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Did you know...

There was an Euoplocephalus planned for the TLW line? The unreleased CE one still has the 'Site B' logo. Click here to see.


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A big thanks to everyone that has sent in reviews lately. We pride ourselves here on having the most extensive online review database and without you guys it wouldn't be possible. Now, on to the reviews. Kevin drops in with a whopping 7 reviews - TLW High Hide, TLW Cyclops Raptor, CE Tyrannonops, CE Compstegnathus, CE Velocirapterx, Amargospinus and the JP3 DVD poster. SuchoSURFER also chimes in today with his review of the CE Tanaconda.

Also today, we wanted to acknowledge the change to our main header image. We here at JPToys fully support the U.S. military and our allies in Operation Iraqi Freedom. We send our thoughts and prayers to those brave men and women overseas and their families.


I'm a few days late in getting this out but better late than never! Jurassic People director Jamie Hobert emailed us recently to let everyone know that the DVD of his short film has been completed and is ready to start shipping out. Make sure to check out the site today for details on how to obtain your FREE copy!


There seems to be quite a bit of Spring savings going on lately which I guess is never a bad thing! Kevin sends word that is offering a $10 savings on all orders over $75. Just apply the code: SVTYMGSAVETN and you're on your way! We also have one new review today of the Bull T-Rex sent in by English_T-Rex.


We have two new reviews to pass along to everyone today. First up, AcroIguana chimes in with his thoughts of the recently released Operation Genesis PC game. Next, DeereX offers up his thoughts on TLW Thrasher T-Rex. Remember, if you'd like to review anything for the site, just drop us a line and we would be happy to add it!


Toy is inviting everyone to take part in their Spring Break special by offering free shipping on all standard ground orders. Just enter the code SR7RHADM to take advantage. They have plenty of JP3 merchandise still available (including CamoXtreme) and even a couple of items from the Jurassic Park: Dinosaurs line!


Here's a very interesting site that forum member SiteC turned us on to today. It's the apparent homepage of toy sculptor Scott Andrews who claims to have worked in the industry for over 6 years for companies such as Hasbro and Resaurus and many popular toy lines like Star Wars, MIB II and G.I. Joe. Of course, the interest to most of us is that some of his work for Hasbro includes the likes of the JP3 poseable Spinosaurus, Velociraptor and many others!


It's finally here, one of the sections you've been waiting for. We've managed to get a hold of several Kenner toy catalogs featuring various Jurassic Park toys. After some painstaking labor - scanning, formatting, and indexing - we are proud to release over 100 images for your enjoyment. Visit this new section and check it out!


Those of you that visit our forum on a regular basis may have noticed that it's currently down. Apparently the host for Proboards is experiencing some network troubles. No time is known yet when the forums will be back up and running so we'll just have to sit tight for now. Also, just a heads up, our current hosting package for the site is set to expire at the end of this month and we're currently shopping around for new suitors. I only mention this because you may experience some problems accessing the site for a few days around that time until we get the new deal in place. Have a great weekend everyone! Update - the forum is back up and seems to be in working order.


Several new customs were added today including a brand new gallery from 'JP Action Man' and new entries to existing galleries from Tyrant and Raptoralpha. There's some really outstanding customs in there so make sure to check 'em out! Remember, we are willing to host your custom creations right here at JPToys. Please contact our staff for more information if you're interested.