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Bulletin of Geosciences
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Czech Geological Survey,
W. Bohemia Museum Pilsen
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ISSN: 1802-8225 (online),
1214-1119 (print)
The Late Devonian and Early Carboniferous ammonoids (Cephalopoda) from Milivojevića Kamenjar, Družetić (NW Serbia) and their stratigraphy.
Published in: Bulletin of Geosciences, volume 91, issue 1; pages: 187 - 220; Received 16 July 2015; Accepted in revised form 18 December 2015; Online 15 March 2016
Keywords: Ammonoidea, Late Devonian, Early Carboniferous, Serbia, Družetić, stratigraphy,
The Late Devonian to Early Carboniferous olistolith near Družetić (north-western Serbia) contains the most species rich occurrence of Palaeozoic ammonoids known from the Balkan Peninsula. Four main faunal complexes are recorded, (1) a late Famennian assemblage with few clymeniids, (2) a species-poor indifferent Tournaisian assemblage, (3) two rather diverse early Late Viséan assemblages with about 15 species and (4) two latest Viséan/Serpukhovian assemblages with more than 20 species. The new genus Druzeticia and the following new species are described from the third faunal complex: Beyrichoceras jadarense, Ubites divnae, Ubites novaki, Entogonites serbicus, Druzeticia decens and Prolecanites stevanovici. The latest Viséan/Serpukhovian assemblages show very close relationships with the South Urals and both regions most probably belong to the same palaeogeographical realm.References
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