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These web pages reflect my various interests, mainly archival, in
things Manx.
A search page and a subject
index page is available, as is a master
list of biographies; a house style page
will explain common features and a legal page
covers a few points.
For regular visitors a New Arrivals page gives direct access to recently added material.
A fully searchable CD-ROM version of these pages together with much additional material is available for £8 or $20 (inc P&P).
As of Jan 2020 there are some 20,000 files comprising over 250 MBytes, mostly of 19th Century material cross-linked both within the pages and by various short essay pages.
Frame-based pages are available for most sections (click )
but are not needed as non-frame based pages will give full access to all text. No Java or Java Script is currently
used on these pages
comments, errors or omissions gratefully received
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