You've reached the web page of Jennifer Pelland, two time Nebula-nominated science fiction writer and not-even-vaguely-award-eligible bellydancer.
(Picture by Altar Boy Photography.)
Novel and short story collection (out of print)
- Machine, Apex Book Company, copyright 2012
- Unwelcome Bodies, Apex Book Company, copyright 2008
Short Stories
- "Big Sister/Little Sister," Apex SF and Horror Digest, issue 3, Fall 2005
Reprinted in Best of Apex 2005
- "Blood Baby," Apex SF and Horror Digest issue 8, Winter 2006
Reprinted in Best of Apex 2006
- "The Body Shop," Alien Skin Mag, April/May 2006
- "Brushstrokes," Unwelcome Bodies, February 2008
- "The Burning Bush," Here and Now, issue 5/6, May 2005
Podcasted at Escape Pod, September 22, 2005
- "The Call," Fictitious Force, issue 2, Spring 2006
- "Captive Girl," Helix SF, issue 2, October 2006 (Transcriptase archive link)
Awards: 2007 Nebula Nominee, 2007 Short List for the Gaylactic Spectrum Awards.
Reprinted in The Nebula Awards Showcase 2009
- "Clone Barbecue," Apex Online, issue 17, April 2006
Also printed in Space Squid, issue 2 (May 2006)
- "Dazz," Coyote Wild, Spring 2007, Volume 1, Issue 2
- "Erasure," Apex SF and Horror Digest, issue 4, Winter 2005
Reprinted in Best of Apex 2005
- "Flood," Abyss and Apex, 1st Quarter 2006
- "Firebird," Unwelcome Bodies, February 2008
- "For the Plague Thereof Was Exceeding Great," Strange Horizons, May 19, 2003
- "Ghosts of New York," Dark Faith, May 2010
Awards: 2010 Nebula Nominee
Podcasted at PodCastle, April 19, 2011
- "Headlights," Close Encounters of the Urban Kind, April 2010
- "Hunger," Beast Within 3: Oceans Unleashed, December 2012
- "Immortal Sin," Tales of the Unanticipated, issue 26, November 2005
Podcasted at Escape Pod, October 25, 2007
- "In the Manner of His Own Choosing," Demon Lovers: Succubi, June 2012
- "The Kennel Club," Helix SF, issue 9, July 2008
Reprinted in Choose Wisely: 35 Women Up to No Good, March 2015
- "The Kindest Cut," Space and Time Magazine, Fall/Winter 2014
- "Last Bus," Electric Velocipede, issue 11, November 2006
- "The Last Stand of the Elephant Man," Helix SF, issue 6, Fall 2007
- "MarsSickGirl," Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine, issue 21, October/November 2005, Reprinted in full in issue 22, January/February 2006
- "Mercytanks," Helix SF, issue 4, Spring 2007
- "Minya's Astral Angels," The Solaris Book of New Science Fiction, Volume Three, February 2009
- "Organ Nell," Apex Magazine, December 2, 2008
- "Personal Jesus," Dark Futures: Tales of Dystopic SF, spring 2010
Reprinted in Brave New Worlds, expanded second edition, December 2012
- "Sacrifice," Dark Faith: Invocations, September 2012
Reprinted in Apex Magazine, September 2012
- "Sashenka Redux," Electric Velocipede, issue 14, May 2008
- "Songs of Lament," Unwelcome Bodies, February 2008
- "Snow Day," Strange Horizons, March 10, 2003
Podcasted at Escape Pod, June 9, 2005
- "Star Dancer," Glitter and Mayhem, August 2013
- "Team Player," The Writer's Hood, August 2002
- "Temporal Shimmies", Unidentified Funny Objects, November 2012
- "...That Has Such People in It," Apex Magazine, July 6, 2009
- "'Til Death Do Us Part," Shock Totem, issue 1, July 2009
- "Wedding Day," Neo-Opsis, issue 11, Spring 2007
- "What to Expect When You're Expectorating," Apex SF and Horror Digest, issue 11, Winter 2007
- "When Science Fiction Clichés Go Bad," The Town Drunk, August 24, 2006
- "YY," Aegri Somnia: The Apex Featured Writers Anthology, December 2006
"In Praise of Mature Women, or, Why Donna Noble and River Song Totally Need to Call Me," Queers Dig Time Lords, Mad Norwegian Press, June 2013
"The Problem with Peri," Chicks Unravel Time: Women Journey Through Every Season of Doctor Who, Mad Norwegian Press, November 2012