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Did you know...

That the JPS1 Young T-rex concept was taken directly from the original JP novel?


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On the heels of our last customs update we have another new gallery from 'Marten' with a dandy lead-off entry! Have you ever wondered what the unreleased Gulper T-Rex might've looked like? Well Marten's given it his best shot so here's your chance to take a peek! Be sure to give that a gander. In related news, everyone is already familiar with custom regular 'Bucket-foot Al' aka Vlad. Well he now has his own gallery/webpage with all of his previously released customs and of course those he's currently working on. His gallery here his linked to the new site as well. Lastly today we have a new JPD3 poll question up for your voting pleasure.


Today we have new customs from 'Rexmeister' featuring a pair of Biosyn Raider Soldiers and a Homo Saurus. We also have a new collection gallery from 'Arno'. Be sure to check those out!