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Did you know...

That one of the toy commercials for the JPS2 line features the 'real-life' Dino Trackers? Click here to see.


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New reviews added to the site!

Our own toy reviewer, Jan Roselaar, has written a bunch of new reviews recently. The new reviews include the entire CamoXtreme and the Jurassic Park: Dinosaurs 1 lines. They can be found, as usual, on each figure's page in the Toy Database. So if you want more information about the figures belonging to either of those lines, feel free to read his extensive analysis of the figures. More reviews will follow.

And the winner is...

Our members decided: Anonimusdinonicus' red banner will from now on be on our website. His banner won with 66.6% of all votes.

The second place also goes to Anonimusdinonicus, for his blue banner. It got 16% of all votes.

Metria_c85 and Jaws both have a shared 3rd place, with each 6.1% of all votes.

Our entire staff team wants to thank all participants for their effort. And let's not forget our voters: thanks for taking the trouble of placing a vote. You all made this contest to a big succes! :)