Historically the Artillery Luger site was founded as a WEB reference for those interested in
the history and development of the “lange Pistole 08” known as Artillery Luger.
Over the years, a part of the site has been dedicated to the production of Mauser
Parabellum pistols post WWII, i.e. models assembled by Mauser in 1945-1946 and then
the reintroduction made by Mauser of the Parabellum after 1969 following the contract
with the American INTERARMS.
Recently the site actually covers all the production of Mauser pistols from 1877 to 1999,
offering also a CERTIFICATION SERVICE based on the documentation of the Mauser
company available in the Paul Mauser Archive and also on the documents from the Mr.
Joachim Görtz’s photographic archive. This archive, built by Mr. Görtz during his live, is
composed by 32 folders containing Luger photos, original historical Luger pictures from
WWI and WWII and important notes.
Follow the author and the
Paul Mauser Archive on
Author Bibliography
Luger Artiglieria - The Artillery Luger
Second Edition - 2020
The newly published second edition (2020) is in fact a new book. The 2003 edition has
been revised both in terms of content and in terms of the quality of the images, now all in
colour and high resolution.
The 200-page book covers the entire history of the iconic Lange Pistole 08, pistol from
1913 to 1986.
DWM production, Erfurt, Mauser, Mauser under French control and Mauser post 1970.
The wartime use of the gun in WWI by the Artillery, the Infantry and the Air Force. The full
automatic model. The production in Mauser in the thirties, the limited production in
Mauser under French control in 1945-1946 and the reintroduction made by Mauser in the
second half of 1980.
All accessories are covered, from the holsters to the Sudicatis nocturnal sights, and a
section of historical photos has also been added.
The book is in Italian language, all the captions are also available in English.
The cost is 24 euro.
ISBN: 978-88-6262-284-4
How to buy it:
Italy: Rusconi Libri, Non Solo Storia
International: Non Solo Storia, Amazon
For additional information, contact the author: mauser.archive@gmail.com
Paul Mauser - His Life, Company, and Handgun
Development 1838 - 1914
After over 6 years of research from original archival material comes the book.
In all, the book is composed of 586 pages and more than 1000 pictures.
The price for the standard edition is $89.95. The Deluxe price is $150.
The book is available, orders are accepted: paulmauser@kpnmail.nl
Download the PDF Brochure that provides an overview about the content of the new book.
For additional information, contact the author: mauser.archive@gmail.com
See the Forgotten Weapons Review.
Mauro Baudino – co-author
Published by Brad Simpson Publishing, 2017
ISBN: 978-692-75500-6
The Parabellum Is Back! 1945 - 2000
The book is the result of more than five years of research.
It covers the story of the Mauser Parabellum pistol after WWII; from the
French Mauser Occupation (April 1945) until the reintroduction of the Parabellum by
Mauser in 1970.
Historical information, pistols, accessories, archives, blue prints... a huge amount of
data that has been sorted and analyzed from the original Mauser Archive.
The result is a book of 560 pages with more than 700 pictures.
More information here: www.theparabellumisback.com
See the Forgotten Weapons Review.
Mauro Baudino – co-author
Published by Brad Simpson Publishing, 2010
ISBN: 978-0-9825607-2-3
Luger Artiglieria - The Artillery Luger
The story of the Artillery Luger from the Imperial Prototype to the Commemorative
Artillery made by Mauser in 1985. Variations, productions and accessories.
111 pages.
More information here.
Mauro Baudino
Published in Italian by Editoriale Olimpia S.p.A. – Florence (Italy), 2003.
ISBN: 88-253-0032-8
Sold out
Lectures - Events
ICOMAM Lecture - Koblenz (Germany) September, 2017
relationship between Paul Mauser (1838 - 1914) and Georg Luger (1849 - 1923) and it’s
impact on the C96 and Parabellum pistols.
The PDF copy of the presentation can be downloaded, follow the link below.
The complete story on the Mauser and Luger relationship is available in the book Paul
Mauser - His Life, Company, and Handgun Development 1838 - 1914.
The information provided in the lecture can be used but a credit to the authors is
requested. For more information about the use of the data contact the authors:
The relationship between Paul Mauser and Georg Luger and it's impact on the Mauser C96
Paul Mauser Event - Liège Belgium
Dear Fellow Firearms Historians and Collectors,
It is my pleasure to inform you and to invite you to a major Mauser history event planned
for Saturday, 21st of April 2018 in Liège - Belgium.
The event covers details of Paul Mauser‘s life, the Company, firearms development and
Mauser’s impact on military firearms production.
The event also celebrates the fact that last year, 2017, was the 150-year anniversary of the
Mauser brothers move from Oberndorf to Liège. They spent about 3 years in Liège,
working under the supervision of Samuel Norris on an improvement of the Chassepot
needle rifle, adopting it to fire metallic cartridge. In these three years, the foundation of
the design of the future Mauser Model 71 rifle was established.
The Mauser relationship with Belgium and Liège continued with an important contract
finalized in 1889 with the Belgian government for the furniture of the Model 89 rifle and,
as a consequence, the establishment of the FN Company in Herstal (Liège).
Of course, several major topics will be discusses in the presentation, with part of the event
focusing on Mauser revolvers and pistols.
All the information will be explained through the use of original documents available in the
Paul Mauser and Mauser company archives.
The meeting is organized in the Liège Arms Museum, which contains one of the biggest
firearms collection in Europe.
Attached you can find a brochure that provides more information and you can use it also
to subscribe for tickets to the event.
Should you have any question or you need any help for logistics support, please feel free
to contact us at the following email address: mauser.archive@gmail.com
Videos and Photos of the Paul Mauser Event.
ICOMAM Lecture - Toledo (Spain) November, 2021
Development of Mauser Firearms through historical
documents - Abstract
The Paul Mauser Archive is specialized in archival documentary studies related
to the Mauser family and the Mauser company. It holds and curates a big part of
the original documents associated with Mauser’s personal life and business
The Paul Mauser Archive is pleased to present a study of the design,
development and production process for Mauser arms shown through
archival documentation as performed under the direction of Paul Mauser
from 1871 to 1914.
This study is of particular importance considering that the archival records of most
of the largest German arms companies have been lost.
The Mauser Company was part of the Loewe Group from 1887 and of DWM -
Deutsche Waffen- und Munitionsfabriken Aktiengesellschaft from 1896.
The processes and procedures implemented in Mauser are representative of those
used by Loewe Group and DWM.
While the Archive is not complete for several firearms, the Model 1910 pistol is
well documented, and it is possible to trace its genesis from the first drawings in
1905 through production in 1910. It is therefore also possible to understand the
approach followed for developing a firearm in Mauser under Paul Mauser's
The purpose of this discussion is to trace, through historical documents, the entire
development of the Model 1910 pistol including details from design, cost
estimation, prototype development, market development and production. It’s an
excursion that allow appreciation of the origin of unique designs in firearms from
Mauser and DWM.
© Mauro Baudino 2023 - all rights reserved
The first site focused on the Artillery Luger Pistol and on the Mauser Parabellum
Visit also:
For a complete list of available videos refer to the author YouTube channel.
A proud Hulan armorer shows his Artillery Luger.