***SPOILERS*** The swan song or last episode of the TV series, considered by many to be the best TV series ever to be canceled,"East Side West Side" has to do with the struggle of the independent newspaper "The Light" or "light of the City" on it's death bed in it being bought out by the corporate owned "Standered" that's more interested in the plight and lives of the rich & famous and gossip about them then the people of New York City. It's the supreme social worker and all around man of the people Neil Block, George C. Scott, who lends his hand as an unpaid columnist for the paper to keep it afloat from going under. With the papers attempt to print the stories about the people of New Yorks plight to survive the crime and greed of those in charge of the both city and state government it's sabotaged by the "Standers" owner & editor Brewer Bradford, Walter Able. That in Bedford's underhanded and hostile takeover bid to buy it out from right under it's socially minded & Pulitzer Prize Award owner Brian "Link" Linclon, Will Geer.
At first making a huge comeback with Block, in his articles, leading the way and overcoming the "Standerds" lead in circulation Bradford ends up cutting the floundering "Standerd's" price in half from .10 to .5 a copy making it almost impossible for the "Light" to compete with it! Seeing the writing on the wall the brave and combative "Link" Lincoln finally throws in the towel and throws away a 30 year career in the newspaper business and reluctantly gives in and shuts his newspaper down. Thus taking away the last "light" of hope for the people of NYC who needed it so bad to represent them!
***SPOILERS*** In the end the usual mild mannered and non violent Neil Brock seeing that all his work to keep the "Light" alive went down the drain as well as actor George C. Scott who played him loses it. Working himself up to a white hot fury Brock goes completely loco smashing his fist into a bathroom mirror severely injuring himself in doing it! Not only did fictional character Neil Block attempt to save and keep the paper the "Light" from coming to an end but also actor George C. Scott role in the series "East Side West Side" also came to an end as well! In this being the series final episode before it was unexpectedly canceled despite having better then average ratings!