Robert Nieuwenhuis' Home Page Barcelogic

Robert Nieuwenhuis

   Professor   (Catedrático de Universidad)
Technical University of Catalonia   (UPC)
The Logics and Programming Research Group (LogProg)
Computer Science Department (CS)
Computer Science School (FIB)
Barcelona    Spain.
Contact Information

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Access to some materials
Main publications
(My) Google Scholar
Research events I'm involved in
The Logics and Programming Research Group
Research Interests
Teaching Activities
Other research information
Contact Information

Some materials:

Research: Logic in Computer Science

Logic is being considered "The Calculus of Computer Science" (Manna and Waldinger, Kolaitis and Vardi), like mathematics in the physical sciences, and, in particular, calculus in engineering.
See also "On the Unusual Effectiveness of Logic in Computer Science". I have worked on: and have been Program Chair of the conferences:  CADE (2005),  RTA (2003)  LPAR (2001),  and many times PC member of these and other conferences such as LICS or PPDP.

Other research information

PhD. Students Supervised:

Computer science bibliography databases:
DBLP Computer Science Bibliography Trier
Citeseer ResearchIndex.
Computer Science Bibliographies Karlsruhe.

Click here to see a beautiful 10-store "human tower" (in Catalan: "castell"; one of the many interesting aspects of Catalan culture)

Robert Nieuwenhuis
Technical University of Catalonia (UPC)
Dept. Computer Science (CS)
Omega Building
Jordi Girona 1
E-08034 Barcelona, Spain
E-mail: roberto at this domain:
Phone: (+34) 93 413 7865