Welcome to Langdon Primary School
At Langdon we believe it is important to see what the school is like most of the time ie. during usual working hours, in order to make an informed decision about whether this is the school for your child and yourself. Why not come along and visit us. You’d be most welcome.
Parents and children can visit the school at a time that is convenient to them in order to meet the Head Teacher, take a tour to see what Langdon School is really like and to ask any questions you might have.
Give the school office a call or send an email to our Lynn Paylor Sutton our Head Teacher on lpaylorsutton@langdon.kent.sch.uk to arrange a date and time.
Our year groups are split into 4 classes. Each year we change our names, currently we have …
Ofsted visited in January 2020. We are an Ofsted ‘good’ school.
By the end of Key Stage 2 Langdon pupils perform better than local and national averages.
KS1 and 2 Assessment Results 2024
19.2.25 Our New Classrooms Have Arrived (photos available – click to see the full post)
Our school building project is really beginning to take shape – today we had a delivery of four of the five new buildings that will make up the hall and classroom block. It’s amazing to see them so expertly craned into place over the surrounding trees, houses and even over our own site. The arrival… Read More
Langdon Primary School, Westside, East Langdon, Dover, Kent CT15 5JQ
Telephone 01304 852 600