Channel Management
Connect and control the biggest travel sites in one place.
Powerful booking software with features covering everything you need. Take control and grow your bookings with freetobook.
Online booking software built for your accommodation, giving you control, freeing up time and growing your business.
1,000,000’s of direct bookings
Commission free bookings
Trusted by over 10,000 clients
Used by properties everywhere
Rated 4.9 stars on trustpilot
Our customers love using freetobook
With freetobook you manage every aspect of your guest bookings from one place.
18,000+ channel connections done. You’re in safe hands.
We love to work with hotels, B&Bs, hostels and more to put owners in control of their business and deliver increased direct bookings.
More direct bookings. More time. More Support. More Control.
Switch in hours – no contract, no tie-in, try for free today.
We’re an independent business dedicated to serving other independent businesses like us.
In an industry dominated by oversized corporations our technology and team levels the playing field giving you the control you need to succeed.
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