AUTHORS: Browse articles of the conference sorted by author
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
A |
Abad, Azad |
A Resource for Investigating the Impact of Anaphora and Coreference on Inference.
Abad, Jose L. |
Speech Translation in Pedagogical Environment Using Additional Sources of Knowledge
Hewlett-Packard, SPAIN |
Abeillé, Anne |
The Grande Grammaire du Français Project
Université Paris 7, FRANCE |
Abejón, Alejandro |
A Study of the Influence of Speech Type on Automatic Language Recognition Performance
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, SPAIN |
Abekawa, Takeshi |
Community-based Construction of Draft and Final Translation Corpus Through a Translation Hosting Site Minna no Hon'yaku (MNH)
National Institute of Informatics, JAPAN |
Aberdeen, John |
Evaluation of Machine Translation Errors in English and Iraqi Arabic
Á. Csató, Éva |
The English-Swedish-Turkish Parallel Treebank
Uppsala University, SWEDEN |
Adams, Dan |
The DARPA Machine Reading Program - Encouraging Linguistic and Reasoning Research with a Series of Reading Tasks
Scitor Corporation, UNITED STATES |
Adda-Decker, Martine |
The Study of Writing Variants in an Under-resourced Language: Some Evidence from Mobile N-Deletion in Luxembourgish
Word Boundaries in French: Evidence from Large Speech Corpora
On the Role of Discourse Markers in Interactive Spoken Question Answering Systems
A Question-answer Distance Measure to Investigate QA System Progress
Comparison of Spectral Properties of Read, Prepared and Casual Speech in French
Adda, Gilles |
Question Answering on Web Data: The QA Evaluation in Quæro
The Study of Writing Variants in an Under-resourced Language: Some Evidence from Mobile N-Deletion in Luxembourgish
Adde, Line |
NameDat: A Database of English Proper Names Spoken by Native Norwegians
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NORWAY |
Adler, Mark |
Bootstrapping Named Entity Extraction for the Creation of Mobile Services
Nokia Research Center, Cambridge, UNITED STATES |
Adolphs, Peter |
Question Answering Biographic Information and Social Network Powered by the Semantic Web
Adugna, Sisay |
English ― Oromo Machine Translation: An Experiment Using a Statistical Approach
Haramaya University, ETHIOPIA |
Afantenos, Stergos |
Learning Recursive Segments for Discourse Parsing
Université Paul Sabatier, IRIT, FRANCE |
Agatonovic, Milan |
Identification of the Question Focus: Combining Syntactic Analysis and Ontology-based Lookup through the User Interaction
University of Sheffield, UNITED KINGDOM |
Agerri, Rodrigo |
Q-WordNet: Extracting Polarity from WordNet Senses
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), GSI, SPAIN |
Agić, Željko |
Corpus Aligner (CorAl) Evaluation on English-Croatian Parallel Corpora
Improving Chunking Accuracy on Croatian Texts by Morphosyntactic Tagging
Towards Sentiment Analysis of Financial Texts in Croatian
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Information Sciences, CROATIA |
Agirre, Eneko |
Exploring Knowledge Bases for Similarity
Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, SPAIN |
Aguado de Cea, Guadalupe |
Ontology-based Interoperation of Linguistic Tools for an Improved Lemma Annotation in Spanish
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Ontology Engineering Group, SPAIN |
Ahlsén, Elisabeth |
The NOMCO Multimodal Nordic Resource - Goals and Characteristics
Gothenburg University, SWEDEN |
Ahmed, Tafseer |
Transliterating Urdu for a Broad-Coverage Urdu/Hindi LFG Grammar
Konstanz Universität, GERMANY |
Ahrenberg, Lars |
Alignment-based Profiling of Europarl Data in an English-Swedish Parallel Corpus
Using a Grammar Checker for Evaluation and Postprocessing of Statistical Machine Translation
Linkoping University, SWEDEN |
Aimetti, Guillaume |
A Speech Corpus for Modeling Language Acquisition: CAREGIVER
University of Sheffield, UNITED KINGDOM |
Aït Ouguengay, Youssef |
For Standardised Amazigh Linguistic Resources
Aker, Ahmet |
Model Summaries for Location-related Images
University of Sheffield, UNITED KINGDOM |
Akiba, Tomoyosi |
Language Modeling Approach for Retrieving Passages in Lecture Audio Data
Toyohashi University of Technology, JAPAN |
Alam, Mehwish |
PDTB XML: the XMLization of the Penn Discourse TreeBank 2.0
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, NETHERLANDS |
Aldezabal, Izaskun |
Building the Basque PropBank
Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, SPAIN |
Alegria, Iñaki |
A Morphological Processor Based on Foma for Biscayan (a Basque dialect)
Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, SPAIN |
Alexandersson, Jan |
Towards an ISO Standard for Dialogue Act Annotation
Alexandrov, Theodore |
Data-Driven and Ontological Analysis of FrameNet for Natural Language Reasoning
Universität Bremen, GERMANY |
Alexin, Zoltán |
Hungarian Dependency Treebank
University of Szeged, HUNGARY |
Aliane, Hassina |
Al ―Khalil : The Arabic Linguistic Ontology Project
Algerian University of Science and Technology, Research Center on Scientific and Technical Information, ALGERIA |
Alimazighi, Zaia |
Al ―Khalil : The Arabic Linguistic Ontology Project
Algerian University of Science and Technology, Research Center on Scientific and Technical Information, ALGERIA |
Allen, James |
TRIOS-TimeBank Corpus: Extended TimeBank Corpus with Help of Deep Understanding of Text
University of Rochester, UNITED STATES |
Allwood, Jens |
Work on Spoken (Multimodal) Language Corpora in South Africa
The NOMCO Multimodal Nordic Resource - Goals and Characteristics
Gothenburg University, SWEDEN |
Almási, Attila |
Hungarian Dependency Treebank
University of Szeged, HUNGARY |
Almeida, José João |
Bigorna -- A Toolkit for Orthography Migration Challenges
Processing and Extracting Data from Dicionário Aberto
Universidade do Minho, PORTUGAL |
Alonso Ramos, Margarita |
Towards a Motivated Annotation Schema of Collocation Errors in Learner Corpora
Universidad de Coruña, SPAIN |
Al-Sabbagh, Rania |
Mining the Web for the Induction of a Dialectical Arabic Lexicon
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, UNITED STATES |
Al-Saif, Amal |
The Leeds Arabic Discourse Treebank: Annotating Discourse Connectives for Arabic
University of Leeds, UNITED KINGDOM |
Altantawy, Mohamed |
Morphological Analysis and Generation of Arabic Nouns: A Morphemic Functional Approach
Columbia University, UNITED STATES |
Althaus, Adrian |
Challenges in Building a Multilingual Alpine Heritage Corpus
Universität Zürich, SWITZERLAND |
Altosaar, Toomas |
A Speech Corpus for Modeling Language Acquisition: CAREGIVER
Helsinki University of Technology, FINLAND |
Aluísio, Sandra Maria |
Assigning Wh-Questions to Verbal Arguments: Annotation Tools Evaluation and Corpus Building
Universidade de São Paulo, BRAZIL |
Amâncio, Marcelo Adriano |
Assigning Wh-Questions to Verbal Arguments: Annotation Tools Evaluation and Corpus Building
Universidade de São Paulo, BRAZIL |
Ambati, Bharat Ram |
An Integrated Digital Tool for Accessing Language Resources
A High Recall Error Identification Tool for Hindi Treebank Validation
Language Technologies Research Centre, IIIT, Hyderabad, INDIA |
Ambati, Vamshi |
Active Learning and Crowd-Sourcing for Machine Translation
Carnegie Mellon University, Language Technologies Institute, UNITED STATES |
Amdal, Ingunn |
Spontal-N: A Corpus of Interactional Spoken Norwegian
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NORWAY |
Ananiadou, Sophia |
Evaluating a Text Mining Based Educational Search Portal
Meta-Knowledge Annotation of Bio-Events
U-Compare: An Integrated Language Resource Evaluation Platform Including a Comprehensive UIMA Resource Library
University of Manchester, UNITED KINGDOM |
Anderson, Antequa |
Like Finding a Needle in a Haystack: Annotating the American National Corpus for Idiomatic Expressions
Montclair State University, UNITED STATES |
Anderson, Winston |
Base Concepts in the African Languages Compared to Upper Ontologies and the WordNet Top Ontology
University of South Africa, School of Computing, SOUTH AFRICA |
Andreas, Jacob |
Towards Semi-Automated Annotation for Prepositional Phrase Attachment
Columbia University, UNITED STATES |
An, Gary |
Djangology: A Light-weight Web-based Tool for Distributed Collaborative Text Annotation
Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Department of Surgery, UNITED STATES |
Antoine, Jean-Yves |
The EPAC Corpus: Manual and Automatic Annotations of Conversational Speech in French Broadcast News
An Analysis of the Performances of the CasEN Named Entities Recognition System in the Ester2 Evaluation Campaign
Université de Tours, LI, FRANCE |
Antoniadis, Georges |
Automatic Identification of Arabic Dialects
Université de Grenoble / LIG - CNRS/UJF/INPG, GETALP LIG INPG, FRANCE |
Antonsen, Lene |
Reusing Grammatical Resources for New Languages
Universitetet i Tromsø, NORWAY |
Apostolova, Emilia |
Djangology: A Light-weight Web-based Tool for Distributed Collaborative Text Annotation
DePaul University, College of Computing and Digital Media, UNITED STATES |
Aranbarri, Garbiñe |
A Morphological Processor Based on Foma for Biscayan (a Basque dialect)
Eleka S.L., SPAIN |
Aranzabe, María Jesús |
Building the Basque PropBank
Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, SPAIN |
Araujo, Roberto P. A. |
SINotas: the Evaluation of a NLG Application
Universidade de São Paulo, BRAZIL |
Arcas-Túnez, Francisco |
The Architecture of FunGramKB
Universidad Católica San Antonio, SPAIN |
Arehart, Mark |
Indexing Methods for Faster and More Effective Person Name Search
Improving Personal Name Search in the TIGR System
Arisio, Fiorenza |
DICIT: Evaluation of a Distant-talking Speech Interface for Television
Elektrobit Automotive GmbH, Erlangen, GERMANY |
Arranz, Victoria |
ELRAs Services 15 Years on...Sharing and Anticipating the Community
Artstein, Ron |
Practical Evaluation of Speech Recognizers for Virtual Human Dialogue Systems
University of Southern California, Institute for Creative Technologies, UNITED STATES |
Aswani, Niraj |
Developing Morphological Analysers for South Asian Languages: Experimenting with the Hindi and Gujarati Languages
English-Hindi Transliteration using Multiple Similarity Metrics
University of Sheffield, UNITED KINGDOM |
Atserias, Jordi |
Active Learning for Building a Corpus of Questions for Parsing
Yahoo! Research Barcelona, SPAIN |
Attardi, Giuseppe |
Comparing the Influence of Different Treebank Annotations on Dependency Parsing
A Resource and Tool for Super-sense Tagging of Italian Texts
Active Learning for Building a Corpus of Questions for Parsing
Università di Pisa, Dipartimento di Informatica, ITALY |
Attia, Mohamed |
Cooperation for Arabic Language Resources and Tools ― The MEDAR Project
The Engineering Company for the Development of Computer Systems, EGYPT |
Attia, Mohammed |
An Automatically Built Named Entity Lexicon for Arabic
Dublin City University, NCLT, IRELAND |
Atwell, Eric |
Syntactic Annotation Guidelines for the Quranic Arabic Dependency Treebank
Fine-Grain Morphological Analyzer and Part-of-Speech Tagger for Arabic Text
Constructing and Using Broad-coverage Lexical Resource for Enhancing Morphological Analysis of Arabic
ProPOSEC: A Prosody and PoS Annotated Spoken English Corpus
University of Leeds, UNITED KINGDOM |
Aubin, Sophie |
Named and Specific Entity Detection in Varied Data: The Quæro Named Entity Baseline Evaluation
Audibert, Laurent |
Formal Description of Resources for Ontology-based Semantic Annotation
Auer, Eric |
ELAN as Flexible Annotation Framework for Sound and Image Processing Detectors
Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, NETHERLANDS |
Avelãs, Mariana |
Developing a Deep Linguistic Databank Supporting a Collection of Treebanks: the CINTIL DeepGramBank
Universidade de Lisboa, PORTUGAL |
Awad, Marwan |
Evaluation of Machine Translation Errors in English and Iraqi Arabic
Ayache, Christelle |
A French Human Reference Corpus for Multi-Document Summarization and Sentence Compression
Syllabs, FRANCE |
B |
Babko-Malaya, Olga |
Evaluation of Document Citations in Phase 2 Gale Distillation
Baccianella, Stefano |
SentiWordNet 3.0: An Enhanced Lexical Resource for Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining
Badin, Flora |
Sign Language Corpora for Analysis, Processing and Evaluation
Baird, Alexis |
The Creation of a Large-Scale LFG-Based Gold Parsebank
Baker, Collin F. |
Aligning FrameNet and WordNet based on Semantic Neighborhoods
Baker, Kathrin |
A Modality Lexicon and its use in Automatic Tagging
US Department of Defense, UNITED STATES |
Balahur, Alexandra |
Sentiment Analysis in the News
Universidad de Alicante (UA), SPAIN |
Balakrishna, Mithun |
Semi-Automatic Domain Ontology Creation from Text Resources
Lymba Corporation, UNITED STATES |
Bal, Bal Krishna |
Towards Building Annotated Resources for Analyzing Opinions and Argumentation in News Editorials
Kathmandu University, NEPAL |
Bali, Kalika |
Resource Creation for Training and Testing of Transliteration Systems for Indian Languages
Microsoft Research India, INDIA |
Balodis, Kaspars |
Corpus Based Analysis for Multilingual Terminology Entry Compounding
University of Latvia, LATVIA |
Balvet, Antonio |
Building a Lexicon of French Deverbal Nouns from a Semantically Annotated Corpus
The Creagest Project: a Digitized and Annotated Corpus for French Sign Language (LSF) and Natural Gestural Languages
Université de Lille Nord de France, FRANCE |
Bangerter, Maya |
Challenges in Building a Multilingual Alpine Heritage Corpus
Universität Zürich, SWITZERLAND |
Barbier, Vincent |
A Corpus for Studying Full Answer Justification
Bardeli, Rolf |
DiSCo - A German Evaluation Corpus for Challenging Problems in the Broadcast Domain
Fraunhofer IAIS, GERMANY |
Baroni, Marco |
BabyExp: Constructing a Huge Multimodal Resource to Acquire Commonsense Knowledge Like Children Do
Università di Trento, ITALY |
Barousse, Marci |
Like Finding a Needle in a Haystack: Annotating the American National Corpus for Idiomatic Expressions
Montclair State University, UNITED STATES |
Barque, Lucie |
Building a Lexicon of French Deverbal Nouns from a Semantically Annotated Corpus
Université de Lille Nord de France, FRANCE |
Barra Chicote, Roberto |
HIFI-AV: An Audio-visual Corpus for Spoken Language Human-Machine Dialogue Research in Spanish
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, SPAIN |
Barrón-Cedeño, Alberto |
English-Spanish Large Statistical Dictionary of Inflectional Forms
Corpus and Evaluation Measures for Automatic Plagiarism Detection
Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Departamento de Sistemas Informáticos y Computación, SPAIN |
Basili, Roberto |
Extensive Evaluation of a FrameNet-WordNet mapping resource
Università di Roma Tor Vergata, ITALY |
Basu, Anupam |
Resource Creation for Training and Testing of Transliteration Systems for Indian Languages
Determining Reliability of Subjective and Multi-label Emotion Annotation through Novel Fuzzy Agreement Measure
Society for Natural language Technology Research, INDIA |
Batchelor, Colin |
Corpora for the Conceptualisation and Zoning of Scientific Papers
Informatics R&D, Royal Society of Chemistry, UNITED KINGDOM |
Battistelli, Delphine |
Resources for Calendar Expressions Semantic Tagging and Temporal Navigation through Texts
Université Paris Sorbonne, Lalic, FRANCE |
Bauer, Patrick |
WTIMIT: The TIMIT Speech Corpus Transmitted Over The 3G AMR Wideband Mobile Network
Technical University Braunschweig, GERMANY |
Baum, Doris |
DiSCo - A German Evaluation Corpus for Challenging Problems in the Broadcast Domain
Fraunhofer IAIS, GERMANY |
Baumgartner Jr., William A. |
Test Suite Design for Biomedical Ontology Concept Recognition Systems
University of Colorado School of Medicine, Center for Computational Pharmacology, UNITED STATES |
Baur, Claudia |
A Multilingual CALL Game Based on Speech Translation
Université de Genève, TIM/ISSCO, SWITZERLAND |
Bazillon, Thierry |
The EPAC Corpus: Manual and Automatic Annotations of Conversational Speech in French Broadcast News
Université du Maine, LIUM, FRANCE |
Béchet, Frédéric |
The EPAC Corpus: Manual and Automatic Annotations of Conversational Speech in French Broadcast News
Université d'Avignon, LIA, FRANCE |
Bedaride, Paul |
Syntactic Testsuites and Textual Entailment Recognition
INRIA / LORIA / Université Henri Poincaré, FRANCE |
Beisswanger, Elena |
The GeneReg Corpus for Gene Expression Regulation Events ― An Overview of the Corpus and its In-Domain and Out-of-Domain Interoperability
The CALBC Silver Standard Corpus for Biomedical Named Entities ― A Study in Harmonizing the Contributions from Four Independent Named Entity Taggers
Friedrich-Schiller Universität, Jena, GERMANY |
Bejan, Cosmin Adrian |
A Linguistic Resource for Semantic Parsing of Motion Events
University of Texas at Dallas, UNITED STATES |
Belgacem, Mohamed |
Automatic Identification of Arabic Dialects
Université de Grenoble / LIG - CNRS/UJF/INPG, GETALP LIG INPG, FRANCE |
Belica, Cyril |
The German Reference Corpus DeReKo: A Primordial Sample for Linguistic Research
Institut für Deutsche Sprache, Mannheim, GERMANY |
Bel, Núria |
A Case Study on Interoperability for Language Resources and Applications
Handling of Missing Values in Lexical Acquisition
Resource and Service Centres as the Backbone for a Sustainable Service Infrastructure
Universitat Pompeu Fabra, SPAIN |
Bel, Santiago |
A Case Study on Interoperability for Language Resources and Applications
Universitat Pompeu Fabra, SPAIN |
Belyaeva, Jenya |
Sentiment Analysis in the News
European Commision, Joint Research Centre (JRC), ITALY |
Belz, Anja |
A Game-based Approach to Transcribing Images of Text
University of Brighton, UNITED KINGDOM |
Benajiba, Yassine |
Arabic Word Segmentation for Better Unit of Analysis
Columbia University, UNITED STATES |
Benedí, José-M. |
Evaluation of HMM-based Models for the Annotation of Unsegmented Dialogue Turns
Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Instituto Tecnológico de Informática, SPAIN |
Ben-Gera, Danielle |
Semantic Feature Engineering for Enhancing Disambiguation Performance in Deep Linguistic Processing
Saarland University, Department of Computational Linguistics, GERMANY |
Benhamadou, Abdelmajid |
A Syntactic Lexicon for Arabic Verbs
Bentivogli, Luisa |
Building Textual Entailment Specialized Data Sets: a Methodology for Isolating Linguistic Phenomena Relevant to Inference
A Resource for Investigating the Impact of Anaphora and Coreference on Inference.
Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento, ITALY |
Benyon, David |
Evaluating Human-Machine Conversation for Appropriateness
Wizard of Oz Experiments for a Companion Dialogue System: Eliciting Companionable Conversation
Napier University, UNITED KINGDOM |
Beppu, Mayumi |
Comparison of Spectral Properties of Read, Prepared and Casual Speech in French
Tokyo Institute of Technology, JAPAN |
Bergsma, Shane |
New Tools for Web-Scale N-grams
University of Alberta, CANADA |
Bernaola Biggio, Silvana Marianela |
Entity Mention Detection using a Combination of Redundancy-Driven Classifiers
Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento, ITALY |
Bernard, Guillaume |
A Question-answer Distance Measure to Investigate QA System Progress
Bernardi, Raffaella |
Context Fusion: The Role of Discourse Structure and Centering Theory
Libera Università di Bolzano, ITALY |
Bertrand, Gregor |
WITcHCRafT: A Workbench for Intelligent exploraTion of Human ComputeR conversaTions
Towards Investigating Effective Affective Dialogue Strategies
Universität Ulm, Institute for Information Technology, GERMANY |
Bertrand, Roxane |
Automatic Detection of Syllable Boundaries in Spontaneous Speech
The OTIM Formal Annotation Model: A Preliminary Step before Annotation Scheme
Université Aix-Marseille, Laboratoire Parole et Langage, FRANCE |
Besacier, Laurent |
Automatic Identification of Arabic Dialects
Université de Grenoble / LIG - CNRS/UJF/INPG, GETALP LIG INPG, FRANCE |
Besagni, Dominique |
FastKwic, an Intelligent Concordancer Using FASTR
Besançon, Romaric |
LIMA : A Multilingual Framework for Linguistic Analysis and Linguistic Resources Development and Evaluation
Beskow, Jonas |
Spontal: A Swedish Spontaneous Dialogue Corpus of Audio, Video and Motion Capture
KTH Speech Music and Hearing, SWEDEN |
Bevacqua, Elisabetta |
The AVLaughterCycle Database
Telecom ParisTech, FRANCE |
Bharati, Aksar |
Grammar Extraction from Treebanks for Hindi and Telugu
Language Technologies Research Centre, IIIT, Hyderabad, INDIA |
Bhardwaj, Vikas |
Word Sense Annotation of Polysemous Words by Multiple Annotators
Columbia University, UNITED STATES |
Bhatia, Archna |
Empty Categories in a Hindi Treebank
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, UNITED STATES |
Bhattacharyya, Pushpak |
IIT Bombay, INDIA |
Bhatt, Rajesh |
Empty Categories in a Hindi Treebank
University of Massachusetts, UNITED STATES |
Bhowmick, Plaban Kr. |
Determining Reliability of Subjective and Multi-label Emotion Annotation through Novel Fuzzy Agreement Measure
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, INDIA |
Bhutada, Pravin |
Practical Evaluation of Speech Recognizers for Virtual Human Dialogue Systems
Columbia University, UNITED STATES |
Biagioni, Stefania |
A Digital Archive of Research Papers in Computer Science
Bianchini, Alessia |
Corpus-based Semantics of Concession: Where do Expectations Come from?
Università degli Studi di Torino, Dipartimento Di Informatica, ITALY |
Bick, Eckhard |
FrAG, a Hybrid Constraint Grammar Parser for French
University of Southern Denmark, DENMARK |
Bies, Ann |
From Speech to Trees: Applying Treebank Annotation to Arabic Broadcast News
Consistent and Flexible Integration of Morphological Annotation in the Arabic Treebank
Bigalke, Lutz |
Developing an Expressive Speech Labeling Tool Incorporating the Temporal Characteristics of Emotion
Universität Ulm, GERMANY |
Bigi, Brigitte |
Automatic Detection of Syllable Boundaries in Spontaneous Speech
Université Aix-Marseille, Laboratoire Parole et Langage, FRANCE |
Blache, Philippe |
The OTIM Formal Annotation Model: A Preliminary Step before Annotation Scheme
Université de Provence, LPL, FRANCE |
Blagoeva, Diana |
Bulgarian National Corpus Project
Institute of Bulgarian Language, BULGARIA |
Blake III, Charles |
Error Correction for Arabic Dictionary Lookup
University of Maryland, UNITED STATES |
Blancafort, Helena |
Learning Morphology of Romance, Germanic and Slavic Languages with the Tool Linguistica
OAL: A NLP Architecture to Improve the Development of Linguistic Resources for NLP
Syllabs, FRANCE |
Blanc, Olivier |
Partial Parsing of Spontaneous Spoken French
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, BELGIUM |
Blanco, Xavier |
Resources for Controlled Languages for Alert Messages and Protocols in the European Perspective
Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB), SPAIN |
Blessing, Andre |
Fine-Grained Geographical Relation Extraction from Wikipedia
Universität Stuttgart, GERMANY |
Bloodgood, Michael |
A Modality Lexicon and its use in Automatic Tagging
Johns Hopkins University, UNITED STATES |
Bloothooft, Gerrit |
Evaluating Repetitions, or how to Improve your Multilingual ASR System by doing Nothing
Universiteit Utrecht, NETHERLANDS |
Bod, Rens |
Efficiently Extract Rrecurring Tree Fragments from Large Treebanks
University of Amsterdam, Institute for Logic Language and Computation, NETHERLANDS |
Boerschinger, Benjamin |
WikiNet: A Very Large Scale Multi-Lingual Concept Network
Universität Heidelberg, GERMANY |
Bogacki, Krzysztof |
Resources for Controlled Languages for Alert Messages and Protocols in the European Perspective
University of Warsaw, POLAND |
Bögel, Tina |
Transliterating Urdu for a Broad-Coverage Urdu/Hindi LFG Grammar
Konstanz Universität, GERMANY |
Bohnet, Bernd |
Open Soucre Graph Transducer Interpreter and Grammar Development Environment
Universidad Pompeu Fabra, SPAIN |
Boidin, Cédric |
Towards Optimal TTS Corpora
France Telecom Orange Labs, FRANCE |
Boitet, Christian |
mwetoolkit: a Framework for Multiword Expression Identification
Université Joseph Fourier, FRANCE |
Bojar, Ondřej |
Building a Bilingual ValLex Using Treebank Token Alignment: First Observations
Evaluating Utility of Data Sources in a Large Parallel Czech-English Corpus CzEng 0.9
Data Issues in English-to-Hindi Machine Translation
Charles University in Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC |
Boleda, Gemma |
Wikicorpus: A Word-Sense Disambiguated Multilingual Wikipedia Corpus
ADN-Classifier:Automatically Assigning Denotation Types to Nominalizations
The Database of Catalan Adjectives
Annotation and Representation of a Diachronic Corpus of Spanish
Language Technology Challenges of a Small Language (Catalan)
Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña, SPAIN |
Bolge, Eleanor |
Building a Textual Entailment Suite for the Evaluation of Automatic Content Scoring Technologies
Educational Testing Service, UNITED STATES |
Bolot, Laurence |
Sign Language Corpora for Analysis, Processing and Evaluation
Bonafonte, Antonio |
TTS Evaluation Campaign with a Common Spanish Database
Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña, SPAIN |
Bonastre, Jean-Francois |
The DesPho-APaDy Project: Developing an Acoustic-phonetic Characterization of Dysarthric Speech in French
Université d'Avignon, CERI/LIA, FRANCE |
Bonial, Claire |
Propbank Frameset Annotation Guidelines Using a Dedicated Editor, Cornerstone
Propbank Instance Annotation Guidelines Using a Dedicated Editor, Jubilee
University of Colorado at Boulder, UNITED STATES |
Bonin, Francesca |
A Contrastive Approach to Multi-word Extraction from Domain-specific Corpora
Bontcheva, Kalina |
Ontology-Based Categorization of Web Services with Machine Learning
University of Sheffield, UNITED KINGDOM |
Boras, Damir |
Building a Gold Standard for Event Detection in Croatian
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Information Sciences, CROATIA |
Bordel, Germán |
KALAKA: A TV Broadcast Speech Database for the Evaluation of Language Recognition Systems
Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, SPAIN |
Borg, Claudia |
Automatic Grammar Rule Extraction and Ranking for Definitions
University of Malta, MALTA |
Borgo, Stefano |
Data-Driven and Ontological Analysis of FrameNet for Natural Language Reasoning
Borin, Lars |
Diabase: Towards a Diachronic BLARK in Support of Historical Studies
Resource and Service Centres as the Backbone for a Sustainable Service Infrastructure
Gothenburg University, SWEDEN |
Borisova, Irina |
PDTB XML: the XMLization of the Penn Discourse TreeBank 2.0
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, NETHERLANDS |
Bortoli, Stefano |
Maskkot ― An Entity-centric Annotation Platform
Università di Trento, ITALY |
Bosch, Sonja |
Lexical Resources for Noun Compounds in Czech, English and Zulu
University of South Africa, SOUTH AFRICA |
Bosco, Cristina |
Comparing the Influence of Different Treebank Annotations on Dependency Parsing
Università di Torino, Dipartimento di Informatica, ITALY |
Bosma, Wauter |
Integrating a Large Domain Ontology of Species into WordNet
Bootstrapping Language Neutral Term Extraction
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, NETHERLANDS |
Bouhjar, Aïcha |
For Standardised Amazigh Linguistic Resources
Bouillon, Pierrette |
Examining the Effects of Rephrasing User Input on Two Mobile Spoken Language Systems
A Multilingual CALL Game Based on Speech Translation
Université de Genève, TIM/ISSCO, SWITZERLAND |
Bouma, Gerlof |
Towards a Large Parallel Corpus of Cleft Constructions
Universität Potsdam, GERMANY |
Bouma, Gosse |
Cross-lingual Ontology Alignment using EuroWordNet and Wikipedia
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, NETHERLANDS |
Bouquet, Paolo |
Maskkot ― An Entity-centric Annotation Platform
Università di Trento, ITALY |
Boussidan, Armelle |
The Semantic Atlas: an Interactive Model of Lexical Representation
Université Lyon I, L2C2, Institut des Sciences Cognitives-CNRS, FRANCE |
Boutet, Dominique |
The Creagest Project: a Digitized and Annotated Corpus for French Sign Language (LSF) and Natural Gestural Languages
Université Paris 8 Saint Denis, FRANCE |
Boxwell, Stephen A. |
A Pilot Arabic CCGbank
Ohio State University, UNITED STATES |
Boyd, Adriane |
EAGLE: an Error-Annotated Corpus of Beginning Learner German
Ohio State University, UNITED STATES |
Braasch, Anna |
Merging Specialist Taxonomies and Folk Taxonomies in Wordnets - A case Study of Plants, Animals and Foods in the Danish Wordnet
Quality Indicators of LSP Texts ― Selection and Measurements Measuring the Terminological Usefulness of Documents for an LSP Corpus
University of Copenhagen, DENMARK |
Bradley, Jay |
Wizard of Oz Experiments for a Companion Dialogue System: Eliciting Companionable Conversation
Napier University, UNITED KINGDOM |
Braffort, Annelies |
Sign Language Corpora for Analysis, Processing and Evaluation
Braga, Daniela |
Building High Quality Databases for Minority Languages such as Galician
Microsoft Portugal, PORTUGAL |
Brālītis, Edgars |
Towards Improving English-Latvian Translation: A System Comparison and a New Rescoring Feature
Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, LATVIA |
Bramantoro, Arif |
Towards an Integrated Architecture for Composite Language Services and Multiple Linguistic Processing Components
Kyoto University, JAPAN |
Branco, António |
Top-Performing Robust Constituency Parsing of Portuguese: Freely Available in as Many Ways as you Can Get it
Developing a Deep Linguistic Databank Supporting a Collection of Treebanks: the CINTIL DeepGramBank
Universidade de Lisboa, PORTUGAL |
Brandschain, Linda |
Greybeard Longitudinal Speech Study
Mixer 6
LDC / University of Pennsylvania, UNITED STATES |
Brendel, Mátyás |
Building a System for Emotions Detection from Speech to Control an Affective Avatar
Brenner, Daniel |
The Kachna L1/L2 Picture Replication Corpus
Radboud University Nijmegen, NETHERLANDS |
Bretier, Philippe |
Ad-hoc Evaluations Along the Lifecycle of Industrial Spoken Dialogue Systems: Heading to Harmonisation?
France Telecom Orange Labs, FRANCE |
Brew, Chris |
A Pilot Arabic CCGbank
Ohio State University, UNITED STATES |
Brierley, Claire |
ProPOSEC: A Prosody and PoS Annotated Spoken English Corpus
University of Leeds, UNITED KINGDOM |
Bristot, Antonella |
Deep Linguistic Processing with GETARUNS for Spoken Dialogue Understanding
Universita Ca' Foscari di Venezia, ITALY |
Broadwell, Aaron |
MPC: A Multi-Party Chat Corpus for Modeling Social Phenomena in Discourse
University at Albany, SUNY, UNITED STATES |
Broda, Bartosz |
Building a Node of the Accessible Language Technology Infrastructure
Wrocław University of Technology, Institute of Informatics, POLAND |
Broeder, Daan |
A Data Category Registry- and Component-based Metadata Framework
Virtual Language Observatory: The Portal to the Language Resources and Technology Universe
Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, NETHERLANDS |
Broersma, Mirjam |
The Demo / Kemo Corpus: A Principled Approach to the Study of Cross-cultural Differences in the Vocal Expression and Perception of Emotion
Universiteit van Tilburg, NETHERLANDS |
Broscheit, Samuel |
Extending BART to Provide a Coreference Resolution System for German
Universität Heidelberg, Computational Linguistics Department, GERMANY |
Browne, Evelyn |
Error Correction for Arabic Dictionary Lookup
University of Maryland, UNITED STATES |
Brown, Susan Windisch |
Number or Nuance: Which Factors Restrict Reliable Word Sense Annotation?
University of Colorado, UNITED STATES |
Brunelli, Michele |
VenPro: A Morphological Analyzer for Venetan
Universita Ca' Foscari di Venezia, ITALY |
Bubenhofer, Noah |
Challenges in Building a Multilingual Alpine Heritage Corpus
Institut für Deutsche Sprache, Mannheim, GERMANY |
Buchholz, Sabine |
Annotating the Enron Email Corpus with Number Senses
Toshiba Research Europe Ltd, UNITED KINGDOM |
Buckwalter, Tim |
Error Correction for Arabic Dictionary Lookup
University of Maryland, UNITED STATES |
Budin, Gerhard |
Resource and Service Centres as the Backbone for a Sustainable Service Infrastructure
Universität Wien, AUSTRIA |
Bullock, David |
Achieving Domain Specificity in SMT without Overt Siloing
Microsoft Research, UNITED STATES |
Bunt, Harry |
Towards an Integrated Scheme for Semantic Annotation of Multimodal Dialogue Data
ISO-TimeML: An International Standard for Semantic Annotation
Towards an ISO Standard for Dialogue Act Annotation
Universiteit van Tilburg, NETHERLANDS |
Burkhardt, Felix |
A Database of Age and Gender Annotated Telephone Speech
Deutsche Telekom Labs, GERMANY |
Burkhardt, Jens |
Using NLP Methods for the Analysis of Rituals
Universität Heidelberg, Computational Linguistics Department, GERMANY |
Burt, Alastair |
LT World: Ontology and Reference Information Portal
Buscaldi, Davide |
Evaluation Protocol and Tools for Question-Answering on Speech Transcripts
Universitat Politècnica de Valencia, SPAIN |
Buttery, Paula |
LIPS: A Tool for Predicting the Lexical Isolation Point of a Word
The Cambridge Cookie-Theft Corpus: A Corpus of Directed and Spontaneous Speech of Brain-Damaged Patients and Healthy Individuals
University of Cambridge, UNITED KINGDOM |
Butt, Miriam |
Transliterating Urdu for a Broad-Coverage Urdu/Hindi LFG Grammar
Konstanz Universität, GERMANY |
Buyko, Ekaterina |
The GeneReg Corpus for Gene Expression Regulation Events ― An Overview of the Corpus and its In-Domain and Out-of-Domain Interoperability
The CALBC Silver Standard Corpus for Biomedical Named Entities ― A Study in Harmonizing the Contributions from Four Independent Named Entity Taggers
Friedrich-Schiller Universität, Jena, GERMANY |
Buysschaert, Joost |
Assessing the Impact of English Language Skills and Education Level on PubMed Searches by Dutch-speaking Users
Hogeschool Gent, Faculty of Translation Studies, BELGIUM |
C |
Cabral, Luís Miguel |
GikiCLEF: Crosscultural Issues in Multilingual Information Access
Cabrio, Elena |
Building Textual Entailment Specialized Data Sets: a Methodology for Isolating Linguistic Phenomena Relevant to Inference
Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento, ITALY |
Cadic, Didier |
Towards Optimal TTS Corpora
France Telecom Orange Labs, FRANCE |
Calzolari, Nicoletta |
Preparing the field for an Open Resource Infrastructure: the role of the FLaReNet Network of Excellence
The LREC Map of Language Resources and Technologies
An LMF-based Web Service for Accessing WordNet-type Semantic Lexicons
Resource and Service Centres as the Backbone for a Sustainable Service Infrastructure
A Road Map for Interoperable Language Resource Metadata
Campbell, Nick |
A Software Toolkit for Viewing Annotated Multimodal Data Interactively over the Web
Trinity College Dublin, IRELAND |
Campillo, Francisco |
TTS Evaluation Campaign with a Common Spanish Database
Building High Quality Databases for Minority Languages such as Galician
Universidade de Vigo, SPAIN |
Cancedda, Nicola |
A Dataset for Assessing Machine Translation Evaluation Metrics
Xerox Research Centre Europe, FRANCE |
Candito, Marie |
Statistical French Dependency Parsing: Treebank Conversion and First Results
Université Paris 7, FRANCE |
Canovas, Alejandro |
Speech Translation in Pedagogical Environment Using Additional Sources of Knowledge
Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, SPAIN |
Cappelli, Giuseppe |
A Bilingual Dictionary Mexican Sign Language-Spanish/Spanish-Mexican Sign Language
Carbonell, Jaime |
Active Learning and Crowd-Sourcing for Machine Translation
Carnegie Mellon University, Language Technologies Institute, UNITED STATES |
Cardey, Sylviane |
Resources for Controlled Languages for Alert Messages and Protocols in the European Perspective
Université de Franche-Comté, FRANCE |
Cardiff, John |
Personal Sense and Idiolect: Combining Authorship Attribution and Opinion Analysis
Social Media Research Group, Institute of Technology Tallaght, IRELAND |
Carlesi, Carlo |
A Digital Archive of Research Papers in Computer Science
Carletta, Jean |
Towards an ISO Standard for Dialogue Act Annotation
Korea University, KOREA, REPUBLIC OF |
Carlsson, Elin |
Influence of Module Order on Rule-Based De-identification of Personal Names in Electronic Patient Records Written in Swedish
DSV/KTH-Stockholm University, SWEDEN |
Carmen, Marc |
CCASH: A Web Application Framework for Efficient, Distributed Language Resource Development
Tag Dictionaries Accelerate Manual Annotation
Brigham Young University, UNITED STATES |
Carnes, Jeff |
Error Correction for Arabic Dictionary Lookup
University of Maryland, UNITED STATES |
Carroll, Tashom |
Like Finding a Needle in a Haystack: Annotating the American National Corpus for Idiomatic Expressions
Montclair State University, UNITED STATES |
Cartoni, Bruno |
The MuLeXFoR Database: Representing Word-Formation Processes in a Multilingual Lexicographic Environment
Semi-Automated Extension of a Specialized Medical Lexicon for French
Caruso, Chris |
Greybeard Longitudinal Speech Study
Mixer 6
LDC / University of Pennsylvania, UNITED STATES |
Caruso, Christopher |
Large Scale Multilingual Broadcast Data Collection to Support Machine Translation and Distillation Technology Development
Carvalho, Paula |
Second HAREM: Advancing the State of the Art of Named Entity Recognition in Portuguese
Universidade de Lisboa, PORTUGAL |
Casacuberta, Francisco |
Saturnalia: A Latin-Catalan Parallel Corpus for Statistical MT
Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Departamento de Sistemas Informáticos y Computación, SPAIN |
Casamayor del Bosque, Gerard |
Towards a Motivated Annotation Schema of Collocation Errors in Learner Corpora
Universidad Pompeu Fabra, SPAIN |
Caselli, Tommaso |
Annotating Event Anaphora: A Case Study
Castellón, Irene |
FreeLing 2.1: Five Years of Open-source Language Processing Tools
Spanish FreeLing Dependency Grammar
Universitat de Barcelona (UB), SPAIN |
Castro, Francisco |
The RODRIGO Database
Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, SPAIN |
Castro, Sérgio |
Developing a Deep Linguistic Databank Supporting a Collection of Treebanks: the CINTIL DeepGramBank
Universidade de Lisboa, PORTUGAL |
Catizone, Roberta |
Using Dialogue Corpora to Extend Information Extraction Patterns for Natural Language Understanding of Dialogue
University of Sheffield, UNITED KINGDOM |
Ceberio, Klara |
A Morphological Processor Based on Foma for Biscayan (a Basque dialect)
Elhuyar Fundazioa, SPAIN |
Cer, Daniel |
Parsing to Stanford Dependencies: Trade-offs between Speed and Accuracy
Stanford University, Computer Science Department, UNITED STATES |
Chae, Hee-Rahk |
Linking Korean Words with an Ontology
Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, KOREA, REPUBLIC OF |
Chambers, Nathanael |
A Database of Narrative Schemas
Stanford University, UNITED STATES |
Chandra Vijay Kumar, Somnath |
Development of Linguistic Resources and Tools for Providing Multilingual Solutions in Indian Languages ― A Report on National Initiative
Govt of India, Ministry of Communications & Information Technology, Department of Information Technology, INDIA |
Chapman, Sam |
A Random Graph Walk based Approach to Computing Semantic Relatedness Using Knowledge from Wikipedia
Charfuelan, Marcela |
Multilingual Voice Creation Toolkit for the MARY TTS Platform
Charoenporn, Thatsanee |
Language Resource Management System for Asian WordNet Collaboration and Its Web Service Application
Charton, Eric |
NLGbAse: A Free Linguistic Resource for Natural Language Processing Systems
Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal / Université d'Avignon, CANADA / FRANCE |
Cheng, Xiwen |
Question Answering Biographic Information and Social Network Powered by the Semantic Web
Chen, Hsin-Hsi |
Comment Extraction from Blog Posts and Its Applications to Opinion Mining
Construction of a Chinese Opinion Treebank
Predicting Morphological Types of Chinese Bi-Character Words by Machine Learning Approaches
National Taiwan University, TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA |
Chennuru, Snehal Kumar |
A Language Approach to Modeling Human Behaviors
Carnegie Mellon University, UNITED STATES |
Chen, Peng-Wen |
A Language Approach to Modeling Human Behaviors
Carnegie Mellon University, UNITED STATES |
Chen, Ying |
Emotion Cause Events: Corpus Construction and Analysis
Hong Kong Polytechnic University, HONG KONG |
Chen, Yu |
MultiUN: A Multilingual Corpus from United Nation Documents
Integrating a Rule-based with a Hierarchical Translation System
Chételat-Pelé, Emilie |
Sign Language Corpora for Analysis, Processing and Evaluation
Chevrie-Muller, Claude |
The DesPho-APaDy Project: Developing an Acoustic-phonetic Characterization of Dysarthric Speech in French
Université Paris 10, MODyCo, FRANCE |
Choe, Jae-Woong |
Towards an ISO Standard for Dialogue Act Annotation
University of Colorado, UNITED STATES |
Choi, Jinho D. |
Propbank Frameset Annotation Guidelines Using a Dedicated Editor, Cornerstone
Propbank Instance Annotation Guidelines Using a Dedicated Editor, Jubilee
University of Colorado at Boulder, UNITED STATES |
Choisier, Annick |
Sign Language Corpora for Analysis, Processing and Evaluation
Chotimongkol, Ananlada |
Online Temporal Language Model Adaptation for a Thai Broadcast News Transcription System
National Electronics and Computer Technology Center, THAILAND |
Choudhury, Monojit |
Resource Creation for Training and Testing of Transliteration Systems for Indian Languages
Microsoft Research India, INDIA |
Choukri, Khalid |
The LREC Map of Language Resources and Technologies
Evaluation Protocol and Tools for Question-Answering on Speech Transcripts
Cooperation for Arabic Language Resources and Tools ― The MEDAR Project
ELRAs Services 15 Years on...Sharing and Anticipating the Community
A Road Map for Interoperable Language Resource Metadata
Christensen, Carl |
Principled Construction of Elicited Imitation Tests
Brigham Young University, UNITED STATES |
Chrupała, Grzegorz |
A Named Entity Labeler for German: Exploiting Wikipedia and Distributional Clusters
Universität des Saarlandes, GERMANY |
Church, Kenneth |
New Tools for Web-Scale N-grams
Johns Hopkins University, UNITED STATES |
Cieri, Chris |
Mixer 6
LDC / University of Pennsylvania, UNITED STATES |
Cieri, Christopher |
A Very Large Scale Mandarin Chinese Broadcast Corpus for GALE Project
Greybeard Longitudinal Speech Study
A Road Map for Interoperable Language Resource Metadata
Adapting to Trends in Language Resource Development: A Progress Report on LDC Activities
LDC / University of Pennsylvania, UNITED STATES |
Cinini, Alessandra |
Cultural Heritage: Knowledge Extraction from Web Documents
Ciravegna, Fabio |
Improving Domain-specific Entity Recognition with Automatic Term Recognition and Feature Extraction
University of Sheffield, UNITED KINGDOM |
Ciul, Mike |
From Speech to Trees: Applying Treebank Annotation to Arabic Broadcast News
Civera, Jorge |
Saturnalia: A Latin-Catalan Parallel Corpus for Statistical MT
Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Departamento de Sistemas Informáticos y Computación, SPAIN |
Clark, Jonathan H. |
LoonyBin: Keeping Language Technologists Sane through Automated Management of Experimental (Hyper)Workflows
Carnegie Mellon University, Language Technologies Institute, UNITED STATES |
Claveau, Vincent |
News Image Annotation on a Large Parallel Text-image Corpus
Inferring Syntactic Rules for Word Alignment through Inductive Logic Programming
Coden, Anni |
The ConceptMapper Approach to Named Entity Recognition
Cohen, K. Bretonnel |
Test Suite Design for Biomedical Ontology Concept Recognition Systems
University of Colorado School of Medicine, Center for Computational Pharmacology / University of Colorado at Boulder, Department of Linguistics, UNITED STATES |
Coheur, Luísa |
Named Entity Recognition in Questions: Towards a Golden Collection
Colazo-Simon, Antonia |
The DesPho-APaDy Project: Developing an Acoustic-phonetic Characterization of Dysarthric Speech in French
Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3, Laboratoire de Phonétique et Phonologie, FRANCE |
Collado, Miquel |
FreeLing 2.1: Five Years of Open-source Language Processing Tools
Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña, SPAIN |
Çöltekin, Çağrı |
A Freely Available Morphological Analyzer for Turkish
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, NETHERLANDS |
Comas, Pere R. |
Evaluation Protocol and Tools for Question-Answering on Speech Transcripts
Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña, SPAIN |
Condon, Sherri |
Evaluation of Machine Translation Errors in English and Iraqi Arabic
Constant, Matthieu |
Partial Parsing of Spontaneous Spoken French
Evaluating the Impact of Some Linguistic Information on the Performances of a Similarity-based and Translation-oriented Word-Sense Disambiguation Method
Université Paris-Est, FRANCE |
Cook, Paul |
Automatically Identifying Changes in the Semantic Orientation of Words
University of Toronto, CANADA |
Copperman, Hannah |
Evaluating Complex Semantic Artifacts
Freds Reusable Evaluation Device: Providing Support for Quick and Reliable Linguistic Annotation
Coppola, Bonaventura |
A General Purpose FrameNet-based Shallow Semantic Parser
Università di Trento, Dipartimento Ingegneria e Scienza dell'Informazione, ITALY |
Corbett, Peter |
The CALBC Silver Standard Corpus for Biomedical Named Entities ― A Study in Harmonizing the Contributions from Four Independent Named Entity Taggers
Friedrich-Schiller Universität, Jena, GERMANY |
Costa, Francisco |
Developing a Deep Linguistic Databank Supporting a Collection of Treebanks: the CINTIL DeepGramBank
Universidade de Lisboa, PORTUGAL |
Courtin, Cyril |
The Creagest Project: a Digitized and Annotated Corpus for French Sign Language (LSF) and Natural Gestural Languages
Université de Caen Basse-Normandie, FRANCE |
Couto, Javier |
OAL: A NLP Architecture to Improve the Development of Linguistic Resources for NLP
Syllabs, FRANCE |
Crabbé, Benoît |
Statistical French Dependency Parsing: Treebank Conversion and First Results
Université Paris 7, FRANCE |
Crasborn, Onno |
The Sign Linguistics Corpora Network: Towards Standards for Signed Language Resources
The SignSpeak Project - Bridging the Gap Between Signers and Speakers
Radboud University Nijmegen, NETHERLANDS |
Crego, Josep Maria |
Contrastive Lexical Evaluation of Machine Translation
Crevier-Buchman, Lise |
The DesPho-APaDy Project: Developing an Acoustic-phonetic Characterization of Dysarthric Speech in French
Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3, Laboratoire de Phonétique et Phonologie, FRANCE |
Cristoforetti, Luca |
DICIT: Evaluation of a Distant-talking Speech Interface for Television
Via Sommarive, ITALY |
Croce, Danilo |
Extensive Evaluation of a FrameNet-WordNet mapping resource
Università di Roma Tor Vergata, ITALY |
Cruz-Lara, Samuel |
MLIF : A Metamodel to Represent and Exchange Multilingual Textual Information
Csirik, János |
Hungarian Dependency Treebank
University of Szeged, HUNGARY |
Cuadros, Montse |
Wikicorpus: A Word-Sense Disambiguated Multilingual Wikipedia Corpus
Exploring Knowledge Bases for Similarity
Language Technology Challenges of a Small Language (Catalan)
Integrating a Large Domain Ontology of Species into WordNet
Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña, SPAIN |
Cucchiarini, Catia |
Human Language Technology and Communicative Disabilities: Requirements and Possibilities for the Future
Nederlandse Taalunie, NETHERLANDS |
Cucurullo, Sebastiana |
Lexical Semantic Resources in a Terminological Network
Cunningham, Hamish |
Identification of the Question Focus: Combining Syntactic Analysis and Ontology-based Lookup through the User Interaction
University of Sheffield, UNITED KINGDOM |
Cutugno, Francesco |
New Features in Spoken Language Search Hawk (SpLaSH): Query Language and Query Sequence
Università Federico II di Napoli, LUSI-Lab, Department of Physical Sciences, ITALY |
Cuxac, Christian |
The Creagest Project: a Digitized and Annotated Corpus for French Sign Language (LSF) and Natural Gestural Languages
Université Paris 8 Saint Denis, FRANCE |
Cybulska, Agata |
Event Models for Historical Perspectives: Determining Relations between High and Low Level Events in Text, Based on the Classification of Time, Location and Participants.
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, NETHERLANDS |
D |
da Cunha, Iria |
Automatic Summarization Using Terminological and Semantic Resources
Universidad Pompeu Fabra, SPAIN |
Dagan, Ido |
Building Textual Entailment Specialized Data Sets: a Methodology for Isolating Linguistic Phenomena Relevant to Inference
A Resource for Investigating the Impact of Anaphora and Coreference on Inference.
Bar-Ilan University, ISRAEL |
Dahab, Khalil |
A Game-based Approach to Transcribing Images of Text
University of Brighton, UNITED KINGDOM |
Dahlqvist, Bengt |
The English-Swedish-Turkish Parallel Treebank
Uppsala University, SWEDEN |
Daille, Béatrice |
Learning Subjectivity Phrases missing from Resources through a Large Set of Semantic Tests
Université de Nantes, LINA, FRANCE |
Dalbelo Bašić, Bojana |
Corpus Aligner (CorAl) Evaluation on English-Croatian Parallel Corpora
University of Zagreb, Knowledge Technologies Laboratory, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, CROATIA |
Dale, Robert |
Dialogue Reference in a Visual Domain
Macquarie University, AUSTRALIA |
d'Alessandro, Christophe |
Towards Optimal TTS Corpora
Dalianis, Hercules |
Creating a Reusable English-Chinese Parallel Corpus for Bilingual Dictionary Construction
How Certain are Clinical Assessments? Annotating Swedish Clinical Text for (Un)certainties, Speculations and Negations
Influence of Module Order on Rule-Based De-identification of Personal Names in Electronic Patient Records Written in Swedish
KTH, Stockholm University, SWEDEN |
Dalle, Patrice |
Video Retrieval in Sign Language Videos : How to Model and Compare Signs?
Dalwani, Kapil |
Ngram Search Engine with Patterns Combining Token, POS, Chunk and NE Information
New Tools for Web-Scale N-grams
Johns Hopkins University, UNITED STATES |
Damljanovic, Danica |
Identification of the Question Focus: Combining Syntactic Analysis and Ontology-based Lookup through the User Interaction
University of Sheffield, UNITED KINGDOM |
Dang, Hoa Trang |
An Evaluation of Technologies for Knowledge Base Population
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), UNITED STATES |
Danlos, Laurence |
A Lexicon of French Quotation Verbs for Automatic Quotation Extraction
Learning Recursive Segments for Discourse Parsing
Dantuluri, Pradeep |
A Use Case for Controlled Languages as Interfaces to Semantic Web Applications
National University of Ireland, Digital Enterprise Research Institute, Galway, IRELAND |
Darányi, Sándor |
Integration of Linguistic Markup into Semantic Models of Folk Narratives: The Fairy Tale Use Case
Gothenburg University, SWEDEN |
Dasgupta, Tirthankar |
Resource Creation for Training and Testing of Transliteration Systems for Indian Languages
Society for Natural language Technology Research, INDIA |
Davis, Brian |
A Use Case for Controlled Languages as Interfaces to Semantic Web Applications
Classifying Action Items for Semantic Email
National University of Ireland, Digital Enterprise Research Institute, Galway, IRELAND |
Davis, Chris Irwin |
Feasibility of Automatically Bootstrapping a Persian WordNet
University of Texas at Dallas, UNITED STATES |
DeCamp, Jennifer |
Language Technology Resource Center
De Cao, Diego |
Extensive Evaluation of a FrameNet-WordNet mapping resource
Università di Roma Tor Vergata, ITALY |
de Chalendar, Gaël |
FrameNet Translation Using Bilingual Dictionaries with Evaluation on the English-French Pair
LIMA : A Multilingual Framework for Linguistic Analysis and Linguistic Resources Development and Evaluation
Declerck, Thierry |
LAF/GrAF-grounded Representation of Dependency Structures
Integration of Linguistic Markup into Semantic Models of Folk Narratives: The Fairy Tale Use Case
Towards a Standardized Linguistic Annotation of the Textual Content of Labels in Knowledge Representation Systems
Extraction, Merging, and Monitoring of Company Data from Heterogeneous Sources
De Clercq, Orphée |
Data Collection and IPR in Multilingual Parallel Corpora. Dutch Parallel Corpus
Balancing SoNaR: IPR versus Processing Issues in a 500-Million-Word Written Dutch Reference Corpus
Hogeschool Gent, LT3, BELGIUM |
Dei Rossi, Stefano |
A Resource and Tool for Super-sense Tagging of Italian Texts
Università di Pisa, ITALY |
de Jong, Franciska |
Balancing SoNaR: IPR versus Processing Issues in a 500-Million-Word Written Dutch Reference Corpus
Universiteit Twente, NETHERLANDS |
de La Clergerie, Eric |
The Second Evaluation Campaign of PASSAGE on Parsing of French
Deléger, Louise |
Named and Specific Entity Detection in Varied Data: The Quæro Named Entity Baseline Evaluation
Identifying Paraphrases between Technical and Lay Corpora
Del Gratta, Riccardo |
A Bilingual Dictionary Mexican Sign Language-Spanish/Spanish-Mexican Sign Language
The LREC Map of Language Resources and Technologies
Dell'Orletta, Felice |
Improvements in Parsing the Index Thomisticus Treebank. Revision, Combination and a Feature Model for Medieval Latin
Comparing the Influence of Different Treebank Annotations on Dependency Parsing
A Contrastive Approach to Multi-word Extraction from Domain-specific Corpora
Delmonte, Rodolfo |
Deep Linguistic Processing with GETARUNS for Spoken Dialogue Understanding
VenPro: A Morphological Analyzer for Venetan
Universita Ca' Foscari di Venezia, ITALY |
Delogu, Francesca |
Anaphoric Annotation of Wikipedia and Blogs in the Live Memories Corpus
Università di Trento, ITALY |
Delooze, Céline |
The DesPho-APaDy Project: Developing an Acoustic-phonetic Characterization of Dysarthric Speech in French
Université Aix-Marseille, Laboratoire Parole et Langage, FRANCE |
Delorme, Maxime |
Sign Language Corpora for Analysis, Processing and Evaluation
de Loupy, Claude |
OAL: A NLP Architecture to Improve the Development of Linguistic Resources for NLP
A French Human Reference Corpus for Multi-Document Summarization and Sentence Compression
Syllabs, FRANCE |
De Luca, Ernesto William |
A Corpus for Evaluating Semantic Multilingual Web Retrieval Systems: The Sense Folder Corpus
Technische Universität Berlin, GERMANY |
de Marneffe, Marie-Catherine |
Parsing to Stanford Dependencies: Trade-offs between Speed and Accuracy
Stanford University, Linguistics Department, UNITED STATES |
de Melo, Gerard |
Providing Multilingual, Multimodal Answers to Lexical Database Queries
Max Planck Institute for Informatics, GERMANY |
Demuynck, Kris |
A Speech Corpus for Modeling Language Acquisition: CAREGIVER
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, BELGIUM |
Denecke, Kerstin |
Cross-Corpus Textual Entailment for Sublanguage Analysis in Epidemic Intelligence
L3S Research Center, GERMANY |
Denich, Dan |
Efficient Spoken Dialogue Domain Representation and Interpretation
Universität Ulm, GERMANY |
Denis, Pascal |
Statistical French Dependency Parsing: Treebank Conversion and First Results
Learning Recursive Segments for Discourse Parsing
de Novais, Eder M. |
SINotas: the Evaluation of a NLG Application
Universidade de São Paulo, BRAZIL |
Den, Yasuharu |
Two-level Annotation of Utterance-units in Japanese Dialogs: An Empirically Emerged Scheme
Design, Compilation, and Preliminary Analyses of Balanced Corpus of Contemporary Written Japanese
Chiba University, JAPAN |
de Oliveira, Rafael L. |
SINotas: the Evaluation of a NLG Application
Universidade de São Paulo, BRAZIL |
Derczynski, Leon |
Analysing Temporally Annotated Corpora with CAVaT
University of Sheffield, DCS, UNITED KINGDOM |
D'Errico, Francesca |
Types of Nods. The Polysemy of a Social Signal
Università degli Studi Roma Tre, ITALY |
Desmet, Bart |
Towards a Balanced Named Entity Corpus for Dutch
Towards a Learning Approach for Abbreviation Detection and Resolution.
Hogeschool Gent, LT3, BELGIUM |
Devereux, Barry |
The Cambridge Cookie-Theft Corpus: A Corpus of Directed and Spontaneous Speech of Brain-Damaged Patients and Healthy Individuals
University of Cambridge, The Centre for Speech, Language and the Brain, UNITED KINGDOM |
Devillers, Laurence |
Building a System for Emotions Detection from Speech to Control an Affective Avatar
CINEMO ― A French Spoken Language Resource for Complex Emotions: Facts and Baselines
Devos, Nadège |
Sign Language Corpora for Analysis, Processing and Evaluation
D'Halleweyn, Elisabeth |
Flemish-Dutch HLT Policy: Evolving to New Forms of Collaboration
Nederlandse Taalunie, NETHERLANDS |
Dias-da-Silva, Bento Carlos |
REBECA: Turning WordNet Databases into ""Ontolexicons""
Universidade Estadual Paulista, BRAZIL |
Díaz, Alberto |
Development and Use of an Evaluation Collection for Personalisation of Digital Newspapers
Universidad Complutense de Madrid, SPAIN |
Díaz de Ilarraza, Arantza |
Building the Basque PropBank
Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, SPAIN |
Dickinson, Markus |
Evaluating Distributional Properties of Tagsets
Indiana University, UNITED STATES |
Di Eugenio, Barbara |
Analysis and Presentation of Results for Mobile Local Search
University of Illinois at Chicago, UNITED STATES |
Díez, Mireia |
KALAKA: A TV Broadcast Speech Database for the Evaluation of Language Recognition Systems
Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, SPAIN |
Di-Felippo, Ariani |
REBECA: Turning WordNet Databases into ""Ontolexicons""
Universidade Estadual Paulista, BRAZIL |
Dil, Anton |
From XML to XML: The Why and How of Making the Biodiversity Literature Accessible to Researchers
Open University, Department of Computing, UNITED KINGDOM |
Dingli, Alexiei |
Using Dialogue Corpora to Extend Information Extraction Patterns for Natural Language Understanding of Dialogue
University of Sheffield, UNITED KINGDOM |
Dini, Luca |
The Impact of Grammar Enhancement on Semantic Resources Induction
Dinu, Anca |
Building a Generative Lexicon for Romanian
Universitatea din Bucureşti, Facultatea de Limbi şi Literaturi Străine, ROMANIA |
Dione, Cheikh M. Bamba |
Design and Development of Part-of-Speech-Tagging Resources for Wolof (Niger-Congo, spoken in Senegal)
Universität Potsdam, GERMANY |
DiPersio, Denise |
A Very Large Scale Mandarin Chinese Broadcast Corpus for GALE Project
Large Scale Multilingual Broadcast Data Collection to Support Machine Translation and Distillation Technology Development
LDC / University of Pennsylvania, UNITED STATES |
Di Pietro, Giulia |
A Resource and Tool for Super-sense Tagging of Italian Texts
Università di Pisa, ITALY |
Dister, Anne |
Partial Parsing of Spontaneous Spoken French
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven / Facultés universitaires Saint-Louis, BELGIUM |
Domingo, Judith |
Annotation and Representation of a Diachronic Corpus of Spanish
Fundació Barcelona Media, SPAIN |
Dorado, Ruben |
U-Compare: An Integrated Language Resource Evaluation Platform Including a Comprehensive UIMA Resource Library
University of Tokyo, JAPAN |
Doran, Christy |
Evaluation of Machine Translation Errors in English and Iraqi Arabic
Dorow, Beate |
Building a Cross-lingual Relatedness Thesaurus using a Graph Similarity Measure
Universität Stuttgart, IMS, GERMANY |
Dorr, Bonnie |
A Modality Lexicon and its use in Automatic Tagging
University of Maryland, UNITED STATES |
Dreuw, Philippe |
The SignSpeak Project - Bridging the Gap Between Signers and Speakers
RWTH Aachen University, GERMANY |
Duarte, Kyle |
Heterogeneous Data Sources for Signed Language Analysis and Synthesis: The SignCom Project
Université de Bretagne-Sud, FRANCE |
Duez, Danielle |
The DesPho-APaDy Project: Developing an Acoustic-phonetic Characterization of Dysarthric Speech in French
Université Aix-Marseille, Laboratoire Parole et Langage, FRANCE |
Dukes, Kais |
Morphological Annotation of Quranic Arabic
Syntactic Annotation Guidelines for the Quranic Arabic Dependency Treebank
University of Leeds, UNITED KINGDOM |
Durand, Jacques |
Word Boundaries in French: Evidence from Large Speech Corpora
Université de Toulouse, FRANCE |
Duran, Magali Sanches |
Assigning Wh-Questions to Verbal Arguments: Annotation Tools Evaluation and Corpus Building
Universidade de São Paulo, BRAZIL |
Dutoit, Thierry |
The AVLaughterCycle Database
Université de Mons, Faculté Polytechnique, TCTS Lab, BELGIUM |
Dymetman, Marc |
A Dataset for Assessing Machine Translation Evaluation Metrics
Xerox Research Centre Europe, FRANCE |
E |
Eberhard, Kathleen |
The Indiana ``Cooperative Remote Search Task"" (CReST) Corpus
University of Notre Dame, UNITED STATES |
Ebrahim, Mohamed |
Adapting a resource-light highly multilingual Named Entity Recognition system to Arabic
European Commision, Joint Research Centre (JRC), ITALY |
Eckart, Kerstin |
A Corpus Representation Format for Linguistic Web Services: The D-SPIN Text Corpus Format and its Relationship with ISO Standards
Universität Stuttgart, IMS, GERMANY |
Eckert, Martin |
A Database of Age and Gender Annotated Telephone Speech
Deutsche Telekom Labs, GERMANY |
Edlund, Jens |
Spontal-N: A Corpus of Interactional Spoken Norwegian
Spontal: A Swedish Spontaneous Dialogue Corpus of Audio, Video and Motion Capture
A Snack Implementation and Tcl/Tk Interface to the Fundamental Frequency Variation Spectrum Algorithm
KTH, Stockholm University, SWEDEN |
Egg, Markus |
How Complex is Discourse Structure?
Humboldt-Universität Berlin, GERMANY |
Eguchi, Megumi |
Annotating Event Mentions in Text with Modality, Focus, and Source Information
Nara Institute of Science and Technology, JAPAN |
Eisele, Andreas |
English ― Oromo Machine Translation: An Experiment Using a Statistical Approach
MultiUN: A Multilingual Corpus from United Nation Documents
Integrating a Rule-based with a Hierarchical Translation System
Eiselt, Andreas |
Corpus and Evaluation Measures for Automatic Plagiarism Detection
Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, GERMANY |
Ekbal, Asif |
Maximum Entropy Classifier Ensembling using Genetic Algorithm for NER in Bengali
Universität Heidelberg, Computational Linguistics Department, GERMANY |
Ekpenyong, Moses |
Medefaidrin: Resources Documenting the Birth and Death Language Life-cycle
University of Uyo, NIGERIA |
El Ayari, Sarra |
Fine-grained Linguistic Evaluation of Question Answering Systems
Elenius, Kjell |
Spontal: A Swedish Spontaneous Dialogue Corpus of Audio, Video and Motion Capture
KTH Speech Music and Hearing, SWEDEN |
Elghafari, Anas |
WikiNet: A Very Large Scale Multi-Lingual Concept Network
Universität Tübingen, GERMANY |
Ellsworth, Michael |
Aligning FrameNet and WordNet based on Semantic Neighborhoods
Elson, David K. |
Building a Bank of Semantically Encoded Narratives
Columbia University, UNITED STATES |
Enomoto, Mika |
Two-level Annotation of Utterance-units in Japanese Dialogs: An Empirically Emerged Scheme
Tokyo University of Technology, JAPAN |
Erjavec, Tomaž |
MULTEXT-East Version 4: Multilingual Morphosyntactic Specifications, Lexicons and Corpora
The JOS Linguistically Tagged Corpus of Slovene
Experimental Deployment of a Grid Virtual Organization for Human Language Technologies
Institut Jožef Stefan, SLOVENIA |
Ernestus, Mirjam |
The Nijmegen Corpus of Casual Spanish
Spontal-N: A Corpus of Interactional Spoken Norwegian
The Kachna L1/L2 Picture Replication Corpus
Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen / Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, NETHERLANDS |
Erro, Daniel |
AhoTransf: A Tool for Multiband Excitation Based Speech Analysis and Modification
Modified LTSE-VAD Algorithm for Applications Requiring Reduced Silence Frame Misclassification
Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, SPAIN |
Eshkol, Iris |
Eslo: From Transcription to Speakers' Personal Information Annotation
Université d'Orléans, FRANCE |
España-Bonet, Cristina |
Language Technology Challenges of a Small Language (Catalan)
Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña, SPAIN |
Estarrona, Ainara |
Building the Basque PropBank
Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, SPAIN |
Estève, Yannick |
The EPAC Corpus: Manual and Automatic Annotations of Conversational Speech in French Broadcast News
Université du Maine, LIUM, FRANCE |
Esuli, Andrea |
SentiWordNet 3.0: An Enhanced Lexical Resource for Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining
Evdokimova, Vera |
A Fully Annotated Corpus of Russian Speech
Saint-Petersburg State University, Department of Phonetics, RUSSIAN FEDERATION |
Evgrafova, Karina |
A Fully Annotated Corpus of Russian Speech
Saint-Petersburg State University, Department of Phonetics, RUSSIAN FEDERATION |
F |
Faaß, Gertrud |
Design and Application of a Gold Standard for Morphological Analysis: SMOR as an Example of Morphological Evaluation
Universität Stuttgart, IMS, GERMANY |
Fadaei, Hakimeh |
Extracting Lexico-conceptual Knowledge for Developing Persian WordNet
Shahid Beheshti University, NLP Research Lab, IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF |
Fakotakis, Nikos |
Heterogeneous Sensor Database in Support of Human Behaviour Analysis in Unrestricted Environments: The Audio Part
Vergina: A Modern Greek Speech Database for Speech Synthesis
The PlayMancer Database: A Multimodal Affect Database in Support of Research and Development Activities in Serious Game Environment
University of Patras, GREECE |
Fallucchi, Francesca |
Generic Ontology Learners on Application Domains
Università di Roma Tor Vergata, DISP, ITALY |
Fang, Alex Chengyu |
Towards an ISO Standard for Dialogue Act Annotation
City University of Hong Kong, HONG KONG |
Farinas, Jérôme |
The EPAC Corpus: Manual and Automatic Annotations of Conversational Speech in French Broadcast News
Farinha, Rita |
Processing and Extracting Data from Dicionário Aberto
Project Gutenberg, Distributed Proof-readers, PORTUGAL |
Farrús, Mireia |
Automatic and Human Evaluation Study of a Rule-based and a Statistical Catalan-Spanish Machine Translation Systems
Federmann, Christian |
Appraise: An Open-Source Toolkit for Manual Phrase-Based Evaluation of Translations
Extraction, Merging, and Monitoring of Company Data from Heterogeneous Sources
Fekri, Elham |
Extracting Lexico-conceptual Knowledge for Developing Persian WordNet
Shahid Beheshti University, NLP Research Lab, IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF |
Feldman, Anna |
Like Finding a Needle in a Haystack: Annotating the American National Corpus for Idiomatic Expressions
A Positional Tagset for Russian
Montclair State University, UNITED STATES |
Fellbaum, Christiane |
Lexical Resources for Noun Compounds in Czech, English and Zulu
Princeton University, UNITED STATES |
Felt, Paul |
CCASH: A Web Application Framework for Efficient, Distributed Language Resource Development
Tag Dictionaries Accelerate Manual Annotation
Brigham Young University, UNITED STATES |
Fernández-Aranda, Fernando |
The PlayMancer Database: A Multimodal Affect Database in Support of Research and Development Activities in Serious Game Environment
University Hospital of Bellvitge, Department of Psychiatry, SPAIN |
Fernández-Martínez, Fernando |
HIFI-AV: An Audio-visual Corpus for Spoken Language Human-Machine Dialogue Research in Spanish
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, SPAIN |
Ferrández, Óscar |
Aligning FrameNet and WordNet based on Semantic Neighborhoods
Universidad de Alicante (UA), SPAIN |
Ferreiros, Javier |
HIFI-AV: An Audio-visual Corpus for Spoken Language Human-Machine Dialogue Research in Spanish
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, SPAIN |
Ferret, Olivier |
A Corpus for Studying Full Answer Justification
LIMA : A Multilingual Framework for Linguistic Analysis and Linguistic Resources Development and Evaluation
Testing Semantic Similarity Measures for Extracting Synonyms from a Corpus
Filardo, Nathaniel W. |
A Modality Lexicon and its use in Automatic Tagging
Johns Hopkins University, UNITED STATES |
Filhol, Michael |
Sign Language Corpora for Analysis, Processing and Evaluation
Fingscheidt, Tim |
WTIMIT: The TIMIT Speech Corpus Transmitted Over The 3G AMR Wideband Mobile Network
Technical University Braunschweig, GERMANY |
Finley, James |
Improving Personal Name Search in the TIGR System
Fišer, Darja |
The JOS Linguistically Tagged Corpus of Slovene
Learning to Mine Definitions from Slovene Structured and Unstructured Knowledge-Rich Resources
University of Ljubljana, SLOVENIA |
Fishel, Mark |
Linguistically Motivated Unsupervised Segmentation for Machine Translation
University of Tartu, ESTONIA |
Flickinger, Dan |
WikiWoods: Syntacto-Semantic Annotation for English Wikipedia
Stanford University, UNITED STATES |
Flowers, Felicia |
Like Finding a Needle in a Haystack: Annotating the American National Corpus for Idiomatic Expressions
Montclair State University, UNITED STATES |
Fontana, Josep Maria |
Annotation and Representation of a Diachronic Corpus of Spanish
Universitat Pompeu Fabra, SPAIN |
Forascu, Corina |
GikiCLEF: Crosscultural Issues in Multilingual Information Access
Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza, ROMANIA |
Forner, Pamela |
GikiCLEF: Crosscultural Issues in Multilingual Information Access
Evaluating Multilingual Question Answering Systems at CLEF
Forsberg, Markus |
Diabase: Towards a Diachronic BLARK in Support of Historical Studies
Gothenburg University, SWEDEN |
Fort, Karën |
FastKwic, an Intelligent Concordancer Using FASTR
Fougeron, Cécile |
The DesPho-APaDy Project: Developing an Acoustic-phonetic Characterization of Dysarthric Speech in French
Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3, Laboratoire de Phonétique et Phonologie, FRANCE |
Fournelle, Connie |
Evaluation of Document Citations in Phase 2 Gale Distillation
Francom, Jerid |
How Specialized are Specialized Corpora? Behavioral Evaluation of Corpus Representativeness for Maltese.
University of Arizona, UNITED STATES |
Francopoulo, Gil |
MLIF : A Metamodel to Represent and Exchange Multilingual Textual Information
PASSAGE Syntactic Representation: a Minimal Common Ground for Evaluation
Tagmatica, FRANCE |
Frank, Anette |
Using NLP Methods for the Analysis of Rituals
A Semi-supervised Type-based Classification of Adjectives: Distinguishing Properties and Relations
Universität Heidelberg, Computational Linguistics Department, GERMANY |
Fredouille, Corinne |
The DesPho-APaDy Project: Developing an Acoustic-phonetic Characterization of Dysarthric Speech in French
Université d'Avignon, CERI/LIA, FRANCE |
Freeman, Andrew |
Evaluation of Machine Translation Errors in English and Iraqi Arabic
Freitas, Cláudia |
Second HAREM: Advancing the State of the Art of Named Entity Recognition in Portuguese
Friburger, Nathalie |
Eslo: From Transcription to Speakers' Personal Information Annotation
An Analysis of the Performances of the CasEN Named Entities Recognition System in the Ester2 Evaluation Campaign
Université François Rabelais, Tours, FRANCE |
Fritzinger, Fabienne |
Pattern-Based Extraction of Negative Polarity Items from Dependency-Parsed Text
Term and Collocation Extraction by Means of Complex Linguistic Web Services
A Survey of Idiomatic Preposition-Noun-Verb Triples on Token Level
Universität Stuttgart, GERMANY |
Fritzsch, Volker |
An Open Source Process Engine Framework for Realtime Pattern Recognition and Information Fusion Tasks
Universität Ulm, Institute of Neural Information Processing, GERMANY |
Fujii, Atsushi |
Modeling Wikipedia Articles to Enhance Encyclopedic Search
Tokyo Institute of Technology, JAPAN |
Fung, Pascale |
A Very Large Scale Mandarin Chinese Broadcast Corpus for GALE Project
Hong Kong University, Department of Electronic & Computer Engineering, HONG KONG |
Funk, Adam |
Ontology-Based Categorization of Web Services with Machine Learning
Interpreting SentiWordNet for Opinion Classification
University of Sheffield, UNITED KINGDOM |
Furrer, Lenz |
Challenges in Building a Multilingual Alpine Heritage Corpus
Universität Zürich, SWITZERLAND |
Furth, Katrina |
A Database for the Exploration of Spanish Planning
University of Rochester, UNITED STATES |
Fusellier-Souza, Ivani |
The Creagest Project: a Digitized and Annotated Corpus for French Sign Language (LSF) and Natural Gestural Languages
Université Paris 8 Saint Denis, FRANCE |
Fu, Yu |
Determining the Origin and Structure of Person Names
IBM Software Group, CHINA |
G |
Gagnon, Michel |
Can Syntactic and Logical Graphs help Word Sense Disambiguation?
Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal, CANADA |
Gaizauskas, Robert |
Model Summaries for Location-related Images
Analysing Temporally Annotated Corpora with CAVaT
Developing Morphological Analysers for South Asian Languages: Experimenting with the Hindi and Gujarati Languages
English-Hindi Transliteration using Multiple Similarity Metrics
Using Dialogue Corpora to Extend Information Extraction Patterns for Natural Language Understanding of Dialogue
University of Sheffield, UNITED KINGDOM |
Gala, Nuria |
A Tool for Linking Stems and Conceptual Fragments to Enhance word Access
Galibert, Olivier |
Question Answering on Web Data: The QA Evaluation in Quæro
Named and Specific Entity Detection in Varied Data: The Quæro Named Entity Baseline Evaluation
Evaluation Protocol and Tools for Question-Answering on Speech Transcripts
A Question-answer Distance Measure to Investigate QA System Progress
Hybrid Citation Extraction from Patents
Ganchev, Todor |
Heterogeneous Sensor Database in Support of Human Behaviour Analysis in Unrestricted Environments: The Audio Part
Vergina: A Modern Greek Speech Database for Speech Synthesis
The PlayMancer Database: A Multimodal Affect Database in Support of Research and Development Activities in Serious Game Environment
University of Patras, GREECE |
Gangemi, Aldo |
Senso Comune
Gara, Faiza |
LIMA : A Multilingual Framework for Linguistic Analysis and Linguistic Resources Development and Evaluation
García, Antonio |
Development and Use of an Evaluation Collection for Personalisation of Digital Newspapers
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, SPAIN |
Garcia, Brigitte |
The Creagest Project: a Digitized and Annotated Corpus for French Sign Language (LSF) and Natural Gestural Languages
Université Paris 8 Saint Denis, FRANCE |
Garcia-Fernandez, Anne |
MACAQ : A Multi Annotated Corpus to Study how we Adapt Answers to Various Questions
García-Mateo, Carmen |
Building High Quality Databases for Minority Languages such as Galician
Universidad de Vigo, Signal Theory Group, SPAIN |
García-Miguel, José M. |
ADESSE, a Database with Syntactic and Semantic Annotation of a Corpus of Spanish
Universidade de Vigo, SPAIN |
García Pineda, Miguel |
Speech Translation in Pedagogical Environment Using Additional Sources of Knowledge
Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, SPAIN |
García-Serrano, Ana |
Q-WordNet: Extracting Polarity from WordNet Senses
Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED), Madrid, SPAIN |
Gardellini, Mariano |
Virtual Language Observatory: The Portal to the Language Resources and Technology Universe
Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, NETHERLANDS |
Gardent, Claire |
Identifying Sources of Weakness in Syntactic Lexicon Extraction
Syntactic Testsuites and Textual Entailment Recognition
Gargett, Andrew |
The GIVE-2 Corpus of Giving Instructions in Virtual Environments
Universität Saarland, GERMANY |
Garoufi, Konstantina |
The GIVE-2 Corpus of Giving Instructions in Virtual Environments
Universität Saarland, GERMANY |
Gasser, Michael |
Expanding the Lexicon for a Resource-Poor Language Using a Morphological Analyzer and a Web Crawler
Indiana University, UNITED STATES |
Geertzen, Jeroen |
LIPS: A Tool for Predicting the Lexical Isolation Point of a Word
The Cambridge Cookie-Theft Corpus: A Corpus of Directed and Spontaneous Speech of Brain-Damaged Patients and Healthy Individuals
University of Cambridge, UNITED KINGDOM |
Gendrot, Cédric |
The DesPho-APaDy Project: Developing an Acoustic-phonetic Characterization of Dysarthric Speech in French
Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3, Laboratoire de Phonétique et Phonologie, FRANCE |
Ge, Niyu |
Enriching Word Alignment with Linguistic Tags
Gentile, Anna Lisa |
A Random Graph Walk based Approach to Computing Semantic Relatedness Using Knowledge from Wikipedia
Università di Bari, Department of Informatics, ITALY |
Georgescul, Maria |
A Multilingual CALL Game Based on Speech Translation
Université de Genève, TIM/ISSCO, SWITZERLAND |
Georgila, Kallirroi |
Practical Evaluation of Speech Recognizers for Virtual Human Dialogue Systems
University of Southern California, Institute for Creative Technologies, UNITED STATES |
Gerdin, Ulla |
A Swedish Scientific Medical Corpus for Terminology Management and Linguistic Exploration
The National Board of Health and Welfare, SWEDEN |
Gerlach, Johanna |
A Multilingual CALL Game Based on Speech Translation
Université de Genève, TIM/ISSCO, SWITZERLAND |
Gervás, Pablo |
Development and Use of an Evaluation Collection for Personalisation of Digital Newspapers
Integration of Linguistic Markup into Semantic Models of Folk Narratives: The Fairy Tale Use Case
Universidad Complutense de Madrid, SPAIN |
Gey, Fredric |
GikiCLEF: Crosscultural Issues in Multilingual Information Access
University of California, Berkeley, UNITED STATES |
Ghio, Alain |
The DesPho-APaDy Project: Developing an Acoustic-phonetic Characterization of Dysarthric Speech in French
Université Aix-Marseille, Laboratoire Parole et Langage, FRANCE |
Giampiccolo, Danilo |
Evaluating Multilingual Question Answering Systems at CLEF
Building Textual Entailment Specialized Data Sets: a Methodology for Isolating Linguistic Phenomena Relevant to Inference
A Resource for Investigating the Impact of Anaphora and Coreference on Inference.
Gibbon, Dafydd |
Medefaidrin: Resources Documenting the Birth and Death Language Life-cycle
Universität Bielefeld, GERMANY |
Gibet, Sylvie |
Heterogeneous Data Sources for Signed Language Analysis and Synthesis: The SignCom Project
Université de Bretagne-Sud, FRANCE |
Gillard, Laurent |
Named and Specific Entity Detection in Varied Data: The Quæro Named Entity Baseline Evaluation
Giordani, Alessandra |
Corpora for Automatically Learning to Map Natural Language Questions into SQL Queries
Università di Trento, ITALY |
Giovannetti, Emiliano |
An Unsupervised Approach for Semantic Relation Interpretation
Girju, Roxana |
Mining the Web for the Induction of a Dialectical Arabic Lexicon
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, UNITED STATES |
Gishri, Michal |
Lexicon Design for Transcription of Spontaneous Voice Messages
ACLP ― Afeka Center for Language Processing, Afeka College of Engineering, ISRAEL |
Glass, Jim |
Collecting Voices from the Cloud
MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab, UNITED STATES |
Gleim, Rüdiger |
Computational Linguistics for Mere Mortals - Powerful but Easy-to-use Linguistic Processing for Scientists in the Humanities
Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main, GERMANY |
Glenn, Meghan |
A Very Large Scale Mandarin Chinese Broadcast Corpus for GALE Project
LDC / University of Pennsylvania, UNITED STATES |
Glenn, Meghan Lammie |
Transcription Methods for Consistency, Volume and Efficiency
Glotova, Olga |
A Fully Annotated Corpus of Russian Speech
Saint-Petersburg State University, Department of Phonetics, RUSSIAN FEDERATION |
Głowińska, Katarzyna |
The Design of Syntactic Annotation Levels in the National Corpus of Polish
Domain-related Annotation of Polish Spoken Dialogue Corpus LUNA.PL
Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Computer Science, POLAND |
Godard, Danièle |
The Grande Grammaire du Français Project
Goggi, Sara |
The LREC Map of Language Resources and Technologies
A Digital Archive of Research Papers in Computer Science
Goldberg, Henry |
The DARPA Machine Reading Program - Encouraging Linguistic and Reasoning Research with a Series of Reading Tasks
Goldhahn, Dirk |
Automatic Annotation of Co-Occurrence Relations
Universität Leipzig, GERMANY |
Gómez Gallo, Carlos |
A Database for the Exploration of Spanish Planning
Harvard University, UNITED STATES |
Gonçalo Oliveira, Hugo |
Second HAREM: Advancing the State of the Art of Named Entity Recognition in Portuguese
Gonçalves, Patricia |
Top-Performing Robust Constituency Parsing of Portuguese: Freely Available in as Many Ways as you Can Get it
Universidade de Lisboa, PORTUGAL |
González Domínguez, Fita |
ADESSE, a Database with Syntactic and Semantic Annotation of a Corpus of Spanish
Universidade de Vigo, SPAIN |
González-Rubio, Jesús |
Saturnalia: A Latin-Catalan Parallel Corpus for Statistical MT
Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Instituto Tecnológico de Informática, SPAIN |
Gordon, Joshua B. |
An Evaluation Framework for Natural Language Understanding in Spoken Dialogue Systems
Columbia University, UNITED STATES |
Gorinski, Philip |
Idioms in Context: The IDIX Corpus
Saarland University, Department of Computational Linguistics, GERMANY |
Görög, Attila |
Computer Assisted Semantic Annotation in the DutchSemCor Project
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, NETHERLANDS |
Górski, Rafał L. |
Recent Developments in the National Corpus of Polish
Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Polish Language, POLAND |
Gosme, Julien |
Bilingual Lexicon Induction: Effortless Evaluation of Word Alignment Tools and Production of Resources for Improbable Language Pairs
Université de Caen Basse-Normandie, FRANCE |
Gossen, Gerhard |
Classifying Action Items for Semantic Email
National University of Ireland, Digital Enterprise Research Institute, Galway, IRELAND |
Goudbeek, Martijn |
The Demo / Kemo Corpus: A Principled Approach to the Study of Cross-cultural Differences in the Vocal Expression and Perception of Emotion
Universiteit van Tilburg, NETHERLANDS |
Graça, João |
Developing a Deep Linguistic Databank Supporting a Collection of Treebanks: the CINTIL DeepGramBank
Universidade de Lisboa, PORTUGAL |
Graff, Dave |
From Speech to Trees: Applying Treebank Annotation to Arabic Broadcast News
Graff, David |
Greybeard Longitudinal Speech Study
Mixer 6
LDC / University of Pennsylvania, UNITED STATES |
Grandry, Fanny |
Hybrid Citation Extraction from Patents
Grappy, Arnaud |
A Corpus for Studying Full Answer Justification
Grau, Brigitte |
Question Answering on Web Data: The QA Evaluation in Quæro
Fine-grained Linguistic Evaluation of Question Answering Systems
A Corpus for Studying Full Answer Justification
Grimes, Stephen |
Enriching Word Alignment with Linguistic Tags
Technical Infrastructure at Linguistic Data Consortium: Software and Hardware Resources for Linguistic Data Creation
University of Pennsylvania, UNITED STATES |
Grishina, Elena |
Multimodal Russian Corpus (MURCO): First Steps
Design and Data Collection for the Accentological Corpus of the Russian Language
Russian Academy of Science, Institute of Russian Language, RUSSIAN FEDERATION |
Grishman, Ralph |
The Impact of Task and Corpus on Event Extraction Systems
University of New York, UNITED STATES |
Grivaz, Cécile |
Human Judgements on Causation in French Texts
Université de Genève, Département de Linguistique, SWITZERLAND |
Gros, Patrick |
News Image Annotation on a Large Parallel Text-image Corpus
Grouin, Cyril |
The Second Evaluation Campaign of PASSAGE on Parsing of French
A Corpus for Studying Full Answer Justification
Guardiola, Mathilde |
The OTIM Formal Annotation Model: A Preliminary Step before Annotation Scheme
Université de Provence, LPL, FRANCE |
Guarino, Nicola |
Senso Comune
Guégan, Marie |
A French Human Reference Corpus for Multi-Document Summarization and Sentence Compression
Syllabs, FRANCE |
Guénot, Marie-Laure |
PASSAGE Syntactic Representation: a Minimal Common Ground for Evaluation
The OTIM Formal Annotation Model: A Preliminary Step before Annotation Scheme
INRIA-Rocquencourt, FRANCE |
Guerini, Marco |
Evaluation Metrics for Persuasive NLP with Google AdWords
Predicting Persuasiveness in Political Discourses
Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento, ITALY |
Guhe, Markus |
Dialogue Reference in a Visual Domain
University of Edinburgh, UNITED KINGDOM |
Gullapalli, Srikanth |
A Linguistic Resource for Semantic Parsing of Motion Events
University of Texas at Dallas, UNITED STATES |
Gulzar, Atif |
Transliterating Urdu for a Broad-Coverage Urdu/Hindi LFG Grammar
Gundersen, Susan |
The Indiana ``Cooperative Remote Search Task"" (CReST) Corpus
University of Notre Dame, UNITED STATES |
Gupta, Mridul |
A High Recall Error Identification Tool for Hindi Treebank Validation
Partial Parsing as a Method to Expedite Dependency Annotation of a Hindi Treebank
Language Technologies Research Centre, IIIT, Hyderabad, INDIA |
Gurevych, Iryna |
The More the Better? Assessing the Influence of Wikipedias Growth on Semantic Relatedness Measures
Technische Universität Darmstadt, GERMANY |
Guthrie, David |
Efficient Minimal Perfect Hash Language Models
University of Sheffield, UNITED KINGDOM |
Guthrie, Louise |
Evaluating Lexical Substitution: Analysis and New Measures
University of Sheffield, UNITED KINGDOM |
H |
Habash, Nizar |
Morphological Annotation of Quranic Arabic
Morphological Analysis and Generation of Arabic Nouns: A Morphemic Functional Approach
Columbia University, UNITED STATES |
Haddar, Kais |
A Syntactic Lexicon for Arabic Verbs
Haertel, Robbie |
CCASH: A Web Application Framework for Efficient, Distributed Language Resource Development
Tag Dictionaries Accelerate Manual Annotation
Brigham Young University, UNITED STATES |
Hagen, Kristin |
Enhancing Language Resources with Maps
Universitetet i Oslo, Institutt for lingvistiske og nordiske studier, NORWAY |
Hahn, Udo |
The GeneReg Corpus for Gene Expression Regulation Events ― An Overview of the Corpus and its In-Domain and Out-of-Domain Interoperability
Annotation Time Stamps ― Temporal Metadata from the Linguistic Annotation Process
The CALBC Silver Standard Corpus for Biomedical Named Entities ― A Study in Harmonizing the Contributions from Four Independent Named Entity Taggers
Friedrich-Schiller Universität, Jena, GERMANY |
Hajicova, Eva |
Resource and Service Centres as the Backbone for a Sustainable Service Infrastructure
Charles University in Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC |
Ha, Jin-Young |
Using an Error-Annotated Learner Corpus to Develop an ESL/EFL Error Correction System
Kangwon National University, KOREA, REPUBLIC OF |
Halkia, Matina |
Sentiment Analysis in the News
European Commision, Joint Research Centre (JRC), ITALY |
Hall, Johan |
Comparing the Influence of Different Treebank Annotations on Dependency Parsing
Uppsala University, Department of Linguistics and Philology, SWEDEN |
Halskov, Jakob |
Quality Indicators of LSP Texts ― Selection and Measurements Measuring the Terminological Usefulness of Documents for an LSP Corpus
Danish Language Council, DENMARK |
Haltrup Hansen, Dorte |
Quality Indicators of LSP Texts ― Selection and Measurements Measuring the Terminological Usefulness of Documents for an LSP Corpus
University of Copenhagen, CST, DENMARK |
Hammarström, Harald |
Work on Spoken (Multimodal) Language Corpora in South Africa
Gothenburg University, SWEDEN |
Hamon, Olivier |
Evaluation Protocol and Tools for Question-Answering on Speech Transcripts
Is my Judge a good One?
The Second Evaluation Campaign of PASSAGE on Parsing of French
Cooperation for Arabic Language Resources and Tools ― The MEDAR Project
Hana, Jirka |
A Positional Tagset for Russian
Charles University in Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC |
Hanaoka, Hiroki |
A Japanese Particle Corpus Built by Example-Based Annotation
University of Tokyo, JAPAN |
Handl, Johannes |
A Multilayered Declarative Approach to Cope with Morphotactics and Allomorphy in Derivational Morphology
Universität Erlangen-Nuremberg, GERMANY |
Handschuh, Siegfried |
A Use Case for Controlled Languages as Interfaces to Semantic Web Applications
Classifying Action Items for Semantic Email
National University of Ireland, Digital Enterprise Research Institute, Galway, IRELAND |
Han, Na-Rae |
Using an Error-Annotated Learner Corpus to Develop an ESL/EFL Error Correction System
University of Pittsburgh, UNITED STATES |
Hansen, Preben |
Evaluating Human-Machine Conversation for Appropriateness
Wizard of Oz Experiments for a Companion Dialogue System: Eliciting Companionable Conversation
Harabagiu, Sanda |
Unsupervised Discovery of Collective Action Frames for Socio-Cultural Analysis
A Linguistic Resource for Semantic Parsing of Motion Events
University of Texas at Dallas, UNITED STATES |
Hara, Sunao |
Estimation Method of User Satisfaction Using N-gram-based Dialog History Model for Spoken Dialog System
Nagoya University, JAPAN |
Hartung, Matthias |
A Semi-supervised Type-based Classification of Adjectives: Distinguishing Properties and Relations
Universität Heidelberg, Computational Linguistics Department, GERMANY |
Haselbach, Boris |
The Development of a Morphosyntactic Tagset for Afrikaans and its Use with Statistical Tagging
Universität Stuttgart, IMS, GERMANY |
Hasida, Koiti |
Towards an ISO Standard for Dialogue Act Annotation
Haug, Dag |
Porting an Ancient Greek and Latin Treebank
Universitetet i Oslo, NORWAY |
Hawayek, Antoinette |
A Bilingual Dictionary Mexican Sign Language-Spanish/Spanish-Mexican Sign Language
Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, MEXICO |
Hayashi, Yoshihiko |
LAF/GrAF-grounded Representation of Dependency Structures
An LMF-based Web Service for Accessing WordNet-type Semantic Lexicons
Osaka University, JAPAN |
Heid, Ulrich |
The Development of a Morphosyntactic Tagset for Afrikaans and its Use with Statistical Tagging
Term and Collocation Extraction by Means of Complex Linguistic Web Services
Design and Application of a Gold Standard for Morphological Analysis: SMOR as an Example of Morphological Evaluation
Extraction of German Multiword Expressions from Parsed Corpora Using Context Features
Building a Cross-lingual Relatedness Thesaurus using a Graph Similarity Measure
A Corpus Representation Format for Linguistic Web Services: The D-SPIN Text Corpus Format and its Relationship with ISO Standards
A Survey of Idiomatic Preposition-Noun-Verb Triples on Token Level
Universität Stuttgart, IMS, GERMANY |
Heinroth, Tobias |
WITcHCRafT: A Workbench for Intelligent exploraTion of Human ComputeR conversaTions
Efficient Spoken Dialogue Domain Representation and Interpretation
Universität Ulm, Institute for Information Technology, GERMANY |
Héja, Enikő |
The Role of Parallel Corpora in Bilingual Lexicography
Linguistics Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, HUNGARY |
Hellmer, Kahl |
Spontal: A Swedish Spontaneous Dialogue Corpus of Audio, Video and Motion Capture
KTH Speech Music and Hearing, SWEDEN |
Hellwig, Oliver |
Using NLP Methods for the Analysis of Rituals
Universität Heidelberg, GERMANY |
Hendrickson, Ross |
Principled Construction of Elicited Imitation Tests
Brigham Young University, UNITED STATES |
Hendrikse, Andries |
Work on Spoken (Multimodal) Language Corpora in South Africa
University of South Africa, SOUTH AFRICA |
Hennoste, Tiit |
Information Retrieval of Word Form Variants in Spoken Language Corpora Using Generalized Edit Distance
University of Tartu, ESTONIA |
Henrich, Verena |
GernEdiT - The GermaNet Editing Tool
Sustainability of Linguistic Data and Analysis in the Context of a Collaborative eScience Environment
Universität Tübingen, GERMANY |
Hepple, Mark |
Evaluating Lexical Substitution: Analysis and New Measures
Efficient Minimal Perfect Hash Language Models
University of Sheffield, UNITED KINGDOM |
Hernáez, Inma |
TTS Evaluation Campaign with a Common Spanish Database
Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, SPAIN |
Hernáez, Inmaculada |
AhoTransf: A Tool for Multiband Excitation Based Speech Analysis and Modification
Modified LTSE-VAD Algorithm for Applications Requiring Reduced Silence Frame Misclassification
Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, SPAIN |
Hernández López, Daniel |
A Study of the Influence of Speech Type on Automatic Language Recognition Performance
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, SPAIN |
Herr, Jonathan |
The DARPA Machine Reading Program - Encouraging Linguistic and Reasoning Research with a Series of Reading Tasks
Hervás, Raquel |
Integration of Linguistic Markup into Semantic Models of Folk Narratives: The Fairy Tale Use Case
Universidad Complutense de Madrid, SPAIN |
Hetherington, Lee |
Collecting Voices from the Cloud
MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab, UNITED STATES |
Heyer, Gerhard |
SentiWS - A Publicly Available German-language Resource for Sentiment Analysis
Universität Leipzig, GERMANY |
Hickl, Andrew |
Unsupervised Discovery of Collective Action Frames for Socio-Cultural Analysis
Multilingual Question Generation
Language Computer Corporation, UNITED STATES |
Hinrichs, Erhard |
GernEdiT - The GermaNet Editing Tool
Sustainability of Linguistic Data and Analysis in the Context of a Collaborative eScience Environment
WebLicht: Web-based LRT Services in a Distributed eScience Infrastructure
Term and Collocation Extraction by Means of Complex Linguistic Web Services
A Corpus Representation Format for Linguistic Web Services: The D-SPIN Text Corpus Format and its Relationship with ISO Standards
Universität Tübingen, GERMANY |
Hinrichs, Marie |
WebLicht: Web-based LRT Services in a Distributed eScience Infrastructure
Term and Collocation Extraction by Means of Complex Linguistic Web Services
Universität Tübingen, GERMANY |
Hirsch, Bridget |
Error Correction for Arabic Dictionary Lookup
University of Maryland, UNITED STATES |
Hofer, Gregor |
Resources for Speech Synthesis of Viennese Varieties
The Centre for Speech Technology Research (CSTR), UNITED KINGDOM |
Hoffmann, Holger |
Evaluation of the PIT Corpus Or What a Difference a Face Makes?
Universität Ulm, Medical Psychology Section, GERMANY |
Hois, Joana |
Inter-Annotator Agreement on a Linguistic Ontology for Spatial Language - A Case Study for GUM-Space
Universität Bremen, GERMANY |
Hollingshead, Kristy |
A Python Toolkit for Universal Transliteration
Oregon Health and Science University, UNITED STATES |
Holmqvist, Maria |
Heuristic Word Alignment with Parallel Phrases
Linkoping University, SWEDEN |
Honda, Koichiro |
Language Modeling Approach for Retrieving Passages in Lecture Audio Data
Toyohashi University of Technology, JAPAN |
Hori, Chiori |
Dialogue Acts Annotation for NICT Kyoto Tour Dialogue Corpus to Construct Statistical Dialogue Systems
Hoste, Véronique |
Interacting Semantic Layers of Annotation in SoNaR, a Reference Corpus of Contemporary Written Dutch
Towards a Balanced Named Entity Corpus for Dutch
Towards an Improved Methodology for Automated Readability Prediction
Construction of a Benchmark Data Set for Cross-lingual Word Sense Disambiguation
Towards a Learning Approach for Abbreviation Detection and Resolution.
Hogeschool Gent, LT3 / Universiteit Gent, BELGIUM |
House, David |
Spontal: A Swedish Spontaneous Dialogue Corpus of Audio, Video and Motion Capture
KTH Speech Music and Hearing, SWEDEN |
Hovy, Eduard |
A Typology of Near-Identity Relations for Coreference (NIDENT)
University of Southern California, Information Sciences Institute, UNITED STATES |
Huang, Chu-Ren |
Emotion Cause Events: Corpus Construction and Analysis
Automatic Acquisition of Chinese Novel Noun Compounds
Hong Kong Polytechnic University, HONG KONG |
Huang, Ting-Hao |
Construction of a Chinese Opinion Treebank
Predicting Morphological Types of Chinese Bi-Character Words by Machine Learning Approaches
National Taiwan University, TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA |
Hunter, Dan |
Evaluation of Document Citations in Phase 2 Gale Distillation
Hunter, Lawrence E. |
Test Suite Design for Biomedical Ontology Concept Recognition Systems
University of Colorado School of Medicine, Center for Computational Pharmacology, UNITED STATES |
Husain, Samar |
A High Recall Error Identification Tool for Hindi Treebank Validation
Partial Parsing as a Method to Expedite Dependency Annotation of a Hindi Treebank
Grammar Extraction from Treebanks for Hindi and Telugu
Language Technologies Research Centre, IIIT, Hyderabad, INDIA |
Hussain, Sarmad |
Transliterating Urdu for a Broad-Coverage Urdu/Hindi LFG Grammar
I |
Ide, Nancy |
ANC2Go: A Web Application for Customized Corpus Creation
Word Sense Annotation of Polysemous Words by Multiple Annotators
A Road Map for Interoperable Language Resource Metadata
Vassar College, UNITED STATES |
Iida, Ryu |
Annotation Process Management Revisited
Tokyo Institute of Technology, JAPAN |
Ilbeygi, Mahdi |
STeP-1: A Set of Fundamental Tools for Persian Text Processing
Shahid Beheshti University, IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF |
Ilisei, Iustina |
Romanian Zero Pronoun Distribution: A Comparative Study
University of Wolverhampton, UNITED KINGDOM |
Inagaki, Yasuyoshi |
Construction of Chunk-Aligned Bilingual Lecture Corpus for Simultaneous Machine Translation
Toyohashi University of Technology, JAPAN |
Inkpen, Diana |
Romanian Zero Pronoun Distribution: A Comparative Study
University of Ottawa, School of Information Technology and Engineering, CANADA |
Inui, Kentaro |
Annotating Event Mentions in Text with Modality, Focus, and Source Information
Nara Institute of Science and Technology, JAPAN |
Iria, José |
Improving Domain-specific Entity Recognition with Automatic Term Recognition and Feature Extraction
A Random Graph Walk based Approach to Computing Semantic Relatedness Using Knowledge from Wikipedia
Isahara, Hitoshi |
Language Resource Management System for Asian WordNet Collaboration and Its Web Service Application
Ishida, Toru |
Composing Human and Machine Translation Services: Language Grid for Improving Localization Processes
Towards an Integrated Architecture for Composite Language Services and Multiple Linguistic Processing Components
Language Service Management with the Language Grid
Kyoto University, JAPAN |
Ishikawa, Naoki |
Detection of submitters suspected of pretending to be someone else in a community site
Ryukoku University, JAPAN |
Ishioroshi, Madoka |
Construction of Text Summarization Corpus for the Credibility of Information on the Web
Yokohama National University, JAPAN |
Ishizaki, Shun |
An Associative Concept Dictionary for Verbs and its Application to Elliptical Word Estimation
Study of Word Sense Disambiguation System that uses Contextual Features - Approach of Combining Associative Concept Dictionary and Corpus -
Homographic Ideogram Understanding Using Contextual Dynamic Network
Evaluating Semantic Relations and Distances in the Associative Concept Dictionary using NIRS-imaging
Keio University, JAPAN |
J |
Jabbari, Sanaz |
Evaluating Lexical Substitution: Analysis and New Measures
University of Sheffield, UNITED KINGDOM |
Jacquemin, Bernard |
A Derivational Rephrasing Experiment for Question Answering
Université de Haute-Alsace, CREM, FRANCE |
Jaeger, T. Florian |
A Database for the Exploration of Spanish Planning
University of Rochester, UNITED STATES |
Jafari, Hoda Sadat |
STeP-1: A Set of Fundamental Tools for Persian Text Processing
Shahid Beheshti University, IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF |
Jakob, Max |
Mapping between Dependency Structures and Compositional Semantic Representations
Charles University in Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC |
Janssen, Maarten |
Combining Resources: Taxonomy Extraction from Multiple Dictionaries
Universidad Pompeu Fabra, SPAIN |
Javoršek, Jan Jona |
Experimental Deployment of a Grid Virtual Organization for Human Language Technologies
Institut Jožef Stefan, SLOVENIA |
Jezek, Elisabetta |
Capturing Coercions in Texts: a First Annotation Exercise
Università degli Studi di Pavia, Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, ITALY |
Jha, Girish Nath |
The TDIL Program and the Indian Langauge Corpora Intitiative (ILCI)
Jawaharlal Nehru University, INDIA |
Jia, Wenjie |
Extracting Product Features and Sentiments from Chinese Customer Reviews
Fujitsu R&D Center LTD, CHINA |
Ji, Heng |
New Tools for Web-Scale N-grams
Annotating Event Chains for Carbon Sequestration Literature
City University of New York, UNITED STATES |
Ji, Hyungsuk |
The Semantic Atlas: an Interactive Model of Lexical Representation
Sungkyunkwan University, Intelligent HCI Convergence Research Center, KOREA, REPUBLIC OF |
Jiménez-Murcia, Susana |
The PlayMancer Database: A Multimodal Affect Database in Support of Research and Development Activities in Serious Game Environment
University Hospital of Bellvitge, Department of Psychiatry, SPAIN |
Jimeno-Yepes, Antonio José |
The CALBC Silver Standard Corpus for Biomedical Named Entities ― A Study in Harmonizing the Contributions from Four Independent Named Entity Taggers
European Bioinformatics Institute, UNITED KINGDOM |
Jínová, Pavlína |
Typical Cases of Annotators Disagreement in Discourse Annotations in Prague Dependency Treebank
Charles University in Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC |
Jochim, Charles |
Evaluating Distributional Properties of Tagsets
Universität Stuttgart, IMS, GERMANY |
Johannessen, Janne Bondi |
Enhancing Language Resources with Maps
Universitetet i Oslo, Institutt for lingvistiske og nordiske studier, NORWAY |
Johannsen, Wiebke |
A Database of Age and Gender Annotated Telephone Speech
Deutsche Telekom Labs, GERMANY |
Johansson, Richard |
A Flexible Representation of Heterogeneous Annotation Data
Università di Trento, ITALY |
Johnson, Martina |
Building an Italian FrameNet through Semi-automatic Corpus Analysis
Università di Pisa, Dipartimento di Linguistica, ITALY |
Jokinen, Kristiina |
Non-verbal Signals for Turn-taking and Feedback
The NOMCO Multimodal Nordic Resource - Goals and Characteristics
University of Helsinki, FINLAND |
Jones, Gareth J. F. |
Building a Domain-specific Document Collection for Evaluating Metadata Effects on Information Retrieval
Dublin City University, IRELAND |
Jongejan, Bart |
Incorporating Speech Synthesis in the Development of a Mobile Platform for e-learning.
Stellenbosch University, SOUTH AFRICA |
Jörg, Brigitte |
LT World: Ontology and Reference Information Portal
Joshi, Aravind |
Annotation of Discourse Relations for Conversational Spoken Dialogs
Exploiting Scope for Shallow Discourse Parsing
University of Pennsylvania, UNITED STATES |
Juan, Alfons |
The RODRIGO Database
Saturnalia: A Latin-Catalan Parallel Corpus for Statistical MT
Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, SPAIN |
Jung, Arnold |
Multilingual Question Generation
Language Computer Corporation, UNITED STATES |
Jurafsky, Dan |
A Database of Narrative Schemas
Parsing to Stanford Dependencies: Trade-offs between Speed and Accuracy
Stanford University, UNITED STATES |
Jurica, Vanesa |
Improving Personal Name Search in the TIGR System
K |
Käärik, Reina |
Information Retrieval of Word Form Variants in Spoken Language Corpora Using Generalized Edit Distance
University of Tartu, ESTONIA |
Kabadjov, Mijail |
Sentiment Analysis in the News
European Commision, Joint Research Centre (JRC), ITALY |
Kabashi, Besim |
Using High-Quality Resources in NLP: The Valency Dictionary of English as a Resource for Left-Associative Grammars
Universität Erlangen-Nuremberg, GERMANY |
Kačič, Zdravko |
Acquisition and Annotation of Slovenian Lombard Speech Database
University of Maribor, SLOVENIA |
Kageura, Kyo |
Community-based Construction of Draft and Final Translation Corpus Through a Translation Hosting Site Minna no Hon'yaku (MNH)
University of Tokyo, JAPAN |
Kaide, Sayoko |
A Person-Name Filter for Automatic Compilation of Bilingual Person-Name Lexicons
Nagoya University, JAPAN |
Kaji, Hiroyuki |
Using Comparable Corpora to Adapt a Translation Model to Domains
Shizuoka University, JAPAN |
Kamiya, Yuki |
Construction of Back-Channel Utterance Corpus for Responsive Spoken Dialogue System Development
Nagoya University, JAPAN |
Kaneko, Koichi |
Construction of Text Summarization Corpus for the Credibility of Information on the Web
Yokohama National University, JAPAN |
Kang, Ning |
The CALBC Silver Standard Corpus for Biomedical Named Entities ― A Study in Harmonizing the Contributions from Four Independent Named Entity Taggers
Erasmus University Medical Center, Department of Medical Informatics, NETHERLANDS |
Kano, Yoshinobu |
U-Compare: An Integrated Language Resource Evaluation Platform Including a Comprehensive UIMA Resource Library
University of Tokyo, JAPAN |
Kao, Huan-An |
Comment Extraction from Blog Posts and Its Applications to Opinion Mining
National Taiwan University, TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA |
Kaplan, Dain |
Annotation Process Management Revisited
Tokyo Institute of Technology, JAPAN |
Karasimos, Athanasios |
A Crash Test with Linguistica in Modern Greek: The Case of Derivational Affixes and Bound Stems
University of Patras, GREECE |
Karkaletsis, Vangelis |
United we Stand: Improving Sentiment Analysis by Joining Machine Learning and Rule Based Methods
NCSR Demokritos Institute, GREECE |
Kashino, Wakako |
Design, Compilation, and Preliminary Analyses of Balanced Corpus of Contemporary Written Japanese
National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics, JAPAN |
Kashioka, Hideki |
Construction of Back-Channel Utterance Corpus for Responsive Spoken Dialogue System Development
Dialogue Acts Annotation for NICT Kyoto Tour Dialogue Corpus to Construct Statistical Dialogue Systems
Kaulard, Kathrin |
The POETICON Corpus: Capturing Language Use and Sensorimotor Experience in Everyday Interaction
Max Planck Institute of Biological Cybernetics, GERMANY |
Kawahara, Daisuke |
Acquiring Reliable Predicate-argument Structures from Raw Corpora for Case Frame Compilation
Kazama, Junichi |
Adapting Chinese Word Segmentation for Machine Translation Based on Short Units
National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, JAPAN |
Keesing, Ron |
The DARPA Machine Reading Program - Encouraging Linguistic and Reasoning Research with a Series of Reading Tasks
Keibel, Holger |
The German Reference Corpus DeReKo: A Primordial Sample for Linguistic Research
Institut für Deutsche Sprache, Mannheim, GERMANY |
Kemps-Snijders, Marc |
A Data Category Registry- and Component-based Metadata Framework
LAT Bridge: Bridging Tools for Annotation and Exploration of Rich Linguistic Data
Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, NETHERLANDS |
Kessler, Henrik |
Towards Investigating Effective Affective Dialogue Strategies
Universität Ulm, GERMANY |
Khalilov, Maxim |
Towards Improving English-Latvian Translation: A System Comparison and a New Rescoring Feature
Universiteit van Amsterdam, NETHERLANDS |
Khamis, Ninus |
Flexible Ontology Population from Text: The OwlExporter
Concordia University, CANADA |
Khokhlova, Maria |
Studying Word Sketches for Russian
Russian Academy of Science, Institute of Linguistics, RUSSIAN FEDERATION |
Kilgarriff, Adam |
A Corpus Factory for Many Languages
Lexical Computing Ltd, UNITED KINGDOM |
Kim, Kyoung-young |
A Python Toolkit for Universal Transliteration
University of Illinois, UNITED STATES |
King, David |
From XML to XML: The Why and How of Making the Biodiversity Literature Accessible to Researchers
Open University, Department of Computing, UNITED KINGDOM |
Kipp, Michael |
Annotation of Human Gesture using 3D Skeleton Controls
Kirik, Harri |
Linguistically Motivated Unsupervised Segmentation for Machine Translation
University of Tartu, ESTONIA |
Kirschenbaum, Amit |
A General Method for Creating a Bilingual Transliteration Dictionary
University of Haifa, ISRAEL |
Kirschner, Manuel |
Context Fusion: The Role of Discourse Structure and Centering Theory
Libera Università di Bolzano, ITALY |
Kiss, Imre |
Bootstrapping Named Entity Extraction for the Creation of Mobile Services
Nokia Research Center, Cambridge, UNITED STATES |
Kitanović, Olivera |
GIS Application Improvement with Multilingual Lexical and Terminological Resources
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, SERBIA |
Kitaoka, Norihide |
Estimation Method of User Satisfaction Using N-gram-based Dialog History Model for Spoken Dialog System
Nagoya University, JAPAN |
Kit, Chunyu |
How Large a Corpus Do We Need: Statistical Method Versus Rule-based Method
City University of Hong Kong, HONG KONG |
Klakow, Dietrich |
Paragraph Acquisition and Selection for List Question Using Amazons Mechanical Turk
Predictive Features for Detecting Indefinite Polar Sentences
A Named Entity Labeler for German: Exploiting Wikipedia and Distributional Clusters
Saarland University, Spoken Language Systems, GERMANY |
Klenner, Manfred |
United we Stand: Improving Sentiment Analysis by Joining Machine Learning and Rule Based Methods
Universität Zürich, SWITZERLAND |
Klop, Daleen |
Incorporating Speech Synthesis in the Development of a Mobile Platform for e-learning.
University of Copenhagen, CST, DENMARK |
Klüwer, Tina |
Question Answering Biographic Information and Social Network Powered by the Semantic Web
Kocharov, Daniil |
A Fully Annotated Corpus of Russian Speech
Saint-Petersburg State University, Department of Phonetics, RUSSIAN FEDERATION |
Koch, Xaver |
Idioms in Context: The IDIX Corpus
Saarland University, Department of Computational Linguistics, GERMANY |
Kocsis, Otilia |
The PlayMancer Database: A Multimodal Affect Database in Support of Research and Development Activities in Serious Game Environment
University of Patras, Wire Communications Laboratory, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, GREECE |
Koeva, Svetla |
Bulgarian National Corpus Project
Lexicon and Grammar in Bulgarian FrameNet
Institute of Bulgarian Language, BULGARIA |
Köhler, Joachim |
DiSCo - A German Evaluation Corpus for Challenging Problems in the Broadcast Domain
Fraunhofer IAIS, GERMANY |
Koiso, Hanae |
Two-level Annotation of Utterance-units in Japanese Dialogs: An Empirically Emerged Scheme
Design, Compilation, and Preliminary Analyses of Balanced Corpus of Contemporary Written Japanese
National Institute for Japanese Language, JAPAN |
Kokkinakis, Dimitrios |
Diabase: Towards a Diachronic BLARK in Support of Historical Studies
A Swedish Scientific Medical Corpus for Terminology Management and Linguistic Exploration
Gothenburg University, SWEDEN |
Kolachina, Prasanth |
Grammar Extraction from Treebanks for Hindi and Telugu
Language Technologies Research Centre, IIIT, Hyderabad, INDIA |
Kolachina, Sudheer |
Grammar Extraction from Treebanks for Hindi and Telugu
Language Technologies Research Centre, IIIT, Hyderabad, INDIA |
Kolkovska, Siya |
Bulgarian National Corpus Project
Institute of Bulgarian Language, BULGARIA |
Koller, Alexander |
The GIVE-2 Corpus of Giving Instructions in Virtual Environments
Universität Saarland, GERMANY |
Koller, Thomas |
LAT Bridge: Bridging Tools for Annotation and Exploration of Rich Linguistic Data
Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, NETHERLANDS |
Kolossa, Dorothea |
WAPUSK20 - A Database for Robust Audiovisual Speech Recognition
Technische Universität Berlin, GERMANY |
Koniaris, Christos |
A Speech Corpus for Modeling Language Acquisition: CAREGIVER
Konstantopoulos, Stasinos |
Learning Language Identification Models: A Comparative Analysis of the Distinctive Features of Names and Common Words
NCSR Demokritos Institute, GREECE |
Koolen, Ruud |
The D-TUNA Corpus: A Dutch Dataset for the Evaluation of Referring Expression Generation Algorithms
Universiteit van Tilburg, NETHERLANDS |
Kordjamshidi, Parisa |
Spatial Role Labeling: Task Definition and Annotation Scheme
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, BELGIUM |
Kordoni, Valia |
Mapping between Dependency Structures and Compositional Semantic Representations
Semantic Feature Engineering for Enhancing Disambiguation Performance in Deep Linguistic Processing
Disambiguating Compound Nouns for a Dynamic HPSG Treebank of Wall Street Journal Texts
Korhonen, Anna |
Annotating the Enron Email Corpus with Number Senses
University of Cambridge, UNITED KINGDOM |
Kornai, András |
NP Alignment in Bilingual Corpora
Hungarian Academy of Sciences, HUNGARY |
Kors, Jan |
The CALBC Silver Standard Corpus for Biomedical Named Entities ― A Study in Harmonizing the Contributions from Four Independent Named Entity Taggers
Erasmus University Medical Center, Department of Medical Informatics, NETHERLANDS |
Koskenniemi, Kimmo |
Resource and Service Centres as the Backbone for a Sustainable Service Infrastructure
University of Helsinki, FINLAND |
Kos, Marko |
Acquisition and Annotation of Slovenian Lombard Speech Database
University of Maribor, SLOVENIA |
Koster, Cornelis |
Constructing a Broad-coverage Lexicon for Text Mining in the Patent Domain
Radboud University Nijmegen, NETHERLANDS |
Kostoulas, Theodoros |
Vergina: A Modern Greek Speech Database for Speech Synthesis
The PlayMancer Database: A Multimodal Affect Database in Support of Research and Development Activities in Serious Game Environment
University of Patras, GREECE |
Kotzé, Albert |
Base Concepts in the African Languages Compared to Upper Ontologies and the WordNet Top Ontology
University of South Africa, Department of African Languages, SOUTH AFRICA |
Kouylekov, Milen |
Mining Wikipedia for Large-scale Repositories of Context-Sensitive Entailment Rules
Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento, ITALY |
Kozawa, Shunsuke |
Collection of Usage Information for Language Resources from Academic Articles
Nagoya University, Graduate School of Information Science, JAPAN |
Krahmer, Emiel |
The D-TUNA Corpus: A Dutch Dataset for the Evaluation of Referring Expression Generation Algorithms
Universiteit van Tilburg, NETHERLANDS |
Krahmer, Emiel J. |
Human Language Technology and Communicative Disabilities: Requirements and Possibilities for the Future
Universiteit van Tilburg, Communicatie en Informatiewetenschappen departement, NETHERLANDS |
Kranzler, Christian |
Resources for Speech Synthesis of Viennese Varieties
Telecommunications Research Center Vienna (FTW), AUSTRIA |
Krauwer, Steven |
Cooperation for Arabic Language Resources and Tools ― The MEDAR Project
Universiteit Utrecht, NETHERLANDS |
Krek, Simon |
The JOS Linguistically Tagged Corpus of Slovene
Institut Jožef Stefan, SLOVENIA |
Krieger, Hans-Ulrich |
A General Methodology for Equipping Ontologies with Time
Krstev, Cvetana |
A Description of Morphological Features of Serbian: a Revision using Feature System Declaration
Faculty of Philology, Belgrade, SERBIA |
Kruengkrai, Canasai |
Adapting Chinese Word Segmentation for Machine Translation Based on Short Units
National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, JAPAN |
Krug, Gary |
Enhanced Infrastructure for Creation and Collection of Translation Resources
Kubis, Marek |
PolNet ― Polish WordNet: Data and Tools
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, POLAND |
Kübler, Sandra |
Arabic Part of Speech Tagging
The Indiana ``Cooperative Remote Search Task"" (CReST) Corpus
Indiana University, UNITED STATES |
Kubo, Junko |
Automatic Term Recognition Based on the Statistical Differences of Relative Frequencies in Different Corpora
University of Tsukuba, Graduate School of Library Information and Media Studies, JAPAN |
Kuchmann-Beauger, Nicolas |
OAL: A NLP Architecture to Improve the Development of Linguistic Resources for NLP
Syllabs, FRANCE |
Kuhn, Jonas |
Towards a Large Parallel Corpus of Cleft Constructions
Design and Development of Part-of-Speech-Tagging Resources for Wolof (Niger-Congo, spoken in Senegal)
Training Parsers on Partial Trees: A Cross-language Comparison
Universität Potsdam, GERMANY |
Kulick, Seth |
From Speech to Trees: Applying Treebank Annotation to Arabic Broadcast News
Consistent and Flexible Integration of Morphological Annotation in the Arabic Treebank
Ku, Lun-Wei |
Construction of a Chinese Opinion Treebank
Predicting Morphological Types of Chinese Bi-Character Words by Machine Learning Approaches
National Taiwan University, TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA |
Kupietz, Marc |
The German Reference Corpus DeReKo: A Primordial Sample for Linguistic Research
Institut für Deutsche Sprache, Mannheim, GERMANY |
Kurohashi, Sadao |
Online Japanese Unknown Morpheme Detection using Orthographic Variation
Acquiring Reliable Predicate-argument Structures from Raw Corpora for Case Frame Compilation
Kyoto University, JAPAN |
Kwong, Oi Yee |
Constructing an Annotated Story Corpus: Some Observations and Issues
City University of Hong Kong, HONG KONG |
Kwon, Min-Jae |
Linking Korean Words with an Ontology
Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, KOREA, REPUBLIC OF |
L |
Labaka, Gorka |
A Morphological Processor Based on Foma for Biscayan (a Basque dialect)
Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, SPAIN |
LaCross, Amy |
How Specialized are Specialized Corpora? Behavioral Evaluation of Corpus Representativeness for Maltese.
University of Arizona, UNITED STATES |
Laïb, Meriama |
LIMA : A Multilingual Framework for Linguistic Analysis and Linguistic Resources Development and Evaluation
Lamel, Lori |
Evaluation Protocol and Tools for Question-Answering on Speech Transcripts
Lamm, Katrin |
GikiCLEF: Crosscultural Issues in Multilingual Information Access
Universität Hildesheim, GERMANY |
Langendoen, D. Terence |
A Road Map for Interoperable Language Resource Metadata
University of Arizona, UNITED STATES |
Lanz, Oswald |
BabyExp: Constructing a Huge Multimodal Resource to Acquire Commonsense Knowledge Like Children Do
Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento, ITALY |
Laparra, Egoitz |
Integrating a Large Domain Ontology of Species into WordNet
eXtended WordFrameNet
IXA NLP Research Group, SPAIN |
Lapesa, Gabriella |
Building an Italian FrameNet through Semi-automatic Corpus Analysis
Università di Pisa, Dipartimento di Linguistica, ITALY |
Lardilleux, Adrien |
Bilingual Lexicon Induction: Effortless Evaluation of Word Alignment Tools and Production of Resources for Improbable Language Pairs
Université de Caen Basse-Normandie, FRANCE |
Larsen, Lars Bo |
A Speech Corpus for Dyslexic Reading Training
University of Aalborg, DENMARK |
Laskova, Laska |
Exploring Co-Reference Chains for Concept Annotation of Domain Texts
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, BULGARIA |
Laskowski, Kornel |
A Snack Implementation and Tcl/Tk Interface to the Fundamental Frequency Variation Spectrum Algorithm
Carnegie Mellon University, UNITED STATES |
Laskurain, Bittor |
A Morphological Processor Based on Foma for Biscayan (a Basque dialect)
Eleka S.L., SPAIN |
Lata, Swaran |
Development of Linguistic Resources and Tools for Providing Multilingual Solutions in Indian Languages ― A Report on National Initiative
Govt of India, Ministry of Communications & Information Technology, Department of Information Technology, INDIA |
Lathbury, Rachel |
New Tools for Web-Scale N-grams
University of Virginia, UNITED STATES |
Lauc, Tomislava |
Building a Gold Standard for Event Detection in Croatian
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Information Sciences, CROATIA |
Laurent, Dominique |
Question Answering on Web Data: The QA Evaluation in Quæro
Named and Specific Entity Detection in Varied Data: The Quæro Named Entity Baseline Evaluation
Laurent, Marianne |
Ad-hoc Evaluations Along the Lifecycle of Industrial Spoken Dialogue Systems: Heading to Harmonisation?
France Telecom Orange Labs, FRANCE |
Laureys, Godelieve |
Assessing the Impact of English Language Skills and Education Level on PubMed Searches by Dutch-speaking Users
Hogeschool Gent, Faculty of Translation Studies, BELGIUM |
Lavelli, Alberto |
Comparing the Influence of Different Treebank Annotations on Dependency Parsing
Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento, ITALY |
Lavie, Alon |
LoonyBin: Keeping Language Technologists Sane through Automated Management of Experimental (Hyper)Workflows
Carnegie Mellon University, Language Technologies Institute, UNITED STATES |
Laws, Florian |
Building a Cross-lingual Relatedness Thesaurus using a Graph Similarity Measure
Universität Stuttgart, IMS, GERMANY |
Layher, Georg |
Evaluation of the PIT Corpus Or What a Difference a Face Makes?
Universität Ulm, Institute of Neural Information Processing, GERMANY |
Lazaridis, Alexandros |
Vergina: A Modern Greek Speech Database for Speech Synthesis
University of Patras, GREECE |
Łaziński, Marek |
Recent Developments in the National Corpus of Polish
Polish Scientific Publishers PWN and Warsaw University, POLAND |
Lecouteux, Benjamin |
Transcriber Driving Strategies for Transcription Aid System
Université d'Avignon, LIA, FRANCE |
Ledinek, Nina |
The JOS Linguistically Tagged Corpus of Slovene
Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, SLOVENIA |
Lee, Chia-ying |
Collecting Voices from the Cloud
MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab, UNITED STATES |
Lee, David |
Technical Infrastructure at Linguistic Data Consortium: Software and Hardware Resources for Linguistic Data Creation
University of Pennsylvania, UNITED STATES |
Lee, Haejoong |
Transcription Methods for Consistency, Volume and Efficiency
Technical Infrastructure at Linguistic Data Consortium: Software and Hardware Resources for Linguistic Data Creation
Lee, Hae-Yun |
Linking Korean Words with an Ontology
Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, KOREA, REPUBLIC OF |
Lee, John |
Porting an Ancient Greek and Latin Treebank
City University of Hong Kong, HONG KONG |
Lee, Kiyong |
ISO-TimeML: An International Standard for Semantic Annotation
Towards an ISO Standard for Dialogue Act Annotation
Korea University, KOREA, REPUBLIC OF |
Lee, Soo-Hwa |
Using an Error-Annotated Learner Corpus to Develop an ESL/EFL Error Correction System
Chungdahm Learning, KOREA, REPUBLIC OF |
Lee, Sophia Yat Mei |
Emotion Cause Events: Corpus Construction and Analysis
Hong Kong Polytechnic University, HONG KONG |
Lefebvre-Albaret, François |
Video Retrieval in Sign Language Videos : How to Model and Compare Signs?
Lefer, Marie-Aude |
The MuLeXFoR Database: Representing Word-Formation Processes in a Multilingual Lexicographic Environment
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, CECL, BELGIUM |
Lefever, Els |
Construction of a Benchmark Data Set for Cross-lingual Word Sense Disambiguation
Hogeschool Gent, LT3, BELGIUM |
Legou, Thierry |
The DesPho-APaDy Project: Developing an Acoustic-phonetic Characterization of Dysarthric Speech in French
Université Aix-Marseille, Laboratoire Parole et Langage, FRANCE |
Leitner, Christina |
Example-Based Automatic Phonetic Transcription
Technische Universität Graz, AUSTRIA |
Lemmon, Warren |
CCASH: A Web Application Framework for Efficient, Distributed Language Resource Development
Brigham Young University, UNITED STATES |
Lemnitzer, Lothar |
Resource and Service Centres as the Backbone for a Sustainable Service Infrastructure
Universität Tübingen, GERMANY |
Lenci, Alessandro |
Comparing the Influence of Different Treebank Annotations on Dependency Parsing
A Resource and Tool for Super-sense Tagging of Italian Texts
Building an Italian FrameNet through Semi-automatic Corpus Analysis
BabyExp: Constructing a Huge Multimodal Resource to Acquire Commonsense Knowledge Like Children Do
Università di Pisa, Dipartimento di Linguistica, ITALY |
Lendvai, Piroska |
Integration of Linguistic Markup into Semantic Models of Folk Narratives: The Fairy Tale Use Case
Towards a Standardized Linguistic Annotation of the Textual Content of Labels in Knowledge Representation Systems
Hungarian Academy of Sciences, HUNGARY |
Lenzerini, Maurizio |
Senso Comune
Department of Computer and Systems Science - University ""La Sapienza"", Rome, |
León Araúz, Pilar |
EcoLexicon: An Environmental TKB
Universidad de Granada, SPAIN |
Lepage, Yves |
Bilingual Lexicon Induction: Effortless Evaluation of Word Alignment Tools and Production of Resources for Improbable Language Pairs
Université de Caen Basse-Normandie, FRANCE |
Lesmo, Leonardo |
Comparing the Influence of Different Treebank Annotations on Dependency Parsing
Università di Torino, Dipartimento di Informatica, ITALY |
Leuski, Anton |
NPCEditor: A Tool for Building Question-Answering Characters
University of Southern California, Institute for Creative Technologies, UNITED STATES |
Leveling, Johannes |
Building a Domain-specific Document Collection for Evaluating Metadata Effects on Information Retrieval
A Road Map for Interoperable Language Resource Metadata
Dublin City University, IRELAND |
Lévêque, Nathalie |
The DesPho-APaDy Project: Developing an Acoustic-phonetic Characterization of Dysarthric Speech in French
Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3, Laboratoire de Phonétique et Phonologie, FRANCE |
Levin, Lori |
A Modality Lexicon and its use in Automatic Tagging
Carnegie Mellon University, UNITED STATES |
Lewis, Carrie |
The Problems of Language Identification within Hugely Multilingual Data Sets
University of Washington, UNITED STATES |
Lewis, William D. |
Achieving Domain Specificity in SMT without Overt Siloing
The Problems of Language Identification within Hugely Multilingual Data Sets
Microsoft Research, UNITED STATES |
LHuillier, Marie-Thérèse |
The Creagest Project: a Digitized and Annotated Corpus for French Sign Language (LSF) and Natural Gestural Languages
Université Paris 8 Saint Denis, FRANCE |
Li, Aijun |
CASIA-CASSIL: a Chinese Telephone Conversation Corpus in Real Scenarios with Multi-leveled Annotation
Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Institute of Linguistics, CHINA |
Liakata, Maria |
Corpora for the Conceptualisation and Zoning of Scientific Papers
University of Wales, UNITED KINGDOM |
Liberman, Mark |
Adapting to Trends in Language Resource Development: A Progress Report on LDC Activities
LDC / University of Pennsylvania, UNITED STATES |
Ligozat, Anne-Laure |
Fine-grained Linguistic Evaluation of Question Answering Systems
Li, Linlin |
Idioms in Context: The IDIX Corpus
Saarland University, Department of Computational Linguistics, GERMANY |
Linarès, Georges |
Transcriber Driving Strategies for Transcription Aid System
Université d'Avignon, LIA, FRANCE |
Lin, Dekang |
New Tools for Web-Scale N-grams
Google Inc., UNITED STATES |
Lin, Donghui |
Composing Human and Machine Translation Services: Language Grid for Improving Localization Processes
Language Service Management with the Language Grid
National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, JAPAN |
Lipovsky, William |
Towards Semi-Automated Annotation for Prepositional Phrase Attachment
Columbia University, UNITED STATES |
Liscombe, Jackson |
WITcHCRafT: A Workbench for Intelligent exploraTion of Human ComputeR conversaTions
The Influence of the Utterance Length on the Recognition of Aged Voices
SpeechCycle Inc., UNITED STATES |
Li, Shoushan |
Emotion Cause Events: Corpus Construction and Analysis
Hong Kong Polytechnic University, HONG KONG |
Liška, Adam |
Evaluating Utility of Data Sources in a Large Parallel Czech-English Corpus CzEng 0.9
Charles University in Prague, Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics, CZECH REPUBLIC |
Lisowska, Agnes |
Examining the Effects of Rephrasing User Input on Two Mobile Spoken Language Systems
Universität Freiburg, GERMANY |
Liu, Wei |
Efficient Minimal Perfect Hash Language Models
University of Sheffield, UNITED KINGDOM |
Liu, Yi |
A Very Large Scale Mandarin Chinese Broadcast Corpus for GALE Project
Hong Kong University, Department of Electronic & Computer Engineering, HONG KONG |
Li, Xiang |
Annotating Event Chains for Carbon Sequestration Literature
University of New York, UNITED STATES |
Li, Xuansong |
Enriching Word Alignment with Linguistic Tags
Transcription Methods for Consistency, Volume and Efficiency
University of Pennsylvania, UNITED STATES |
Ljubešić, Nikola |
Building a Gold Standard for Event Detection in Croatian
Towards Sentiment Analysis of Financial Texts in Croatian
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Information Sciences, CROATIA |
Lleida, Eduardo |
The Alborada-I3A Corpus of Disordered Speech
University of Zaragoza, SPAIN |
Lloberes, Marina |
FreeLing 2.1: Five Years of Open-source Language Processing Tools
Spanish FreeLing Dependency Grammar
Universitat de Barcelona (UB), SPAIN |
Lloret, Jaime |
Speech Translation in Pedagogical Environment Using Additional Sources of Knowledge
Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, SPAIN |
Lobo, Paula Vaz |
Named Entity Recognition in Questions: Towards a Golden Collection
Lo, Chi-kiu |
Evaluating Machine Translation Utility via Semantic Role Labels
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Human Language Technology Center, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, HONG KONG |
Lo Leggio, Medea |
Building Textual Entailment Specialized Data Sets: a Methodology for Isolating Linguistic Phenomena Relevant to Inference
Lombardo, Vincenzo |
Comparing the Influence of Different Treebank Annotations on Dependency Parsing
Università di Torino, Dipartimento di Informatica, ITALY |
Lonsdale, Deryle |
Tag Dictionaries Accelerate Manual Annotation
Principled Construction of Elicited Imitation Tests
Brigham Young University, UNITED STATES |
Lopatková, Markéta |
Mapping between Dependency Structures and Compositional Semantic Representations
Charles University in Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC |
Lopez de Lacalle, Maddalen |
Dictionary and Monolingual Corpus-based Query Translation for Basque-English CLIR
Elhuyar Fundazioa, SPAIN |
Lopez, Patrice |
GRISP: A Massive Multilingual Terminological Database for Scientific and Technical Domains
European Patent Office, Berlin, GERMANY |
Lorenz, David |
A Recursive Annotation Scheme for Referential Information Status
Universität Freiburg, GERMANY |
Lorenzo, Alejandra |
Identifying Sources of Weakness in Syntactic Lexicon Extraction
Loukil, Noureddine |
A Syntactic Lexicon for Arabic Verbs
Lucas-Cuesta, Juan Manuel |
HIFI-AV: An Audio-visual Corpus for Spoken Language Human-Machine Dialogue Research in Spanish
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, SPAIN |
Lucia, Angelo |
Annotating Event Chains for Carbon Sequestration Literature
University of Rhode Island, Department of Chemical Engineering, UNITED STATES |
Luengo, Iker |
AhoTransf: A Tool for Multiband Excitation Based Speech Analysis and Modification
Modified LTSE-VAD Algorithm for Applications Requiring Reduced Silence Frame Misclassification
Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, SPAIN |
Lux-Pogodalla, Véronika |
FastKwic, an Intelligent Concordancer Using FASTR
Lyal, Chris |
From XML to XML: The Why and How of Making the Biodiversity Literature Accessible to Researchers
The Natural History Museum, London, UNITED KINGDOM |
Lyashevskaya, Olga |
Bank of Russian Constructions and Valencies
Universitetet i Tromsø / Institute of Russian Language RAS, NORWAY / RUSSIAN FEDERATION |
Lynn, Nathanael |
Error Correction for Arabic Dictionary Lookup
University of Maryland, UNITED STATES |
Lytinen, Steven |
Djangology: A Light-weight Web-based Tool for Distributed Collaborative Text Annotation
DePaul University, College of Computing and Digital Media, UNITED STATES |
M |
Maamouri, Mohamed |
From Speech to Trees: Applying Treebank Annotation to Arabic Broadcast News
Consistent and Flexible Integration of Morphological Annotation in the Arabic Treebank
Macías-Guarasa, Javier |
HIFI-AV: An Audio-visual Corpus for Spoken Language Human-Machine Dialogue Research in Spanish
Universidad de Alcalá, SPAIN |
Macken, Lieve |
An Annotation Scheme and Gold Standard for Dutch-English Word Alignment
Hogeschool Gent, LT3 / Universiteit Gent, BELGIUM |
MacWhinney, Brian |
A Morphologically-Analyzed CHILDES Corpus of Hebrew
Carnegie Mellon University, UNITED STATES |
Maeda, Kazuaki |
Enriching Word Alignment with Linguistic Tags
Enhanced Infrastructure for Creation and Collection of Translation Resources
Transcription Methods for Consistency, Volume and Efficiency
Technical Infrastructure at Linguistic Data Consortium: Software and Hardware Resources for Linguistic Data Creation
University of Pennsylvania, UNITED STATES |
Maegaard, Bente |
Resource and Service Centres as the Backbone for a Sustainable Service Infrastructure
Cooperation for Arabic Language Resources and Tools ― The MEDAR Project
University of Copenhagen, DENMARK |
Maekawa, Kikuo |
Two-level Annotation of Utterance-units in Japanese Dialogs: An Empirically Emerged Scheme
Design, Compilation, and Preliminary Analyses of Balanced Corpus of Contemporary Written Japanese
National Institute for Japanese Language, JAPAN |
Magaña Redondo, Pedro J. |
EcoLexicon: An Environmental TKB
Universidad de Granada, SPAIN |
Magdy, Walid |
Building a Domain-specific Document Collection for Evaluating Metadata Effects on Information Retrieval
Dublin City University, IRELAND |
Magnenat-Thalmann, Nadia |
The PlayMancer Database: A Multimodal Affect Database in Support of Research and Development Activities in Serious Game Environment
University of Geneva, MIRALab - CUI, SWITZERLAND |
Magnini, Bernardo |
Evaluating Multilingual Question Answering Systems at CLEF
Building Textual Entailment Specialized Data Sets: a Methodology for Isolating Linguistic Phenomena Relevant to Inference
Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento, ITALY |
Magnusdottir, Asta |
Incorporating Speech Synthesis in the Development of a Mobile Platform for e-learning.
Independent Researcher, N.A. |
Magro, Catarina |
When CORDIAL Becomes Friendly: Endowing the CORDIAL Corpus with a Syntactic Annotation Layer
Centro de Linguística da Universidade de Lisboa, PORTUGAL |
Maks, Isa |
Annotation Scheme and Gold Standard for Dutch Subjective Adjectives
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, NETHERLANDS |
Maldavsky, David |
NLP Resources for the Analysis of Patient/Therapist Interviews
Universidad de Ciencias Sociales y Empresariales, Instituto de Altos Estudios en Psicología y Ciencias Sociales, ARGENTINA |
Malec, Scott |
Integration of Linguistic Markup into Semantic Models of Folk Narratives: The Fairy Tale Use Case
Carnegie Mellon University, UNITED STATES |
Malik, Muhammad Kamran |
Transliterating Urdu for a Broad-Coverage Urdu/Hindi LFG Grammar
Mandl, Thomas |
GikiCLEF: Crosscultural Issues in Multilingual Information Access
Multilingual Corpus Development for Opinion Mining
Universität Hildesheim, GERMANY |
Manning, Chris |
Parsing to Stanford Dependencies: Trade-offs between Speed and Accuracy
Stanford University, Computer Science Department / Stanford University, Linguistics Department, UNITED STATES |
Manquillet, Carole |
Ad-hoc Evaluations Along the Lifecycle of Industrial Spoken Dialogue Systems: Heading to Harmonisation?
France Telecom Orange Labs, FRANCE |
Marcińczuk, Michał |
Building a Node of the Accessible Language Technology Infrastructure
Wrocław University of Technology, Institute of Informatics, POLAND |
Mariani, Joseph |
The LREC Map of Language Resources and Technologies
Marimon, Montserrat |
The Spanish Resource Grammar
Universidad de Barcelona (UB), SPAIN |
Marinelli, Rita |
Lexical Semantic Resources in a Terminological Network
Lexical Resources and Ontological Classifications for the Recognition of Proper Names Sense Extension
Mariño, José B. |
Automatic and Human Evaluation Study of a Rule-based and a Statistical Catalan-Spanish Machine Translation Systems
Marín, Rafael |
Building a Lexicon of French Deverbal Nouns from a Semantically Annotated Corpus
Université de Lille Nord de France, FRANCE |
Markert, Katja |
The Web Library of Babel: evaluating genre collections
The Leeds Arabic Discourse Treebank: Annotating Discourse Connectives for Arabic
University of Leeds, UNITED KINGDOM |
Markus, Thomas |
Socially Driven Ontology Enrichment for eLearning
Universiteit Utrecht, UiL-OTS, NETHERLANDS |
Marslen-Wilson, William D. |
LIPS: A Tool for Predicting the Lexical Isolation Point of a Word
University of Cambridge, UNITED KINGDOM |
Martens, Jean-Pierre |
Improving Proper Name Recognition by Adding Automatically Learned Pronunciation Variants to the Lexicon
Hogeschool Gent, ELIS, BELGIUM |
Martí, M. Antònia |
A Typology of Near-Identity Relations for Coreference (NIDENT)
CLiC-Universitat de Barcelona, SPAIN |
Martinez, Gregorio |
The SignSpeak Project - Bridging the Gap Between Signers and Speakers
Martínez-Hinarejos, Carlos-D. |
Evaluation of HMM-based Models for the Annotation of Unsegmented Dialogue Turns
Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Instituto Tecnológico de Informática, SPAIN |
Martin, Fabienne |
Identification of Rare & Novel Senses Using Translations in a Parallel Corpus
Universität Stuttgart, GERMANY |
Martins de Matos, David |
Fairy Tale Corpus Organization Using Latent Semantic Mapping and an Item-to-item Top-n Recommendation Algorithm
INESC-ID/IST, Spoken Language Systems Laboratory, PORTUGAL |
Maruyama, Takehiko |
Two-level Annotation of Utterance-units in Japanese Dialogs: An Empirically Emerged Scheme
Design, Compilation, and Preliminary Analyses of Balanced Corpus of Contemporary Written Japanese
National Institute for Japanese Language, JAPAN |
Marx, Maarten |
DutchParl. The Parliamentary Documents in Dutch
Universiteit van Amsterdam, NETHERLANDS |
Masnieri, S. |
ELAN as Flexible Annotation Framework for Sound and Image Processing Detectors
Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, NETHERLANDS |
Materna, Jiří |
Using Ontologies for Semi-automatic Linking VerbaLex with FrameNet
Masarykova Univerzita, Brno, CZECH REPUBLIC |
Matsubara, Shigeki |
Construction of Back-Channel Utterance Corpus for Responsive Spoken Dialogue System Development
Construction of Chunk-Aligned Bilingual Lecture Corpus for Simultaneous Machine Translation
Collection of Usage Information for Language Resources from Academic Articles
Nagoya University, JAPAN |
Matsumoto, Yuji |
Annotating Event Mentions in Text with Modality, Focus, and Source Information
Nara Institute of Science and Technology, JAPAN |
Matsuyoshi, Suguru |
Annotating Event Mentions in Text with Modality, Focus, and Source Information
Utilizing Semantic Equivalence Classes of Japanese Functional Expressions in Translation Rule Acquisition from Parallel Patent Sentences
Nara Institute of Science and Technology, JAPAN |
Maurel, Denis |
Eslo: From Transcription to Speakers' Personal Information Annotation
An Analysis of the Performances of the CasEN Named Entities Recognition System in the Ester2 Evaluation Campaign
Université François Rabelais, Tours, FRANCE |
Max, Aurélien |
Contrastive Lexical Evaluation of Machine Translation
Mining Naturally-occurring Corrections and Paraphrases from Wikipedias Revision History
LIMSI ― CNRS / Université Paris-Sud 11, FRANCE |
Ma, Yue |
Formal Description of Resources for Ontology-based Semantic Annotation
Mazari, Ahmed Cherif |
Al ―Khalil : The Arabic Linguistic Ontology Project
Algerian University of Science and Technology, Research Center on Scientific and Technical Information, ALGERIA |
Mazzei, Alessandro |
Comparing the Influence of Different Treebank Annotations on Dependency Parsing
Università di Torino, Dipartimento di Informatica, ITALY |
Mazzini, Giampaolo |
The Impact of Grammar Enhancement on Semantic Resources Induction
Mazzucchi, Andrea |
Technical Infrastructure at Linguistic Data Consortium: Software and Hardware Resources for Linguistic Data Creation
University of Pennsylvania, UNITED STATES |
McClanahan, Peter |
Tag Dictionaries Accelerate Manual Annotation
Brigham Young University, UNITED STATES |
McCrohon, Luke |
U-Compare: An Integrated Language Resource Evaluation Platform Including a Comprehensive UIMA Resource Library
University of Tokyo, JAPAN |
McGraw, Ian |
Collecting Voices from the Cloud
MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab, UNITED STATES |
McKeown, Kathleen |
Towards Semi-Automated Annotation for Prepositional Phrase Attachment
Columbia University, UNITED STATES |
McKeown, Kathleen R. |
Building a Bank of Semantically Encoded Narratives
Columbia University, UNITED STATES |
McLeod, Sarah |
Improving Personal Name Search in the TIGR System
McNamee, Paul |
An Evaluation of Technologies for Knowledge Base Population
Wikipedia and the Web of Confusable Entities: Experience from Entity Linking Query Creation for TAC 2009 Knowledge Base Population
Johns Hopkins University, UNITED STATES |
McNaught, John |
Evaluating a Text Mining Based Educational Search Portal
Meta-Knowledge Annotation of Bio-Events
University of Manchester, UNITED KINGDOM |
Megyesi, Beáta |
The English-Swedish-Turkish Parallel Treebank
Uppsala University, SWEDEN |
Mehdad, Yashar |
Mining Wikipedia for Large-scale Repositories of Context-Sensitive Entailment Rules
Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento, ITALY |
Mehler, Alexander |
Computational Linguistics for Mere Mortals - Powerful but Easy-to-use Linguistic Processing for Scientists in the Humanities
The Ariadne System: A Flexible and Extensible Framework for the Modeling and Storage of Experimental Data in the Humanities.
Universität Bielefeld, GERMANY |
Melero, Maite |
Language Technology Challenges of a Small Language (Catalan)
Fundació Barcelona Media, SPAIN |
Melli, Gabor |
Concept Mentions within KDD-2009 Abstracts (kdd09cma1) Linked to a KDD Ontology (kddo1)
Simon Fraser University, CANADA |
Mendes, Ana Cristina |
Named Entity Recognition in Questions: Towards a Golden Collection
Méndez, Francisco |
Building High Quality Databases for Minority Languages such as Galician
Universidad de Vigo, Signal Theory Group, SPAIN |
Meng, Yao |
Extracting Product Features and Sentiments from Chinese Customer Reviews
Fujitsu R&D Center LTD, CHINA |
Menke, Peter |
The Ariadne System: A Flexible and Extensible Framework for the Modeling and Storage of Experimental Data in the Humanities.
Universität Bielefeld, GERMANY |
Merkling, Owen |
CCASH: A Web Application Framework for Efficient, Distributed Language Resource Development
Tag Dictionaries Accelerate Manual Annotation
Brigham Young University, UNITED STATES |
Mesnard, Olivier |
LIMA : A Multilingual Framework for Linguistic Analysis and Linguistic Resources Development and Evaluation
Meudt, Sascha |
Developing an Expressive Speech Labeling Tool Incorporating the Temporal Characteristics of Emotion
Universität Ulm, GERMANY |
Meunier, Christine |
Automatic Detection of Syllable Boundaries in Spontaneous Speech
The DesPho-APaDy Project: Developing an Acoustic-phonetic Characterization of Dysarthric Speech in French
The OTIM Formal Annotation Model: A Preliminary Step before Annotation Scheme
Université Aix-Marseille, Laboratoire Parole et Langage, FRANCE |
Michalov, Nathan |
Like Finding a Needle in a Haystack: Annotating the American National Corpus for Idiomatic Expressions
Montclair State University, UNITED STATES |
Michelbacher, Lukas |
Building a Cross-lingual Relatedness Thesaurus using a Graph Similarity Measure
Universität Stuttgart, IMS, GERMANY |
Michel, Thierry |
Transcriber Driving Strategies for Transcription Aid System
Xtensive Technologies, FRANCE |
Mihăilă, Claudiu |
Romanian Zero Pronoun Distribution: A Comparative Study
Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza, ROMANIA |
Mikulová, Marie |
Ways of Evaluation of the Annotators in Building the Prague Czech-English Dependency Treebank
Charles University in Prague, MFF, UFAL, CZECH REPUBLIC |
Miller, Corey |
Error Correction for Arabic Dictionary Lookup
University of Maryland, UNITED STATES |
Miller, Keith J. |
Improving Personal Name Search in the TIGR System
Mille, Simon |
Syntactic Dependencies for Multilingual and Multilevel Corpus Annotation
Universitat Pompeu Fabra, SPAIN |
Miltsakaki, Eleni |
Corpus-based Semantics of Concession: Where do Expectations Come from?
University of Pennsylvania, UNITED STATES |
Milward, David |
The CALBC Silver Standard Corpus for Biomedical Named Entities ― A Study in Harmonizing the Contributions from Four Independent Named Entity Taggers
Friedrich-Schiller Universität, Jena, GERMANY |
Mima, Hideki |
A Japanese Particle Corpus Built by Example-Based Annotation
University of Tokyo, JAPAN |
Minaei-bidgoli, Behrouz |
A Persian Part-Of-Speech Tagger Based on Morphological Analysis
Iran University of Science and Technology, IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF |
Minel, Jean-Luc |
Resources for Calendar Expressions Semantic Tagging and Temporal Navigation through Texts
Université Paris 10, MODyCo, FRANCE |
Min, Jinming |
Building a Domain-specific Document Collection for Evaluating Metadata Effects on Information Retrieval
Dublin City University, IRELAND |
Minker, Wolfgang |
WITcHCRafT: A Workbench for Intelligent exploraTion of Human ComputeR conversaTions
The Influence of the Utterance Length on the Recognition of Aged Voices
Efficient Spoken Dialogue Domain Representation and Interpretation
Towards Investigating Effective Affective Dialogue Strategies
Speech Data Corpus for Verbal Intelligence Estimation
Universität Ulm, Institute for Information Technology, GERMANY |
Mirkin, Shachar |
A Resource for Investigating the Impact of Anaphora and Coreference on Inference.
Bar-Ilan University, ISRAEL |
Mírovský, Jiří |
Annotation Tool for Extended Textual Coreference and Bridging Anaphora
Typical Cases of Annotators Disagreement in Discourse Annotations in Prague Dependency Treebank
Charles University in Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC |
Mishra, Anand |
Using NLP Methods for the Analysis of Rituals
Universität Heidelberg, GERMANY |
Misu, Teruhisa |
Dialogue Acts Annotation for NICT Kyoto Tour Dialogue Corpus to Construct Statistical Dialogue Systems
Mitkov, Ruslan |
Resources for Controlled Languages for Alert Messages and Protocols in the European Perspective
University of Wolverhampton, UNITED KINGDOM |
Mitra, Pabitra |
Determining Reliability of Subjective and Multi-label Emotion Annotation through Novel Fuzzy Agreement Measure
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, INDIA |
Mitton, Roger |
A Large List of Confusion Sets for Spellchecking Assessed Against a Corpus of Real-word Errors
University of London, UNITED KINGDOM |
Mival, Oil |
Evaluating Human-Machine Conversation for Appropriateness
Wizard of Oz Experiments for a Companion Dialogue System: Eliciting Companionable Conversation
Napier University, UNITED KINGDOM |
Miyazaki, Rintaro |
Construction of Text Summarization Corpus for the Credibility of Information on the Web
Yokohama National University, JAPAN |
Mladová, Lucie |
Typical Cases of Annotators Disagreement in Discourse Annotations in Prague Dependency Treebank
Charles University in Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC |
Moens, Marie-Francine |
Spatial Role Labeling: Task Definition and Annotation Scheme
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, BELGIUM |
Mohamed, Emad |
Arabic Part of Speech Tagging
Indiana University, UNITED STATES |
Mohseni, Mahdi |
A Persian Part-Of-Speech Tagger Based on Morphological Analysis
Iran University of Science and Technology, IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF |
Moinet, Alexis |
The AVLaughterCycle Database
Université de Mons, Faculté Polytechnique, TCTS Lab, BELGIUM |
Moldovan, Dan |
Inducing Ontologies from Folksonomies using Natural Language Understanding
Feasibility of Automatically Bootstrapping a Persian WordNet
Semi-Automatic Domain Ontology Creation from Text Resources
Lymba Corporation, UNITED STATES |
Monachesi, Paola |
Interacting Semantic Layers of Annotation in SoNaR, a Reference Corpus of Contemporary Written Dutch
Socially Driven Ontology Enrichment for eLearning
Universiteit Utrecht, UiL-OTS, NETHERLANDS |
Monachini, Monica |
An LMF-based Web Service for Accessing WordNet-type Semantic Lexicons
An Automatically Built Named Entity Lexicon for Arabic
Monceaux, Laura |
Learning Subjectivity Phrases missing from Resources through a Large Set of Semantic Tests
Université de Nantes, LINA, FRANCE |
Montemagni, Simonetta |
Comparing the Influence of Different Treebank Annotations on Dependency Parsing
A Resource and Tool for Super-sense Tagging of Italian Texts
A Contrastive Approach to Multi-word Extraction from Domain-specific Corpora
Montero Perez, Maribel |
Data Collection and IPR in Multilingual Parallel Corpora. Dutch Parallel Corpus
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, BELGIUM |
Moore, Stuart |
Annotating the Enron Email Corpus with Number Senses
University of Cambridge, UNITED KINGDOM |
Moosmüller, Sylvia |
Resources for Speech Synthesis of Viennese Varieties
Acoustics Research Institute (ARI), AUSTRIA |
Móra, György |
Hungarian Dependency Treebank
University of Szeged, HUNGARY |
Morante, Roser |
Descriptive Analysis of Negation Cues in Biomedical Texts
Universiteit Antwerp, BELGIUM |
Moreau, Nicolas |
Evaluation Protocol and Tools for Question-Answering on Speech Transcripts
Morgon, Gabriella |
Like Finding a Needle in a Haystack: Annotating the American National Corpus for Idiomatic Expressions
Montclair State University, UNITED STATES |
Moriceau, Véronique |
Question Answering on Web Data: The QA Evaluation in Quæro
A Corpus for Studying Full Answer Justification
FIDJI: Web Question-Answering at Quaero 2009
Mori, Shinsuke |
Word-based Partial Annotation for Efficient Corpus Construction
Kyoto University, JAPAN |
Morishita, Yohei |
Utilizing Semantic Equivalence Classes of Japanese Functional Expressions in Translation Rule Acquisition from Parallel Patent Sentences
University of Tsukuba, JAPAN |
Mori, Tatsunori |
Construction of Text Summarization Corpus for the Credibility of Information on the Web
Yokohama National University, JAPAN |
Morse, David |
From XML to XML: The Why and How of Making the Biodiversity Literature Accessible to Researchers
Open University, Department of Computing, UNITED KINGDOM |
Moschitti, Alessandro |
A Comprehensive Resource to Evaluate Complex Open Domain Question Answering
Corpora for Automatically Learning to Map Natural Language Questions into SQL Queries
A Flexible Representation of Heterogeneous Annotation Data
A General Purpose FrameNet-based Shallow Semantic Parser
Università di Trento, Dipartimento Ingegneria e Scienza dell'Informazione, ITALY |
Mosqueira Suárez, Estela |
Towards a Motivated Annotation Schema of Collocation Errors in Learner Corpora
Universidad de Coruña, SPAIN |
Mostefa, Djamel |
Evaluation Protocol and Tools for Question-Answering on Speech Transcripts
Annotations for Opinion Mining Evaluation in the Industrial Context of the DOXA project
Mota, Cristina |
Second HAREM: Advancing the State of the Art of Named Entity Recognition in Portuguese
Experiments in Human-computer Cooperation for the Semantic Annotation of Portuguese Corpora
Mourín, Ana Belén |
Building High Quality Databases for Minority Languages such as Galician
Universidad de Vigo, Signal Theory Group, SPAIN |
Moussa, Maher Ben |
The PlayMancer Database: A Multimodal Affect Database in Support of Research and Development Activities in Serious Game Environment
University of Geneva, MIRALab - CUI, SWITZERLAND |
Mousser, Jaouad |
A Large Coverage Verb Taxonomy for Arabic
Konstanz Universität, GERMANY |
Mouton, Claire |
FrameNet Translation Using Bilingual Dictionaries with Evaluation on the English-French Pair
CEA - LIST / Exalead S.A., FRANCE |
Moya, Jose Miguel |
The SignSpeak Project - Bridging the Gap Between Signers and Speakers
Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo, SPAIN |
Moyal, Ami |
Lexicon Design for Transcription of Spontaneous Voice Messages
ACLP ― Afeka Center for Language Processing, Afeka College of Engineering, ISRAEL |
Mporas, Iosif |
Vergina: A Modern Greek Speech Database for Speech Synthesis
University of Patras, GREECE |
Muller, Philippe |
Learning Recursive Segments for Discourse Parsing
Université Paul Sabatier, IRIT, FRANCE |
Muñoz, Rafael |
Aligning FrameNet and WordNet based on Semantic Neighborhoods
Universidad de Alicante (UA), SPAIN |
Murakami, Koji |
Annotating Event Mentions in Text with Modality, Focus, and Source Information
Nara Institute of Science and Technology, JAPAN |
Murakami, Yohei |
Composing Human and Machine Translation Services: Language Grid for Improving Localization Processes
Language Service Management with the Language Grid
National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, JAPAN |
Murakami, Yoshiaki |
Composing Human and Machine Translation Services: Language Grid for Improving Localization Processes
Navix Co., Ltd., JAPAN |
Murata, Masaki |
Construction of Chunk-Aligned Bilingual Lecture Corpus for Simultaneous Machine Translation
Detection of submitters suspected of pretending to be someone else in a community site
Nagoya University, Graduate School of Information Science, JAPAN |
Murawaki, Yugo |
Online Japanese Unknown Morpheme Detection using Orthographic Variation
Kyoto University, JAPAN |
Mykowiecka, Agnieszka |
Domain-related Annotation of Polish Spoken Dialogue Corpus LUNA.PL
Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Computer Science, POLAND |
N |
Nabende, Peter |
Applying a Dynamic Bayesian Network Framework to Transliteration Identification
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, NETHERLANDS |
Nagasaka, Taiji |
Utilizing Semantic Equivalence Classes of Japanese Functional Expressions in Translation Rule Acquisition from Parallel Patent Sentences
University of Tsukuba, JAPAN |
Naidu, Viswanath |
Grammar Extraction from Treebanks for Hindi and Telugu
Language Technologies Research Centre, IIIT, Hyderabad, INDIA |
Nakaguchi, Takao |
Language Service Management with the Language Grid
NTT Corporation, JAPAN |
Nakamura, Satoshi |
Dialogue Acts Annotation for NICT Kyoto Tour Dialogue Corpus to Construct Statistical Dialogue Systems
Nakano, Masahiro |
Construction of Text Summarization Corpus for the Credibility of Information on the Web
Yokohama National University, JAPAN |
Nakao, Yukie |
A Multilingual CALL Game Based on Speech Translation
Université de Nantes, LINA, FRANCE |
Nakatsuji, Makoto |
Study of Word Sense Disambiguation System that uses Contextual Features - Approach of Combining Associative Concept Dictionary and Corpus -
NTT Corporation, JAPAN |
Narasimhan, Bhuvana |
Empty Categories in a Hindi Treebank
University of Colorado, UNITED STATES |
Narawa, Chiharu |
LAF/GrAF-grounded Representation of Dependency Structures
Osaka University, JAPAN |
Narsale, Sushant |
New Tools for Web-Scale N-grams
Johns Hopkins University, UNITED STATES |
Nastase, Vivi |
WikiNet: A Very Large Scale Multi-Lingual Concept Network
EML Research gGmbH, GERMANY |
Navarretta, Costanza |
The DAD Parallel Corpora and their Uses
The NOMCO Multimodal Nordic Resource - Goals and Characteristics
University of Copenhagen, DENMARK |
Navas, Eva |
TTS Evaluation Campaign with a Common Spanish Database
AhoTransf: A Tool for Multiband Excitation Based Speech Analysis and Modification
Modified LTSE-VAD Algorithm for Applications Requiring Reduced Silence Frame Misclassification
Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, SPAIN |
Navigli, Roberto |
An Annotated Dataset for Extracting Definitions and Hypernyms from the Web
Università di Roma La Sapienza, ITALY |
Nawaz, Raheel |
Meta-Knowledge Annotation of Bio-Events
University of Manchester, UNITED KINGDOM |
Nazarenko, Adeline |
Evaluation of Textual Knowledge Acquisition Tools: a Challenging Task
Formal Description of Resources for Ontology-based Semantic Annotation
Nazar, Rogelio |
Combining Resources: Taxonomy Extraction from Multiple Dictionaries
Universidad Pompeu Fabra, SPAIN |
Nédellec, Claire |
Named and Specific Entity Detection in Varied Data: The Quæro Named Entity Baseline Evaluation
Nedoluzhko, Anna |
Annotation Tool for Extended Textual Coreference and Bridging Anaphora
Charles University in Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC |
Neely, Abby |
Greybeard Longitudinal Speech Study
Mixer 6
LDC / University of Pennsylvania, UNITED STATES |
Negri, Matteo |
Mining Wikipedia for Large-scale Repositories of Context-Sensitive Entailment Rules
Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento, ITALY |
Neilan, Sean |
Djangology: A Light-weight Web-based Tool for Distributed Collaborative Text Annotation
DePaul University, College of Computing and Digital Media, UNITED STATES |
Nejdl, Wolfgand |
Cross-Corpus Textual Entailment for Sublanguage Analysis in Epidemic Intelligence
L3S Research Center, GERMANY |
Nemoto, Rena |
Word Boundaries in French: Evidence from Large Speech Corpora
Nerima, Luka |
FipsRomanian: Towards a Romanian Version of the Fips Syntactic Parser
A Recursive Treatment of Collocations
Université de Genève, Département de Linguistique, SWITZERLAND |
Nesterenko, Irina |
Automatic Detection of Syllable Boundaries in Spontaneous Speech
The OTIM Formal Annotation Model: A Preliminary Step before Annotation Scheme
Neubarth, Friedrich |
Resources for Speech Synthesis of Viennese Varieties
Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence, AUSTRIA |
Neubig, Graham |
Word-based Partial Annotation for Efficient Corpus Construction
Kyoto University, JAPAN |
Ney, Hermann |
The SignSpeak Project - Bridging the Gap Between Signers and Speakers
RWTH Aachen University, GERMANY |
Ngcobo, Mtholeni N. |
Work on Spoken (Multimodal) Language Corpora in South Africa
University of South Africa, SOUTH AFRICA |
Nguyen, Quan |
Annotation of Human Gesture using 3D Skeleton Controls
Nicholson, Hannele |
The Indiana ``Cooperative Remote Search Task"" (CReST) Corpus
University of Notre Dame, UNITED STATES |
Nicolae, Cristina |
C-3: Coherence and Coreference Corpus
Nicolae, Gabriel |
C-3: Coherence and Coreference Corpus
Niewiadomski, Radoslaw |
The AVLaughterCycle Database
Telecom ParisTech, FRANCE |
Nilsson, Jens |
Comparing the Influence of Different Treebank Annotations on Dependency Parsing
Växjö University, School of Mathematics and Systems Engineering, SWEDEN |
Nimb, Sanni |
Merging Specialist Taxonomies and Folk Taxonomies in Wordnets - A case Study of Plants, Animals and Foods in the Danish Wordnet
Society for Danish Language and Literature, DENMARK |
Nir, Bracha |
A Morphologically-Analyzed CHILDES Corpus of Hebrew
University of Haifa, ISRAEL |
Nishikawa, Aya |
A Context Sensitive Variant Dictionary for Supporting Variant Selection
Ryukoku University, JAPAN |
Nishimura, Ryo |
A Context Sensitive Variant Dictionary for Supporting Variant Selection
Detection of submitters suspected of pretending to be someone else in a community site
Ryukoku University, JAPAN |
Nissim, Malvina |
Creation of Lexical Resources for a Characterisation of Multiword Expressions in Italian
Università di Bologna, DSLO, ITALY |
Nivre, Joakim |
The English-Swedish-Turkish Parallel Treebank
Comparing the Influence of Different Treebank Annotations on Dependency Parsing
Uppsala University, SWEDEN |
Nøklestad, Anders |
Enhancing Language Resources with Maps
Universitetet i Oslo, Institutt for lingvistiske og nordiske studier, NORWAY |
Nomdebevana, Nozibele |
Work on Spoken (Multimodal) Language Corpora in South Africa
University of South Africa, SOUTH AFRICA |
Nothdurft, Florian |
Towards Investigating Effective Affective Dialogue Strategies
Universität Ulm, GERMANY |
Nöth, Elmar |
FAU IISAH Corpus -- A German Speech Database Consisting of Human-Machine and Human-Human Interaction Acquired by Close-Talking and Far-Distance Microphones
Universität Erlangen-Nuremberg, GERMANY |
Nouvel, Damien |
An Analysis of the Performances of the CasEN Named Entities Recognition System in the Ester2 Evaluation Campaign
Université de Tours, FRANCE |
Novais, Eder M. de |
Extracting Surface Realisation Templates from Corpora
Universidade de São Paulo, BRAZIL |
Novielli, Nicole |
Studying the Lexicon of Dialogue Acts
Università di Bari, Department of Informatics, ITALY |
Ntalampiras, Stavros |
Heterogeneous Sensor Database in Support of Human Behaviour Analysis in Unrestricted Environments: The Audio Part
University of Patras, GREECE |
O |
Oblinger, Daniel |
The DARPA Machine Reading Program - Encouraging Linguistic and Reasoning Research with a Series of Reading Tasks
Obradović, Ivan |
GIS Application Improvement with Multilingual Lexical and Terminological Resources
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, SERBIA |
Obrębski, Tomasz |
PolNet ― Polish WordNet: Data and Tools
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, POLAND |
Odijk, Jan |
The CLARIN-NL Project
Universiteit Utrecht, UiL-OTS, NETHERLANDS |
Odriozola, Igor |
AhoTransf: A Tool for Multiband Excitation Based Speech Analysis and Modification
Modified LTSE-VAD Algorithm for Applications Requiring Reduced Silence Frame Misclassification
Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, SPAIN |
Oepen, Stephan |
WikiWoods: Syntacto-Semantic Annotation for English Wikipedia
Universitetet i Oslo, NORWAY |
Oger, Stanislas |
Transcriber Driving Strategies for Transcription Aid System
Université d'Avignon, LIA, FRANCE |
Ogiso, Toshinobu |
Design, Compilation, and Preliminary Analyses of Balanced Corpus of Contemporary Written Japanese
National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics, JAPAN |
Ogura, Hideki |
Design, Compilation, and Preliminary Analyses of Balanced Corpus of Contemporary Written Japanese
National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics, JAPAN |
Ohno, Tomohiro |
Construction of Back-Channel Utterance Corpus for Responsive Spoken Dialogue System Development
Construction of Chunk-Aligned Bilingual Lecture Corpus for Simultaneous Machine Translation
Nagoya University, JAPAN |
Ohtake, Kiyonori |
Dialogue Acts Annotation for NICT Kyoto Tour Dialogue Corpus to Construct Statistical Dialogue Systems
Okada, Daisuke |
Using Comparable Corpora to Adapt a Translation Model to Domains
Shizuoka University, JAPAN |
Okada, Yoshihiro |
A Context Sensitive Variant Dictionary for Supporting Variant Selection
Detection of submitters suspected of pretending to be someone else in a community site
Ryukoku University, JAPAN |
Okamoto, Jun |
An Associative Concept Dictionary for Verbs and its Application to Elliptical Word Estimation
Study of Word Sense Disambiguation System that uses Contextual Features - Approach of Combining Associative Concept Dictionary and Corpus -
Homographic Ideogram Understanding Using Contextual Dynamic Network
Evaluating Semantic Relations and Distances in the Associative Concept Dictionary using NIRS-imaging
Keio University, JAPAN |
Oliver, Sandy |
Evaluating a Text Mining Based Educational Search Portal
University of London, Social Science Research Unit, Institute of Education, UNITED KINGDOM |
Olsen, Sussi |
Quality Indicators of LSP Texts ― Selection and Measurements Measuring the Terminological Usefulness of Documents for an LSP Corpus
University of Copenhagen, CST, DENMARK |
Olteanu, Marian |
Semi-Automatic Domain Ontology Creation from Text Resources
Lymba Corporation, UNITED STATES |
Oltramari, Alessandro |
Senso Comune
Data-Driven and Ontological Analysis of FrameNet for Natural Language Reasoning
ISTC - CNR / University of Padua, ITALY |
Oostdijk, Nelleke |
Constructing a Broad-coverage Lexicon for Text Mining in the Patent Domain
Balancing SoNaR: IPR versus Processing Issues in a 500-Million-Word Written Dutch Reference Corpus
Radboud University Nijmegen, NETHERLANDS |
Orasmaa, Siim |
Information Retrieval of Word Form Variants in Spoken Language Corpora Using Generalized Edit Distance
University of Tartu, ESTONIA |
Orglmeister, Reinhold |
WAPUSK20 - A Database for Robust Audiovisual Speech Recognition
Technische Universität Berlin, GERMANY |
Osenova, Petya |
GikiCLEF: Crosscultural Issues in Multilingual Information Access
Exploring Co-Reference Chains for Concept Annotation of Domain Texts
Constructing of an Ontology-based Lexicon for Bulgarian
Osmann, Vjekoslav |
Corpus Aligner (CorAl) Evaluation on English-Croatian Parallel Corpora
University of Zagreb, Knowledge Technologies Laboratory, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, CROATIA |
Otrusina, Lubomir |
A New Approach to Pseudoword Generation
Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Informatics, CZECH REPUBLIC |
Öttl, Anton |
Spontal-N: A Corpus of Interactional Spoken Norwegian
The Kachna L1/L2 Picture Replication Corpus
Radboud University Nijmegen, NETHERLANDS |
Ovchinnikova, Ekaterina |
Data-Driven and Ontological Analysis of FrameNet for Natural Language Reasoning
Universität Osnabrück, GERMANY |
Øvrelid, Lilja |
Towards a Large Parallel Corpus of Cleft Constructions
Training Parsers on Partial Trees: A Cross-language Comparison
Universität Potsdam, GERMANY |
Ozdowska, Sylwia |
Inferring Syntactic Rules for Word Alignment through Inductive Logic Programming
Université de Toulouse, FRANCE |
Ozell, Benoit |
Can Syntactic and Logical Graphs help Word Sense Disambiguation?
Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal, CANADA |
P |
Pace, Gordon J. |
Automatic Grammar Rule Extraction and Ranking for Definitions
University of Malta, MALTA |
Paci, Giulio |
Wikipedia-based Approach for Linking Ontology Concepts to their Realisations in Text
Padró, Lluís |
FreeLing 2.1: Five Years of Open-source Language Processing Tools
Wikicorpus: A Word-Sense Disambiguated Multilingual Wikipedia Corpus
Spanish FreeLing Dependency Grammar
Language Technology Challenges of a Small Language (Catalan)
Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña, SPAIN |
Paggio, Patrizia |
The NOMCO Multimodal Nordic Resource - Goals and Characteristics
University of Copenhagen, DENMARK |
Pajas, Petr |
Querying Diverse Treebanks in a Uniform Way
Annotation Tool for Extended Textual Coreference and Bridging Anaphora
Charles University in Prague, MFF, UFAL, CZECH REPUBLIC |
Pak, Alexander |
Twitter as a Corpus for Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining
Annotations for Opinion Mining Evaluation in the Industrial Context of the DOXA project
Pala, Karel |
Using Ontologies for Semi-automatic Linking VerbaLex with FrameNet
Lexical Resources for Noun Compounds in Czech, English and Zulu
Masarykova Univerzita, Brno, CZECH REPUBLIC |
Pallaud, Berthille |
The OTIM Formal Annotation Model: A Preliminary Step before Annotation Scheme
Université de Provence, LPL, FRANCE |
Pallotta, Vincenzo |
Deep Linguistic Processing with GETARUNS for Spoken Dialogue Understanding
Webster University - Geneva, SWITZERLAND |
Palmer, Martha |
Empty Categories in a Hindi Treebank
Propbank Frameset Annotation Guidelines Using a Dedicated Editor, Cornerstone
Propbank Instance Annotation Guidelines Using a Dedicated Editor, Jubilee
Number or Nuance: Which Factors Restrict Reliable Word Sense Annotation?
A Road Map for Interoperable Language Resource Metadata
University of Colorado, UNITED STATES |
Pammi, Sathish |
Multilingual Voice Creation Toolkit for the MARY TTS Platform
Panevová, Jarmila |
Annotation of Morphological Meanings of Verbs Revisited
Charles University in Prague, MFF, UFAL, CZECH REPUBLIC |
Panicheva, Polina |
Personal Sense and Idiolect: Combining Authorship Attribution and Opinion Analysis
Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, NLE Lab, SPAIN |
Paraboni, Ivandré |
SINotas: the Evaluation of a NLG Application
Extracting Surface Realisation Templates from Corpora
Universidade de São Paulo, BRAZIL |
Parastatidis, Savas |
Automatic Discovery of Semantic Relations using MindNet
Microsoft Research, UNITED STATES |
Pardelli, Gabriella |
A Digital Archive of Research Papers in Computer Science
Pareja-Lora, Antonio |
Ontology-based Interoperation of Linguistic Tools for an Improved Lemma Annotation in Spanish
Universidad Complutense de Madrid, SPAIN |
Pareti, Silvia |
Annotating Attribution Relations: Towards an Italian Discourse Treebank
Università degli Studi di Pavia, ITALY |
Parker, Robert |
Technical Infrastructure at Linguistic Data Consortium: Software and Hardware Resources for Linguistic Data Creation
Wikipedia and the Web of Confusable Entities: Experience from Entity Linking Query Creation for TAC 2009 Knowledge Base Population
University of Pennsylvania, UNITED STATES |
Paroubek, Patrick |
Twitter as a Corpus for Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining
Annotations for Opinion Mining Evaluation in the Industrial Context of the DOXA project
The Second Evaluation Campaign of PASSAGE on Parsing of French
PASSAGE Syntactic Representation: a Minimal Common Ground for Evaluation
Parvaz, Dan |
Evaluation of Machine Translation Errors in English and Iraqi Arabic
Passarotti, Marco |
Improvements in Parsing the Index Thomisticus Treebank. Revision, Combination and a Feature Model for Medieval Latin
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan, ITALY |
Passonneau, Rebecca J. |
Word Sense Annotation of Polysemous Words by Multiple Annotators
An Evaluation Framework for Natural Language Understanding in Spoken Dialogue Systems
Columbia University, UNITED STATES |
Pastra, Katerina |
The POETICON Corpus: Capturing Language Use and Sensorimotor Experience in Everyday Interaction
ILSP - Athena RC, GREECE |
Patil, Kailash |
New Tools for Web-Scale N-grams
Johns Hopkins University, UNITED STATES |
Pazienza, Maria Teresa |
Generic Ontology Learners on Application Domains
Maskkot ― An Entity-centric Annotation Platform
Università di Roma Tor Vergata, DISP, ITALY |
Pecina, Pavel |
Czech Information Retrieval with Syntax-based Language Models
Building a Web Corpus of Czech
Charles University in Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC |
Pedersen, Bolette S. |
Merging Specialist Taxonomies and Folk Taxonomies in Wordnets - A case Study of Plants, Animals and Foods in the Danish Wordnet
University of Copenhagen, DENMARK |
Pedersen, Jakob Schou |
A Speech Corpus for Dyslexic Reading Training
University of Aalborg, DENMARK |
Pedler, Jennifer |
A Large List of Confusion Sets for Spellchecking Assessed Against a Corpus of Real-word Errors
University of London, UNITED KINGDOM |
Pedrazzi, Giorgio |
Wikipedia-based Approach for Linking Ontology Concepts to their Realisations in Text
Peinado, Federico |
Integration of Linguistic Markup into Semantic Models of Folk Narratives: The Fairy Tale Use Case
Universidad Complutense de Madrid, SPAIN |
Pelachaud, Catherine |
The AVLaughterCycle Database
Telecom ParisTech, FRANCE |
Penagarikano, Mikel |
KALAKA: A TV Broadcast Speech Database for the Evaluation of Language Recognition Systems
Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, SPAIN |
Peñas, Anselmo |
GikiCLEF: Crosscultural Issues in Multilingual Information Access
Evaluating Multilingual Question Answering Systems at CLEF
Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED), Madrid, SPAIN |
Pereira, Daniel B. |
SINotas: the Evaluation of a NLG Application
Universidade de São Paulo, BRAZIL |
Pereira, Priscilla |
Like Finding a Needle in a Haystack: Annotating the American National Corpus for Idiomatic Expressions
Montclair State University, UNITED STATES |
Periñán-Pascual, Carlos |
The Architecture of FunGramKB
Universidad Católica San Antonio, SPAIN |
Peris, Aina |
ADN-Classifier:Automatically Assigning Denotation Types to Nominalizations
CLiC-Universitat de Barcelona, SPAIN |
Petasis, Dimitrios |
BlogBuster: A Tool for Extracting Corpora from the Blogosphere
Intellitech S.A., GREECE |
Petasis, Georgios |
BlogBuster: A Tool for Extracting Corpora from the Blogosphere
NCSR Demokritos Institute, GREECE |
Petrakis, Stefanos |
United we Stand: Improving Sentiment Analysis by Joining Machine Learning and Rule Based Methods
Universität Zürich, SWITZERLAND |
Petrik, Stefan |
Example-Based Automatic Phonetic Transcription
Technische Universität Graz, AUSTRIA |
Petropoulou, Evanthia |
A Crash Test with Linguistica in Modern Greek: The Case of Derivational Affixes and Bound Stems
University of Patras, GREECE |
Petukhova, Volha |
Towards an Integrated Scheme for Semantic Annotation of Multimodal Dialogue Data
Towards an ISO Standard for Dialogue Act Annotation
Universiteit van Tilburg, NETHERLANDS |
Pęzik, Piotr |
Recent Developments in the National Corpus of Polish
University of Lodz, POLAND |
Pianta, Emanuele |
A Resource for Investigating the Impact of Anaphora and Coreference on Inference.
VenPro: A Morphological Analyzer for Venetan
Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento, ITALY |
Piasecki, Maciej |
Resource and Service Centres as the Backbone for a Sustainable Service Infrastructure
Building a Node of the Accessible Language Technology Infrastructure
Universität Hildesheim, GERMANY |
Piater, Justus |
The SignSpeak Project - Bridging the Gap Between Signers and Speakers
Université de Liège, BELGIUM |
Piatko, Christine |
A Modality Lexicon and its use in Automatic Tagging
Johns Hopkins University, UNITED STATES |
Picart, Benjamin |
The AVLaughterCycle Database
Université de Mons, Faculté Polytechnique, TCTS Lab, BELGIUM |
Pierrel, Jean-Marie |
Resource and Service Centres as the Backbone for a Sustainable Service Infrastructure
Pillot-Loiseau, Claire |
The DesPho-APaDy Project: Developing an Acoustic-phonetic Characterization of Dysarthric Speech in French
Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3, Laboratoire de Phonétique et Phonologie, FRANCE |
Pinkal, Manfred |
Generating FrameNets of Various Granularities: The FrameNet Transformer
Saarland University, Department of Computational Linguistics, GERMANY |
Pinto, Clara |
Developing a Deep Linguistic Databank Supporting a Collection of Treebanks: the CINTIL DeepGramBank
Universidade de Lisboa, PORTUGAL |
Pinto, Serge |
The DesPho-APaDy Project: Developing an Acoustic-phonetic Characterization of Dysarthric Speech in French
Université Aix-Marseille, Laboratoire Parole et Langage, FRANCE |
Piperidis, Stelios |
The LREC Map of Language Resources and Technologies
Resource and Service Centres as the Backbone for a Sustainable Service Infrastructure
ILSP - Athena RC, GREECE |
Pitler, Emily |
New Tools for Web-Scale N-grams
University of Pennsylvania, UNITED STATES |
Piwek, Paul |
Constructing the CODA Corpus: A Parallel Corpus of Monologues and Expository Dialogues
Open University, UNITED KINGDOM |
Plank, Barbara |
Improved Statistical Measures to Assess Natural Language Parser Performance across Domains
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, NETHERLANDS |
Plaza, Laura |
Development and Use of an Evaluation Collection for Personalisation of Digital Newspapers
Universidad Complutense de Madrid, SPAIN |
Ploux, Sabine |
The Semantic Atlas: an Interactive Model of Lexical Representation
Université Lyon I, L2C2, Institut des Sciences Cognitives-CNRS, FRANCE |
Poesio, Massimo |
Anaphoric Annotation of Wikipedia and Blogs in the Live Memories Corpus
BabyExp: Constructing a Huge Multimodal Resource to Acquire Commonsense Knowledge Like Children Do
Extending BART to Provide a Coreference Resolution System for German
Creating a Coreference Resolution System for Italian
Università di Trento, ITALY |
Poggi, Isabella |
Types of Nods. The Polysemy of a Social Signal
Università degli Studi Roma Tre, ITALY |
Pois, Delphine |
Named and Specific Entity Detection in Varied Data: The Quæro Named Entity Baseline Evaluation
Jouve, FRANCE |
Polifroni, Joseph |
Bootstrapping Named Entity Extraction for the Creation of Mobile Services
Nokia Research Center, Cambridge, UNITED STATES |
Poljakov, Alexej |
Design and Data Collection for the Accentological Corpus of the Russian Language
Scientific Technical Centre Informregistr, RUSSIAN FEDERATION |
Polk, John |
Improving Personal Name Search in the TIGR System
Pollák, Petr |
Multi-Channel Database of Spontaneous Czech with Synchronization of Channels Recorded by Independent Devices
Czech Technical University in Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC |
Pollak, Senja |
Learning to Mine Definitions from Slovene Structured and Unstructured Knowledge-Rich Resources
University of Ljubljana, SLOVENIA |
Polzehl, Tim |
The Influence of the Utterance Length on the Recognition of Aged Voices
Deutsche Telekom Laboratories / Technical University, Berlin, GERMANY |
Pomikálek, Jan |
A Corpus Factory for Many Languages
Masarykova Univerzita, Brno, CZECH REPUBLIC |
Ponzetto, Simone Paolo |
Extending BART to Provide a Coreference Resolution System for German
Universität Heidelberg, Computational Linguistics Department, GERMANY |
Popescu-Belis, Andrei |
Towards an ISO Standard for Dialogue Act Annotation
IDIAP Research Institute, SWITZERLAND |
Porkaew, Peerachet |
AutoTagTCG : A Framework for Automatic Thai CG Tagging
Potamianos, Alexandros |
BabyExp: Constructing a Huge Multimodal Resource to Acquire Commonsense Knowledge Like Children Do
Chania, GREECE |
Potamitis, Ilyas |
Heterogeneous Sensor Database in Support of Human Behaviour Analysis in Unrestricted Environments: The Audio Part
Technological Educational Institute of Crete, GREECE |
Potthast, Martin |
Corpus and Evaluation Measures for Automatic Plagiarism Detection
Evaluating Humour Features on Web Comments
Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, GERMANY |
Pouchoulin, Gilles |
The DesPho-APaDy Project: Developing an Acoustic-phonetic Characterization of Dysarthric Speech in French
Université d'Avignon, CERI/LIA, FRANCE |
Pouliquen, Bruno |
Adapting a resource-light highly multilingual Named Entity Recognition system to Arabic
Sentiment Analysis in the News
European Commision, Joint Research Centre (JRC), ITALY |
Povlsen, Claus |
Incorporating Speech Synthesis in the Development of a Mobile Platform for e-learning.
University of Copenhagen, CST, DENMARK |
Power, Richard |
A Fact-aligned Corpus of Numerical Expressions
Open University, Department of Computing, UNITED KINGDOM |
Prasad, Rashmi |
Annotation of Discourse Relations for Conversational Spoken Dialogs
Exploiting Scope for Shallow Discourse Parsing
University of Pennsylvania, UNITED STATES |
Pretkalnina, Lauma |
Towards Improving English-Latvian Translation: A System Comparison and a New Rescoring Feature
Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, LATVIA |
Pretorius, Laurette |
Base Concepts in the African Languages Compared to Upper Ontologies and the WordNet Top Ontology
Work on Spoken (Multimodal) Language Corpora in South Africa
University of South Africa, School of Computing, SOUTH AFRICA |
Pretorius, Marthinus W. |
The South African Human Language Technologies Audit
University of Pretoria, Graduate School of Technology Management, SOUTH AFRICA |
Prévot, Laurent |
The OTIM Formal Annotation Model: A Preliminary Step before Annotation Scheme
Université de Provence, LPL, FRANCE |
Priego-Valverde, Béatrice |
The OTIM Formal Annotation Model: A Preliminary Step before Annotation Scheme
Université de Provence, LPL, FRANCE |
Priestley, Joel |
Enhancing Language Resources with Maps
Universitetet i Oslo, Institutt for lingvistiske og nordiske studier, NORWAY |
Prieto González, Sabela |
Towards a Motivated Annotation Schema of Collocation Errors in Learner Corpora
Universidad de Coruña, SPAIN |
Prodanof, Irina |
Annotating Attribution Relations: Towards an Italian Discourse Treebank
Annotating Event Anaphora: A Case Study
Proisl, Thomas |
Using High-Quality Resources in NLP: The Valency Dictionary of English as a Resource for Left-Associative Grammars
Universität Erlangen-Nuremberg, GERMANY |
Przepiórkowski, Adam |
Recent Developments in the National Corpus of Polish
The Design of Syntactic Annotation Levels in the National Corpus of Polish
Towards the Annotation of Named Entities in the National Corpus of Polish
Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Computer Science, POLAND |
Pucher, Michael |
Resources for Speech Synthesis of Viennese Varieties
Telecommunications Research Center Vienna (FTW), AUSTRIA |
Purvis, Tristan |
Error Correction for Arabic Dictionary Lookup
University of Maryland, UNITED STATES |
Pustejovsky, James |
ISO-TimeML: An International Standard for Semantic Annotation
A Road Map for Interoperable Language Resource Metadata
Brandeis University, UNITED STATES |
PVS, Avinesh |
A Corpus Factory for Many Languages
International Institute of Information Technology, INDIA |
Q |
Qian, Ting |
A Python Toolkit for Universal Transliteration
University of Rochester, UNITED STATES |
Quan, Changqin |
Automatic Annotation of Word Emotion in Sentences Based on Ren-CECps
University of Tokushima, JAPAN |
Quaresma, Paulo |
An API for Multi-lingual Ontology Matching
Universidade de Evora, PORTUGAL |
Quarteroni, Silvia |
A Comprehensive Resource to Evaluate Complex Open Domain Question Answering
Università di Trento, Dipartimento Ingegneria e Scienza dell'Informazione, ITALY |
Quasthoff, Uwe |
SentiWS - A Publicly Available German-language Resource for Sentiment Analysis
Automatic Annotation of Co-Occurrence Relations
Universität Leipzig, GERMANY |
Quintard, Ludovic |
Question Answering on Web Data: The QA Evaluation in Quæro
Named and Specific Entity Detection in Varied Data: The Quæro Named Entity Baseline Evaluation
Quixal, Martí |
Language Technology Challenges of a Small Language (Catalan)
Fundacao da Universidade de Lisboa, PORTUGAL |
Quochi, Valeria |
The LREC Map of Language Resources and Technologies
Capturing Coercions in Texts: a First Annotation Exercise
R |
Rabiega-Wiśniewska, Joanna |
Domain-related Annotation of Polish Spoken Dialogue Corpus LUNA.PL
Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Computer Science, POLAND |
Rajnoha, Josef |
Multi-Channel Database of Spontaneous Czech with Synchronization of Channels Recorded by Independent Devices
Czech Technical University in Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC |
Rakho, Myriam |
Evaluating the Impact of Some Linguistic Information on the Performances of a Similarity-based and Translation-oriented Word-Sense Disambiguation Method
Université Paris-Est, FRANCE |
Rambow, Owen |
Morphological Analysis and Generation of Arabic Nouns: A Morphemic Functional Approach
Empty Categories in a Hindi Treebank
Columbia University, UNITED STATES |
Ramisch, Carlos |
mwetoolkit: a Framework for Multiword Expression Identification
Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, BRAZIL |
Randall, Billi |
The Cambridge Cookie-Theft Corpus: A Corpus of Directed and Spontaneous Speech of Brain-Damaged Patients and Healthy Individuals
University of Cambridge, The Centre for Speech, Language and the Brain, UNITED KINGDOM |
Rao, Vikram |
New Tools for Web-Scale N-grams
Cornell University, UNITED STATES |
Ratkovic, Zorana |
Context Fusion: The Role of Discourse Structure and Centering Theory
Libera Università di Bolzano, ITALY |
Rauzy, Stéphane |
The OTIM Formal Annotation Model: A Preliminary Step before Annotation Scheme
Université de Provence, LPL, FRANCE |
Rayner, Manny |
Examining the Effects of Rephrasing User Input on Two Mobile Spoken Language Systems
A Multilingual CALL Game Based on Speech Translation
Université de Genève, TIM/ISSCO, SWITZERLAND |
Raysz, Jean-Pierre |
Named and Specific Entity Detection in Varied Data: The Quæro Named Entity Baseline Evaluation
Jouve, FRANCE |
Raza, Ghulam |
Transliterating Urdu for a Broad-Coverage Urdu/Hindi LFG Grammar
Inferring Subcat Frames of Verbs in Urdu
Konstanz Universität, GERMANY |
R. Costa-jussà, Marta |
Using Linear Interpolation and Weighted Reordering Hypotheses in the Moses System
Automatic and Human Evaluation Study of a Rule-based and a Statistical Catalan-Spanish Machine Translation Systems
Barcelona Media Research Center, SPAIN |
Rebholz-Schuhmann, Dietrich |
The CALBC Silver Standard Corpus for Biomedical Named Entities ― A Study in Harmonizing the Contributions from Four Independent Named Entity Taggers
European Bioinformatics Institute, UNITED KINGDOM |
Recasens, Marta |
A Typology of Near-Identity Relations for Coreference (NIDENT)
CLiC-Universitat de Barcelona, SPAIN |
Recski, Gabor |
NP Alignment in Bilingual Corpora
Hungarian Academy of Sciences, HUNGARY |
Reddy, Siva |
A Corpus Factory for Many Languages
International Institute of Information Technology, INDIA |
Redeker, Gisela |
How Complex is Discourse Structure?
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, NETHERLANDS |
Reese, Samuel |
FreeLing 2.1: Five Years of Open-source Language Processing Tools
Wikicorpus: A Word-Sense Disambiguated Multilingual Wikipedia Corpus
Université Paul Sabatier, IRIT, FRANCE |
Rehbein, Ines |
Theres no Data like More Data? Revisiting the Impact of Data Size on a Classification Task
Universität Saarland, GERMANY |
Reimerink, Arianne |
EcoLexicon: An Environmental TKB
Universidad de Granada, SPAIN |
Reiter, Nils |
Using NLP Methods for the Analysis of Rituals
Universität Heidelberg, Computational Linguistics Department, GERMANY |
Remus, Robert |
SentiWS - A Publicly Available German-language Resource for Sentiment Analysis
Universität Leipzig, GERMANY |
Ren, Fuji |
Automatic Annotation of Word Emotion in Sentences Based on Ren-CECps
University of Tokushima, JAPAN |
Rentoumi, Vassiliki |
United we Stand: Improving Sentiment Analysis by Joining Machine Learning and Rule Based Methods
NCSR Demokritos Institute, GREECE |
Réveil, Bert |
Improving Proper Name Recognition by Adding Automatically Learned Pronunciation Variants to the Lexicon
Hogeschool Gent, ELIS, BELGIUM |
Reyes, Antonio |
Evaluating Humour Features on Web Comments
Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, SPAIN |
Reynaert, Martin |
Balancing SoNaR: IPR versus Processing Issues in a 500-Million-Word Written Dutch Reference Corpus
Universiteit van Tilburg, ILK, NETHERLANDS |
Reynolds, Michael |
Like Finding a Needle in a Haystack: Annotating the American National Corpus for Idiomatic Expressions
Montclair State University, UNITED STATES |
Rey, Véronique |
A Tool for Linking Stems and Conceptual Fragments to Enhance word Access
R. Fonollosa, José A. |
Towards Improving English-Latvian Translation: A System Comparison and a New Rescoring Feature
Using Linear Interpolation and Weighted Reordering Hypotheses in the Moses System
Automatic and Human Evaluation Study of a Rule-based and a Statistical Catalan-Spanish Machine Translation Systems
Riccardi, Giuseppe |
Annotation of Discourse Relations for Conversational Spoken Dialogs
Università di Trento, Dipartimento Ingegneria e Scienza dell'Informazione, ITALY |
Richert, Benoît |
FrameNet Translation Using Bilingual Dictionaries with Evaluation on the English-French Pair
Richter, Frank |
Pattern-Based Extraction of Negative Polarity Items from Dependency-Parsed Text
Universität Tübingen, GERMANY |
Rickinson, Mark |
Evaluating a Text Mining Based Educational Search Portal
University of London, Social Science Research Unit, Institute of Education, UNITED KINGDOM |
Riedhammer, Korbinian |
FAU IISAH Corpus -- A German Speech Database Consisting of Human-Machine and Human-Human Interaction Acquired by Close-Talking and Far-Distance Microphones
Universität Erlangen-Nuremberg, GERMANY |
Riester, Arndt |
A Recursive Annotation Scheme for Referential Information Status
Universität Stuttgart, IMS, GERMANY |
Rietveld, Toni C. M. |
Human Language Technology and Communicative Disabilities: Requirements and Possibilities for the Future
Radboud University Nijmegen, NETHERLANDS |
Rigau, German |
Wikicorpus: A Word-Sense Disambiguated Multilingual Wikipedia Corpus
Exploring Knowledge Bases for Similarity
Integrating a Large Domain Ontology of Species into WordNet
eXtended WordFrameNet
IXA NLP Research Group, SPAIN |
Rilling, Juergen |
Flexible Ontology Population from Text: The OwlExporter
Concordia University, CANADA |
Ringersma, Jacquelijn |
An Evolving eScience Environment for Research Data in Linguistics
Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, NETHERLANDS |
Ringger, Eric |
CCASH: A Web Application Framework for Efficient, Distributed Language Resource Development
Tag Dictionaries Accelerate Manual Annotation
Brigham Young University, UNITED STATES |
Rizzolo, Nick |
Learning Based Java for Rapid Development of NLP Systems
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, UNITED STATES |
Robaldo, Livio |
Corpus-based Semantics of Concession: Where do Expectations Come from?
Università degli Studi di Torino, Dipartimento Di Informatica, ITALY |
Robba, Isabelle |
A Corpus for Studying Full Answer Justification
Robert, Danièle |
The DesPho-APaDy Project: Developing an Acoustic-phonetic Characterization of Dysarthric Speech in French
Université Aix-Marseille, Laboratoire Parole et Langage, FRANCE |
Roberts, Dave |
From XML to XML: The Why and How of Making the Biodiversity Literature Accessible to Researchers
The Natural History Museum, London, UNITED KINGDOM |
Roberts, Kirk |
C-3: Coherence and Coreference Corpus
A Linguistic Resource for Semantic Parsing of Motion Events
Robinson, Susan |
Dialogues in Context: An Objective User-Oriented Evaluation Approach for Virtual Human Dialogue
University of Southern California, Institute for Creative Technologies, UNITED STATES |
Rodrigo, Álvaro |
GikiCLEF: Crosscultural Issues in Multilingual Information Access
Evaluating Multilingual Question Answering Systems at CLEF
Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED), Madrid, SPAIN |
Rodrigues, Paul |
Error Correction for Arabic Dictionary Lookup
University of Maryland, UNITED STATES |
Rodríguez, Carlos |
Language Technology Challenges of a Small Language (Catalan)
Fundació Barcelona Media, SPAIN |
Rodríguez-Fuentes, Luis Javier |
KALAKA: A TV Broadcast Speech Database for the Evaluation of Language Recognition Systems
Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, SPAIN |
Rodríguez, Horacio |
ADN-Classifier:Automatically Assigning Denotation Types to Nominalizations
Finding Domain Terms using Wikipedia
Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña, SPAIN |
Rodríguez, Kepa Joseba |
Anaphoric Annotation of Wikipedia and Blogs in the Live Memories Corpus
Università di Trento, ITALY |
Rodríguez, Víctor |
A Case Study on Interoperability for Language Resources and Applications
Universitat Pompeu Fabra, SPAIN |
Rodríguez, W.-Ricardo |
The Alborada-I3A Corpus of Disordered Speech
University of Zaragoza, SPAIN |
Roeder, Christophe |
Test Suite Design for Biomedical Ontology Concept Recognition Systems
University of Colorado School of Medicine, Center for Computational Pharmacology, UNITED STATES |
Rollet, Nicolas |
CINEMO ― A French Spoken Language Resource for Complex Emotions: Facts and Baselines
Romano, Sara |
New Features in Spoken Language Search Hawk (SpLaSH): Query Language and Query Sequence
Università Federico II di Napoli, SECLAB, Department of Computer and System Science, ITALY |
Romary, Laurent |
ISO-TimeML: An International Standard for Semantic Annotation
MLIF : A Metamodel to Represent and Exchange Multilingual Textual Information
Towards an ISO Standard for Dialogue Act Annotation
GRISP: A Massive Multilingual Terminological Database for Scientific and Technical Domains
Rood, Travis |
Number or Nuance: Which Factors Restrict Reliable Word Sense Annotation?
University of Colorado, UNITED STATES |
Roque, Antonio |
Dialogues in Context: An Objective User-Oriented Evaluation Approach for Virtual Human Dialogue
University of Southern California, Institute for Creative Technologies, UNITED STATES |
Rosell, Magnus |
Text Cluster Trimming for Better Descriptions and Improved Quality
Rosenthal, Sara |
Towards Semi-Automated Annotation for Prepositional Phrase Attachment
Columbia University, UNITED STATES |
Rosner, Mike |
Automatic Grammar Rule Extraction and Ranking for Definitions
University of Malta, MALTA |
Rosset, Sophie |
Question Answering on Web Data: The QA Evaluation in Quæro
Named and Specific Entity Detection in Varied Data: The Quæro Named Entity Baseline Evaluation
MACAQ : A Multi Annotated Corpus to Study how we Adapt Answers to Various Questions
Evaluation Protocol and Tools for Question-Answering on Speech Transcripts
On the Role of Discourse Markers in Interactive Spoken Question Answering Systems
A Question-answer Distance Measure to Investigate QA System Progress
Hybrid Citation Extraction from Patents
Rosso, Paolo |
English-Spanish Large Statistical Dictionary of Inflectional Forms
Corpus and Evaluation Measures for Automatic Plagiarism Detection
Evaluation Protocol and Tools for Question-Answering on Speech Transcripts
Personal Sense and Idiolect: Combining Authorship Attribution and Opinion Analysis
Evaluating Humour Features on Web Comments
Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Departamento de Sistemas Informáticos y Computación, SPAIN |
Roth, Dan |
Learning Based Java for Rapid Development of NLP Systems
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, UNITED STATES |
Rouas, Jean-Luc |
Comparison of Spectral Properties of Read, Prepared and Casual Speech in French
Roux, Justus |
Incorporating Speech Synthesis in the Development of a Mobile Platform for e-learning.
North-West University, SOUTH AFRICA |
Roventini, Adriana |
Lexical Semantic Resources in a Terminological Network
Ruangrajitpakorn, Taneth |
AutoTagTCG : A Framework for Automatic Thai CG Tagging
Ruef, Beni |
Challenges in Building a Multilingual Alpine Heritage Corpus
Universität Zürich, SWITZERLAND |
Ruela, Lurdes |
Like Finding a Needle in a Haystack: Annotating the American National Corpus for Idiomatic Expressions
Montclair State University, UNITED STATES |
Ruiter, Marina B. |
Human Language Technology and Communicative Disabilities: Requirements and Possibilities for the Future
Sint Maartenskliniek Research, Development & Education, NETHERLANDS |
Ruiz-Martínez, Juana María |
An Annotated Dataset for Extracting Definitions and Hypernyms from the Web
Facultad de Informática, Campus de Espinardo, SPAIN |
Rung, András |
NP Alignment in Bilingual Corpora
Budapest University of Technology and Economics, HUNGARY |
Ruppenhofer, Josef |
Speaker Attribution in Cabinet Protocols
Generating FrameNets of Various Granularities: The FrameNet Transformer
Theres no Data like More Data? Revisiting the Impact of Data Size on a Classification Task
Universität Saarland, GERMANY |
Russel, Albert |
ELAN as Flexible Annotation Framework for Sound and Image Processing Detectors
Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, NETHERLANDS |
Russo, Irene |
The LREC Map of Language Resources and Technologies
Discovering Polarity for Ambiguous and Objective Adjectives through Adverbial Modification
Rytting, C. Anton |
Error Correction for Arabic Dictionary Lookup
University of Maryland, UNITED STATES |
S |
Sacaleanu, Bogdan |
Speech Grammars for Textual Entailment Patterns in Multimodal Question Answering
Sagae, Kenji |
Practical Evaluation of Speech Recognizers for Virtual Human Dialogue Systems
University of Southern California, Institute for Creative Technologies, UNITED STATES |
Saggion, Horacio |
NLP Resources for the Analysis of Patient/Therapist Interviews
Interpreting SentiWordNet for Opinion Classification
Universitat Pompeu Fabra, SPAIN |
Sagot, Benoît |
A Lexicon of French Quotation Verbs for Automatic Quotation Extraction
A Morphological Lexicon for the Persian Language
The Lefff, a Freely Available and Large-coverage Morphological and Syntactic Lexicon for French
Saha, Sriparna |
Maximum Entropy Classifier Ensembling using Genetic Algorithm for NER in Bengali
Universität Heidelberg, GERMANY |
Saint Dizier, Patrick |
Towards Building Annotated Resources for Analyzing Opinions and Argumentation in News Editorials
Université Paul Sabatier, IRIT, FRANCE |
Sainz, Iñaki |
TTS Evaluation Campaign with a Common Spanish Database
AhoTransf: A Tool for Multiband Excitation Based Speech Analysis and Modification
Modified LTSE-VAD Algorithm for Applications Requiring Reduced Silence Frame Misclassification
Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, SPAIN |
Sakamoto, Akiko |
Utilizing Semantic Equivalence Classes of Japanese Functional Expressions in Translation Rule Acquisition from Parallel Patent Sentences
University of Tsukuba, JAPAN |
Saleh, Ibrahim |
Morphological Analysis and Generation of Arabic Nouns: A Morphemic Functional Approach
American University in Cairo, EGYPT |
Sales Dias, Miguel |
Building High Quality Databases for Minority Languages such as Galician
Microsoft Portugal, PORTUGAL |
Sallandre, Marie-Anne |
The Creagest Project: a Digitized and Annotated Corpus for French Sign Language (LSF) and Natural Gestural Languages
Université Paris 8 Saint Denis, FRANCE |
Salleb-Aoussi, Ansaf |
Word Sense Annotation of Polysemous Words by Multiple Annotators
Columbia University, UNITED STATES |
Samlowski, Barbara |
DiSCo - A German Evaluation Corpus for Challenging Problems in the Broadcast Domain
Fraunhofer IAIS, GERMANY |
Samuel, Kenneth |
Improving Personal Name Search in the TIGR System
Sanchez, Jon |
AhoTransf: A Tool for Multiband Excitation Based Speech Analysis and Modification
Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, SPAIN |
Sánchez-Marco, Cristina |
Annotation and Representation of a Diachronic Corpus of Spanish
Universitat Pompeu Fabra, SPAIN |
Sanders, Eric |
The VeteranTapes: Research Corpus, Fragment Processing Tool, and Enhanced Publications for the e-Humanities
Radboud University Nijmegen, CLST, NETHERLANDS |
Sangal, Rajeev |
Grammar Extraction from Treebanks for Hindi and Telugu
Language Technologies Research Centre, IIIT, Hyderabad, INDIA |
Sangati, Federico |
Efficiently Extract Rrecurring Tree Fragments from Large Treebanks
University of Amsterdam, Institute for Logic Language and Computation, NETHERLANDS |
Sanromà, Roser |
The Database of Catalan Adjectives
Institut d'Estudis Catalans, SPAIN |
Santamaría, Juan J. |
The PlayMancer Database: A Multimodal Affect Database in Support of Research and Development Activities in Serious Game Environment
University Hospital of Bellvitge, Department of Psychiatry, SPAIN |
Santos, André |
Bigorna -- A Toolkit for Orthography Migration Challenges
Universidade do Minho, PORTUGAL |
Santos, Diana |
GikiCLEF: Crosscultural Issues in Multilingual Information Access
Second HAREM: Advancing the State of the Art of Named Entity Recognition in Portuguese
Experiments in Human-computer Cooperation for the Semantic Annotation of Portuguese Corpora
Sao, Chitose |
Annotating Event Mentions in Text with Modality, Focus, and Source Information
Nara Institute of Science and Technology, JAPAN |
Saralegi, Xabier |
Dictionary and Monolingual Corpus-based Query Translation for Basque-English CLIR
Elhuyar Fundazioa, SPAIN |
Saratxaga, Ibon |
AhoTransf: A Tool for Multiband Excitation Based Speech Analysis and Modification
Modified LTSE-VAD Algorithm for Applications Requiring Reduced Silence Frame Misclassification
Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, SPAIN |
Sasaki, Minoru |
Detection of Peculiar Examples using LOF and One Class SVM
Ibaraki University, JAPAN |
Sassi, Manuela |
A Digital Archive of Research Papers in Computer Science
Sassolini, Eva |
Cultural Heritage: Knowledge Extraction from Web Documents
SATO, Hiroaki |
How FrameSQL Shows the Japanese FrameNet Data
Senshu University, JAPAN |
Sato, Satoshi |
A Person-Name Filter for Automatic Compilation of Bilingual Person-Name Lexicons
Nagoya University, JAPAN |
Saurí, Roser |
Language Technology Challenges of a Small Language (Catalan)
Fundació Barcelona Media, SPAIN |
Savary, Agata |
Towards the Annotation of Named Entities in the National Corpus of Polish
Université de Tours, FRANCE |
Savas, Bora |
An LMF-based Web Service for Accessing WordNet-type Semantic Lexicons
Osaka University, JAPAN |
Savchuk, Svetlana |
Design and Data Collection for the Accentological Corpus of the Russian Language
Russian Academy of Science, Institute of Russian Language, RUSSIAN FEDERATION |
Savy, Renata |
Pr.A.Ti.D: A Coding Scheme for Pragmatic Annotation of Dialogues.
Università degli Studi di Salerno, Department of Linguistic and Literary Studies, ITALY |
Sawalha, Majdi |
Fine-Grain Morphological Analyzer and Part-of-Speech Tagger for Arabic Text
Constructing and Using Broad-coverage Lexical Resource for Enhancing Morphological Analysis of Arabic
University of Leeds, UNITED KINGDOM |
Saykham, Kwanchiva |
Online Temporal Language Model Adaptation for a Thai Broadcast News Transcription System
National Electronics and Computer Technology Center, THAILAND |
Saz, Oscar |
The Alborada-I3A Corpus of Disordered Speech
University of Zaragoza, SPAIN |
Scagliola, Stef |
The VeteranTapes: Research Corpus, Fragment Processing Tool, and Enhanced Publications for the e-Humanities
Veterans Institute, centre for knowledge and expertise, NETHERLANDS |
Scarpato, Noemi |
Maskkot ― An Entity-centric Annotation Platform
Università di Roma Tor Vergata, ITALY |
Scerri, Simon |
Classifying Action Items for Semantic Email
National University of Ireland, Digital Enterprise Research Institute, Galway, IRELAND |
Schabus, Dietmar |
Resources for Speech Synthesis of Viennese Varieties
Telecommunications Research Center Vienna (FTW), AUSTRIA |
Schäfer, Ulrich |
Towards an Integrated Architecture for Composite Language Services and Multiple Linguistic Processing Components
Scheck, Andreas |
Towards Investigating Effective Affective Dialogue Strategies
Universität Ulm, GERMANY |
Scheible, Christian |
An Evaluation of Predicate Argument Clustering using Pseudo-Disambiguation
Universität Stuttgart, GERMANY |
Scheler, David |
WTIMIT: The TIMIT Speech Corpus Transmitted Over The 3G AMR Wideband Mobile Network
Technical University Braunschweig, GERMANY |
Scherer, Stefan |
Developing an Expressive Speech Labeling Tool Incorporating the Temporal Characteristics of Emotion
An Open Source Process Engine Framework for Realtime Pattern Recognition and Information Fusion Tasks
Evaluation of the PIT Corpus Or What a Difference a Face Makes?
Universität Ulm, GERMANY |
Scheutz, Matthias |
The Indiana ``Cooperative Remote Search Task"" (CReST) Corpus
Indiana University, UNITED STATES |
Schickbichler, Martin |
Example-Based Automatic Phonetic Transcription
Technische Universität Graz, AUSTRIA |
Schiel, Florian |
BAStat : New Statistical Resources at the Bavarian Archive for Speech Signals
Schmid, Helmut |
Design and Application of a Gold Standard for Morphological Analysis: SMOR as an Example of Morphological Evaluation
A Corpus Representation Format for Linguistic Web Services: The D-SPIN Text Corpus Format and its Relationship with ISO Standards
Universität Stuttgart, IMS, GERMANY |
Schmidt, Thomas |
FOLKER: An Annotation Tool for Efficient Transcription of Natural, Multi-party Interaction
Universität Hamburg, GERMANY |
Schmitt, Alexander |
WITcHCRafT: A Workbench for Intelligent exploraTion of Human ComputeR conversaTions
The Influence of the Utterance Length on the Recognition of Aged Voices
Efficient Spoken Dialogue Domain Representation and Interpretation
Universität Ulm, GERMANY |
Schneider, Daniel |
ELAN as Flexible Annotation Framework for Sound and Image Processing Detectors
DiSCo - A German Evaluation Corpus for Challenging Problems in the Broadcast Domain
Fraunhofer IAIS, GERMANY |
Scholtz, Pieter |
Incorporating Speech Synthesis in the Development of a Mobile Platform for e-learning.
Stellenbosch University, SOUTH AFRICA |
Schone, Patrick |
An Evaluation of Technologies for Knowledge Base Population
US Department of Defense, UNITED STATES |
Schraagen, Marijn |
Evaluating Repetitions, or how to Improve your Multilingual ASR System by doing Nothing
Universiteit Utrecht, NETHERLANDS |
Schrag, Robert |
The DARPA Machine Reading Program - Encouraging Linguistic and Reasoning Research with a Series of Reading Tasks
Schreer, Oliver |
ELAN as Flexible Annotation Framework for Sound and Image Processing Detectors
Fraunhofer HHI, GERMANY |
Schröder, Marc |
Multilingual Voice Creation Toolkit for the MARY TTS Platform
Schroeder, Elizabeth |
Improving Personal Name Search in the TIGR System
Schuchmann, Gudrun |
Resources for Speech Synthesis of Viennese Varieties
Telecommunications Research Center Vienna (FTW), AUSTRIA |
Schuller, Björn |
CINEMO ― A French Spoken Language Resource for Complex Emotions: Facts and Baselines
Schulte im Walde, Sabine |
BabyExp: Constructing a Huge Multimodal Resource to Acquire Commonsense Knowledge Like Children Do
Comparing Computational Models of Selectional Preferences - Second-order Co-Occurrence vs. Latent Semantic Clusters
Universität Stuttgart, GERMANY |
Schultze, Michael |
The POETICON Corpus: Capturing Language Use and Sensorimotor Experience in Everyday Interaction
Max Planck Institute of Biological Cybernetics, GERMANY |
Schulz, Julia |
GikiCLEF: Crosscultural Issues in Multilingual Information Access
Universität Hildesheim, GERMANY |
Schulz, Julia Maria |
Multilingual Corpus Development for Opinion Mining
Universität Hildesheim, GERMANY |
Schuth, Anne |
DutchParl. The Parliamentary Documents in Dutch
Universiteit van Amsterdam, NETHERLANDS |
Schütte, Wilfried |
FOLKER: An Annotation Tool for Efficient Transcription of Natural, Multi-party Interaction
Institut für Deutsche Sprache, Mannheim, GERMANY |
Schütze, Hinrich |
Identification of Rare & Novel Senses Using Translations in a Parallel Corpus
BabyExp: Constructing a Huge Multimodal Resource to Acquire Commonsense Knowledge Like Children Do
Building a Cross-lingual Relatedness Thesaurus using a Graph Similarity Measure
Fine-Grained Geographical Relation Extraction from Wikipedia
Universität Stuttgart, GERMANY |
Schuurman, Ineke |
Interacting Semantic Layers of Annotation in SoNaR, a Reference Corpus of Contemporary Written Dutch
Cultural Aspects of Spatiotemporal Analysis in Multilingual Applications
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, CCL, BELGIUM |
Schwarz, Richard |
Identification of Rare & Novel Senses Using Translations in a Parallel Corpus
Universität Stuttgart, GERMANY |
Schwenker, Friedhelm |
An Open Source Process Engine Framework for Realtime Pattern Recognition and Information Fusion Tasks
Universität Ulm, Institute of Neural Information Processing, GERMANY |
Schwenninger, Jochen |
DiSCo - A German Evaluation Corpus for Challenging Problems in the Broadcast Domain
Fraunhofer IAIS, GERMANY |
Sebastiani, Fabrizio |
SentiWordNet 3.0: An Enhanced Lexical Resource for Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining
Seddah, Djamé |
Exploring the Spinal-STIG Model for Parsing French
Seemann, Nina |
A Recursive Annotation Scheme for Referential Information Status
Universität Stuttgart, IMS, GERMANY |
Segers, Roxane |
Facilitating Non-expert Users of the KYOTO Platform: the TMEKO Editing Protocol for Synset to Ontology Mappings
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, NETHERLANDS |
Segouat, Jérémie |
Sign Language Corpora for Analysis, Processing and Evaluation
Sekine, Satoshi |
Ngram Search Engine with Patterns Combining Token, POS, Chunk and NE Information
New Tools for Web-Scale N-grams
University of New York, UNITED STATES |
Seljan, Sanja |
Corpus Aligner (CorAl) Evaluation on English-Croatian Parallel Corpora
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Information Sciences, CROATIA |
Semmar, Nasredine |
LIMA : A Multilingual Framework for Linguistic Analysis and Linguistic Resources Development and Evaluation
MLIF : A Metamodel to Represent and Exchange Multilingual Textual Information
Senay, Grégory |
Transcriber Driving Strategies for Transcription Aid System
Université d'Avignon, LIA, FRANCE |
Seneff, Stephanie |
Collecting Voices from the Cloud
MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab, UNITED STATES |
Seng, Somara |
OAL: A NLP Architecture to Improve the Development of Linguistic Resources for NLP
A French Human Reference Corpus for Multi-Document Summarization and Sentence Compression
Syllabs, FRANCE |
Seppi, Kevin |
CCASH: A Web Application Framework for Efficient, Distributed Language Resource Development
Tag Dictionaries Accelerate Manual Annotation
Brigham Young University, UNITED STATES |
Seretan, Violeta |
FipsRomanian: Towards a Romanian Version of the Fips Syntactic Parser
A Recursive Treatment of Collocations
Université de Genève, Département de Linguistique, SWITZERLAND |
Serrano, Nicolas |
The RODRIGO Database
Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, SPAIN |
Ševčíková, Magda |
Annotation of Morphological Meanings of Verbs Revisited
Charles University in Prague, MFF, UFAL, CZECH REPUBLIC |
Shafto, Meredith |
The Cambridge Cookie-Theft Corpus: A Corpus of Directed and Spontaneous Speech of Brain-Damaged Patients and Healthy Individuals
University of Cambridge, The Centre for Speech, Language and the Brain, UNITED KINGDOM |
Shaikh, Samira |
MPC: A Multi-Party Chat Corpus for Modeling Social Phenomena in Discourse
University at Albany, SUNY, UNITED STATES |
Shamsfard, Mehrnoush |
Extracting Lexico-conceptual Knowledge for Developing Persian WordNet
STeP-1: A Set of Fundamental Tools for Persian Text Processing
Shahid Beheshti University, NLP Research Lab, IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF |
Sharaf, Abdul-Baquee M. |
Syntactic Annotation Guidelines for the Quranic Arabic Dependency Treebank
University of Leeds, UNITED KINGDOM |
Sharma, Dipti Misra |
Empty Categories in a Hindi Treebank
A High Recall Error Identification Tool for Hindi Treebank Validation
Partial Parsing as a Method to Expedite Dependency Annotation of a Hindi Treebank
International Institute of Information Technology, INDIA |
Sharma Grover, Aditi |
The South African Human Language Technologies Audit
Meraka Institute, CSIR, SOUTH AFRICA |
Sharoff, Serge |
The Web Library of Babel: evaluating genre collections
University of Leeds, UNITED KINGDOM |
Shibuki, Hideyuki |
Construction of Text Summarization Corpus for the Credibility of Information on the Web
Yokohama National University, JAPAN |
Shimanouchi, Ran |
Utilizing Semantic Equivalence Classes of Japanese Functional Expressions in Translation Rule Acquisition from Parallel Patent Sentences
University of Tsukuba, JAPAN |
Shinnou, Hiroyuki |
Detection of Peculiar Examples using LOF and One Class SVM
Ibaraki University, JAPAN |
Shirokov, Fabian |
Speaker Attribution in Cabinet Protocols
Universität Saarland, GERMANY |
Shi, Ying |
Multilingual Question Generation
Language Computer Corporation, UNITED STATES |
Shutova, Ekaterina |
Metaphor Corpus Annotated for Source - Target Domain Mappings
University of Cambridge, UNITED KINGDOM |
Siddharthan, Advaith |
Corpora for the Conceptualisation and Zoning of Scientific Papers
University of Aberdeen, UNITED KINGDOM |
Sidorov, Grigori |
English-Spanish Large Statistical Dictionary of Inflectional Forms
Siegel, Samantha |
Like Finding a Needle in a Haystack: Annotating the American National Corpus for Idiomatic Expressions
Montclair State University, UNITED STATES |
Siegert, Ingo |
Developing an Expressive Speech Labeling Tool Incorporating the Temporal Characteristics of Emotion
Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg, GERMANY |
Sikveland, Rein Ove |
Spontal-N: A Corpus of Interactional Spoken Norwegian
University of Sheffield, UNITED KINGDOM |
Silber-Varod, Vered |
Lexicon Design for Transcription of Spontaneous Voice Messages
ACLP ― Afeka Center for Language Processing, Afeka College of Engineering, ISRAEL |
Silva, João |
Top-Performing Robust Constituency Parsing of Portuguese: Freely Available in as Many Ways as you Can Get it
Developing a Deep Linguistic Databank Supporting a Collection of Treebanks: the CINTIL DeepGramBank
Universidade de Lisboa, PORTUGAL |
Silva, Pedro |
Building High Quality Databases for Minority Languages such as Galician
Microsoft Portugal, PORTUGAL |
Silveira, Sara |
Developing a Deep Linguistic Databank Supporting a Collection of Treebanks: the CINTIL DeepGramBank
Universidade de Lisboa, PORTUGAL |
Silverstein, Rachel |
Like Finding a Needle in a Haystack: Annotating the American National Corpus for Idiomatic Expressions
Montclair State University, UNITED STATES |
Simi, Maria |
Comparing the Influence of Different Treebank Annotations on Dependency Parsing
A Resource and Tool for Super-sense Tagging of Italian Texts
Active Learning for Building a Corpus of Questions for Parsing
Università di Pisa, Dipartimento di Informatica, ITALY |
Simms, Brian |
ANC2Go: A Web Application for Customized Corpus Creation
Vassar College, UNITED STATES |
Simões, Alberto |
Bigorna -- A Toolkit for Orthography Migration Challenges
Processing and Extracting Data from Dicionário Aberto
Escola Superior de Estudos Industriais e de Gestão, Instituto Politécnico do Porto, PORTUGAL |
Simov, Kiril |
Exploring Co-Reference Chains for Concept Annotation of Domain Texts
Constructing of an Ontology-based Lexicon for Bulgarian
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, BULGARIA |
Simpson, Heather |
An Evaluation of Technologies for Knowledge Base Population
The DARPA Machine Reading Program - Encouraging Linguistic and Reasoning Research with a Series of Reading Tasks
Wikipedia and the Web of Confusable Entities: Experience from Entity Linking Query Creation for TAC 2009 Knowledge Base Population
Šindlerová, Jana |
Building a Bilingual ValLex Using Treebank Token Alignment: First Observations
Charles University in Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC |
Singh, Anil Kumar |
An Integrated Digital Tool for Accessing Language Resources
Grammar Extraction from Treebanks for Hindi and Telugu
Language Technologies Research Centre, IIIT, Hyderabad, INDIA |
Skadina, Inguna |
Towards Improving English-Latvian Translation: A System Comparison and a New Rescoring Feature
Resource and Service Centres as the Backbone for a Sustainable Service Infrastructure
Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, LATVIA |
Skalban, Yvonne |
GikiCLEF: Crosscultural Issues in Multilingual Information Access
University of Wolverhampton, UNITED KINGDOM |
Skrelin, Pavel |
A Fully Annotated Corpus of Russian Speech
Saint-Petersburg State University, Department of Phonetics, RUSSIAN FEDERATION |
Sloetjes, Han |
ELAN as Flexible Annotation Framework for Sound and Image Processing Detectors
LAT Bridge: Bridging Tools for Annotation and Exploration of Rich Linguistic Data
Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, NETHERLANDS |
Smrz, Pavel |
A New Approach to Pseudoword Generation
Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Informatics, CZECH REPUBLIC |
Šnajder, Jan |
Corpus Aligner (CorAl) Evaluation on English-Croatian Parallel Corpora
University of Zagreb, Knowledge Technologies Laboratory, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, CROATIA |
Snoeren, Natalie D. |
The Study of Writing Variants in an Under-resourced Language: Some Evidence from Mobile N-Deletion in Luxembourgish
Soare, Gabriela |
FipsRomanian: Towards a Romanian Version of the Fips Syntactic Parser
Université de Genève, Département de Linguistique, SWITZERLAND |
Sominsky, Igor |
The ConceptMapper Approach to Named Entity Recognition
Song, Yan |
How Large a Corpus Do We Need: Statistical Method Versus Rule-based Method
City University of Hong Kong, HONG KONG |
Song, Zhiyi |
Enhanced Infrastructure for Creation and Collection of Translation Resources
Sonntag, Daniel |
Speech Grammars for Textual Entailment Patterns in Multimodal Question Answering
Soria, Claudia |
Preparing the field for an Open Resource Infrastructure: the role of the FLaReNet Network of Excellence
The LREC Map of Language Resources and Technologies
Towards an ISO Standard for Dialogue Act Annotation
An LMF-based Web Service for Accessing WordNet-type Semantic Lexicons
Sornlertlamvanich, Virach |
Language Resource Management System for Asian WordNet Collaboration and Its Web Service Application
National Electronics and Computer Technology Center, THAILAND |
Soroa, Aitor |
Exploring Knowledge Bases for Similarity
Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, SPAIN |
Sowa, Timo |
DICIT: Evaluation of a Distant-talking Speech Interface for Television
Amuser, Torino, ITALY |
Spada, Danilo |
A Study of the Influence of Speech Type on Automatic Language Recognition Performance
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, SPAIN |
Spadoni, Giovanni |
Lexical Semantic Resources in a Terminological Network
S. Spadoni s.r.l. Shipping Agency, ITALY |
Specia, Lucia |
A Dataset for Assessing Machine Translation Evaluation Metrics
University of Wolverhampton, UNITED KINGDOM |
Speranza, Manuela |
Entity Mention Detection using a Combination of Redundancy-Driven Classifiers
Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento, ITALY |
Spiegl, Werner |
FAU IISAH Corpus -- A German Speech Database Consisting of Human-Machine and Human-Human Interaction Acquired by Close-Talking and Far-Distance Microphones
Universität Erlangen-Nuremberg, GERMANY |
Spilková, Helena |
The Kachna L1/L2 Picture Replication Corpus
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NORWAY |
Spina, Stefania |
The Dictionary of Italian Collocations: Design and Integration in an Online Learning Environment
University for Foreigners Perugia, ITALY |
Sporleder, Caroline |
Speaker Attribution in Cabinet Protocols
Idioms in Context: The IDIX Corpus
Constructing a Textual Semantic Relation Corpus Using a Discourse Treebank
Universität Saarland, GERMANY |
Spousta, Miroslav |
Building a Web Corpus of Czech
Charles University in Prague, MFF, UFAL, CZECH REPUBLIC |
Spoustová, Drahomíra ""johanka"" |
Building a Web Corpus of Czech
Charles University in Prague, MFF, UFAL, CZECH REPUBLIC |
Spreyer, Kathrin |
Training Parsers on Partial Trees: A Cross-language Comparison
Universität Potsdam, GERMANY |
Sproat, Richard |
A Python Toolkit for Universal Transliteration
Oregon Health and Science University, UNITED STATES |
Spyns, Peter |
Flemish-Dutch HLT Policy: Evolving to New Forms of Collaboration
Nederlandse Taalunie, NETHERLANDS |
Stanković, Ranka |
GIS Application Improvement with Multilingual Lexical and Terminological Resources
A Description of Morphological Features of Serbian: a Revision using Feature System Declaration
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, SERBIA |
Ştefănescu, Dan |
A Differential Semantics Approach to the Annotation of Synsets in WordNet
RACAI, Romanian Academy Bucharest, ROMANIA |
Stegmann, Joachim |
A Database of Age and Gender Annotated Telephone Speech
Deutsche Telekom Labs, GERMANY |
Steidl, Stefan |
FAU IISAH Corpus -- A German Speech Database Consisting of Human-Machine and Human-Human Interaction Acquired by Close-Talking and Far-Distance Microphones
Universität Erlangen-Nuremberg, GERMANY |
Stein, Achim |
Identification of Rare & Novel Senses Using Translations in a Parallel Corpus
Universität Stuttgart, GERMANY |
Stein, Benno |
Corpus and Evaluation Measures for Automatic Plagiarism Detection
Evaluating Humour Features on Web Comments
Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, GERMANY |
Steinberger, Ralf |
Adapting a resource-light highly multilingual Named Entity Recognition system to Arabic
Sentiment Analysis in the News
European Commision, Joint Research Centre (JRC), ITALY |
Stein-Sparvieri, Elena |
NLP Resources for the Analysis of Patient/Therapist Interviews
Universidad de Ciencias Sociales y Empresariales, Instituto de Altos Estudios en Psicología y Ciencias Sociales, ARGENTINA |
Stellato, Armando |
Maskkot ― An Entity-centric Annotation Platform
Università di Roma Tor Vergata, ITALY |
Stemle, Egon W. |
Anaphoric Annotation of Wikipedia and Blogs in the Live Memories Corpus
Università di Trento, ITALY |
Štěpánek, Jan |
Querying Diverse Treebanks in a Uniform Way
Ways of Evaluation of the Annotators in Building the Prague Czech-English Dependency Treebank
Charles University in Prague, MFF, UFAL, CZECH REPUBLIC |
Stephanie, Strassel |
A Very Large Scale Mandarin Chinese Broadcast Corpus for GALE Project
LDC / University of Pennsylvania, UNITED STATES |
Stern, Asher |
A Resource for Investigating the Impact of Anaphora and Coreference on Inference.
Bar-Ilan University, ISRAEL |
Stern, Rosa |
A Lexicon of French Quotation Verbs for Automatic Quotation Extraction
Stevenson, Mark |
Inter-sentential Relations in Information Extraction Corpora
University of Sheffield, DCS, UNITED KINGDOM |
Stevenson, Suzanne |
Automatically Identifying Changes in the Semantic Orientation of Words
University of Toronto, CANADA |
Stewart, Avaré |
Cross-Corpus Textual Entailment for Sublanguage Analysis in Epidemic Intelligence
L3S Research Center, GERMANY |
Stock, Oliviero |
Evaluation Metrics for Persuasive NLP with Google AdWords
Predicting Persuasiveness in Political Discourses
Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento, ITALY |
Stoermer, Heiko |
Maskkot ― An Entity-centric Annotation Platform
Università di Trento, ITALY |
Stoyanchev, Svetlana |
Constructing the CODA Corpus: A Parallel Corpus of Monologues and Expository Dialogues
Open University, UNITED KINGDOM |
Straková, Jana |
Czech Information Retrieval with Syntax-based Language Models
Charles University in Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC |
Straňák, Pavel |
Data Issues in English-to-Hindi Machine Translation
Charles University in Prague, MFF, UFAL, CZECH REPUBLIC |
Strapparava, Carlo |
Evaluation Metrics for Persuasive NLP with Google AdWords
Studying the Lexicon of Dialogue Acts
Predicting Persuasiveness in Political Discourses
Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento, ITALY |
Strassel, Stephanie |
Enhanced Infrastructure for Creation and Collection of Translation Resources
The DARPA Machine Reading Program - Encouraging Linguistic and Reasoning Research with a Series of Reading Tasks
Wikipedia and the Web of Confusable Entities: Experience from Entity Linking Query Creation for TAC 2009 Knowledge Base Population
Strassel, Stephanie M. |
An Evaluation of Technologies for Knowledge Base Population
Enriching Word Alignment with Linguistic Tags
Transcription Methods for Consistency, Volume and Efficiency
Strauß, Petra-Maria |
Evaluation of the PIT Corpus Or What a Difference a Face Makes?
Universität Ulm, Institute for Information Technology, GERMANY |
Street, Laura |
Like Finding a Needle in a Haystack: Annotating the American National Corpus for Idiomatic Expressions
Montclair State University, UNITED STATES |
Striegnitz, Kristina |
The GIVE-2 Corpus of Giving Instructions in Virtual Environments
Union College, UNITED STATES |
Strik, Helmer |
Human Language Technology and Communicative Disabilities: Requirements and Possibilities for the Future
Radboud University Nijmegen, NETHERLANDS |
Stromer-Galley, Jennifer |
MPC: A Multi-Party Chat Corpus for Modeling Social Phenomena in Discourse
University at Albany, SUNY, UNITED STATES |
Strom, Volker |
Resources for Speech Synthesis of Viennese Varieties
The Centre for Speech Technology Research (CSTR), UNITED KINGDOM |
Strönbergsson, Sofia |
Spontal: A Swedish Spontaneous Dialogue Corpus of Audio, Video and Motion Capture
KTH Speech Music and Hearing, SWEDEN |
Strube, Michael |
WikiNet: A Very Large Scale Multi-Lingual Concept Network
EML Research gGmbH, GERMANY |
Strunk, Jan |
Enriching a Treebank to Investigate Relative Clause Extraposition in German
Ruhr-Universität Bochum, GERMANY |
Strzalkowski, Tomek |
MPC: A Multi-Party Chat Corpus for Modeling Social Phenomena in Discourse
University at Albany, SUNY, UNITED STATES |
Stymne, Sara |
Using a Grammar Checker for Evaluation and Postprocessing of Statistical Machine Translation
Linkoping University, SWEDEN |
Suderman, Keith |
ANC2Go: A Web Application for Customized Corpus Creation
Vassar College, UNITED STATES |
Sugimoto, Shigeo |
Automatic Term Recognition Based on the Statistical Differences of Relative Frequencies in Different Corpora
University of Tsukuba, Graduate School of Library Information and Media Studies, JAPAN |
Sukkarieh, Jana Z. |
Building a Textual Entailment Suite for the Evaluation of Automatic Content Scoring Technologies
Educational Testing Service, UNITED STATES |
Sulger, Sebastian |
Transliterating Urdu for a Broad-Coverage Urdu/Hindi LFG Grammar
Konstanz Universität, GERMANY |
Sumita, Eiichiro |
Community-based Construction of Draft and Final Translation Corpus Through a Translation Hosting Site Minna no Hon'yaku (MNH)
National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, JAPAN |
Sunde, Jonas |
Generating FrameNets of Various Granularities: The FrameNet Transformer
Saarland University, Department of Computational Linguistics, GERMANY |
Sun, Weiwei |
Automatic Acquisition of Chinese Novel Noun Compounds
Saarland University, Department of Computational Linguistics, GERMANY |
Sun, Yanli |
Mining the Correlation between Human and Automatic Evaluation at Sentence Level
Dublin City University, IRELAND |
Supnithi, Thepchai |
AutoTagTCG : A Framework for Automatic Thai CG Tagging
Surian, Luca |
BabyExp: Constructing a Huge Multimodal Resource to Acquire Commonsense Knowledge Like Children Do
Università di Trento, ITALY |
Sutcliffe, Richard |
Evaluating Multilingual Question Answering Systems at CLEF
University of Limerick, IRELAND |
Suzuki, Takafumi |
Utilizing Semantic Equivalence Classes of Japanese Functional Expressions in Translation Rule Acquisition from Parallel Patent Sentences
University of Tsukuba, JAPAN |
Svendsen, Torbjørn |
NameDat: A Database of English Proper Names Spoken by Native Norwegians
Spontal-N: A Corpus of Interactional Spoken Norwegian
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NORWAY |
Swampillai, Kumutha |
Inter-sentential Relations in Information Extraction Corpora
University of Sheffield, DCS, UNITED KINGDOM |
Syed, Zareen |
Automatic Discovery of Semantic Relations using MindNet
University of Maryland, UNITED STATES |
Szasz, Sandra |
NLP Resources for the Analysis of Patient/Therapist Interviews
University of Sheffield, DCS, UNITED KINGDOM |
Szauter, Dóra |
Hungarian Dependency Treebank
University of Szeged, HUNGARY |
T |
Tabata, Akiko |
A Software Toolkit for Viewing Annotated Multimodal Data Interactively over the Web
Kobe University, JAPAN |
Tadeu, Thiago D. |
SINotas: the Evaluation of a NLG Application
Extracting Surface Realisation Templates from Corpora
Universidade de São Paulo, BRAZIL |
Tadić, Marko |
Corpus Aligner (CorAl) Evaluation on English-Croatian Parallel Corpora
Improving Chunking Accuracy on Croatian Texts by Morphosyntactic Tagging
Towards Sentiment Analysis of Financial Texts in Croatian
University of Zagreb, Department of Linguistics, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, CROATIA |
Takanashi, Katsuya |
Two-level Annotation of Utterance-units in Japanese Dialogs: An Empirically Emerged Scheme
Kyoto University, JAPAN |
Takeda, Kazuya |
Estimation Method of User Satisfaction Using N-gram-based Dialog History Model for Spoken Dialog System
Nagoya University, JAPAN |
Talby, Anass |
OAL: A NLP Architecture to Improve the Development of Linguistic Resources for NLP
Syllabs, FRANCE |
Talucci, Angela |
Like Finding a Needle in a Haystack: Annotating the American National Corpus for Idiomatic Expressions
Montclair State University, UNITED STATES |
Tamarit, Vicent |
Evaluation of HMM-based Models for the Annotation of Unsegmented Dialogue Turns
Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Instituto Tecnológico de Informática, SPAIN |
Tanaka, Akimichi |
Study of Word Sense Disambiguation System that uses Contextual Features - Approach of Combining Associative Concept Dictionary and Corpus -
NTT Corporation, JAPAN |
Tanaka, Masahiro |
Composing Human and Machine Translation Services: Language Grid for Improving Localization Processes
Language Service Management with the Language Grid
National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, JAPAN |
Tanenblatt, Michael |
The ConceptMapper Approach to Named Entity Recognition
Tanghe, Dries |
Towards an Improved Methodology for Automated Readability Prediction
Hogeschool Gent, LT3, BELGIUM |
Tannier, Xavier |
Question Answering on Web Data: The QA Evaluation in Quæro
Named and Specific Entity Detection in Varied Data: The Quæro Named Entity Baseline Evaluation
A Corpus for Studying Full Answer Justification
FIDJI: Web Question-Answering at Quaero 2009
Hybrid Citation Extraction from Patents
Tatsumi, Nao |
Evaluating Semantic Relations and Distances in the Associative Concept Dictionary using NIRS-imaging
Keio University, JAPAN |
Tatu, Marta |
Inducing Ontologies from Folksonomies using Natural Language Understanding
Semi-Automatic Domain Ontology Creation from Text Resources
Lymba Corporation, UNITED STATES |
Taulé, Mariona |
ADN-Classifier:Automatically Assigning Denotation Types to Nominalizations
CLiC-Universitat de Barcelona, SPAIN |
Taylor, Chris |
Error Correction for Arabic Dictionary Lookup
University of Maryland, UNITED STATES |
Taylor, Sarah |
MPC: A Multi-Party Chat Corpus for Modeling Social Phenomena in Discourse
University at Albany, SUNY, UNITED STATES |
Teissèdre, Charles |
Resources for Calendar Expressions Semantic Tagging and Temporal Navigation through Texts
Université Paris 10, MODyCo, FRANCE |
Temnikova, Irina |
Cognitive Evaluation Approach for a Controlled Language Post-Editing Experiment
University of Wolverhampton, UNITED KINGDOM |
ten Bosch, Louis |
A Speech Corpus for Modeling Language Acquisition: CAREGIVER
Radboud University Nijmegen, NETHERLANDS |
Tepper, Michael |
Empty Categories in a Hindi Treebank
University of Washington, UNITED STATES |
Teraoka, Takehiro |
An Associative Concept Dictionary for Verbs and its Application to Elliptical Word Estimation
Keio University, JAPAN |
Tetreault, Joel |
Using an Error-Annotated Learner Corpus to Develop an ESL/EFL Error Correction System
Educational Testing Service, UNITED STATES |
Teufel, Simone |
Metaphor Corpus Annotated for Source - Target Domain Mappings
Corpora for the Conceptualisation and Zoning of Scientific Papers
University of Cambridge, UNITED KINGDOM |
Thadani, Kapil |
Towards Semi-Automated Annotation for Prepositional Phrase Attachment
Columbia University, UNITED STATES |
Thomas, James |
Evaluating a Text Mining Based Educational Search Portal
University of London, UNITED KINGDOM |
Thompson, Paul |
Meta-Knowledge Annotation of Bio-Events
University of Manchester - NaCTeM, UNITED KINGDOM |
Thwaites, Andrew |
LIPS: A Tool for Predicting the Lexical Isolation Point of a Word
The Cambridge Cookie-Theft Corpus: A Corpus of Directed and Spontaneous Speech of Brain-Damaged Patients and Healthy Individuals
University of Cambridge, UNITED KINGDOM |
Tiedemann, Jörg |
Lingua-Align: An Experimental Toolbox for Automatic Tree-to-Tree Alignment
Uppsala University, SWEDEN |
Tilmanne, Joëlle |
The AVLaughterCycle Database
Université de Mons, Faculté Polytechnique, TCTS Lab, BELGIUM |
Tirilly, Pierre |
News Image Annotation on a Large Parallel Text-image Corpus
Université Rennes 1, FRANCE |
Tjong Kim Sang, Erik |
GikiCLEF: Crosscultural Issues in Multilingual Information Access
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, NETHERLANDS |
Tohyama, Hitomi |
Collection of Usage Information for Language Resources from Academic Articles
Nagoya University, Information Technology Center, JAPAN |
Tokunaga, Takenobu |
Annotation Process Management Revisited
Tokyo Institute of Technology, JAPAN |
Tomanek, Katrin |
Annotation Time Stamps ― Temporal Metadata from the Linguistic Annotation Process
The CALBC Silver Standard Corpus for Biomedical Named Entities ― A Study in Harmonizing the Contributions from Four Independent Named Entity Taggers
Friedrich-Schiller Universität, Jena, GERMANY |
Tomás, Jesús |
Speech Translation in Pedagogical Environment Using Additional Sources of Knowledge
Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, SPAIN |
Tomuro, Noriko |
Djangology: A Light-weight Web-based Tool for Distributed Collaborative Text Annotation
DePaul University, College of Computing and Digital Media, UNITED STATES |
Tonelli, Sara |
Annotation of Discourse Relations for Conversational Spoken Dialogs
VenPro: A Morphological Analyzer for Venetan
Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento, ITALY |
Toral, Antonio |
An Automatically Built Named Entity Lexicon for Arabic
Dublin City University, NCLT, IRELAND |
Torisawa, Kentaro |
Adapting Chinese Word Segmentation for Machine Translation Based on Short Units
National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, JAPAN |
Torreira, Francisco |
The Nijmegen Corpus of Casual Spanish
Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen / Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, NETHERLANDS |
Torres Moreno, Juan-Manuel |
A French Human Reference Corpus for Multi-Document Summarization and Sentence Compression
Université d'Avignon, LIA, FRANCE |
Torres-Moreno, Juan Manuel |
Automatic Summarization Using Terminological and Semantic Resources
Université d'Avignon, LIA, FRANCE |
Torres-Moreno, Juan-Manuel |
NLGbAse: A Free Linguistic Resource for Natural Language Processing Systems
Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal / Université d'Avignon, CANADA / FRANCE |
Tounsi, Lamia |
An Automatically Built Named Entity Lexicon for Arabic
Arabic Parsing Using Grammar Transforms
Dublin City University, NCLT, IRELAND |
Trakultaweekool, Kanokorn |
AutoTagTCG : A Framework for Automatic Thai CG Tagging
Traum, David |
Towards an ISO Standard for Dialogue Act Annotation
NPCEditor: A Tool for Building Question-Answering Characters
Dialogues in Context: An Objective User-Oriented Evaluation Approach for Virtual Human Dialogue
Practical Evaluation of Speech Recognizers for Virtual Human Dialogue Systems
University of Southern California, Institute for Creative Technologies, UNITED STATES |
Tretti, Alberto |
Analysis and Presentation of Results for Mobile Local Search
University of Illinois at Chicago, UNITED STATES |
Trojahn, Cássia |
An API for Multi-lingual Ontology Matching
Trosterud, Trond |
Reusing Grammatical Resources for New Languages
Universitetet i Tromsø, NORWAY |
Tschöpel, Sebastian |
ELAN as Flexible Annotation Framework for Sound and Image Processing Detectors
Fraunhofer IAIS, GERMANY |
Tsourakis, Nikos |
Examining the Effects of Rephrasing User Input on Two Mobile Spoken Language Systems
A Multilingual CALL Game Based on Speech Translation
Université de Genève, TIM/ISSCO, SWITZERLAND |
Tsujii, Jun'ichi |
U-Compare: An Integrated Language Resource Evaluation Platform Including a Comprehensive UIMA Resource Library
A Japanese Particle Corpus Built by Example-Based Annotation
University of Tokyo, Department of Computer Science / University of Manchester - NaCTeM, JAPAN / UNITED KINGDOM |
Tsuji, Keita |
Automatic Term Recognition Based on the Statistical Differences of Relative Frequencies in Different Corpora
University of Tsukuba, Graduate School of Library Information and Media Studies, JAPAN |
Tsunakawa, Takashi |
Using Comparable Corpora to Adapt a Translation Model to Domains
Shizuoka University, JAPAN |
Tsutsumida, Kyota |
Study of Word Sense Disambiguation System that uses Contextual Features - Approach of Combining Associative Concept Dictionary and Corpus -
NTT Corporation, JAPAN |
Tsvetkov, Yulia |
Automatic Acquisition of Parallel Corpora from Websites with Dynamic Content
University of Haifa, ISRAEL |
T. Toledano, Doroteo |
A Study of the Influence of Speech Type on Automatic Language Recognition Performance
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, SPAIN |
Tufiş, Dan |
A Differential Semantics Approach to the Annotation of Synsets in WordNet
Resource and Service Centres as the Backbone for a Sustainable Service Infrastructure
RACAI, Romanian Academy Bucharest, ROMANIA |
Turbati, Andrea |
Maskkot ― An Entity-centric Annotation Platform
Università di Roma Tor Vergata, ITALY |
Turmo, Jordi |
Evaluation Protocol and Tools for Question-Answering on Speech Transcripts
Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña, SPAIN |
Turra, Roberta |
Wikipedia-based Approach for Linking Ontology Concepts to their Realisations in Text
Tyler, Lorraine |
The Cambridge Cookie-Theft Corpus: A Corpus of Directed and Spontaneous Speech of Brain-Damaged Patients and Healthy Individuals
University of Cambridge, The Centre for Speech, Language and the Brain, UNITED KINGDOM |
U |
Uchimoto, Kiyotaka |
Collection of Usage Information for Language Resources from Academic Articles
Adapting Chinese Word Segmentation for Machine Translation Based on Short Units
National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, JAPAN |
Uchiyama, Tadasu |
Study of Word Sense Disambiguation System that uses Contextual Features - Approach of Combining Associative Concept Dictionary and Corpus -
NTT Corporation, JAPAN |
Uí Dhonnchadha, Elaine |
Partial Dependency Parsing for Irish
Trinity College Dublin, IRELAND |
Urbain, Jérôme |
The AVLaughterCycle Database
Université de Mons, Faculté Polytechnique, TCTS Lab, BELGIUM |
Urizar, Ruben |
A Morphological Processor Based on Foma for Biscayan (a Basque dialect)
Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, SPAIN |
Urua, Eno-Abasi |
Medefaidrin: Resources Documenting the Birth and Death Language Life-cycle
University of Uyo, NIGERIA |
Uryupina, Olga |
Creating a Coreference Resolution System for Italian
Università di Trento, ITALY |
Ussishkin, Adam |
How Specialized are Specialized Corpora? Behavioral Evaluation of Corpus Representativeness for Maltese.
University of Arizona, UNITED STATES |
Uszkoreit, Hans |
Question Answering Biographic Information and Social Network Powered by the Semantic Web
LT World: Ontology and Reference Information Portal
Determining the Origin and Structure of Person Names
Utiyama, Masao |
Community-based Construction of Draft and Final Translation Corpus Through a Translation Hosting Site Minna no Hon'yaku (MNH)
National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, JAPAN |
Utsumi, Akira |
Exploring the Relationship between Semantic Spaces and Semantic Relations
The University of Electro-Communications, Department of Systems Engineering, JAPAN |
Utsuro, Takehito |
Utilizing Semantic Equivalence Classes of Japanese Functional Expressions in Translation Rule Acquisition from Parallel Patent Sentences
University of Tsukuba, JAPAN |
UzZaman, Naushad |
TRIOS-TimeBank Corpus: Extended TimeBank Corpus with Help of Deep Understanding of Text
University of Rochester, UNITED STATES |
V |
Vaamonde, Gael |
ADESSE, a Database with Syntactic and Semantic Annotation of a Corpus of Spanish
Universidade de Vigo, SPAIN |
Vaidya, Ashwini |
Empty Categories in a Hindi Treebank
University of Colorado, UNITED STATES |
Vaissière, Jacqueline |
The DesPho-APaDy Project: Developing an Acoustic-phonetic Characterization of Dysarthric Speech in French
Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3, Laboratoire de Phonétique et Phonologie, FRANCE |
Vanallemeersch, Tom |
Belgisch Staatsblad Corpus: Retrieving French-Dutch Sentences from Official Documents
Lessius Hogeschool, BELGIUM |
Vandeghinste, Vincent |
Cultural Aspects of Spatiotemporal Analysis in Multilingual Applications
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, CCL, BELGIUM |
van den Heuvel, Henk |
Improving Proper Name Recognition by Adding Automatically Learned Pronunciation Variants to the Lexicon
The VeteranTapes: Research Corpus, Fragment Processing Tool, and Enhanced Publications for the e-Humanities
Balancing SoNaR: IPR versus Processing Issues in a 500-Million-Word Written Dutch Reference Corpus
A Speech Corpus for Modeling Language Acquisition: CAREGIVER
Radboud University Nijmegen, CLST, NETHERLANDS |
van der Goot, Erik |
Sentiment Analysis in the News
European Commision, Joint Research Centre (JRC), ITALY |
van der Merwe, Mac |
Work on Spoken (Multimodal) Language Corpora in South Africa
University of South Africa, SOUTH AFRICA |
Vander Stichele, Robert |
Assessing the Impact of English Language Skills and Education Level on PubMed Searches by Dutch-speaking Users
Hogeschool Gent, Faculty of Translation Studies, BELGIUM |
van Dommelen, Wim |
The Kachna L1/L2 Picture Replication Corpus
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NORWAY |
van Genabith, Josef |
An Automatically Built Named Entity Lexicon for Arabic
Arabic Parsing Using Grammar Transforms
Dublin City University, NCLT, IRELAND |
Van Genabith, Josef |
Partial Dependency Parsing for Irish
Dublin City University, IRELAND |
van Horik, René |
The VeteranTapes: Research Corpus, Fragment Processing Tool, and Enhanced Publications for the e-Humanities
DANS, Data Archiving & Networked Services, NETHERLANDS |
van Huyssteen, Gerhard B. |
The South African Human Language Technologies Audit
Meraka Institute, CSIR, SOUTH AFRICA |
van Mulligen, Erik M. |
The CALBC Silver Standard Corpus for Biomedical Named Entities ― A Study in Harmonizing the Contributions from Four Independent Named Entity Taggers
Fondazione Ugo Bordoni, ITALY |
van Noord, Gertjan |
POS Multi-tagging Based on Combined Models
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, NETHERLANDS |
van Oosten, Philip |
Towards an Improved Methodology for Automated Readability Prediction
Hogeschool Gent, LT3, BELGIUM |
Vanopstal, Klaar |
Assessing the Impact of English Language Skills and Education Level on PubMed Searches by Dutch-speaking Users
Towards a Learning Approach for Abbreviation Detection and Resolution.
Hogeschool Gent, LT3, BELGIUM |
Van Otterlo, Martijn |
Spatial Role Labeling: Task Definition and Annotation Scheme
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, BELGIUM |
Van Uytvanck, Dieter |
A Data Category Registry- and Component-based Metadata Framework
Virtual Language Observatory: The Portal to the Language Resources and Technology Universe
Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, NETHERLANDS |
van Veenendaal, Remco |
Resource and Service Centres as the Backbone for a Sustainable Service Infrastructure
Vaquero, Carlos |
The Alborada-I3A Corpus of Disordered Speech
University of Zaragoza, SPAIN |
Váradi, Tamas |
Resource and Service Centres as the Backbone for a Sustainable Service Infrastructure
Hungarian Academy of Sciences, HUNGARY |
Varona, Amparo |
KALAKA: A TV Broadcast Speech Database for the Evaluation of Language Recognition Systems
Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, SPAIN |
Vasilescu, Ioana |
On the Role of Discourse Markers in Interactive Spoken Question Answering Systems
Vasiljevs, Andrejs |
Corpus Based Analysis for Multilingual Terminology Entry Compounding
Tilde, LATVIA |
Vataki, Argyro |
The POETICON Corpus: Capturing Language Use and Sensorimotor Experience in Everyday Interaction
ILSP - Athena RC, GREECE |
Vatanen, Tommi |
Language Identification of Short Text Segments with N-gram Models
Helsinki University of Technology, FINLAND |
Väyrynen, Jaakko J. |
Language Identification of Short Text Segments with N-gram Models
Helsinki University of Technology, FINLAND |
Vaz Lobo, Paula |
Fairy Tale Corpus Organization Using Latent Semantic Mapping and an Item-to-item Top-n Recommendation Algorithm
INESC-ID/IST, Spoken Language Systems Laboratory, PORTUGAL |
Vázquez Veiga, Nancy |
Towards a Motivated Annotation Schema of Collocation Errors in Learner Corpora
Universidad de Coruña, SPAIN |
V. B., Sowmya |
Resource Creation for Training and Testing of Transliteration Systems for Indian Languages
Microsoft Research India, INDIA |
Velardi, Paola |
An Annotated Dataset for Extracting Definitions and Hypernyms from the Web
Università di Roma La Sapienza, ITALY |
Velázquez-Morales, Patricia |
Automatic Summarization Using Terminological and Semantic Resources
Université d'Avignon, LIA, FRANCE |
Velupillai, Sumithra |
How Certain are Clinical Assessments? Annotating Swedish Clinical Text for (Un)certainties, Speculations and Negations
DSV/KTH-Stockholm University, SWEDEN |
Venant, Fabienne |
Meaning Representation: From Continuity to Discreteness
Université de Nancy, LORIA, FRANCE |
Venturi, Giulia |
A Contrastive Approach to Multi-word Extraction from Domain-specific Corpora
Verberne, Suzan |
Constructing a Broad-coverage Lexicon for Text Mining in the Patent Domain
Radboud University Nijmegen, NETHERLANDS |
Verhagen, Marc |
The Brandeis Annotation Tool
Brandeis University, UNITED STATES |
Vernier, Matthieu |
Learning Subjectivity Phrases missing from Resources through a Large Set of Semantic Tests
Université de Nantes, LINA, FRANCE |
Verrecchia, Cyril |
Sign Language Corpora for Analysis, Processing and Evaluation
Versley, Yannick |
Anaphoric Annotation of Wikipedia and Blogs in the Live Memories Corpus
Extending BART to Provide a Coreference Resolution System for German
Creating a Coreference Resolution System for Italian
Universität Tübingen, GERMANY |
Verspoor, Karin |
Test Suite Design for Biomedical Ontology Concept Recognition Systems
University of Colorado School of Medicine, Center for Computational Pharmacology, UNITED STATES |
Vertan, Cristina |
Towards the Integration of Language Tools Within Historical Digital Libraries
Universität Hamburg, Research Group Computerphilology, GERMANY |
Verwey, Huib |
LAT Bridge: Bridging Tools for Annotation and Exploration of Rich Linguistic Data
Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, NETHERLANDS |
Vetere, Guido |
Senso Comune
IBM Center for Advanced Studies, Rome, ITALY |
Vetulani, Zygmunt |
PolNet ― Polish WordNet: Data and Tools
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, POLAND |
Viallet, François |
The DesPho-APaDy Project: Developing an Acoustic-phonetic Characterization of Dysarthric Speech in French
Université Aix-Marseille, Laboratoire Parole et Langage, FRANCE |
Victor, González |
A Study of the Influence of Speech Type on Automatic Language Recognition Performance
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, SPAIN |
Viegas, Evelyne |
Automatic Discovery of Semantic Relations using MindNet
Microsoft Research, UNITED STATES |
Vieira, Renata |
An API for Multi-lingual Ontology Matching
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, BRAZIL |
Viethen, Jette |
Dialogue Reference in a Visual Domain
Macquarie University, AUSTRALIA |
Vieu, Laure |
Data-Driven and Ontological Analysis of FrameNet for Natural Language Reasoning
Villavicencio, Aline |
mwetoolkit: a Framework for Multiword Expression Identification
Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, BRAZIL |
Villegas, Marta |
A Case Study on Interoperability for Language Resources and Applications
Universitat Pompeu Fabra, SPAIN |
Villemonte de la Clergerie, Eric |
PASSAGE Syntactic Representation: a Minimal Common Ground for Evaluation
INRIA-Rocquencourt, FRANCE |
Vilnat, Anne |
Question Answering on Web Data: The QA Evaluation in Quæro
MACAQ : A Multi Annotated Corpus to Study how we Adapt Answers to Various Questions
The Second Evaluation Campaign of PASSAGE on Parsing of French
A Corpus for Studying Full Answer Justification
PASSAGE Syntactic Representation: a Minimal Common Ground for Evaluation
Vilo, Jaak |
Information Retrieval of Word Form Variants in Spoken Language Corpora Using Generalized Edit Distance
University of Tartu, ESTONIA |
Vincent, Coralie |
The DesPho-APaDy Project: Developing an Acoustic-phonetic Characterization of Dysarthric Speech in French
Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3, Laboratoire de Phonétique et Phonologie, FRANCE |
Vincze, Laura |
Types of Nods. The Polysemy of a Social Signal
Università di Pisa, ITALY |
Vincze, Orsolya |
Towards a Motivated Annotation Schema of Collocation Errors in Learner Corpora
Universidad de Coruña, SPAIN |
Vincze, Veronika |
Hungarian Dependency Treebank
University of Szeged, HUNGARY |
Vintar, Špela |
Learning to Mine Definitions from Slovene Structured and Unstructured Knowledge-Rich Resources
University of Ljubljana, SLOVENIA |
Virpioja, Sami |
Language Identification of Short Text Segments with N-gram Models
Helsinki University of Technology, FINLAND |
Vitas, Duško |
A Description of Morphological Features of Serbian: a Revision using Feature System Declaration
Faculty of Mathematics, Belgrade, SERBIA |
Vivaldi, Jorge |
Automatic Summarization Using Terminological and Semantic Resources
Finding Domain Terms using Wikipedia
Universidad Pompeu Fabra, SPAIN |
Vlaj, Damjan |
Acquisition and Annotation of Slovenian Lombard Speech Database
University of Maribor, SLOVENIA |
Vogel, Stephan |
Active Learning and Crowd-Sourcing for Machine Translation
Carnegie Mellon University, Language Technologies Institute, UNITED STATES |
Volk, Martin |
Challenges in Building a Multilingual Alpine Heritage Corpus
Volskaya, Nina |
A Fully Annotated Corpus of Russian Speech
Saint-Petersburg State University, Department of Phonetics, RUSSIAN FEDERATION |
Vondřička, Pavel |
The Kachna L1/L2 Picture Replication Corpus
Radboud University Nijmegen, NETHERLANDS |
Vorwerk, Alexander |
WAPUSK20 - A Database for Robust Audiovisual Speech Recognition
Technische Universität Berlin, GERMANY |
Vossen, Piek |
Annotation Scheme and Gold Standard for Dutch Subjective Adjectives
Event Models for Historical Perspectives: Determining Relations between High and Low Level Events in Text, Based on the Classification of Time, Location and Participants.
Computer Assisted Semantic Annotation in the DutchSemCor Project
Facilitating Non-expert Users of the KYOTO Platform: the TMEKO Editing Protocol for Synset to Ontology Mappings
Integrating a Large Domain Ontology of Species into WordNet
Bootstrapping Language Neutral Term Extraction
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, NETHERLANDS |
Vouros, George A. |
United we Stand: Improving Sentiment Analysis by Joining Machine Learning and Rule Based Methods
University of the Aegean, Department of Information and Communication Systems Engineering, GREECE |
Vučković, Kristina |
Improving Chunking Accuracy on Croatian Texts by Morphosyntactic Tagging
University of Zagreb, CROATIA |
W |
Wagner, Johannes |
The AVLaughterCycle Database
Universität Augsburg, Institut für Informatik, GERMANY |
Walker, Christopher R. |
Evaluating Complex Semantic Artifacts
Freds Reusable Evaluation Device: Providing Support for Quick and Reliable Linguistic Annotation
The Creation of a Large-Scale LFG-Based Gold Parsebank
Walker, Kevin |
Large Scale Multilingual Broadcast Data Collection to Support Machine Translation and Distillation Technology Development
Greybeard Longitudinal Speech Study
Mixer 6
Wallraven, Christian |
The POETICON Corpus: Capturing Language Use and Sensorimotor Experience in Everyday Interaction
Max Planck Institute of Biological Cybernetics, GERMANY |
Walter, Steffen |
Towards Investigating Effective Affective Dialogue Strategies
Speech Data Corpus for Verbal Intelligence Estimation
Universität Ulm, GERMANY |
Walther, Géraldine |
A Morphological Lexicon for the Persian Language
Université Paris 7, FRANCE |
Waltinger, Ulli |
GermanPolarityClues: A Lexical Resource for German Sentiment Analysis
Universität Bielefeld, GERMANY |
Wang, Meng |
Automatic Acquisition of Chinese Novel Noun Compounds
Kasetsart University, THAILAND |
Wang, Rui |
Constructing a Textual Semantic Relation Corpus Using a Discourse Treebank
Hybrid Constituent and Dependency Parsing with Tsinghua Chinese Treebank
Saarland University, Department of Computational Linguistics, GERMANY |
Wang, Xiaohui |
WAPUSK20 - A Database for Robust Audiovisual Speech Recognition
Technische Universität Berlin, GERMANY |
Wang, Yiou |
Adapting Chinese Word Segmentation for Machine Translation Based on Short Units
National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, JAPAN |
Wanner, Leo |
Open Soucre Graph Transducer Interpreter and Grammar Development Environment
Syntactic Dependencies for Multilingual and Multilevel Corpus Annotation
Towards a Motivated Annotation Schema of Collocation Errors in Learner Corpora
Universidad Pompeu Fabra, SPAIN |
Waszczuk, Jakub |
Towards the Annotation of Named Entities in the National Corpus of Polish
University of Warsaw, POLAND |
Watanabe, Yasuhiko |
A Context Sensitive Variant Dictionary for Supporting Variant Selection
Detection of submitters suspected of pretending to be someone else in a community site
Ryukoku University, JAPAN |
Watrin, Patrick |
Partial Parsing of Spontaneous Spoken French
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, BELGIUM |
Wawer, Aleksander |
Is Sentiment a Property of Synsets? Evaluating Resources for Sentiment Classification using Machine Learning
Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Computer Science, POLAND |
Wayland, Sarah |
Error Correction for Arabic Dictionary Lookup
University of Maryland, UNITED STATES |
Webber, Bonnie |
Exploiting Scope for Shallow Discourse Parsing
University of Edinburgh, UNITED KINGDOM |
Webb, Nick |
Evaluating Human-Machine Conversation for Appropriateness
Wizard of Oz Experiments for a Companion Dialogue System: Eliciting Companionable Conversation
MPC: A Multi-Party Chat Corpus for Modeling Social Phenomena in Discourse
University at Albany, SUNY, UNITED STATES |
Weber, Carsten |
A Multilayered Declarative Approach to Cope with Morphotactics and Allomorphy in Derivational Morphology
Universität Erlangen-Nuremberg, GERMANY |
Wehrli, Eric |
FipsRomanian: Towards a Romanian Version of the Fips Syntactic Parser
A Recursive Treatment of Collocations
Université de Genève, Département de Linguistique, SWITZERLAND |
Weikum, Gerhard |
Providing Multilingual, Multimodal Answers to Lexical Database Queries
Max Planck Institute for Informatics, GERMANY |
Weller, Marion |
Pattern-Based Extraction of Negative Polarity Items from Dependency-Parsed Text
Extraction of German Multiword Expressions from Parsed Corpora Using Context Features
A Survey of Idiomatic Preposition-Noun-Verb Triples on Token Level
Universität Stuttgart, GERMANY |
Wendt, Chris |
Achieving Domain Specificity in SMT without Overt Siloing
Microsoft Research, UNITED STATES |
Wheatley, Mark |
The SignSpeak Project - Bridging the Gap Between Signers and Speakers
White, Jason |
Error Correction for Arabic Dictionary Lookup
University of Maryland, UNITED STATES |
White, Jim |
Evaluation of Document Citations in Phase 2 Gale Distillation
Wiechetek, Linda |
Reusing Grammatical Resources for New Languages
Universitetet i Tromsø, NORWAY |
Wiegand, Michael |
Predictive Features for Detecting Indefinite Polar Sentences
Saarland University, Spoken Language Systems, GERMANY |
Williams, Caroline |
The Cambridge Cookie-Theft Corpus: A Corpus of Directed and Spontaneous Speech of Brain-Damaged Patients and Healthy Individuals
University of Cambridge, UNITED KINGDOM |
Williams, Sandra |
A Fact-aligned Corpus of Numerical Expressions
Open University, Department of Computing, UNITED KINGDOM |
Willis, Alistair |
From XML to XML: The Why and How of Making the Biodiversity Literature Accessible to Researchers
Open University, Department of Computing, UNITED KINGDOM |
Windhouwer, Menzo |
A Data Category Registry- and Component-based Metadata Framework
Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, NETHERLANDS |
Winkler, Thomas |
DiSCo - A German Evaluation Corpus for Challenging Problems in the Broadcast Domain
Fraunhofer IAIS, GERMANY |
Wintner, Shuly |
A General Method for Creating a Bilingual Transliteration Dictionary
A Morphologically-Analyzed CHILDES Corpus of Hebrew
Automatic Acquisition of Parallel Corpora from Websites with Dynamic Content
University of Haifa, ISRAEL |
Wisniewski, Guillaume |
Mining Naturally-occurring Corrections and Paraphrases from Wikipedias Revision History
LIMSI ― CNRS / Université Paris-Sud 11, FRANCE |
Withers, Peter |
A Data Category Registry- and Component-based Metadata Framework
Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, NETHERLANDS |
Witkamp, Paula |
The VeteranTapes: Research Corpus, Fragment Processing Tool, and Enhanced Publications for the e-Humanities
DANS, Data Archiving & Networked Services, NETHERLANDS |
Witt, Andreas |
The German Reference Corpus DeReKo: A Primordial Sample for Linguistic Research
Institut für Deutsche Sprache, Mannheim, GERMANY |
Wittenburg, Peter |
A Data Category Registry- and Component-based Metadata Framework
ELAN as Flexible Annotation Framework for Sound and Image Processing Detectors
Virtual Language Observatory: The Portal to the Language Resources and Technology Universe
An Evolving eScience Environment for Research Data in Linguistics
Resource and Service Centres as the Backbone for a Sustainable Service Infrastructure
Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, NETHERLANDS |
Witte, René |
Flexible Ontology Population from Text: The OwlExporter
Concordia University, CANADA |
Womser-Hacker, Christa |
Multilingual Corpus Development for Opinion Mining
Universität Hildesheim, GERMANY |
Wong, Billy Tak-Ming |
Semantic Evaluation of Machine Translation
City University of Hong Kong, HONG KONG |
Wörner, Kai |
A Tool for Feature-Structure Stand-Off-Annotation on Transcriptions of Spoken Discourse
Universität Hamburg, GERMANY |
Wright, Jonathan |
Technical Infrastructure at Linguistic Data Consortium: Software and Hardware Resources for Linguistic Data Creation
The DARPA Machine Reading Program - Encouraging Linguistic and Reasoning Research with a Series of Reading Tasks
University of Pennsylvania, UNITED STATES |
Wu, Dekai |
Evaluating Machine Translation Utility via Semantic Role Labels
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Human Language Technology Center, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, HONG KONG |
Wutiwiwatchai, Chai |
Online Temporal Language Model Adaptation for a Thai Broadcast News Transcription System
National Electronics and Computer Technology Center, THAILAND |
Wu, Zhili |
The Web Library of Babel: evaluating genre collections
University of Leeds, UNITED KINGDOM |
Wynne, Martin |
Resource and Service Centres as the Backbone for a Sustainable Service Infrastructure
University of Oxford, UNITED KINGDOM |
X |
Xia, Fei |
Empty Categories in a Hindi Treebank
The Problems of Language Identification within Hugely Multilingual Data Sets
University of Washington, UNITED STATES |
Xia, Lei |
A Random Graph Walk based Approach to Computing Semantic Relatedness Using Knowledge from Wikipedia
University of Sheffield, DCS, UNITED KINGDOM |
Xia, Yingju |
Extracting Product Features and Sentiments from Chinese Customer Reviews
Fujitsu R&D Center LTD, CHINA |
Xing, Hao-chun |
Creating a Reusable English-Chinese Parallel Corpus for Bilingual Dictionary Construction
KTH, Stockholm University, SWEDEN |
Xu, Fang |
Paragraph Acquisition and Selection for List Question Using Amazons Mechanical Turk
Saarland University, Spoken Language Systems, GERMANY |
Xu, Feiyu |
Question Answering Biographic Information and Social Network Powered by the Semantic Web
Determining the Origin and Structure of Person Names
Y |
Yadav, Vineet |
Partial Parsing as a Method to Expedite Dependency Annotation of a Hindi Treebank
Language Technologies Research Centre, IIIT, Hyderabad, INDIA |
Yamaguchi, Masaya |
Design, Compilation, and Preliminary Analyses of Balanced Corpus of Contemporary Written Japanese
National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics, JAPAN |
Yamazaki, Makoto |
Design, Compilation, and Preliminary Analyses of Balanced Corpus of Contemporary Written Japanese
National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics, JAPAN |
Yang, Yongsheng |
A Very Large Scale Mandarin Chinese Broadcast Corpus for GALE Project
Hong Kong University, Department of Electronic & Computer Engineering, HONG KONG |
Yao, Xuchen |
PDTB XML: the XMLization of the Penn Discourse TreeBank 2.0
Practical Evaluation of Speech Recognizers for Virtual Human Dialogue Systems
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, NETHERLANDS |
Yarowsky, David |
New Tools for Web-Scale N-grams
Johns Hopkins University, UNITED STATES |
Yaseen, Mustafa |
Cooperation for Arabic Language Resources and Tools ― The MEDAR Project
Al-Ahlyya Amman University, JORDAN |
Yin, Zhigang |
CASIA-CASSIL: a Chinese Telephone Conversation Corpus in Real Scenarios with Multi-leveled Annotation
Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Institute of Linguistics, CHINA |
Yoon, Su-youn |
A Python Toolkit for Universal Transliteration
University of Illinois, UNITED STATES |
Yoshida, Nao |
Two-level Annotation of Utterance-units in Japanese Dialogs: An Empirically Emerged Scheme
National Institute for Japanese Language, JAPAN |
Ytrestøl, Gisle |
WikiWoods: Syntacto-Semantic Annotation for English Wikipedia
Universitetet i Oslo, NORWAY |
Yu, Hao |
Extracting Product Features and Sentiments from Chinese Customer Reviews
Fujitsu R&D Center LTD, CHINA |
Yu, Shiwen |
Automatic Acquisition of Chinese Novel Noun Compounds
Peking University, Institute of Computational Linguistics, TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA |
Yvon, François |
Contrastive Lexical Evaluation of Machine Translation
LIMSI ― CNRS / Université Paris-Sud 11, FRANCE |
Z |
Zablotskaya, Kseniya |
Speech Data Corpus for Verbal Intelligence Estimation
Universität Ulm, GERMANY |
Žabokrtský, Zdeněk |
Evaluating Utility of Data Sources in a Large Parallel Czech-English Corpus CzEng 0.9
Charles University in Prague, Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics, CZECH REPUBLIC |
Zaccarelli, Riccardo |
Building a System for Emotions Detection from Speech to Control an Affective Avatar
CINEMO ― A French Spoken Language Resource for Complex Emotions: Facts and Baselines
Zaghouani, Wajdi |
From Speech to Trees: Applying Treebank Annotation to Arabic Broadcast News
Adapting a resource-light highly multilingual Named Entity Recognition system to Arabic
Zajic, David |
Error Correction for Arabic Dictionary Lookup
University of Maryland, UNITED STATES |
Zakharov, Victor |
Studying Word Sketches for Russian
Russian Academy of Science, Institute of Linguistics, RUSSIAN FEDERATION |
Zakhary, Ramez |
Transcription Methods for Consistency, Volume and Efficiency
Zaninello, Andrea |
Creation of Lexical Resources for a Characterisation of Multiword Expressions in Italian
Università di Bologna, DSLO, ITALY |
Zanoli, Roberto |
Entity Mention Detection using a Combination of Redundancy-Driven Classifiers
Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento, ITALY |
Zanzotto, Fabio Massimo |
Generic Ontology Learners on Application Domains
Università di Roma Tor Vergata, DISP, ITALY |
Zaragoza, Hugo |
Active Learning for Building a Corpus of Questions for Parsing
Yahoo! Research Barcelona, SPAIN |
Zargayouna, Haïfa |
Evaluation of Textual Knowledge Acquisition Tools: a Challenging Task
Zarrieß, Sina |
Design and Development of Part-of-Speech-Tagging Resources for Wolof (Niger-Congo, spoken in Senegal)
Universität Stuttgart, GERMANY |
Zastrow, Thomas |
Sustainability of Linguistic Data and Analysis in the Context of a Collaborative eScience Environment
WebLicht: Web-based LRT Services in a Distributed eScience Infrastructure
Term and Collocation Extraction by Means of Complex Linguistic Web Services
Universität Tübingen, GERMANY |
Zavarella, Vanni |
Sentiment Analysis in the News
European Commision, Joint Research Centre (JRC), ITALY |
Zeiler, Steffen |
WAPUSK20 - A Database for Robust Audiovisual Speech Recognition
Technische Universität Berlin, GERMANY |
Zeman, Daniel |
Data Issues in English-to-Hindi Machine Translation
Charles University in Prague, MFF, UFAL, CZECH REPUBLIC |
Zesch, Torsten |
The More the Better? Assessing the Influence of Wikipedias Growth on Semantic Relatedness Measures
Technische Universität Darmstadt, GERMANY |
Zhang, Jianting |
Annotating Event Chains for Carbon Sequestration Literature
University of New York, UNITED STATES |
Zhang, Shu |
Extracting Product Features and Sentiments from Chinese Customer Reviews
Fujitsu R&D Center LTD, CHINA |
Zhang, Xin |
Creating a Reusable English-Chinese Parallel Corpus for Bilingual Dictionary Construction
KTH, Stockholm University, SWEDEN |
Zhang, Yi |
Semantic Feature Engineering for Enhancing Disambiguation Performance in Deep Linguistic Processing
Disambiguating Compound Nouns for a Dynamic HPSG Treebank of Wall Street Journal Texts
Hybrid Constituent and Dependency Parsing with Tsinghua Chinese Treebank
Zhang, Ying |
A Language Approach to Modeling Human Behaviors
Carnegie Mellon University, UNITED STATES |
Zhang, Ziqi |
Improving Domain-specific Entity Recognition with Automatic Term Recognition and Feature Extraction
A Random Graph Walk based Approach to Computing Semantic Relatedness Using Knowledge from Wikipedia
University of Sheffield, UNITED KINGDOM |
Zhao, Hai |
How Large a Corpus Do We Need: Statistical Method Versus Rule-based Method
City University of Hong Kong, HONG KONG |
Zhao, Yan |
POS Multi-tagging Based on Combined Models
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, NETHERLANDS |
Zhou, Keyan |
CASIA-CASSIL: a Chinese Telephone Conversation Corpus in Real Scenarios with Multi-leveled Annotation
Chinese Academy of Sciences, NLPR, Institute of Automation, CHINA |
Zikánová, Šárka |
Typical Cases of Annotators Disagreement in Discourse Annotations in Prague Dependency Treebank
Charles University in Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC |
Zinn, Claus |
A Data Category Registry- and Component-based Metadata Framework
Virtual Language Observatory: The Portal to the Language Resources and Technology Universe
An Evolving eScience Environment for Research Data in Linguistics
Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, NETHERLANDS |
Zirn, Caecilia |
WikiNet: A Very Large Scale Multi-Lingual Concept Network
Universität Heidelberg, GERMANY |
Zitouni, Imed |
Arabic Word Segmentation for Better Unit of Analysis
Zock, Michael |
A Tool for Linking Stems and Conceptual Fragments to Enhance word Access
Zögling Markuš, Aleksandra |
Acquisition and Annotation of Slovenian Lombard Speech Database
University of Maribor, SLOVENIA |
Zong, Chengqing |
CASIA-CASSIL: a Chinese Telephone Conversation Corpus in Real Scenarios with Multi-leveled Annotation
Chinese Academy of Sciences, NLPR, Institute of Automation, CHINA |
Zouaq, Amal |
Can Syntactic and Logical Graphs help Word Sense Disambiguation?
Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal, CANADA |
Zséder, Attila |
NP Alignment in Bilingual Corpora
Hungarian Academy of Sciences, HUNGARY |
Zuidema, Willem |
Efficiently Extract Rrecurring Tree Fragments from Large Treebanks
University of Amsterdam, Institute for Logic Language and Computation, NETHERLANDS |
Zwarts, Simon |
Dialogue Reference in a Visual Domain
Macquarie University, AUSTRALIA |
Zweigenbaum, Pierre |
Named and Specific Entity Detection in Varied Data: The Quæro Named Entity Baseline Evaluation
Semi-Automated Extension of a Specialized Medical Lexicon for French
Identifying Paraphrases between Technical and Lay Corpora