Actinopterygians of the Stephanian sediments of the Krkonoše Piedmont Basin (Bohemian Massif) and their palaeobiogeographic relationship


Authors: Štamberg S

Published in: Bulletin of Geosciences, volume 91, issue 1; pages: 169 - 186; Received 18 August 2015; Accepted in revised form 21 December 2015; Online 15 March 2016

Keywords: Carboniferous, Actinopterygii, Krkonoše Piedmont Basin, Bohemian Massif,

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A summary is presented of the skeletal fragments of the Late Carboniferous actinopterygians of the Krkonoše Piedmont Basin (Bohemian Massif) with their description. Progyrolepis speciosus, "Elonichthys" sp., Spinarichthys dispersus and Sphaerolepis kounoviensis are distinguished using all the available material. The relationships between the actinopterygian fauna of the Krkonoše Piedmont Basin and Central and Western Bohemian basins are discussed. Every single taxon from the Carboniferous of the Krkonoše Piedmont Basin is compared with the closest species from basins of Europe and North America. Microsculpture of the teeth and scales of Progyrolepis speciosus from the Bohemian Massif and Progyrolepis heyleri from the French Massif Central are described. The position of the genus Elonichthys and comparison of “Elonichthys” sp. with the type species Elonichthys germari from the Saale Basin in Germany is also discussed. Spinarichthys dispersus inhabited the freshwater environment of the Stephanian B and C of the Bohemian Massif, it is one of the first aeduellids in the Permo-Carboniferous basins of Europe, and it complements a population of the family Aeduellidae. The occurrence of the well-diagnosed species Sphaerolepis kounoviensis is probably restricted to the Upper Carboniferous deposits of the Bohemian Massif as all known finds are from this level.


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