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That the JP3 Animatronic Spinosaurus has a European variation which features a rectangular outside packing? Click here to see.


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It looks like Papo finally updated their website with a small picture of their new gem, the Allosaurus, and with a release date. Papo and dinosaur fanatics (and me) will be able to get their hands on this neat collectible on June 2008. A long wait, I know, but well worth it, for what we can see.


So, as it was revealed today by Dan on our forum, Armothe and him have decided to pass the torch to two old members and friends of theirs: Kevin (also known as TheKev316) and myself (Raptoralpha). We both are very pleased and honored to assume this task, and we will make sure to continue to keep on informing you about any new happening in the JP collecting universe (and with the new Sideshow line, we will definitely have a lot of work on our hands). Expect to see some changes on the site's design and content in the following weeks, but don't worry, JPToys is still, and will remain your first ressource site for news about Jurassic Park collecting.


Check out this cool ebay auction that apparently contains a presentation book full of conceptual art from the JP Chaos Effect line. Thanks to forum member 'raptorx85' for passing that our way.


That's right kiddies! Papo is starting 2008 off with a bang by adding an Allosaurus as the latest addition to their extremely popular line. The Dinosaur Toy Blog already has a detailed review up complete with a picture. While it's not JP inspired like the rest of the Papo's to this point, it's still a welcome addition to the line. No word on an exact release date or price just yet so stay tuned for further updates. In other news, we have a new poll up for your voting pleasure. A big thanks to forum Legend 'Raptorbite' for the suggestion.


The latest edition (1/15) of Sideshow radio mentions that the JP line as well as other new licenses will be unveiled at the 2008 Toy Fair in February. You can click here to read the full article. A big thanks to JPT Legend 'Raptorbite' for the heads up.


Our review section here at JPT hasn't had an update in quite some time but that dry spell is now over thanks to forum regular Roselaar. He recently submitted close to 40 new TLW & JP3 reviews! Let me tell ya folks, these are some of the most detailed and articulate reviews to ever grace our review section. I highly recommend that you take some time to check them won't be disappointed.


Well it looks as if that dry spell that I mentioned a week ago has finally ended. Almost 6 months ago (see 7/16 update), Sideshow Collectibles ran a poll to gauge fan interest in what movie franchise they should announce next. Despite Jurassic Park winning the poll in a landslide, Conan The Barbarian got the nod instead. Well good things come to those who wait...right? It definitely seems so in this case:

What a way to kick off 2008! No word yet on any release dates/prices so be sure to stay tuned to this space for all the latest. One thing is for sure though, Sideshow is well known for detail in their movie lines but that accuracy often comes with a hefty price tag at times so start saving up now! A big thanks to Tyrannosaurus Matt from JPLegacy for the heads-up.