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Stapler seemed like she might be in a jumpin’ mood, so I got out the camera. I encouraged her to get on top of the scratcher, and then I tossed a toy onto the bed.
And Stapler said “Hmm, no. I think I’ll jump to the floor instead.” I’m gonna keep trying – ’cause I KNOW she can jump to the bed when she wants to!
Then he moved to the bed, and Poppi made sure his ears were clean.
Poppi from behind. You know, I initially thought that those faint spots on the back of her head and body might turn out to be gray, but now I’m thinking they’ll be light orange? Maybe?
Sodapop, checking to see what I’m doing.
Moxie in the sun. (I love how much sun the foster room gets this time of year.)
Sodapop admires herself. (I don’t blame her!)
Sundrop in his pink Adirondack.
All four kittens are in this picture, you just have to look closely!
Sodapop is off for her spay surgery today. I predict it’ll go fine and we’ll be back here by early afternoon, in time for a nap. Once she’s healed a bit, I’m going to start giving her a few hours away from the kittens every day. I’m not going to put a onesie on her just yet, but will give it another week or so before I go that route.
We have an update on former fosters Oleander (formerly Constance)(fun fact: I always have to look up her foster name, because she is so thoroughly Oleander to me now!) and Rhus (formerly Rochefort), who we fostered in 2020. (Charlie – then Aramis – was in that litter, too!)
Cat says: its been super busy here at the capital of muffinlad, a bunch of bags and boxes got taken to donate, and muffins had to snooperfise the whole thing! they had to check to make sure no mousytoys or sparkleballs had goten mixed up in stuff. and its a good thing they did because by the end of it we had a whole pile of toys in the foyer that had somehow made their way into and underbags and boxes!
muffins aslo had to oversee the repair if the kitchen sink . it was hard muffinworj slapping the tools around the floor and rolling against the drill while it wasnt in use(oleander), and sticking heads up under pawpaws arm to see whats happening under there, and trying to climb under the wood panal that was pulled up(rhus).
Rhus’s face cracks me up (and OH that belly!)
I always forget just how GORGEOUS Oleander’s eyes are. SO pretty!
rhus has taken his newwave yodel synth to new levels. it dousnt just happen in the kitchen anymore! oh no! he found a new sound in the upstairs hall and bathroom where it sort of echos. he heard his late big sister used to like to listen to herself up there,and decided to incorperate that sound into his music. hes thinking about album titles, maby moodlemixes.
oleander has started a new sort of acrobatic arts. its where you lay on the floor on the bottem of the treescratcher, and so a sort of oppisit hamsterwheel with it. sliding acrous the floor by draging yourself with your paws around the base of the cattree. throwing in some rolls and putting you bopty in the air from time to time. and she denighs all aligations of knoking the catree over onto her brother multiple times the other day. she says theres no proof any such thing happend. ever.
muffins enjoy thier morning doortime and bord watching in the sunrays. and at night they have zooms and somtimes storytime. on prety sunny days when its not noisy outside they go on harnesses to enjoy porch time. they continue to invent new forms of muffenry and suprizingways to amuse themselvs and us,
they are the very most perfect babys and i love them so so much. our lives are so much more rich with them here.
they say help to evryone and that they hope you get lots of treets.
Thanks, Cat!
A magnificent pile o’ floof. (It’s kind of hard to tell what’s going on here – he’s lying belly-up, looking sideways at me.)
Posted on social media (Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Tumblr/ Bluesky) yesterday.
Please admire Stapler’s AMAZING whiskers! (Side note: Someone on Facebook accused me of using “the Paint app” to draw extra whiskers into this picture (LOL), and I assure you that I did not. It wasn’t necessary – Stapler’s got plenty of whiskers of her own! My photoshopping is generally limited to cropping and lightening pictures, since when I try to do anything more involved, I accidentally do things like making it look like a kitten has an extra nostril.)
Former foster Crumpet (who we were fostering this time last year, along with her kittens!) is waiting while mummy does morning prayers. Rough life isn’t it, Crumpet? (Thanks, Geeta!)
YouTube link
All 4 kittens in the spaceship bed, tussling. (I referred to the sleeping kitten as Poppi, but that’s actually Fanta. Oops!)
I was out of town for a few days last week, and when I got home Sodapop sniffed my slippers and her tail went POOF! (I was staying with friends who have dogs, and I’m sure the dog scent took Sodapop by surprise!) (Please also admire the attitude from Moxie.)
YouTube link
Poppi and Moxie go POP! – and there is a ton of skitterbugging in this video. These little goofballs just crack me UP.
Moxie in the sun – her eyes are AMAZING, aren’t they? (Also, Moxie loaf: my favorite!)
Good night innernets. (Poppi & Sundrop)
2024: I think they spend more time climbing on the Fruittasan than hanging out inside it.
2023: No entry.
2022: No entry.
2021: Can you believe these muffins are FOUR weeks old today?
2020: The light blue eyes and the little smile make Pablo quite loonariffic.
2019: Happy as a clam.
2018: Katarina, exposing that soft tuxie belly.
2017: No entry.
2016: No entry.
2015: “Why do my paws feel WET???”
2014: Mariette can’t believe you just said that.
2012: For future reference (although I’m sure I’ll never remember this), it’s apparently at the 3 1/2 week mark when the kittens lose their fear and start seriously venturing forth from their safe place.
2011: No entry.
2010: I don’t know what the number is that determines crazy cat lady-hood, but I’ve got to say that two can’t possibly be the number. That’s hardly even cat PERSON level, right there.
2009: Beulah thinks this is the MOST FUN EVER, and she crawls up on the back of my leg and hangs on for the ride.
2008: No entry.
2007: I ain’t cleaning the frickin’ floors in this house ever again
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.