Festival in October 2010."

This new documentary about MPD incorporates material from 40 hours of
tapes of the actual therapy sessions of Hilary Stanton. The tapes were
filmed over a period of 12 years and the documentary was made to help
train other therapists in the treatment of Dissociative Identity
Disorder (formerly Multiple Personality Disorder). A review in the
Vancouver Sun noted: "In the film, director Slinger treats the
legitimacy of the illness as a foregone conclusion, and instead of
examining it politically or in broader context, chooses to focus
specifically on Stanton's experiences living with D.I.D. and her
attempts to best it."[2]

According to the file, when Hilary Stanton of Edmonton, Alberta was in
her mid-forties, she had a breakdown that resulted in her entering
therapy. Until then, Stanton had assumed that the gaps in her memory
were normal. In therapy, however, she learned that those gaps were
really times that other personalities (alters) were taking over from

Hilary had 35 alters, "a phalanx of inner children who fought to
protect Hilary's core self from memories of horrific childhood abuse."
Cheryl Malmo, Hilary's therapist, states that she saw her job as
convincing each of the alters "that the abuse is in the past" and that
"it is safe to give up their memories to Hilary and, finally, to merge
their personality with hers." Hilary said: "For years, my alters went
to therapy and I wasn't there for more than five minutes."

Dr. Cheryl Malmo has a private psychotherapy practice in Edmonton,
specializing in adult survivors of childhood trauma, sexual violence
and women's issues. She counseled each of Stanton's alters as a whole
person, a new client in the same woman, and obviously talked
extensively to each of them. When the Devil Knocks could have done
some service, perhaps, if this practice of talking to alters were put
in the context of critics who contend that symptoms of MPD disappear
when the alters are ignored. This is one of many important issues that
were neglected.

Without the political, social and medical context of the diagnosis,
the program falls into the unfortunate category of "mental illness as
entertainment" even though the director states that it was intended as
a training video. If it was intended as such, why is the program being
shown to a mass audience? Viewers may be forgiven for gaping at the
bizarre behavior of "switching" from one personality to another by a
mentally ill person as viewers may have gaped at Bedlam.[3]

The experts for this film were Frank Putnam, M.D. and Ruth Lanius, Ph.D., M.D.

An unfortunate postscript to the video: Stanton was on vacation in
Mexico with her wife Debbie, when they struck a dead animal on the
road. Debbie survived, but Stanton was killed in the crash.

[1} (1993, November 9). Mistaken Identities. Fifth Estate. Canadian
    Broadcasting System.
{2} Gelinas, B. (2011, January 25). When the devil knocks. Vancouver
    Sun. Retrieved on March 23, 2011 from
{3} In the 18th century people in London used to go to Bedlam to stare
    at the lunatics. For a penny one could peer into their cells, view
    the freaks of the "show of Bedlam" and laugh at their
    antics.(Bedlam is short for Bethlem Royal Hospital.)

   To see the trailer for this film, go to:

David Jacobs, Ph.D., Associate Professor of History at Temple
University, studies twentieth century popular culture, but he is best
known in the field of Ufology for his research in alien abduction and
UFOs. Jacobs is neither an M.D. not a psychologist.

"Emma Woods" is a former research subject of Jacobs. Emma claims that
Jacobs conducted 91 hypnotic regressions with her during 37 hypnosis
sessions during two years between December 2004 and February 2007. She
claims, among many things, that he put "hypnotic suggestions" in her
mind that she had Multiple Personality Disorder and that she should
take medication for it.

Emma Woods has created a well-documented website about her experiences
as a research subject of David Jacobs. (See:

Woods' charges present serious issues for the study of abductees and
the credibility of the research results and methods. On her website,
Emma has posted transcripts and tapes from some of her sessions with
Dr Jacobs. Following is an example:

  DR. JACOBS: "I'm going to count from five to one, and just remember
  now, my diagnosis is that this is Multiple Personality Disorder and
  you should take medication for it. I have seen lots of cases of MPD,
  and this absolutely fits the MPD profile. And, my professional
  diagnosis therefore is Multiple Personality Disorder. I am studying
  it. I am writing a book about it. That is my next book. I feel that
  the whole, sort of, alien business is all a matter of Multiple
  Personality Disorder. It's a much more widespread phenomenon than
  people think. Lots of people are walking around with it. It's a
  public health problem. And that, you are unfortunately suffering
  from it. And, my opinion is that yours is a classic case, and that
  -- that the only thing that will help you will be medication. ...
  your stories, I am only interested in the fact that you tell those
  stories, because multiple personalities are all different. As you
  know, that each -- each individual within Multiple Personality
  Disorder ... comes out. And, I think that we've been dealing with
  three or four personalities here ... yours is, in fact, Multiple
  Personality Disorder. And, when people want to talk to you about the
  -- about your contact with me, that is the first thing you tell
  them. I have decided it is all Multiple Personality Disorder, and
  that's what I'm going to be talking about. A psychiatric condition.
  Multiple Personality -- Personality Disorder, well-known in the
  world. And, you think I may be wrong, but I think that I'm right.
  And, that's what it is. And, this is what it is. And -- and this is
  where my studies are leading. My studies are going directly to
  Multiple Personality Disorder. And that's all there is to it. So,
  now I'll count from five to one and bring you out of this. And,
  we'll talk about MPD a little bit more. Five, kind of coming out of
  this ... "
       Retrieved 3/24/11 from

Emma's hypnosis sessions were by telephone because she lived in
another country. She was referred to Dr. Jacobs by her former
therapist. For a good part of her life, Emma says that she has had
anomalous experiences. The therapist that she was seeing in her own
country sent an email to David Jacobs asking for information and
advice in dealing with Emma's case of anomalous experiences. He and
Emma both believed, that Dr. Jacobs could help Emma research what she
considered to be anomalous experiences. In a 2002 psychological
assessment of Emma her therapist mentioned that Emma had never
undergone hypnosis and that:

  "Emma does not believe that they are necessarily UFO type
  experiences but is currently exploring that possibility as the
  experiences follow a similar pattern of that associated with the
  documented UFO phenomenon."

Contact was made and after Emma signed a Temple University consent
form, she underwent many hypnotic sessions by telephone starting in
2002. Dr. Jacbos did tell her that it is possible to confabulate false
memories under hypnosis. Emma was alone during these sessions. No
therapist was with her.

In late 2005, Jacobs suggested that, Emma publish her accounts
anonymously on the web. At that point the relationship with Dr. Jacobs
seems to have fallen apart. Emma claims (and has posted many tapes)
that Jacobs began issuing warnings about conspiracies and alien
hybrids. Things became stranger and stranger. Whatever the spark, Emma
stepped back from the work with Jacobs in 2007. By late 2009 she

  "Later, in mid-late 2009, an analysis of the recordings of all of
  the hypnotic regressions that Dr. Jacobs conducted with me showed
  that he engaged in extensive leading and suggestion, which I was not
  fully aware of at the time. It is probable that many of my
  hypnotically retrieved memories were confabulated as a result of
  this. The detailed summaries and sketches that I have presented of
  what I remembered under hypnosis (see Hypnotic Regressions with
  Dr. David Jacobs -- Summaries) should be viewed with this in mind."

Emma did file a complaint with Temple, but apparently Temple decided
that Jacobs had engaged in no wrong-doing. The University referred to
his hypno-regression sessions as oral history data collection.

Dr. Jacobs has claimed that Emma is engaging in a "defamation
campaign" against him. and has posted private information about her.

Be that as it may, the fundamental issue of the use of hypnosis in
alien abduction research has definitely been brought to light. It
certainly raises many doubts about resulting claims.

                   F R O M   O U R   R E A D E R S
                       What Caused the Change?
In 1991, my daughter accused me of sexual abuse. At the time, I was
living thousands of miles away but decided to move closer to her to
try to understand what was going on. In 1993, I went to see my
daughter. The day before our scheduled meeting, a friend told me to
listen to NPR to a program about recovered memories. I don't know what
I would have done without learning about FMSF because the meeting with
my daughter was part of her therapy -- a confrontation. She claimed
she had learned that I belonged to a cult and would take her out in
the middle of the night to a wooded area to be raped by me and other
people. I asked where her mother was but she had no answer.

In 1997, my daughter sent me a note saying that she loved me but that
she was saying "goodbye." In 2005, I decided to phone my daughter. In
our second conversation she told me she had continued therapy and that
she did not even remember the meeting in 1993 or anything that was

We spoke on the phone for over a year. She was on one coast and I was
on the other at the time. I never brought up the accusations. One day
when I called, she did not sound like my daughter. She said she didn't
want to talk to me and hung up.

I recently took a trip close to the area where my daughter lives.
Before I left home I called to see if I could see her and the two
grandchildren. Her last words were: "You'll never see the
grandchildren!" I told her when I would be there but I did not plan to
call her again.

On the last day before leaving to visit another of my children, my
daughter called and said that she wanted to see me. We met that
evening with her husband. They treated me to dinner and we talked
about some of the happy times we had had on vacations. It was as
though nothing had ever happened. All smiles! My daughter was the
person I remembered but had not seen for 18 years. I had missed her
graduation from college, her marriage, and the birth of two
grandchildren. My son-in-law was cordial and talkative.

I wonder what brought about my daughter's decision to see me. Her
husband has just lost his mother to cancer. Could that have been a
factor? Time will tell if I ever get to see her children and whether
this relationship will keep on improving.

All this took place after I had just about convinced myself that I
would never see my daughter again because of my poor health. Prayers
do sometimes work.  An overwhelmed and happy
              Email Note From One FMSF Friend to Another
Today, at a child psychiatry conference, I heard a presentation by
Dr. Charles Scott, on the faculty at UC Davis, an expert in forensic
interviewing in child sexual abuse. He presented information from the
McMartin Day Care Center investigation and material from the Fells
Acre Day Care Center case as examples of how an investigation can go
off track. He also presented the research on the reliability of
various child interviewing practices and how they can be led astray.

His talk was well received and accepted by the group. I thought to
myself how it has taken twenty years to get to this point. I thought
how the FMS Foundation had been a part of the effort to restore sanity
during this time. I further thought about how fortunate we personally
were to have worked out the issues with our daughter, and of those who
have suffered so greatly, in prison, families fractured, careers
destroyed, who had been caught up in the storm. I thought of you and
wanted to share my thoughts.
                                                           S.W., M.D.
                 False Memory Is Destroying Our Hope
Despite my wife's optimism, I think that life has moved down the road
too far for relationship repair, even if the principals desired
it. It's one of those un-ringing the bell sorts of situations; too
much damage left untended for too long for trust to stand a chance
anymore. There are grandchildren in the equation now, so we hear, and
it might be that these persons will eventually try to check us out, a
possibility rife with screenplays which I have no wish to imagine.
We'll deal with what comes up when it comes up if it comes up.

Our original longing for fixing things has quite vanished, and it
seems to me that any latter-day moves into some kind of rapprochement
will be more trouble than they are worth. How much responsibility
might modify that view in the face of a sea change is moot.

Re-writing history in the posture of "what if" and "if only" seems a
waste of time, but we are still moved, almost daily, into a
speculative state. This is because there is such a mystery at the core
of the situation, that it compels speculation, although we have
long-understood that such pondering gets us nowhere except into deeper
melancholy. I have to pull back all the time from assumptions about
other persons' roles in what may have transpired, but it's tough to
resist and tempting to do. Assumptions are always thin-ice on which to
try to understand things. I don't know if they are ALWAYS wrong, but
they are always part wrong in my case.

So, we are left with a conundrum, and little motivation to address it
in real time. It would be pleasant to think that the "truth will out,"
and that "justice will prevail," whatever the terms of those chestnuts
might be, but the longer I live, the less I believe in such notions.

Still, there seems to be something writing the screenplay of life that
is not me, and that is characterized by synchronicity and serendipity
to a remarkable (and inexplicable) degree, so I am chary of slamming
the door shut on possibility. Life is a cliff-hanger by nature.

I suppose you have as much trouble as I do equating the persons you
perceived your daughters to be with the mendacious and destructive
acts they have committed. Maybe they will some day explain themselves,
but don't give up your day job, to mix a metaphor.

As Gerald and Sara Murphy said, "Living well is the best revenge."
That ought be taken with a dollop of caution, if one knows much about
the Murphys, since they said this motto when they were in clover of
every kind, and their lives became hell afterward. I wish somebody
would write a good screenplay about these people. I wish I could do
it. They were the ones who made the Riviera fashionable in the 20s and
had all the Paris luminaries (Hemingway, Picasso, etc., etc.) hanging
out at their villa at Cap d'Antibes, where the most roiling sorts of
embroglios were going on constantly, except with the Murphys
themselves, who were a sort of calm center with the Lost Generation
whirling around it. If only they knew that all generations are
lost. This is the psychic landscape we have to live with in the
post-existential world.

I keep on making sculptures out of a combined necessity and force of
habit. The burning idealism I had as an undergraduate has long-since
waned, and my expectations for the redemptive possibilities of Art are
inundated by the prosaic and banal nature of public sensibilities in
the cyber-generation. I hold to the aesthetic values of the cave
painters of the Neolithic, trying to stay in line with them as a
latter-day representative of whatever it was they were up to. Why not?
The alternative is to join the contemporary mummers' parade of
brainless non-sequitur which can only lead nowhere. In this regard, I
was lucky enough to get a civic commission here in Flagstaff last year
to sculpt a life-size mountain lion which has been reproduced in an
edition for purposes of youth outreach. It was a poor pay-day, but I
get to keep the original welded steel cat, which I have hopes of
placing at the Arizona Sonora Desert Museum next year. If I live that

Life has always been a precarious proposition, but the longer we stay
at it, and the more consciously, the more fragile and vanishingly
temporary it appears to be. This is a salubrious mental state to
inhabit, and we'd all be better off if the exquisitely shimmering
transcendence of our ultimate reality were to assert itself on our
perceptions far earlier in life. This is particularly true of
irresponsible twerps.

I must now be practical, I suppose, so I'll sign off, and check in
with you in another decade? It will be miraculous if we both manage to
survive so long as that.
                                                           Dion Wright
                      Recovered-Memory Nightmare

/                                                                    \
|                   Did You Know About Introjects?                   |
|                                                                    |
| Introjects are alters, created during a traumatic incident just as |
| any other alter. "Introjects typically truly believe they are      |
| separate people, but they are, in fact, part of the DID system."   |
|                                                                    |
| Many controlling abusers and organized perpetrators will create    |
| these introjects of themselves on purpose as a way to maintain     |
| control and dominance over the survivor-victim even while the      |
| survivor is away from the perpetrator."                            |
|                                         Retrieved on 1/27/11 from  |
|          |
|                                  introjects--what-are-introjects/  |

*                           N O T I C E S                            *
*                                                                    *
*                                                                    *
* The video made by the Rutherford family is the most popular video  *
* of FMSF families. It covers the complete story from accusation, to *
* retraction and reconciliation. Family members describe the things  *
* they did to cope and to help reunite. Of particular interest are   *
* Beth Rutherford's comments about what her family did that helped   *
* her to retract and return.                                         *
*                   Available in DVD format only:                    *
*                      To order send request to                      *
*                    FMSF Video, 1955 Locust St.                     *
*                      Philadelphia, PA  19103                       *
*    $10.00 per DVD; Canada add $4.00; other countries add $10.00    *
*               Make checks payable to FMS Foundation                *
*                                                                    *
*            S O M E   B O O K S   O F   I N T E R E S T             *
*                                                                    *
*                          THE TRAUMA MYTH:                          *
*   The Truth About the Sexual Abuse of Children and its Aftermath   *
*                          Susan A. Clancy                           *
*                                                                    *
*                         REMEMBERING TRAUMA                         *
*                         by Richard McNally                         *
*                      Harvard University Press                      *
*                                                                    *
*          S. O. Lilienfeld, S.J. Lynn and J.M. Lohr (eds.)          *
*                  New York: Guilford Press (2003)                   *
*                                                                    *
*                         PSYCHOLOGY ASTRAY:                         *
*  Fallacies in Studies of "Repressed Memory" and Childhood Trauma   *
*                   by Harrison G. Pope, Jr., M.D.                   *
*                            Upton Books                             *
*                                                                    *
*                            Karl Sabbagh                            *
*                   Oxford University Press (2009)                   *
*                                                                    *
*                      MAKING MIND and MADNESS                       *
*                    From Hysteria to Depression                     *
*                Chapter 3: "A Black Box Named Sybil"                *
*                       Mikkel Borch-Jacobsen                        *
*                     Cambridge University Press                     *
*                                2009                                *
*                                                                    *
*                TRY TO REMEMBER: PSYCHIATRY'S CLASH                 *
*                 OVER MEANING, MEMORY, AND MIND                     *
*                         Paul McHugh, M.D.                          *
*                     Washington, DC: Dana Press                     *
*                                                                    *
*                       WEB SITES of INTEREST                        *
*                                                                    *
*              http:/               *
*                          Elizabeth Loftus                          *
*                                                                    *
*                      *
*                       Against Satanic Panics                       *
*                                                                    *
*                   *
*            The Lampinen Lab False Memory Reading Group             *
*                       University of Arkansas                       *
*                                                                    *
*                 http:/                 *
*                  The Exploratorium Memory Exhibit                  *
*                                                                    *
*                        *
*              Site for retractors run by Laura Pasley               *
*                                                                    *
*                                   *
*                  Site of Investigative Journalist                  *
*                                                                    *
*                                 *
*                     French False Memory Group                      *
*                                                                    *
*           http:/           *
*             The Bobgans question Christian counseling              *
*                                                                    *
*                     http:/                      *
*                   Illinois-Wisconsin FMS Society                   *
*                                                                    *
*                   http:/                    *
*                             Ohio Group                             *
*                                                                    *
*                       *
*               Matt Stone's updates on Australia FMS                *
*                                                                    *
*                       http:/                        *
*                    British False Memory Society                    *
*                                                                    *
*              http:/              *
*               Information about Satanic Ritual Abuse               *
*                                                                    *
*                     http:/                     *
*                   Parents Against Cruel Therapy                    *
*                                                                    *
*                    http:/                     *
*                     Site run by Brian Robinson                     *
*                     contains information about                     *
*                Christchurch Creche and other cases.                *
*                                                                    *
*                   http:/                    *
*                        National Child Abuse                        *
*                     Defense & Resource Center                  *
*                                                                    *
*                   http:/                    *
*                  Excerpts from Victims of Memory                   *
*                                                                    *
*               http:/               *
*                           Ross Institute                           *
*                                                                    *
*                  http:/                  *
*                 FMS in Scandanavia -- Janet Hagbom                 *
*                                                                    *
*                        http:/                         *
*                National Center for Reason & Justice            *
*                                                                    *
q*                   http:/                  *
*            English language web site of Dutch retractor            *
*                                                                    *
*                      http:/                      *
*             This site is run by Stephen Barrett, M.D.              *
*                                                                    *
*                    http:/                    *
*           Contains information about filing complaints.            *
                F M S    B U L L E T I N    B O A R D

Contacts & Meetings :

  See Georgia
  Kathleen 907-333-5248
    Pat 480-396-9420
  Little Rock
    Al & Lela 870-363-4368
    Jocelyn 530-570-1862 
  San Francisco & North Bay
    Charles 415-435-9618 
  San Francisco & South Bay 
    Eric 408-738-0469
  East Bay Area
    Judy 925-952-4853
  Covina Area 
    Floyd & Libby 626-357-2750
  Colorado Springs
    Doris 719-488-9738
Central Florida - Please call for mtg. time
   John & Nancy 352-750-5446
    Wallie & Jill 770-971-8917
  Chicago & Suburbs - 1st Sun. (MO)
    Eileen 847-985-7693 or Liz 847-827-1056
  Indiana Assn. for Responsible Mental Health Practices
    Pat 317-865-8913 & Helen 574-753-2779
  Wichita -- Meeting as called
    Pat 785-762-2825
   Sarah 337-235-7656
  Portland -- 4th Sun. (MO)
    Bobby 207-878-9812
   Carol 410-465-6555
  Andover -- 2nd Sun. (MO) @ 1pm
    Frank 978-263-9795
  Greater Detroit Area
    Nancy 248-642-8077
  Terry & Collette 507-642-3630
  Dan & Joan 651-631-2247
  Springfield -- Quarterly (4th Sat. of Apr.,
                 Jul., Oct., Jan.) @12:30pm
    Tom 417-753-4878 & Roxie 417-781-2058
  Lee & Avone 406-443-3189 
  Jean 603-772-2269 & Mark 802-872-0847
  Sally 609-927-4147 (Southern)
  Albuquerque -- 2nd Sat. (BI-MO) @1 pm 
    Southwest Room -Presbyterian Hospital
    Maggie 505-662-7521(after 6:30pm) or Sy 505-758-0726
  Upstate/Albany Area
    Elaine 518-399-5749
  Susan 704-538-7202
    Bob & Carole 440-356-4544
  Oklahoma City
    Dee 405-942-0531 
  Portland area
    Kathy 503-655-1587
  Wayne (includes S. NJ)
    Jim & Jo 610-783-0396
    Jo or Beverly 713-464-8970
  Keith 801-467-0669
  See Oregon
  Katie & Leo 414-476-0285 or
  Susanne & John 608-427-3686

  Vancouver & Mainland 
    Lloyd 250-741-8941
  Victoria & Vancouver Island
    John 250-721-3219
  Roma 204-275-5723
    Adriaan 519-471-6338
  Eileen 613-836-3294
    Ken & Marina 905-637-6030
    Paula 705-543-0318
  514-620-6397 French and English
  FMS Association fax-972-2-625-9282
  Colleen 09-416-7443
  Ake Moller FAX 48-431-217-90
The British False Memory Society
  Madeline 44-1225 868-682

|          Do you have access to e-mail?  Send a message to          |
|                                         |
| if  you wish to receive electronic versions of this newsletter and |
| notices of radio and television  broadcasts  about  FMS.  All  the |
| message need say is "add to the FMS-News". It would be useful, but |
| not necessary,  if you add your full name (all addresses and names |
| will remain strictly confidential).                                |
The False Memory Syndrome Foundation is a qualified  501(c)3  corpora-
tion  with  its  principal offices in Philadelphia and governed by its
Board of Directors.  While it encourages participation by its  members
in  its  activities,  it must be understood that the Foundation has no
affiliates and that no other organization or person is  authorized  to
speak for the Foundation without the prior written approval of the Ex-
ecutive Director. All membership dues and contributions to the Founda-
tion must be forwarded to the Foundation for its disposition.

PAMELA FREYD, Ph.D., Executive Director

FMSF Scientific and Professional Advisory Board,         April 1, 2011

AARON T. BECK, M.D., D.M.S., U of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA;
TERENCE W. CAMPBELL, Ph.D., Clinical and Forensic Psychology, 
    Sterling Heights, MI;
ROSALIND CARTWRIGHT, Ph.D., Rush Presbyterian St. Luke's Medical
    Center, Chicago, IL;
JEAN CHAPMAN, Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI;
LOREN CHAPMAN, Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI;
FREDERICK C. CREWS, Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, CA;
ROBYN M. DAWES, Ph.D., Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA;
DAVID F. DINGES, Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA;
HENRY C. ELLIS, Ph.D., University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM;
FRED H. FRANKEL, MBChB, DPM, Harvard University Medical School;
GEORGE K. GANAWAY, M.D., Emory University of Medicine, Atlanta, GA;
ROCHEL GELMAN, Ph.D., Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ;
HENRY GLEITMAN, Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA;
LILA GLEITMAN, Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA;
RICHARD GREEN, M.D., J.D., Charing Cross Hospital, London;
JOHN HOCHMAN, M.D., UCLA Medical School, Los Angeles, CA;
DAVID S. HOLMES, Ph.D., University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS;
ROBERT A. KARLIN, Ph.D. , Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ;
ELIZABETH LOFTUS, Ph.D., University of California, Irvine, CA;
SUSAN L. McELROY, M.D., University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH;
PAUL McHUGH, M.D., Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD;
HAROLD MERSKEY, D.M., University of Western Ontario, London, Canada;
ULRIC NEISSER, Ph.D., Cornell University, Ithaca, NY;
RICHARD OFSHE, Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, CA;
EMILY CAROTA ORNE, B.A., University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA;
LOREN PANKRATZ, Ph.D., Oregon Health Sciences Univ., Portland, OR;
MICHAEL A. PERSINGER, Ph.D., Laurentian University, Ontario, Canada;
AUGUST T. PIPER, Jr., M.D., Seattle, WA;
HARRISON POPE, Jr., M.D., Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA;
JAMES RANDI, Author and Magician, Plantation, FL;
HENRY L. ROEDIGER, III, Ph.D. ,Washington University, St. Louis, MO;
CAROLYN SAARI, Ph.D., Loyola University, Chicago, IL;
MICHAEL A. SIMPSON, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., M.R.C, D.O.M., Center for
    Psychosocial & Traumatic Stress, Pretoria, South Africa;
RALPH SLOVENKO, J.D., Ph.D., Wayne State University Law School,
    Detroit, MI;
JEFFREY VICTOR, Ph.D., Jamestown Community College, Jamestown, NY;
HOLLIDA WAKEFIELD, M.A., Institute of Psychological Therapies, 
    Northfield, MN;
CHARLES A. WEAVER, III, Ph.D. Baylor University, Waco, TX

   Advisors to whom we are grateful who are now deceased:

MARTIN GARDNER, Author, Hendersonville, NC;
DAVID A. HALPERIN, M.D., Mount Sinai School of Medicine, 
    New York, NY; 
ERNEST HILGARD, Ph.D., Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA; 
PHILIP S. HOLZMAN, Ph.D., Harvard University, Cambridge; 
HAROLD LIEF, M.D., University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA; 
MARTIN ORNE, M.D., Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, 
    Philadelphia, PA; 
CAMPBELL PERRY, Ph.D., Concordia University, Montreal, Canada; 
THEODORE SARBIN, Ph.D., University of California, Santa Cruz, CA;
THOMAS A. SEBEOK, Ph.D., Indiana University, Bloomington, IN; 
MARGARET SINGER, Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, CA; 
DONALD SPENCE, Ph.D., Robert Wood Johnson Medical Center, 
    Piscataway, NJ.

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