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Did you know...

That there was an aquatic reptile planned for Jurassic Park? Jurassic Park Junior would have included this Ichtyosaur.


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So, as people lurking around the forums have noticed, two prototypes have recently been unearthed, and luckily for us, the owner (a well-known collector nicknamed Ajaythehunter) was kind enough to take a bunch of pictures for us to drool over. All these pictures have been added to the The Lost World Triceratops and the Chaos Effect Ultimasaurus individual pages. Feel free to take a look at these gems, and again, a big thanks to Ajaythehunter for his kindness!

Variations gallore!

Thanks to forum member 0thebigwytec5, you can now find pictures of several packaging variations, especially in the humans section from the first Jurassic Park series. But if you ever stumble on a variation not featured here, don't hesitate to contact us! You too can help JPToys to continue being the most complete site about Jurassic Park toys on the web! :)


I recently received an email from Luke of Inter-Stellar requesting the use of some of our pics here at JPT. His local theater recently had a special screening of Jurassic Park (wish my theater would do that!) and that rekindled his interest in the JP toys he owned as a kid. Be sure to check out his new blog post "Welcome to Jurassic Park" on the experience and JP toys in general