Kinds of movies
We watch a wide variety including current popular movies, foreign, independent, local, documentaries, art, animated, sci-fi etc. Not geared towards horror or superhero movies.
Typical locations include Amherst Cinema, Cinemark (usually Hadley but sometimes West Springfield), or a member's home in Northampton. We also meet and attend film festivals or special screenings such as the Northampton Film Festival, Multicultural Film Festival, and a variety of other public events.
How we do it
We meet at designated area/time shortly before the movie, sit together during the movie, and stay with the group afterwards in the lobby for a brief discussion or go out for food/drink afterwards.
Meeting people
We are open to members of any gender, age 18+. It is for people regardless of whether they are single, dating, married. The purpose is to watch good movies, have fun, and meet nice people, however, it is not a "singles group".
RSVP Policy
Repeated no-shows, no-show to first event you RSVP for, or even numerous late cancellations, may result in removal from the group.
Feedback and suggestions
We appreciate your feedback and feel free to suggest new Meetups. Dues are just $5/year. This goes to pay our group expenses, which are mainly for our annual group subscription fee paid to Meetup, as well as some small amounts related to marketing.
Related groups
Also check out our Facebook page and our sister groups: Western MA Sci-Fi Meetup // Pioneer Valley Geeks and Gamers // Dr. Who Club of Western MA // Western MA Star Trek Fans // Western MA Filmmakers Group