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Did you know...

That the color of the TLWS1 Net Trapper vehicle's net has a unique variation? It actually can be white instead of black. Click here to see.


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The folks over at Jurassic Island posted a very interesting but unconfirmed article today on JP4's production. If true, it looks as if Hasbro may have had a 10th anniversary toy line planned all along. Here's that blurb along with a tid bit on what to expect with the JP4 toy line:

"With JPIV, we can expect lots of merchandise including, action figures. Although it seems only natural that Hasbro (who designed the JPIII line for 2001) would take the wheel, but the toy company who had planned to release a special Jurassic Park 10 year toyline and than dropped it has dropped the JP license for the time, perhaps meaning that a new toy company will take over."

So there you have it. Other than the mention of what could've been a 10th anniversary line, it's also interesting to note the mention of "lots of merchandise including, action figures" for JP4. That's not to say I wasn't expecting a JP4 toy line but with Hasbro's past of dropping the JP license (not to mention entire production lines) - anything's possible. Once again though, this article has not been confirmed so you'll probably want to take it with a grain of salt.


After a bit of a slow start, the sales at our merchandise store has now picked up quite a bit thanks to you guys! Well our savings guru Kev sends word that Cafepress is now offering a $5 off coupon on any order over $25. Just enter the code 'ILOVECP' on your payment page during the check out process and you're well on your way to great savings on your favorite JPToys logo merchandise! In other news, we have one review to pass along to you today of TLW Mobile Command Center by DeereX. So everyone be sure to check those items out and have a great weekend!


Well the votes are in and with over 1,000 in favor of pop-up ad removal, Proboards owner Patrick Clinger had decided to make true on his promise. Here's what he had to say:

"On September 1st, 2003, ProBoards will become officially popup free. The only advertisements on your board will be the banner ad at the top, and the links at the bottom. We are going to see how things go with a popup-free ProBoards. I can not guarantee that there will never, ever again be popups on ProBoards, but honestly I would like to keep it that way."

Of course all of us here are very excited about the announcement to say the least. A big thanks to everyone that voted - you guys definitely made a difference! In other news today, we have a new diorama gallery from Rick Raptor and dilo33 has updated his gallery with four new additions. We also have a new addition to Armothe's custom gallery of the InGen helicopter. The attention to detail is truly amazing...check it out!


Those of you registered on our forum know just how annoying pop-up ads can be at times. Well ProBoards owner Patrick Clinger has decided to put the matter to a vote. If he gets 1,000 votes in favor of ad removal then they're gone forever! All you have to do is click here or head on over to the general talk section on the ProBoards support forum to cast your vote. You will need to be signed in and/or create an account in order to do so. Have a great weekend everyone!


Just a little FYI for everyone, we've now updated the toy archives for the JP, TLW and JP3 sections (the JPD section should be completed soon). Please keep in mind that these are only temporary fixes as we work behind the scenes to complete the "real deals". However, just to spice things up a bit, we've included many of the toy sounds for your listening pleasure! (thanks JPDino) If you have any pictures that you'd like to submit, please send them to

Also today, we have a new diorama gallery up from 'Night' which includes a CE Thrasher Rex...don't see him often do ya? Finally, we couldn't leave without mentioning that today marks the 10th anniversiary of JP for all of our friends over in the UK...celebrate good times come on! :)


Our resident savings guru and forum moderator Kevin checks in today with two new deals. First up, Kevin points out that most KB toy stores are now selling JP3 human packs for the low price of .99 cents! At that price they're really a steal and a nice chance to get a few doubles for customs and dioramas. Kevin also wants to let everyone know that is running an "exclusive bundle" deal in which you receive a VHS copy of JP when you buy a previously owned copy of Operation Genesis for XBOX.

Also today, do you guys remember the pictures we passed along back in April of the custom Bull Rex by Well forum member Ultra_T-Rex noticed that they've now updated their site with more pictures of it and are now accepting your custom orders.


It's finally here! Check out our new merchandise in our CafePress online shop! All proceeds from sales go to keeping this site up and running. Website costs such as: server space, domain registry, and possible upcoming advertisements will be curbed if even a few of our 600+ members purchase items from our store. If enough interest is received, we will upgrade to a full-blown store and offer many more designs and products to the public. We might just run contests for annual T-shirt designs! Check out our store!


As preparations begin for the long holiday weekend, we have a few things to pass along. First up is a new review from Ultra of the CamoXtreme Arctic Rex. While in the review section you may notice that we've now seperated the CamoXtreme reviews from the JP3 reviews and given them their own section to hopefully make things a little eaiser to find. Next up is a "pricey" (pardon the pun) update to our price guide which now notes a new all time high for a MIB TLW Bull T-Rex that went for a whopping $125 to forum member Buzz Spendus! Also today, we have a new poll question up for your voting pleasure so be sure to participate in that. And last but not least, we want to wish all of our other American visitors out there a very SAFE and happy 4th of July holiday weekend.