In this episode Hogan, without any advance notice, is about to get some prisoners that have escaped from Stalag 9. But unlike what Hogan's operation is accustom, this escape from Stalag 9 contains twenty prisoners. The is going to be a large operation for Hogan and his men.
With the escape, Klink has his guards on high alert in case the word gets out of a large escape at another camp. But with so many prisoners in camp Hogan is going to have to hand Klink some bits of achievement in order to release some of the alerts. There needs to be a large diversion so that the twenty escaped POW's can get back to England.
Unlike in more advance episodes, Klink seems to be more harsh in his actions in this broadcast that he will be later in the years. We also get a glance at some of the operations that will be unseen in later years- as we get to see Carter making German ID's and NewKirk measuring for clothing. This was a good story that was entertaining from beginning to end. Good watch.