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ISSN: 1802-8225 (online),
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Amphiperatherium and Erinaceidae of Petersbuch 28
Published in: Bulletin of Geosciences, volume 89, issue 1; pages: 1 - 20; Received 30 May 2013; Accepted in revised form 28 August 2013; Online 2 December 2013
Keywords: Amphiperatherium, Erinaceidae, Miocene, Germany, Petersbuch,
The only marsupial and the Erinaceidae from the Bavarian fissure filling Petersbuch 28 are described. The marsupial is Amphiperatherium frequens erkertshofense, the Erinaceidae are represented by Galerix aurelianensis and an unknown large galericine, which is present only by four isolated teeth. The three species are mostly present by single teeth; distal ends of humeri of Amphiperatherium and Galerix, astragali of Galerix as well as calcanei of Amphiperatherium are also described; the calcaneus for the first time from material which was not in situ.References
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